Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 56: Mutation


"Sister Huang, you see, Brother Luo seems to have bought new clothes." Wang Shishi seemed to have discovered a new world, and said with excitement on his face: "This suit looks great on Brother Luo!"

Huang Jiahui also focused her eyes on Luo Yuan. She was in a trance because of the appearance of mutated earthworms in the community. It was not until Master Wang reminded her that she noticed Luo Yuan's clothes.

Black jacket, black pants, black shoes, a complete black outfit. There are thousands of kinds of black, but none is as deep and mysterious as the feathers of a black owl, as if it can attract light. In addition, Luo Yuan has fair and rosy skin, a tall figure, and a sharp and restrained temperament. The whole set of black clothes on him makes him even more handsome and extraordinary, with a mysterious temperament.

Huang Jiahui's eyes flashed, and it took her a long time to come back to her senses. Suddenly she snorted coldly, and her face turned evil: "Master, where should I sleep with you tonight?"

Master Wang rolled his eyes: "Okay, I like to hold Sister Huang to sleep the most!"

After speaking, Huang Jiahui tilted her head, secretly sulking. Because of the shortage of raw materials, clothes in stores are now extremely expensive. The two of them were unemployed. More than one million seemed like a lot, but in fact it didn't take long at all. If they were all exchanged for food stamps, it would only be 70,000 to 80,000.

What's more, Luo Yuan has no love for sex. She spends more than 30 kilograms of food stamps on food every day. In order to save money, she has not bought a single piece of clothing so far. She even plans to buy some needlework and wear out a few of her clothes. I need to mend my underwear. She didn't expect that the other party would just buy clothes for herself. When she thought of this, she felt sad.

Luo Yuan looked back and smiled bitterly: "If I said that I didn't buy these clothes, would you believe it?"

"Believe it, why don't you believe it? It must have been abandoned by others, and you happened to pick it up!" Huang Jiahui glanced at him and said disdainfully.

I thought to myself: Do you think I am an idiot? I just believe you when you pick up a car. Nowadays, many cars are disposed of as scrap metal, but clothes, especially such new ones, I never believe that someone would throw them away.

Luo Yuan thought for a while and felt that there was something to hide, and there was a good excuse. He said, "Actually, I am already an evolved person!"

These words sounded like thunder out of thin air. Except for Huang Jiahui who could remain calm for a while, Master Wang immediately screamed with excitement.

After a while, Huang Jiahui came back to her senses and found that what Luo Yuan said was totally irrelevant. She continued to question with a stern face. "Does it have anything to do with you being an evolved person and buying clothes?"

"You know that evolvers have weird abilities, and some of them are useless at all, so I'm embarrassed to say it." Luo Yuan continued to make up: "My ability is relatively useless. I can synthesize different materials into objects. You should know that before Those black feathers, I just synthesized the feathers into the clothes, and now this clothes can't even be penetrated by ordinary bullets. I have some leftover feathers, and I will make a set for you when the time comes."

Huang Jiahui glanced at his clothes suspiciously and found that they were indeed the ones he had worn before, but now they seemed to be new, with a strange sense of beauty. The doubts in her heart disappeared and she said angrily: "You didn't tell me earlier, This is not a bad thing, we won’t tell anyone if there is anything to hide.”

She is not worried at all. She sees more clearly than Luo Yuan and knows that although such abilities cannot fight, for a force, they are probably more useful than a dozen combat-type evolvers. Once they are defeated by the government and military If Fang finds out, he will probably be recruited immediately. Whether it will be good or bad at that time, no one can say.

She said to Master Wang seriously: "Master, can't you tell others about this?"

"I won't tell anyone!" As she grows up, she can already distinguish the good from the bad of some things, Wang Shishi quickly promised!

Luo Yuan said with a smile: "Actually, you don't have to be envious. I'm just lucky. Each of you has a chance to evolve."

As he spoke, Luo Yuan took out five kilograms of violent dragon lizard meat and a bunch of bloody internal organs from the sack: "You wash these things first, and you will eat this tonight!"

Huang Jiahui didn't pay much attention at first, thinking he went to the market when he came back. She picked up the meat and prepared to go to the kitchen: "Let's marinate it for tomorrow? I bought vegetables at noon!"

