Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 25: Insect tide


Luo Yuan drove away from Jingyue Community. The road was flat and there were few vehicles.

Luo Yuan had just been driving for a while and felt a little groggy. He didn't care at first. After all, he hadn't slept all night since yesterday. It must be the sequelae of insomnia.

But he soon felt something was wrong.

The surroundings sometimes became noisy and noisy, and sometimes became silent, and the vision in front of him began to become continuously distorted and blurred.

Luo Yuan quickly braked on the side of the road and stopped.

He rubbed his face vigorously, trying to wake up, but the situation was getting worse and worse. His mind was buzzing, as if there were countless mosquitoes lingering around, and he had a splitting headache: "What's wrong? It basically didn't happen before." Such a situation occurs.”

He kept taking deep breaths and slowly leaned back on the chair, trying to stay calm.

Fortunately, as time passed, all kinds of hallucinations gradually receded.

Gradually, a strange feeling emerged. He suddenly closed his eyes and felt all this quietly. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He seemed to have a vague sense of his surroundings. Even if he closed his eyes, he seemed to be able to find the approximate location of an object.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed a place in the car. When I opened my eyes, I was shocked.

This is a palm-sized Mickey Mouse doll thrown in the corner.

He was sure that he never noticed such a Mickey Mouse doll in the car, and when he closed his eyes, it was just like normal, it was dark, but somehow he knew that there was something here, and he knew the general shape.

There is no reason, no explanation, this is completely beyond common sense.

He kept experimenting, taking something out of the toolbox from time to time. Magazines, disposable cups, and a box of condoms. He had never turned over these things before, and even the tool box was closed, but this did not affect his senses at all, as if the tool box was transparent.

When he discovered that this was not a coincidence but a reality, he couldn't help but be surprised and delighted. He knew how powerful this ability was. Even if there is a sneak attack in the future, he will feel it without looking back. If he had such ability yesterday, he would have dared to attack the rat tide alone. This ability does not increase direct lethality, it is more like oil in the machine, providing bonuses to both combat and survival.

After more than ten minutes, my brain was finally fully awake. Even a feeling of high energy.

At this time, a system prompt suddenly came from my mind.

"Dip, perception +1"

"So this is perception! I thought it was evolution? It seems that this is due to taking the rat brain. I didn't expect the reaction this time to be so violent. Compared with the gentle addition of the system, this kind of change relies on the flesh and blood of mutated creatures. The physical quality is obviously more rough and dangerous, so you should be careful next time you take it.

However, there seems to be no change in physical strength and strength of the body. It seems that this kind of light blue creature can only increase the single value of the body before eleven o'clock, and the value after eleven o'clock obviously has little effect. " Luo Yuan secretly analyzed in his heart.

"But being able to get an attribute point for nothing is an unexpected surprise." He was a little disappointed, but his mentality quickly calmed down and he began to become familiar with this relatively mysterious attribute.

He roughly estimated the range of perception, which was about three meters. Within a range of three meters, nothing can escape his induction as soon as it enters, but once it exceeds the perception, it quickly becomes as weak as a normal person.

In fact, everyone has a perception. For example, if someone in the crowd keeps staring at you, you suddenly have a sudden impulse and glance over. Another example is if someone is standing quietly behind you. Even if no sound is made, you will feel a little uncomfortable, as if there is something behind you. These are all perceptions, but normal people's perceptions are very weak and are often ignored.

Luo Yuan rested for a while and got back on the road. As soon as he arrived at the national highway near the suburbs, there were slightly more vehicles. However, they were not private cars, but military heavy trucks equipped with various supplies. Each of these wheels held more than one person. It didn't take long for Gao's heavy truck to drive by. Luo Yuan's off-road vehicle was shaken slightly by these heavy metal giants.

Luo Yuan turned on the radio, and there were very few radio stations that he could receive. The few he found were all news. As for those entertainment programs, they had long been closed.

"...the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held an emergency military meeting in response to the sea monster incident in the East China Sea, and the major military regions along the southeast coast entered a state of first-level combat readiness."

"The National Wartime Provisional Affairs Commission once again raised the danger level, and pointed out that this global biological crisis is a huge challenge to the entire human survival, and once again called on the public to calm down and unite as one. The Central People's Government will restore social order and resume social production as soon as possible …”

"São Paulo, the economic capital of Brazil, has been completely occupied, and millions of people have died while fleeing. The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested the intervention of global military powers. It is reported that most of the beast tides that appeared at this time came from the wildly expanding Amazon region, and some creatures showed obvious mutation trends. "

"European Union Vice-President Iros was attacked by birds when he was traveling on a special plane, and the plane crashed in Switzerland. None of the 18 staff members on board survived."

