Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 16: Escape from death


The carriage opposite.

Countless white bones and rags dyed red with blood were spread all over the ground. A few snow-white heads were still rolling because of the previous collision. When people saw it, they felt like they were falling into hell.

There was the sound of dripping water inside the car, and the smell of urine permeated the entire car.

At this time, a mouse jumped on the bus opposite. It squeaked a few times and walked towards this side.

A few people sitting in the front began to back away slowly.

"Quickly find a weapon. I don't believe I can't deal with a few rats!" One of the middle-aged men stood up with a ferocious expression and said loudly. He glanced left and right, then walked forward and pulled out the fire ax in the car.

A few more young people boldly walked to the cab and pulled out a wrench, a hammer, and an iron rod about a foot long.

The mouse soon jumped through the gap in the iron net and onto the platform of the cab, causing several women to scream loudly.

Several men holding weapons swallowed involuntarily, looked at each other, and hesitated.

However, the mouse did not attack immediately, but instead squeaked incessantly.

"Kill it, it's calling other rats." The old man from before said loudly.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. The middle-aged man holding a fire ax glanced at the people holding weapons nearby and said, "Come together, we have no way out. Otherwise, everyone will die here?"


"People die and birds turn to the sky, risk it all."

"Even if I die, I will kill a few rats."

Everyone spoke loudly, secretly encouraging themselves.

The man holding the fire ax shouted loudly and walked towards the mutant rat. The rat screamed, turned around and jumped back into the original carriage, and disappeared without a trace.

Everyone cheered suddenly, but within half a minute, the cheers suddenly stopped.

A dozen rats entered the opposite carriage, and more and more, and soon it turned into a mass of gray.

Luo Yuan sensed the crisis, took out the machete from the wooden box, stood up immediately, pulled up Zhao Yali, and whispered in a low voice: "Follow me."

"You haven't brought my luggage yet?" Zhao Yali said in horror.

"Don't worry, hold my hand, we have to leave here. It's not safe here anymore?" Luo Yuan said hurriedly.

"Okay, okay!" Zhao Yali had no idea at this time and was at a loss.

"Believe me, I will protect your safety. I remember telling you that I have practiced martial arts." Luo Yuan comforted and pulled Zhao Yali quickly toward the cab. Once the rats flood into the carriage, with this narrow space, he will not be able to exert his strength no matter how strong he is. The people here will be a burden to him.

Luo Yuan opened the fender and pressed the button to open the door. The sound of air pressure sounded loudly and the door slowly opened.

"What do you want to do?" the middle-aged man shouted, with an angry look on his face.

"Are you looking for death?"

"Quick, close the door."

Everyone was frightened and cursed one after another.

Luo Yuan showed no expression on his face and pulled out his sword, flicked it away, and said coldly: "Swords don't have eyes. I hope you don't misunderstand me. My friends, please make way. We have to leave first."

The faces of several men who were about to rush over changed drastically, and they immediately stopped and backed away.

"Let's go!" Luo Yuan seized the opportunity and quickly pulled Zhao Yali, who was a little stunned, towards the door.

As soon as the two people got out of the car, the door was immediately closed by the people in the car.

Luo Yuan quickly observed the surroundings. The situation was better than expected. Except for five rats in the distance, the rest of the rats were nowhere to be seen. Apparently they had all run to the bus opposite. He felt relieved and immediately He pulled Zhao Yali and ran forward along the road.

The figures of the two people soon attracted the attention of several mutant rats. They squeaked a few times and rushed towards them.

"Xiaoyuan!" Zhao Yali exclaimed.

"Don't be afraid, keep running." Luo Yuan glanced at the mutant rat getting closer and said calmly.

At this time, several mice stopped, squeaking non-stop, and seemed a little scared.

Seeing Luo Yuan and the two getting closer, they even began to retreat slowly.

"What's going on?" Luo Yuan was confused.

At this time, he remembered that the snake scale bulletproof vest on his body seemed to have an additional deterrent effect. It seemed that this was the reason.

However, this deterrent did not seem to be very effective against mutant creatures. After a while, several rats overcame their instinctive fear and continued to rush towards him.

The distance between the two quickly narrowed,

Ten meters, five meters, three meters...

Luo Yuan suddenly let go of Zhao Yali's hand, dwarfed his body, and accelerated suddenly. The sword of the sword reflected a dazzling light in the sun. Suddenly the light disappeared. The bodies of the two mutated rats that bore the brunt were stunned, and their heads rose into the sky with blood. .

The Zhanma Sword then turned, and a mutated rat tried to jump on him, and its body was immediately split into two. Luo Yuan made a wrong step and got out of the way of the splashing blood. Pulling the blade gently, the sharp blade disemboweled another unlucky mutant rat.

Luo Yuan used the knife very fast, but not in a hurry, giving people a sense of flowing water. The four unlucky mutant rats were dismembered on the ground before they even got close.

