Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 40: out of control


At half past six, the traffic began to move slowly.

At the front were hundreds of wheeled armored vehicles, followed closely by personnel carriers, and more than a dozen armed helicopters hovering at low altitude. Next came more than a hundred buses, and private cars such as Luo Yuan's. Arranged at the end.

Luo Yuan grabbed the steering wheel again before setting off and threw Wang Shishi to Huang Jiahui.

The little girl has grown up and started to develop, and she is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything. Sitting on his lap seems awkward, and it is easy for things to happen that shouldn't happen. Thinking of the embarrassment that happened before, he couldn't help but have a headache. He didn't know what the little girl would think

The traffic flow was huge and stretched for several kilometers, like a slender insect crawling slowly on the ground.

As soon as we get on the highway, the traffic speed increases!

About half an hour later, the traffic drove out of Donghu City, and the surrounding area gradually became deserted.

I don’t know when the construction started. The entire highway has been reconstructed, and there are two more cement isolation belts about fifty meters wide on both sides. However, once the area beyond the isolation zone is already another world, it is a world covered with green.

Luo Yuan looked to both sides while driving, his heart full of panic. These green units are no longer the weeds they once were, but an emerging forest. The traffic passing by makes it feel like you are traveling deep into a deep forest.

If he didn't really see it, Luo Yuan would even suspect that he was dreaming.

He felt as if the plant was starting to grow faster and faster!

It seemed very dangerous here. The entire isolation belt was full of potholes and there were bloodstains everywhere that had long since solidified and dried. Luo Yuan even saw an animal carcass on the highway that was already as thin as paper and had been repeatedly run over by vehicles.

Even without these, just by placing steel and concrete fortifications every one kilometer and the ferocious and cold rapid-fire cannons and heavy machine guns on them, you can see the danger hidden here.

Huang Jiahui looked around and said worriedly: "I don't know what the higher-ups are thinking. Why are they keeping this forest here? Why don't they burn it down? I feel like that group of green beetles came from here!"

Luo Yuan smiled bitterly: "If it could, I'm afraid it would have been burned long ago. It is very likely that it is no longer capable of burning!"

"Why, didn't you have burns several times before?" Huang Jiahui asked with a puzzled look.

"You said it was in the past. At that time, the situation had not completely deteriorated. Through international trade, large amounts of oil could be continuously shipped in from several major oil-producing countries. But now the oil trade has been completely cut off. Only relying on the supply of several major domestic oil fields, It’s not enough. What can we use to burn this long-growing plant?”

Huang Jiahui found it difficult to accept it for a moment, and said slightly absent-mindedly: "Is there nothing we can do with these plants?"

"If there is no oil, you can use gasoline to burn it!" Wang Shishi couldn't help but interjected.


This cold joke was so powerful that both Luo Yuan and Huang Jiahui were amused. Even the depression in my heart was briefly dispelled.

Master Wang looked confused. It wasn't until Huang Jiahui explained that he became very embarrassed.

"Of course it's not impossible. If you don't have oil, you can still rely on alcohol. Nowadays, these plants everywhere are the best raw materials for alcohol. Even if the output wants to reach the level of oil, or even eventually replace oil, it is not impossible. The key is It’s about the country’s industrial layout.”

At this time, the vehicle in front suddenly stopped.

Luo Yuan quickly braked. He didn't pay much attention at first. With such a large and dense traffic, there would inevitably be bumps and bumps. He thought he would be able to continue driving soon, but he found a sudden commotion in front of him, followed by something like a tarpaulin. The sound of tearing.


He quickly leaned out and saw an armed helicopter rolling down from the sky. A few seconds later, it hit the isolation belt heavily and burst into a huge flame.

Dozens of anti-aircraft guns fired at the same time, pulling out long red chains in front of them, and the targets were hundreds of huge black mutant birds that appeared in the sky. From time to time, mutant birds were hit by concentrated fire from anti-aircraft guns at high altitudes. Falling apart.

Countless black feathers fell from the sky, and one of them happened to fall on Luo Yuan's car.

He was stunned for a moment, picked up his Zhanma Dao and quickly stepped out of the car. At the same time, he said hurriedly: "Everyone, get out of the car!"

Hiding in the car will not appear, but will restrict the scope of personal activities. Once danger approaches, you will not be able to resist if you want to.

Luo Yuan picked up a feather. This feather was almost one meter long. Its surface was smooth and soft, but its weight was extremely light. He could hardly feel the weight of such a long feather in his hand.

"Black Owl's Tail"

"Purpose: Material."

"Rarity: Blue."

"Weight: 10 grams"

"Evaluation: This is the shed feather of a black owl. It is tough and light in texture and contains weak wind energy."

Blue again!

Luo Yuan looked at the feather, and the pressure in his heart suddenly increased.

Staying in the city, he had no way of understanding how far the creatures outside had evolved. He originally thought that blue creatures should be very rare, but he didn't expect to encounter them one after another in the past few days.

But this is also very normal. After all, the city is the territory of humans. Mutated beasts will be strangled as soon as they appear. It is quite rare to grow a light blue one. It is almost impossible to evolve a blue-level one. The probability of winning the lottery is still low.

