Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 5: Snake path


"Kacha, kacha..."

The pistol fired a series of blank shots.

A black shadow shot out like lightning. When it was close, it suddenly jumped up, opened its fangs and bit into Captain Chen's neck with a ferocious mouth.

Team Chen's expression changed drastically. He looked at the wild cat that was rushing towards him and was so frightened that his whole body froze up.

At this moment, Luo Yuan suddenly accelerated from a standstill, rushed over with a single stride, and hit the wild cat heavily with his shoulder. At this time, the wild cat's body was in the air, feeling no pressure, and was immediately knocked three or four meters away by him. It rolled a few times and stood up, shaking its head, and it was obviously still a little dizzy.

Luo Yuan didn't give it any time to react. He stepped closer with his knife and reached the distance of three to four meters in an instant. He raised his knife and slashed at the waist of the wild cat.

The machete was thick and easy to chop. Although it was not very sharp, its lethality was not weak at all. With just a scratch, the spine was cut off. The knife went down and cut the whole body in half.


The wild cat that was chopped in half screamed and struggled to stand up. Its two forelimbs kept crawling forward, and its internal organs and intestines continued to flow out along half of its body, dragging it all over the floor. There was a thick smell in the air. The smell of blood.

"Bang! Bang!" Zhao Qiang reacted and shot repeatedly.

"Damn beast!"

Wildcat was shot twice in the head, trembled, and finally stopped struggling.


Huang Jiahui looked at this extremely bloody scene, her face turned blue and white, and suddenly her stomach turned. She couldn't bear it anymore, and walked to the grass and started vomiting violently.

Luo Yuan didn't feel very good either. He rushed over on impulse and didn't even have time to think. It wasn't until now that he felt a little scared.

At this time, his hands kept shaking, and his body was also shaking slightly. If he hadn't grasped the handle of the knife hard, the knife might have slipped by now.

When did I become so brave

At this time, Wang Fei covered the right side of his face and slowly climbed out of the thorns. He said with a frightened look: "Captain, it's too dangerous here. Our police force is seriously insufficient. A wild cat just left us like this. Who knows what else we will encounter when we step forward?" What? I think it’s almost impossible to find those missing people.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone showed their intention to retreat.

Luo Yuan's expression changed. The worst thing had happened. He immediately said, "If I don't see the body, I will never believe that my brother-in-law is dead. At least I have to go to the top of the mountain to have a look!"

"You have no right to speak here. If you miss, go on your own and don't catch us!" Seeing Luo Yuan talking, Wang Fei suddenly burst out.

Luo Yuan looked at Wang Fei in a daze. He had no idea why Wang Fei suddenly lost his temper with him. He didn't seem to have offended him, right

There was anger in his heart, and his words naturally didn't sound very nice: "If you're afraid, just leave first. Anyway, you're of no use along the way?"

Luo Yuan's words immediately stimulated Wang Fei's sensitive heart. His face turned red, he took out his pistol, pointed it at Luo Yuan and said, "Mom, can you say it again?"

"No!" Huang Jiahui exclaimed. She never thought that the usually shy Wang Fei would be such a person. He would draw a gun at the slightest disagreement. This was too impulsive.

"Wang Fei, stop it!" Captain Chen's face darkened and he shouted.

Seeing Captain Chen yelling to stop, Wang Fei was a little scared and hesitant, but his fragile self-esteem still allowed him to persevere. He blushed and said loudly: "Captain, it's not that I don't listen to you, I want him to tell me Apologize!"

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through Luo Yuan. Being pointed at a gun like this, it would be a lie to not be afraid. Facing the black muzzle of the gun, Luo Yuan felt his heart beat faster in an instant. Guns are a cold weapon to deter modern people. Incomparably, he almost felt like his thinking had stopped for a moment.

Death is so close, it seems to be right before our eyes.

He almost wanted to beg for mercy and apologize!

But the energy in his heart always supported him. He could bow his head, but he would never bow his head under the gun. This was a humiliation to him.

All his thoughts passed by in a flash, and he gradually calmed down and realized that things were not as terrible as he imagined. He didn't believe that Wang Fei, who hadn't lost his mind yet, dared to shoot in public.

Moreover, there is only more than one meter between him and Wang Fei. As long as he moves quickly and decisively enough, he can even cut off his arm directly before the other party reacts, or even kill him. Of course, this is by no means a rational approach, and will only make him angry. Things are getting worse.

Thinking that he had the ability to fight back, he calmed down completely.

He thought for a while and then said: "If you want me to apologize, you have to put down the gun first. If Captain Chen hadn't saved you just now, I'm afraid you would have died long ago. There's no point in being afraid now. Everything depends on Captain Chen. If Captain Chen I don’t have a problem with saying go!”

This was a bit clever. It not only isolated Wang Fei, but also made a subtle reference to the incident of rescuing Captain Chen just now, so that these policemen would not get into a group.