Zhao Yali looked shocked, although she had heard Luo Yuan say that he had practiced martial arts and was somewhat mentally prepared. But I never thought it would be so exaggerated, I was just in a daze. The four mutant rats lay on the ground.

At this time, there were sudden screams from the bus in the distance. The whole carriage was shaking continuously, and blood stains flew onto the windows from time to time. Luo Yuan glanced at it and withdrew his gaze: "We have to hurry up. , after the car... is over, more rats will chase us."

Zhao Yali glanced back, then covered her mouth with an unbearable look on her face: "Then...then they will all die, right?"

"Stop thinking so much? It's too late now, let's go!" Luo Yuan sighed and said. If he were alone, he would still rescue her, but there was Zhao Yali next to him, and he had to ensure her safety first.

Zhao Yali nodded vigorously, grabbed Luo Yuan's hand tightly, and ran forward desperately along the road.

Maybe it was the fresh flesh and blood on the bus that attracted the attention of most of the mutant rats, or maybe it was because the nearby mutant rats had been repeatedly cultivated by artillery fire, and there were not many left.

The two of them did not encounter a large group of rats along the way. Even if they occasionally encountered a few mutant rats, they were killed cleanly by Luo Yuan, making them seem quite safe.

This road around the mountain is only three or four kilometers long, and the bus traveled more than half of it before. The two ran for half an hour and minutes before finally leaving this road of death.

The road seemed quite quiet. There were no pedestrians or vehicles along the way. The trees on both sides of the road had been cut down, and there were signs of large-scale burning of nearby farmland. It looked like a dilapidated scene.

Luo Yuan looked at the sky. At this time, the sun was setting in the west and it was almost dusk. He turned around and said, "Why don't you find a place to live first? It seems that the sky will get dark soon, and it will definitely be more dangerous at night."

Zhao Yali held Luo Yuan's hand tightly and nodded uneasily.

"Is there a hotel nearby?" Luo Yuan asked.

"I don't know. How many years have you not been back? It's a bit strange now." Zhao Yali thought for a while and said.

"Then go to the village in front!" Luo Yuan said, looking at the village not far away where smoke was rising.

"That's Zhujia Village over there, but I don't know anyone there?" Zhao Yali said.

"Go and take a look first," Luo Yuan said.

At this time, Zhao Yali's phone rang, and she quickly took it: "Mom, what's the matter?... I can't make it back today... The bus broke down. We have to stay in the city for a day and come here tomorrow morning."

Zhao Yali's face suddenly turned red, and she turned around and said, "Well, he lives in another room, far away... Well! Got it, I'm not a child, I'm dead!"

Zhao Yali walked over calmly. This time she did not grab Luo Yuan's hand, but stayed away slightly.

Luo Yuan knew what was going on on the phone. It was just that his parents were worried about their daughter suffering a loss, but he knew that she was thin-skinned, so he didn't tease her.

Zhujia Village is not big, with a total of four to five hundred households, but because it is close to the industrial zone, it brings a large number of floating people. The village is obviously quite wealthy.

The main road has almost become a commercial street, with shops everywhere on both sides. In the past, this place should have been very prosperous, but now, there are few pedestrians on the road and most of the stores are closed, making it look very depressed.

Luo Yuan and Zhao Yali searched for a long time, but could not find a hotel that was open. It seemed that the sky was getting dark.

The two discussed it, chose a resident of a two-story building, and started knocking on the door.

After knocking for a few minutes, the door finally opened.

A lean man who looked to be in his forties or fifties opened the door a crack and looked at the door with a wary expression. He pressed his whole body against the door so that he could close it at any time. He seemed quite wary: "What are you doing?"

The other party spoke in a dialect. Luo Yuan was confused, so he took a step back and winked at Zhao Yali.

Zhao Yali also said in dialect: "Brother, I am from Zhaojia Village. I was supposed to go home today, but the bus broke down today. Can you let us stay one night and leave tomorrow morning?"

"No, why don't you go live somewhere else? I don't have any room here." The lean man couldn't help but softened slightly when he saw that he was a local, but this statement obviously couldn't move him. Zhujia Village has been in chaos recently, with thefts, robberies, and even Murder happens every day, and he doesn't want to take any chances.

Zhao Yali wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Luo Yuan. He took out his wallet and pulled out three old people's heads: "Three hundred and one nights, plus being responsible for dinner, you should be able to see that we are not bad people."

The lean man looked at the two people, a man and a woman. The woman was a bit charming and weak, with a faint hint of fear on her face. Although the man had a calm face, his skin was fair and handsome, his eyes were pure, and neither of them seemed like bad people. Looking at the banknote in the other person's hand, he felt a little moved in his heart. After thinking about it, he said in distorted Mandarin: "Five hundred, if it works, come in. If it doesn't work, find another place?"

Luo Yuan showed a satisfied smile: "Deal!" After that, he took out two more and handed them to the other party.

The lean man took the banknote, nodded it, his face finally softened, and he opened the door: "Come in quickly?"