Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 117: Take you to kill people


This feeling was so wonderful that it actually made him feel unreal.

He silently thought about the attribute panel in his mind

Character: Luo Yuan

Occupation: Hunter

Level: 8

Experience: 3400/38400


Strength: 12(10)

Agility: 13 (10)

Constitution: 13+3 (10)

Intelligence: 13 (10)

Perception: 13+1 (10)

Will: 14+1 (10)

Skills: Science 16, Mathematics 14, Chinese 19, English 16, Finance 17, Computer 9, Dance 1, Painting 3, Games 6, Negotiation 9, Communication 7, Cooking 3, Driving 1, Hand-to-hand combat 5, Knife proficiency: 13. Spearmanship: 1

Special skills: identification, synthesis

War Beast: Jungle Monitor (Level 3)

Innate Ability: Earth Trample (Level 3)

Unassigned attribute points: 1

Unassigned skill points: 5

Unfinished tasks: none

Luo Yuan saw that there was an additional talent ability option on the attribute panel that was the same as the giant lizard.

He clicked on the sub-option of talent ability:

"Trampled on the Ground"

Level: 3 (related to perception and strength)

Effect: Range attack, with a certain chance of causing dizziness; physical strength +3 (related to level)

Affinity Attribute: Earth

Comment: Don’t leave the earth easily. The thick earth will always be your support. When your feet are on the ground, you will never feel tired. Feel her pulse at all times. Human power is limited but the power of heaven and earth is infinite. , with the help of the power of the earth, you will be invincible!

"This is the Evolver, it's so powerful!"

He could feel that the ground with a radius of fifty meters with him as the center was vaguely connected to him, and beyond his reach he could not reach it. This distance seemed to be related to perception.

It was just the pulsation of the earth, but he was still a little confused. The fluctuations here were too complicated, and they looked disorganized, like a mess rolled into a ball. But there are some faint patterns, as if countless fluctuations interfere with each other and mix together.

It seems that I can only slowly experiment in the future and find out the rules.

He opened his eyes, with a hint of joy on his face. No matter how bad the attack with this ability was, the three points of physical improvement alone were enough to make him ecstatic.

The only pity is that physique will not significantly enhance the strength, at least in a short period of time. So many physiques are completely wasted, but there is also a benefit. When upgrading in the future, the physical attributes can be temporarily put aside. The most important thing in the future is It's about improving strength and agility.

However, there is no rush. The physique of evolvers is somewhat special and seems to have broken the inherent constraints of human beings. During this period, Sun Xiaowu and Ning Xiaoran have made rapid progress. Sun Xiaowu's abilities are mostly physical, and Luo Yuan cannot tell. But Ning Xiaoran, Luo Yuan estimated that her strength had exceeded eleven.

This is not due to eating blue-level mutant beast meat. Although eating a large amount can indeed increase the attributes to eleven points, that is for men. For women, it is generally between ten and eleven o'clock, and both Wang Shishi and Huang Jiahui are in this numerical range.

This can only be explained by the special constitution of the evolvers.

Of course, Wang Shishi is also an evolver, but it may be because her evolutionary ability is reflected in her secondary attributes, so her physical fitness is no different from ordinary people.

Luo Yuan planned to do high-intensity exercise for a period of time to see if he could break through on his own, and then deal with the problem of this attribute point.

"What's wrong with you?" Huang Jiahui asked worriedly. Seeing that he stood still and his expression changed, she thought he was injured again.

Luo Yuan came back to his senses, and when he saw Huang Jiahui's expression, he realized that he had been standing for a while. He said with relief: "I was just thinking about something."

At this time, he noticed that there was still a person standing in the distance. She looked at him in fear and uneasiness, and did not dare to approach from a distance. Luo Yuan seemed vaguely familiar. He looked at it for a while and then said uncertainly: " Is she Huang Yueying?”

Huang Jiahui's face was expressionless and she didn't speak.

Master Wang said angrily: "It's all this shameless woman who robbed our food before and just brought a group of people back. Now our villa has been occupied. By the way, Lin Xiaoji has also been occupied by them." People were killed.”

"What happened here?" Wang Shishi's words were the most unreliable. Naturally, he wouldn't listen to them all, so he turned to Huang Jiahui and asked.

Huang Jiahui quickly told the whole story.

When he heard about Sun Xiaowu's betrayal, his face was gloomy. He originally admired Sun Xiaowu, but he didn't expect that he knew people but didn't know his heart. Not only did he shrink back at the critical moment, he also spoke unscrupulously, and in the end he even defected to the enemy.

"How many are there? Are there any evolvers?" Luo Yuan asked calmly.

The calmer Luo Yuan is, the more depressed he makes others feel. Anyone can see the anger and murderous intent in Luo Yuan's heart.

"They showed no ability. They were controlled before we even noticed." Huang Jiahui felt a little stunned. Her previous reaction was so bad that she was not alert at all. If they hadn't been frightened by the giant lizard and fled for their lives, the consequences would have been unimaginable, and now they feel a little scared just thinking about it.

"Huang Yueying is one of them too?" Luo Yuan asked.

Huang Jiahui hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Luo Yuan's face darkened and he walked towards her step by step. Some people couldn't bear to see this cruel scene and turned their heads away. Huang Jiahui hesitated to speak, but in the end he said nothing.

Compared with when they met before, Huang Yueying has become much haggard and older in a short period of time. Her body seems to have not taken a shower for several days, and there are stains and bruises everywhere. The skirt with holes everywhere could barely cover her alluring body.

Seeing Luo Yuan approaching, she shivered like a frightened quail. In a daze, she seemed to have seen the bloody scene when Luo Yuan killed several villains more than ten days ago.

"What else do you want to say?" Luo Yuan said coldly.