At this time, he noticed that the description of wind energy appeared in the identification information.

If he remembered correctly, this should be the second time such a similar description was given. The first time was the old yellow dog in Zhao Yali's house, which seemed to have fire energy, and this time it was wind energy!

He frowned slightly. This kind of mutated creature containing attribute energy was very rare. So far, he had only found two cases. The other ones, whether they were the powerful guard-level green beetles or the first time he encountered them, impressed him extremely deeply. Cauliflower snakes have no attribute energy.

Are these two mutated biological types

Huang Jiahui came out at this time. She looked above her head and asked worriedly: "Are you okay? Should I get a gun?"

Luo Yuan thought for a while and said: "No need, your rifle with this kind of creature has no effect at all! And there is an army in front of us. Once the rifle is exposed, no one knows what the consequences will be!"

"how do you know?"

Seeing Huang Jiahui looking at it with suspicion, Luo Yuan handed the feather to it and continued: "This is the feather of this mutant bird. With its high strength and flexibility, as long as a few layers are stacked together, it will be in front of you." , bullets can’t penetrate it, they will only anger it.”

Many people began to open car doors and looked nervously above their heads. I'm afraid that kind of terrifying giant bird will fly this way.

But their worries were obviously unnecessary. The black owl in the sky has been firmly attracted by the anti-aircraft guns and several armed helicopters, and has no way to care about the crowd watching the excitement below.

One after another, the Black Owls were blasted by high-speed cannons. A few minutes later, the remaining Black Owls finally felt fear and let out a few shrill screams before fluttering their wings and flying away from the area.

Luo Yuan was also lucky enough to collect five feathers from around and got into the cab.

"What are you doing with these feathers?" Huang Jiahui asked.

"Maybe it can be exchanged for money?" Luo Yuan said perfunctorily with a smile. He had thought of synthesis before. Although he hadn't figured out what to synthesize yet, this kind of feather containing wind energy is probably a rare material. It would be a pity to give up.

"Can this be exchanged for money?" Huang Jiahui didn't believe it.

"It's not certain. Haven't you seen many people picking it up? And with a little sewing, you can make a body armor with this kind of thing. Surely someone will buy it?"

When Huang Jiahui heard this, she immediately felt regretful. There were a lot of feathers falling from the sky at that time. If you were determined to pick them up, you could definitely pick up a few. She wasn't thinking about exchanging money, but was planning to make a body armor like Luo Yuan said. She had long discovered that Luo Yuan had been wearing a green bulletproof vest, treating it like a treasure, and she had coveted it for a long time. But now it's too late to pick them up again, those feathers have long been snatched up by others.

Within a minute, traffic was flowing again.

We encountered several attacks one after another on the road. Because they did not come from the air, most of the attacks from small beasts were easily defeated by the firepower of the fortifications before they could reach the isolation zone. Even if a few ran onto the highway, they would not be able to survive. Accidentally killed by military fire.

Looking at the suicidal attacks one after another, Luo Yuan even had some doubts as to whether there were powerful beings controlling all of these creatures.

Four and a half hours later, the traffic finally slowly drove into Donghe City.

The leisure city in its heyday is now heavily guarded. From the highway, it can be seen that a group of fortifications surrounding the entire Hedong City, including even the suburban countryside, has begun construction. Countless construction vehicles are in full swing.

When the vehicle arrived at the Hedong City Expressway intersection, it finally stopped. Except for the army that continued to move forward, other vehicles were stopped by heavily armed police on the roadside.

"Welcome to Hedong City. I am Fang Xiao, the squadron leader of the Xicheng District Squadron of the Hedong Armed Police Brigade. Everyone should get out of the car and undergo necessary registration and inspection!" an armed policeman shouted with a loudspeaker.

Luo Yuanting's expression changed, and he looked at Huang Jiahui. There was a rifle hidden in the car. If it were to be inspected, it would definitely be exposed.

But it was obvious that he was not the only one with contraband, and there were definitely many of them, and someone soon came forward.

"Why do we need to register and inspect?" a car owner said angrily as he got out of the car.

"You're right, there's something missing, who should we look for!" a car owner shouted loudly.

"There is nothing good about being an official. This world is so damn dark!"

Because they think that the law will not punish the people, the people are agitated, and these are not ordinary civilians in the first place. These days, if a rich person does not make friends with a few officials, it will not be possible at all, so he will naturally have more confidence.

"Comrades, please don't misunderstand. We only conduct simple X-ray inspections to prevent prohibited items from flowing into Hedong City and affecting the stability of Hedong City. Guns, weapons, crossbows and other weapons must be handed over!" Fang Xiao loudly comforted him, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Once a group incident broke out, he would be doomed.

It was okay if I didn't say this, but when I said it, everyone became extremely angry. These people who have experienced the collapse of order and the insect wave have long been completely disappointed with the official power. For them, weapons are the only last force that can protect their safety.

Some people who lost their minds even took out guns, and the situation was about to get out of control!