Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 115: return


Luo Yuan, who was about to lose consciousness, perked up, his physical strength slowly recovered, and his willpower continued to improve. He tried hard to raise his heavy eyelids and stood up slowly.

But what made Luo Yuan anxious was that not only did the abnormality in his body not resolve, but it intensified as time went by. His body was on fire, and he even doubted whether his body would spontaneously combust if it continued.

"Could it be that he was poisoned?"

However, when he saw the monitor lizard nearby devouring the internal organs of the burrowing millipede, he rejected it in his heart. If the burrowing millipede was really poisonous, even if the monitor lizard had a strong physique but had eaten so much flesh and blood, it would still be poisonous. Some reactions.

He suppressed the panic in his heart and carefully examined his body. Apart from being hit on the back by a boulder and still feeling a dull pain, there were no obvious wounds on his whole body. Instead, the mutant beast's brains were stained all over it, exuding... There was a foul smell.

When Luo Yuan split its head open, he didn't even bother to dodge, and his brains were splashed all over his head and face.

Seeing that his body was getting weaker and weaker, Luo Yuan was almost going crazy with anxiety. He thought of the attribute points he had just upgraded and quickly opened the attribute panel.

"There is no other way. At this point, I have no choice but to add the upgraded attribute points to my physique. I hope that my fourteen-point physique can make it through."

Just as Luo Yuan was preparing to make his final effort, a prompt sounded from the system:

"Warning! Warning! The system detects that a powerful gene is invading your body. The genes in your body have been intensified and revived;"

"You are currently evolving. There is a certain chance that your evolution will fail, leading to genetic collapse;"

"Please choose a safe place and enter a deep sleep. It is estimated that the evolution time will take ten to thirty minutes;"

Luo Yuan's expression suddenly became extremely exciting. He didn't know whether he should be surprised or worried.

Evolution is not without risks. Once evolution fails, death awaits him, but there is no choice. Once evolution begins, it cannot be stopped. Life or death can only depend on fate. Even if Luo Yuan does not want to, he can only Can be passively accepted.

He looked around. It was obvious that this was not a safe place. A dead mutant beast, especially a dark blue mutant beast, was a temptation that no creature could ignore. Soon this place would attract many predators. Eaters, and even dark blue-level mutant creatures will appear.

Must find a safe place!

A fierce battle is taking place between the genes of the human body and the genes of mutant beasts. The battlefield extends to every cell. The physical strength that has been slightly restored by upgrading is rapidly consumed in this all-round war that goes deep into the genetic level. Luo Yuan soon feels it again. I felt exhausted and my eyelids became heavier and heavier.

He knows that this is the body's self-protection. The genetic war is an invisible and intangible war, but it is more fierce and cruel. Every inch of land must be fought for. Any extra consumption will determine the success or failure of this war. And through deep sleep, other consumption of the body can be reduced to the lowest point, and excess energy can be supplied to this war.

He had to find a safe place to sleep as soon as possible. He glanced left and right and his eyes lit up when he saw the giant lizard. He quickly jumped off the millipede's head, and almost fell to the ground when his feet went weak. He became more and more anxious, dragging heavy steps to move in front of the giant lizard, and then used his last strength to crawl behind it with difficulty.

"Go back to the community!" Luo Yuan shouted hoarsely, patted its back, and then lay on its back. He soon lost consciousness.

The monitor lizard does not have a high IQ, but after such a long period of repeated violent training, some frequently used terms have been deeply ingrained into its poor brain.

Hearing Luo Yuan's voice, the giant lizard paused and tilted its head slightly, as if listening, and then hesitantly looked at the internal organs pulled out from under its mouth.

Then it smashed its bloody mouth, tilted its neck, and swallowed the last mouthful of internal organs.

Luo Yuan's lingering power penetrated deeply into his heart, and although he was a little reluctant to give up, he still turned back towards the community step by step.

… …

"Where's Hu Fei? Why are there only so many people who escaped!" A tall, middle-aged man with a dark complexion suddenly turned darker when he saw that there were less than a dozen people from the original fifty people.

"Brother Hei, everyone just wanted to escape at that time, and Hu Fei didn't know where he went. Who would have thought that this fourth-level mutant beast would come to us? It's a pity that the materials we finally found are... Now it's all gone!" A man wearing mutated animal skin armor said heartbrokenly. His face seemed to have been corroded by something, and it was covered with pits. In some places, bones could even be seen, which looked extremely hideous.

"If the supplies are gone, you can find them again. The most important thing now is to find a safe place." A man with a horse face said hoarsely.

"You really need to find a safe place. It's too dangerous here. If you don't do it well, I'm afraid someone will die. Ma Lian, why don't you tell me where to go?" The middle-aged black man nodded and said.

"How can I think of it all at once?" Ma Lian shook his head, suddenly thought of something, and looked at a woman in the crowd: "Who is that? Where did you take us last time?"

An unkempt woman looked up. She was wearing a tattered skirt, which was difficult to cover in many places, revealing large areas of snow-white skin. The clothes were still stained with some dried body fluids. There was a stench all over her body. She saw someone. Looking at her, she quickly showed a flattering expression: "Brother, my name is Huang Yueying."

"You want to get fucked again, don't you?" Ma Lian's eyes flashed fiercely, and he squeezed her breasts hard.