Captain Chen's face immediately darkened. He remembered that he had just narrowly escaped death. If Luo Yuan hadn't saved his life, he would have been lying on the ground by now. One was a life-saving grace, and the other was only a disservice and was almost killed by him. , he naturally leaned towards Luo Yuan, and at the same time he also felt a little disgust towards Wang Fei.

"Wang Fei, I order you to put down your gun, do you hear me?" he said sharply.

"Team... Captain... me!" Wang Fei hesitated.

"Xiao Wang, put down the gun." Zhao Qiang also advised him. He also had no favorable impression of Wang Fei, who had high ambition but low hand.

Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, Wang Fei glanced at Luo Yuan with an ugly expression and put down his gun dejectedly.

Luo Yuan didn't even look at him. He walked up to Captain Chen and said earnestly: "Captain Chen, I was too impulsive just now. I want to apologize to you!"

Captain Chen's expression softened a little, and he said earnestly: "I can understand your mood. It will happen to anyone's relatives if something like this happens. But it is indeed more dangerous here. If we can't find it when we reach the top of the mountain, we will go back. You how do you feel?"

This was the purpose of taking the risk to save people. Otherwise, he would never be so easy to talk to. As for the apology to Wang Fei, it would naturally be left alone.

"Okay!" Luo Yuan said seriously: "I also know that there is not much hope, but at least there is still a little hope. If you don't look for it, there will be no hope at all."

Huang Jiahui also came over to comfort her: "Are you okay? Wang Fei just entered the police station. He is a little irritable and lacks exercise. Don't take it to heart!"

"It's okay, Sister Hui! How could I be so petty?"

"How does it feel to be pointed at a gun?" Zhao Qiang swayed over and asked with a grin.

"Even now my legs are still a little weak." Luo Yuan said with a bitter smile.

Zhao Qiang showed his thumbs and was greatly impressed. He had seen many people who were usually very arrogant to death. Once someone pointed a gun at their head, they would act ugly. Kowtow and beg for mercy, it was relatively calm, but they would be so scared that they would urinate and urinate. Not uncommon, he had never seen anyone as bold as Xiang Luo Yuan.

Compared with the bustle here in Luo Yuan, no one paid attention to Wang Fei. He stood alone not far away, with a mixture of anger, resentment, regret, fear, and jealousy in his heart.

After staying for a while, there were a lot of rustling sounds around, and a big mouse emerged from the grass first. It looked at the crowd warily, and then at the pile of corpses, looking a little hesitant. Absolutely.

Captain Chen stood up vigilantly: "Let's go, we can't rest here anymore. The smell of blood can easily attract other beasts."

"Team Chen, I think we've climbed halfway up the hillside now. How about we shout? If anyone hears us, they should respond!" Huang Jiahui suggested.

"Wait until you get here before shouting. I'm worried about alarming the nearby wild animals." Captain Chen said

Although Luo Yuan's physical strength has not yet recovered, he was so tired after resting for a while. The machete he wielded kept moving forward. Because of the smell of blood, there were many more animals around, but most of them took the initiative to escape and attack. not a single one.

After everyone walked dozens of meters, they shouted at the top of their lungs, but there was no response.

Luo Yuan also became anxious, wondering if Chen Weiqiang was really dead.

"Hey, look, are there any clothes over there?" Huang Jiahui suddenly pointed at a thin ribbon dozens of meters away on the left and said.

Luo Yuan perked up and immediately followed Huang Jiahui's finger: "It seems so. Is there a trace of walking over there? It seems that they entered the mountain from that way. Captain, why don't we go over there and take a look?"

"Okay, let's go over and take a look!" Captain Chen said.

Luo Yuan immediately changed direction, and ten minutes later, several people arrived at the place pointed by Huang Jiahui.

This is a narrow path. The trees on the path are leaning here and there, as if they have been ravaged by something. The sleeve of a shirt is hanging on a branch beside the road, and it is stained with blood. The owner of the sleeve is obviously not in a bad situation. good.

"Looking at how fresh the blood is, it shouldn't be more than two days old. It's most likely left by Mayor Xia and his group!" Captain Chen said, squatting down and checking the surroundings carefully: "There are still blood stains on the ground. , they may have been attacked by wild beasts at that time, and they must have fled down the mountain in a panic. Let's look for it along the path down the mountain? "

Luo Yuan nodded. Because there was a ready-made road, the group of people moved much faster. However, the bloodstains suddenly disappeared after walking a few dozen meters. However, there was a fork road about a foot wide next to it. The fork road was winding. , but the strange thing is that every curvature is very regular, as if it has been accurately measured.

Looking at this regular fork in the road, Luo Yuan suddenly remembered something. In an instant, a chill rose from his tailbone and spread throughout his body!