When things came to an end, Huang Yueying calmed down. She smiled sadly: "If you want to kill, just kill. I have lived enough. I lured people to get those grains. So what? You are all gone, why not?" Don’t you want me to get some food?”

"What did I do wrong?"

He was silent in his heart, speechless. Huang Yueying was not wrong about this matter. He was originally planning to give up these grains, but he didn't expect that he failed to enter the underground base in the end and returned here again.

Judging from her appearance, even if she contributed food, she was not having an easy time there. There were bruises all over the exposed parts of her body, and some were scars from cigarette burns. Luo Yuan could not imagine what kind of dark days it was. In this world where order has collapsed, human desires have been greatly magnified, and the animal nature in the heart can no longer be controlled. Beauty for women is no longer a blessing from God, but a curse from the devil.

Luo Yuan looked at the desperate Huang Yueying. He shook his head and said calmly: "Although you did something that made me very angry for a while, it still won't kill you for no reason. Judging from your appearance, Lin Xiaoji's Death has nothing to do with you."

Huang Yueying didn't expect Luo Yuan to let her go so easily. She breathed a sigh of relief. No one wants to die if she can live. When Luo Yuan turned around, she hesitated and shouted: "Wait a minute, they have three evolvers. I have only seen one of them use the ability to distort nearby light. There is also a person who uses a gun very well. ,You have to be careful?"

Luo Yuan nodded and was about to continue walking when he suddenly turned around and said, "If you are not satisfied there, come back!"

For him, one more person was just one more bowl and chopsticks, but for Huang Yueying, it lit up a bolt of lightning in her almost completely dark heart, instantly lighting up the whole world.

She looked stunned for a moment, as if she couldn't believe it. Then she covered her mouth tightly, tears kept sliding down her face, and she fell to the ground. Luo Yuan's words moved her beyond measure, and her throat seemed to be blocked by something. It seems that I cried silently.

It wasn't until Luo Yuan walked more than ten meters that she squatted on the ground and let out a suppressed cry, which made people feel pity.

Lin Xiaoji lay motionless on the ground, his clothes soaked with blood.

Luo Yuan looked at him for a while, picked up a bullet squeezed out by his muscles, suddenly kicked the body, and said coldly: "Stop pretending, get up."

The body was motionless!

Luo Yuan sneered: "Do you want me to stab you again?"

Lin Xiaoji opened his closed eyes and stood up with an embarrassed look on his face.

At that time, he had no idea that these people were so cruel. After being shot a few times, he felt that he regretted talking too much. Although he had strong self-healing ability, he would still die if he was hit in the head or the injury was too serious. Out of fear, he pretended to be dead.

The surprising scene made everyone's eyes almost fall to the ground. Master Wang looked at him with wide eyes and surprise: "So you are pretending to be dead?"

After a long while, Lin Xiaoji blushed and managed to say: "I... did... fainted at that time."

Luo Yuan was extremely dissatisfied with this guy who was pretending to be dead. He stared at him tightly and said slowly: "Forget it this time, but there will be no next time. No matter when, deserters will be shot."

Lin Xiaoji's face turned red and she felt a little uncomfortable, but she was so frightened by Luo Yuan's murderous words that she didn't dare to say a word.

Luo Yuan knew that this man had too much self-esteem and that going too far was not enough, so he let him go for the time being.

At this time, Luo Yuan felt keenly that something seemed to be shaking at the door of the villa. His expression changed, and almost at the same time, his body disappeared on the spot. He exploded at the limit of speed, and he could only breathe within a few dozen meters.

As soon as the man looked out through the crack in the door to see what was going on with the giant lizard, he heard a crisp sound of a knife. The next moment, a blue blade with an icy cold tip quickly enlarged in his eyes. Before his nerves had time to react, the tip of the blade was inserted straight between his eyebrows and stabbed out of his head.

When others reacted, they saw a figure falling to the ground in the crack of the door.

Luo Yuan slowly pulled out the long knife, flicked the blade, and blood fell to the ground. He looked at the door of the villa, and the murderous intention in his heart could no longer be concealed.

Huang Jiahui was ashamed of her previous reaction and was eager to prove herself. Seeing that Luo Yuan was about to kill someone, he gritted his teeth and walked over and said, "Do you want my help?"

Luo Yuan instinctively wanted to refuse, but when he thought that this group of people had been restrained without any resistance before, he hesitated.

Not everyone is an ordinary person without the ability to resist. There are three evolvers here. Huang Jiahui is also good at shooting. In terms of lethality, he can even deal with blue-level mutant beasts. It is not that he has no resistance, but the fact is that he was completely defeated. Of course, this is possible. It's because they fainted when they saw themselves.

But no matter what the reason is, if you don’t even have the most basic vigilance and precautions, you will simply not be able to survive in the apocalypse. Even if Kong has great power, he will capsize in the gutter when the time comes, and it is time for them to be exposed to blood.

"Master Wang and I go in to kill people. You, Ning Xiaoran and Lin Xiaoji guard the door to prevent them from escaping. Pay attention to safety." Luo Yuan hardened his heart.

Huang Jiahui glanced at Master Wang and nodded.

"Master, are you afraid?" Luo Yuan said to Master Wang.

"Don't be afraid!" Master Wang was worried, but he still mustered up the courage to say.

"I said it was murder!" Luo Yuan said seriously.

"No... afraid!" Master Wang hesitated.

"louder please!"

"I'm not afraid!" Master Wang said loudly.

"Okay, follow me and stand behind me when you move." Luo Yuan looked at the fear mixed with excitement on Wang Shishi's face, and his expression became a little distorted. He suddenly felt uncomfortable in his heart. She was only fourteen years old. , it was a carefree age, and now he was forced to kill someone.