He pinched the sensitive area hard, and Huang Yueying's face turned pale in pain, but she still stiffened and squeezed out a flattering smile: "Brother, I know I was wrong. It's... Jingyue Community, where I used to live."

"Damn it, I don't know how to wash it, it already smells bad!" Ma Lian smelled his palms, wiped them with a wet towel on his pants with a look of disgust, then turned to everyone and said, "This is Jingyue Community, I Remember, the things haven’t been moved there yet, and there won’t be any shortage of food in a short period of time. Can we go hide there first?”

"It's not dangerous, is it? I think it's better to go to the air-raid shelter?" the disfigured young man said in a sharp voice.

"The air raid shelter is too far." A middle-aged man wearing a suit and holding a rifle calmly shook his head and said: "And those people are too cruel. Some time ago, I heard from those who escaped that they even killed human beings." I’ve tried it all before, it’s really hard to deal with, and I might even get blackmailed.”

Brother Hei frowned, thought for a while, and then decided: "Then go to Jingyue Community. Be careful on the road and use cold weapons to avoid alerting the mutant beasts of level two or above."

"We have been here before, there should be no problem!" said the disfigured young man.

"It's not wrong to be careful." Brother Hei held up a white sword sharpened with the teeth of mutant beasts and glared at him.

A few people turned around and walked towards another road, and the remaining people quickly followed. Among the dozen or so people, most of them were women. Each of them looked numb, as if they had lost their life. Huang Yueying touched the bruised and bruised Chest, with a complicated expression, he followed the crowd towards Jingyue Community.

Except for encountering a few first-level mutant beasts, there were no dangers along the way. Within half an hour, the crowd arrived at Jingyue Community.

"No, are there footprints here?" The man in a suit squatted down and carefully observed the deep footprints on the soil. His expression changed drastically and he said hurriedly: "The footprints are still very fresh. They should have been left within a day. Here It’s too dangerous, get out of here!”

"Are you sure?" Brother Hei said solemnly.

"You know I used to be an anti-smuggling policeman on the Yunnan border. There are jungles everywhere. Many times, we use local methods to catch smugglers. I will never be wrong." The middle-aged man in a suit looked at the ground and walked anxiously. : "There are many footprints here, they are messy, and some are long and some are short, indicating that this road is the only way for mutant beasts. It must have left recently, but it is estimated that it will come back soon. He will probably be back in the next moment.”

After finally getting here, we had to turn around again. We still didn’t know where we were going next. Brother Hei didn’t want to give up. He said hopefully, “Can you tell what level of mutant beast it is?”

If the strength is average, it is better to take a risk and kill it. The second-level mutant beast can be killed with a rifle, but the third-level mutant beast is a bit troublesome. Last time I killed a seriously injured third-level mutant beast, more than a dozen of them died. One person and one evolver died. Deng Chao's face was destroyed at that time. Of course, it was also the first time he encountered such a creature and he had no experience.

The man in the suit shook his head: "I can't tell! But from the footprints, it can be seen that it should weigh more than ten tons. If the body length does not include the tail, it may be four or five meters long. Judging from the body shape, it is very likely to be a level three. Mutant beast!"

Everyone gasped, their expressions extremely ugly.

"Brother Hei, forget it? It's too risky for us to go elsewhere." Ma Lian said with a pale face.

At this time, the man in the suit suddenly let out a light sigh and said in confusion: "Why are there still human footprints here?"

Everyone looked around and saw a string of fresh human footprints near the mutant beast's huge footprints.

"Is there anyone still living here?" The disfigured young man named Deng Chao said in disbelief.

At this moment, there was a sudden faint vibration on the ground. Before they could react, a huge thing suddenly appeared in front of everyone at the corner of the street.

The emerald green scales shone with a jade-colored luster, and the ferocious head was covered with crescent-shaped bone spurs like daggers. It suddenly raised its head and looked straight in this direction with its cold eyes.

Everyone only felt their scalps numb. A few evolved people were a little better. Ordinary people had already been frightened and had a nervous breakdown. Some people couldn't help but ran away. There were more than a dozen teams, and half of them were reduced in the blink of an eye.

Cold sweat dripped down from the foreheads of several evolvers. Brother Hei swallowed unconsciously, feeling tremendous pressure in his heart. This mutated beast was too big, and its whole body was intact. When fighting, it was the same as before. The seriously injured mutated beast couldn't be compared at all, so he quickly glanced left and right.

My heart gradually sank. This was a straight road, hundreds of meters away from the nearest intersection, and there was a commercial street nearby. The buildings were low, and the mutated beasts could easily find them. They wouldn't even be able to hide. He looked at the door of the community, gritted his teeth, and shouted: "I can't control that much anymore, go inside quickly, life or death is your fate!"

Huang Yueying's face turned pale with fright, and she desperately followed the crowd and ran inside. This community that left her many memories has now become a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. The shaking sound behind her became louder and louder, and a feeling of despair filled her heart.

"Is there someone over there?" At this time, Ma Lian suddenly shouted, with disbelief on his face.

I saw several people, both men and women, standing together in the open space in the distance, as if they were waiting for someone!

Huang Yueying was stunned, watching absentmindedly, her legs swinging with the inertial machinery, looking at those familiar people, all kinds of feelings suddenly emerged in her heart, and the five flavors were mixed.