Luo Yuan listened calmly, taking out a bottle of mineral water and taking a sip. The current situation has already gone from bad to worse. Even if there is incredible news, Luo Yuan will not feel any surprise.

Luo Yuan touched the steering wheel, wondering where to go

He came out in a hurry this time, and set off without much preparation. He didn't even think about where he was going.

I don't know when, the sky gradually darkened and seemed to be covered by clouds. The mineral water on the cup holder swayed and rippled in circles from time to time, and occasionally made a resonant buzzing sound.

While he was driving, he suddenly felt a throbbing, and an indescribable anxiety and panic suddenly surged in his heart. The hair on his body exploded, and his heart beat loudly, almost jumping out of his chest.

The next moment, the piercing air-raid siren tore through the tranquility of the entire world. Luo Yuan, who had never heard such a sound before, found it difficult to describe and find an appropriate word to describe this kind of sound. It seemed to be pervasive, directly penetrating a person. A strong person or a weak heart.

He looked up completely subconsciously. Just at the sight of it, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

A huge green head appeared in the sky.

Because the distance was too far, he couldn't tell how big the face was, nor was he sure when it appeared.

This face looks a bit blurry and unreal. However, it can still be determined that this is a male face. What makes people feel even more chilled is that the expression on this face is slowly changing. Sometimes angry, sometimes laughing, sometimes happy, sometimes sad.

A buzzing sound gradually came from the distance, and then the sound became louder and louder. From the beginning, it was faint and looming, and now it is overwhelming, like a bell, like a big bell, and it is like this is the only sound left in the whole world. , even the air defense siren was suppressed.

There was a huge sound wave, and even the blood in his body trembled involuntarily with the sound. After a while, he felt a little dizzy and nauseated.

The face became larger and larger, and the features quickly became blurry. He gradually saw that it was not a single creature at all, but was composed of countless green dots.

Luo Yuan knows that there are many creatures in nature that have similar behaviors in order to intimidate powerful enemies, such as when a large number of fish gather together and disguise themselves as a big fish, or when some strange moths gather together in large numbers. , forming a strange pattern.

As the top of the food chain in nature, humans have an overwhelming advantage in the competition with other creatures, and naturally attract many creatures to imitate.

At this moment, a heavy truck in front suddenly hit the guardrail, and then the car rolled over and fell to the ground with a loud noise. The heavy truck containing terrifying kinetic energy rubbed violently against the concrete floor, causing a long spark about one meter high to shoot up. Seeing this scene, Luo Yuan suddenly woke up in his heart.

No matter what comes here, it must not stay here, otherwise it will be dead.

He quickly turned the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator, and drove back. The car spewed thick black smoke, like a wild bull running wildly on the road.

He looked back and saw that the face seemed to have grown a little bigger. It was moving at an extremely fast speed. Even though Luo Yuan was racing like crazy, there was no sign of being pulled away.

He looked anxious, glanced left and right, and then rushed towards the nearby ****.

The security guard inside was already hiding in the building, and the electric door at the entrance was closed tightly. Luo Yuan was heartbroken and had no intention of stopping.

With a loud "Bang!", the electric door was pushed open by him.

The off-road vehicle drove all the way and stopped in front of the permit building.

At this time, he didn't care about his luggage anymore. He only took a knife and jumped out of the car.

The glass door of the permit building has been locked from the inside. More than two dozen staff members stood in front of the hall, looking outside with panic. When they saw someone running towards this side, the people inside suddenly looked wary.

A staff member's face suddenly showed a hint of joy. She quickly said a few words to the security guard, and the door opened quickly.

Luo Yuan felt relieved and quickly walked into the hall.

"Ronaldo, why are you here?" A young woman wearing a light gray OL outfit said with a look of disbelief.

Luo Yuan was stunned for a moment, turned around and looked a little surprised: "Sister Huang, aren't you a police officer in Gaotang Town? Why are you working here?"

It was Huang Jiahui who spoke. She had met Chen Weiqiang when she was looking for him in Gaotang Town, but since then, the two have had no contact.

"My family was originally opposed to me becoming a police officer, and the near-death experience left a shadow on my heart, so I resigned?" Huang Jiahui laughed at herself: "But now no one comes to apply for the certificate. , It’s quite relaxing here. Maybe it won’t be long before we have to change to another department.”

Although Huang Jiahui said it lightly, Luo Yuan knew that without a certain background, he would definitely not change departments so easily.

"You two are reminiscing about old times. Comrade, you came back from outside just now. Do you know what the faces outside are?" A middle-aged man who seemed to be the leader walked over with his general belly raised and asked anxiously.

"Little Luo, this is Director Sun." Huang Jiahui quickly introduced.