"Damn, this can't be a snake path, right?" Zhao Qiang also thought about it. He quickly raised his pistol and said with a wary look: "It's such a big snake path. I wonder how big the snake will be?"

Luo Yuan saw Wang Fei secretly take a few steps back and stand behind the crowd. He believed that if he hadn't been worried about the danger of going down the mountain alone, he would have turned around and run away.

"Ronald, you decide, do you want to go and have a look, or go down the mountain directly?" Captain Chen handed over the decision to Luo Yuan.

"It's better to go down the mountain directly, your brother-in-law is definitely hopeless." Huang Jiahui said from the side and advised.

Luo Yuan pondered for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Captain Chen, I can go down the mountain and leave immediately. Just treat my brother-in-law as dead."

He paused and then said: "I can walk, but you can't. This snake is already so big. If the damn climate doesn't return to normal, it will definitely become bigger before long. By the time the snake is on this mountain, When an animal cannot satisfy it, it will go down the mountain to eat people. You are the policemen of the Gaotang Town Police Station. Since you have chosen this profession, you cannot escape. You will still be sent out at that time.

Do you think it’s easier to deal with a snake that can’t even move now that it’s already eaten and drank enough, or is it easier to deal with a snake that’s bigger, more ferocious, and hungry? "

"How do you know he can't move?" Wang Fei seized the opportunity and asked immediately.

Luo Yuan glanced at him, as if looking at an idiot again, and said: "Even if a snake is as thick as a bucket, after swallowing four or five people, it will still need several days or even a week to digest. During this period, its movements will be greatly restricted. It’s even difficult to move, but it’s not as dangerous as you think.”

After speaking, he looked at Team Chen, waiting for him to make a decision.

If the other party gave up, he would have no choice but to let the mission fail.

This time he was not prepared enough. He could not handle a giant snake by himself. In addition, he also had a phobia of snakes. By then, he might not even be able to display his fifth-level strength.

Team Chen's expression changed uncertainly. After a long time, he stared at Luo Yuan and said, "I hope you are right. For the sake of the villagers down the mountain, let's go and have a look!"

He still has some sense of justice in his heart. The other party is right. If such a giant snake is not killed as soon as possible, the village below will be very dangerous. More lives will be lost in Shekou.

In front of justice, even though Wang Fei was filled with fear, he kept his mouth shut!

As soon as we walked onto this snake path, the atmosphere became a little depressing. Looking at the swaying branches around us, we could roughly estimate how powerful this snake was. As long as it is lightly swept away, even if it is immortal, it may be half disabled.

Huang Jiahui followed Luo Yuan closely, never leaving, almost close to his body, obviously feeling safer around him.

Luo Yuan smiled bitterly in his heart, his palms were wet with sweat, and the handle of the knife was soaked with sweat and looked a little slippery! If she knew he was scared to death, what would she think

Everyone was cautious and nervous all the way. Within a few minutes, the group was already covered in sweat, and their clothes felt like they had been soaked in water.

Half an hour later, the snake path finally reached the end. In front of it was a bare slope. From below, you could see scattered dead trees. It is hard to imagine that in this dense jungle, there is an open space!

Several people immediately fell to the ground, not daring to lift their breath. There was no doubt that that was where the giant snake lived.

"Xiao Wang, go take a look, be careful not to disturb it!" Captain Chen whispered. He originally wanted to call Luo Yuan, but then he thought about it. Basically, Luo Yuan, a commoner, was helping him all the way. , but they, the police, did nothing and were too embarrassed to let people take risks anymore.

Wang Fei's face turned pale. He looked at the others and then at Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan turned around as if aware of it and gave him a mocking look.

That look in his eyes made Wang Fei feel unspeakably uncomfortable, and he felt a sigh of relief in his chest. He blurted out: "Okay!"

As soon as the words were spoken, he immediately regretted them, but he could no longer swallow the words he had said.

He slowly took out the pistol and moved his body forward step by step, as if going to the execution ground. It was only a few tens of meters, and he walked for ten minutes. In the last ten meters, his legs went weak and he lay on the ground like a meat insect, not daring to move forward anymore.

Team Chen's expression immediately darkened.

"It's really embarrassing to the police!" Zhao Qiang grinned and said, "I'd better go!"

Luo Yuan sneered in his heart. Wang Fei dared to draw a gun at him when he faced his taunting, but in the face of real fear, he couldn't even stand up. Even if he had a gun in his hand, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Team Chen nodded. He was completely disappointed with Wang Fei. How could such a person be a policeman? He was not even as good as an ordinary citizen.

Zhao Qiang had obviously served as a soldier. He lay on the ground and crawled forward without slowing down at all. Within a few minutes, he had crawled next to Wang Fei. He picked up Wang Fei's gun, stuffed it into his belt, and Ignore him and continue crawling forward.

After a while, Zhao Qiang came back. He had always been carefree, but now his face was as pale as paper!