"Let's talk later!" Luo Yuan stopped him quickly, feeling the sound growing louder outside.

Director Sun's face suddenly turned ugly.

Luo Yuan walked to the glass door and put his hands on it. His hands were a little numb. The glass door was oscillating at high frequency. The situation was worse than expected. He turned to Huang Jiahui and said: "It's not safe here. The glass door is very dangerous." It will break soon."

"Comrade, are your words a bit exaggerated? This is a bulletproof glass door, how could it break?" Director Sun interrupted.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge green insect landed on the steps like lightning.

Director Sun was startled and took a step back hastily.

This shuttle-shaped insect is covered with a smooth exoskeleton. The two pairs of hind feet are sharp and sharp, like four thin sharp blades. All the joints of the front feet are tightened on the chest, not exposed, but far away. From a different perspective, it appears even more dangerous.

This meter-long insect is like a masterpiece of God, full of strange beauty. He couldn't imagine how terrifying this beast would be in action.

At this time, it was walking gracefully and casually on the steps, its crystal compound eyes reflected the panicked crowd. It was like a gentleman about to dine, leisurely looking at the delicious food on the plate.

From time to time, insects fell from the sky and landed on the steps. Before long, the entire steps were crowded with insects.

The buzzing outside became louder and louder, the glass began to shake slightly, and then became more and more intense, and the entire glass door made a snapping sound. Suddenly it made a soft click sound, and a thin white mark appeared on the glass door, and then more and more white marks appeared, spreading around like a spider web.

"Ah! Help."

"Run quickly."

It was like the straw that broke the camel's back. Driven by fear, the crowd was in chaos and ran for their lives.

"Ronaldinho, save me!" Huang Jiahui screamed in horror.

"Follow me and run." Luo Yuan yelled. He didn't dare to pull Huang Jiahui with his hands. He almost died after being dragged by her last time, which was enough to learn his lesson.

Huang Jiahui quickly followed. In addition to her, Director Sun and five others also followed.

"Where is the closed room?" Luo Yuan shouted loudly as he ran.

"I don't know." Huang Jiahui shook her head anxiously. She had just arrived to work here and was not very familiar with it. Coupled with the fear in her heart, she could not remember anything clearly at this time.

"On the fourth floor, there is a small conference room on the fourth floor." A tall and delicate girl said.

Seeing Luo Yuan running towards the stairs, Director Sun reminded: "Why don't you take the elevator? We have power supply here all the time."

"It's too late. There are too many uncertain factors in the elevator, and there will definitely be many people who will think of building an elevator, which will delay the process even more!" Luo Yuan explained.

Director Sun was right. With so many people crammed into two elevators, it was still unclear whether the doors could be closed at that time.

At this time, there was a crisp sound of breaking glass outside, followed by bursts of gunfire and the screams of the crowd.

Luo Yuan's heart tightened, and he quickly ran towards the stairs, rushing up to the first floor in a few steps. He deliberately slowed down, otherwise the other people would not be able to keep up with him.

There were screams and cries for help outside. As if urging everyone to rush to the fourth floor.

Director Sun was panting heavily. Years of drinking and sex had already emptied his body. He would be out of breath when he walked a few steps, let alone running up the stairs. After only running two floors, he was far behind.

"Director Sun, let me help you." A young man looked back, stopped immediately, supported Director Sun, and said with regret.

"Okay, okay! Xiao Shen, you are a good person. I finally saw you right." Director Sun patted his shoulder and gasped.

The young man named Xiao Shen suddenly looked happy and pulled Director Sun hard to climb up.

At this time, a third-floor window suddenly shattered, and countless glass shards slid down the stairs like raindrops.

Director Sun stepped on the sliding glass, tilted his body, and sat on the ground. The next moment, he jumped up as if he was electrocuted. His butt was covered with glass shards, which were stained with blood.

"Director Sun, are you okay?" Xiao Shen wanted to laugh, but he suppressed it forcibly, looking like he had eaten shit.

Director Sun waved his hands with a pained look on his face: "This window will break sooner or later, but it breaks now. Please help me pull out the glass shards first. It hurts me to death."

Xiao Shen pulled out a few big pieces, and Director Sun screamed in pain: "Director Sun, let's go first, we will deal with the other glass at that time."

Xiao Shen looked at the cracked window above with some worry, fearing that an insect would jump out at this time. After he finished speaking, he was afraid that Director Sun would be dissatisfied, so he explained: "Look, there is no medical treatment or medicine here, and time is tight. I'm afraid it won't be dealt with properly." ”

"Okay!" Director Sun also knew that the timing was wrong. He remembered that the others had already run away, and he became nervous: "Let's leave quickly."

At this time, no one noticed that a huge beetle came silently through the window and landed lightly on the ground.