Luo Yuan hurriedly stopped him and said, "No, this is not ordinary meat. Like the green beetle we ate last time, it can make people evolve. You wash it first and cut it into small pieces. Everyone will try it later."

When Huang Jiahui and Wang Shishi heard this, their faces immediately turned green.

Huang Jiahui said bitterly: "Okay, I'll wash it first. I hope I can really evolve this time, otherwise I will never eat it again!"

She picked up the meat and walked towards the kitchen. After a while, she came out with a frown on her face: "This meat is too tough and can't be cut. Can I borrow your knife? That bloody mass is all rotten into a ball." Mud."

"That ball is liver. It's a really good thing. If you want to sell it, I'm afraid someone will buy every pound of food stamps for a thousand pounds!" Luo Yuan handed the knife to her and said with a smile.

Huang Jiahui didn't believe it: "Really! Is this thing so expensive?"

"How much is a pound of meat in the vegetable market now?" Luo Yuan asked.

"It costs five or six yuan a pound, but it's getting cheaper now," Huang Jiahui said.

"That's just the meat of the first-level mutant beast. The purchase price of the meat of the second-level mutant beast is 30 kilograms of food stamps per catty. The third-level mutant beast's meat is 80 kilograms of food stamps. If it is the fourth-level mutant beast, how much do you think it will be purchased and sold? How much will it sell for?" Luo Yuan explained.

"That depends on the relationship between supply and demand. If the amount of level four mutant beasts is very small, then no matter how much money there is, people will buy the meat of level four mutant beasts." Huang Jiahui thought for a while and said, and then she finally reacted: "You You said this is the meat of a fourth-level mutated beast?”

Luo Yuan nodded.

Huang Jiahui covered her mouth and couldn't close her mouth for a long time.

"Then...then we will eat tens of thousands of dollars a day!" Master Wang said in surprise.

"Absolutely, but with the physical condition of the two of you, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat much of the meat of a fourth-level mutated beast until your nose bleeds." Luo Yuan said with a smile.

"Then what level of mutant beast was the big green beetle you ate last time?"

Luo Yuan continued to popularize science: "Ordinary green beetles are level two, and big green beetles are level three."

Master Wang was stunned and said with curiosity: "What kind of creature is that fourth level? Brother Luo, you must have seen it before."

"It's better you don't know, I'm worried you'll have nightmares!"

Luo Yuan was a little scared when he thought of the snake dragon. It was like a dragon in the mythical world.

Of course, the name of the snake dragon has nothing to do with the dragon. Most of the systematic names for mutant creatures are consistent with the official naming. However, from the official name of such a creature, it can be seen that the terror of this creature is obviously The snake dragon is believed to be very similar to the mythical dragon.

Huang Jiahui was originally a little skeptical about him taking out meat from level 3 and 4 mutated creatures that could not be bought in the market. Seeing that Luo Yuan had actually seen level 4 mutated creatures, she couldn't help but become more sure. She said with a trembling voice: " Have you been to the wild?"

Luo Yuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded in response to Huang Jiahui's gaze.

Looking at Luo Yuan's unusually firm gaze, Huang Jiahui opened her mouth. She wanted to persuade him not to go on adventures in the wild again, but she could no longer say anything. In the end, it just turned into a helpless sigh. She suddenly felt worried that maybe one day Luo Yuan would leave. After that, you can never come back.

Huang Jiahui blushed and hurriedly said, "I'm going to the kitchen!"

Before he finished speaking, he hurriedly walked towards the kitchen.

Luo Yuan came back to his senses and felt silent in his heart.

Since he went to the wild, he escaped from death, but it also put him under great pressure. He must upgrade faster to prepare for the future. This time when he went to the wild, he encountered a dark blue-level creature just at the edge. If the area expanded to the entire Jiangnan Province and the whole country, there would be countless such creatures.

Not to mention, there are probably even more terrifying creatures among them that have undergone qualitative evolution.

Although Hedong City is peaceful, judging from the forests stretching to the sky in the wild, the city is already an isolated island. Anyone can see that as time goes by, the situation here will become more and more severe. The development of science and technology cannot keep up with the speed of changes in the world. Even due to the impact of the changes, the level of science and technology has greatly regressed. Fall may just be a matter of time.

I would rather be a peace dog than a person in troubled times!

If possible, he would rather live a 9-to-5 life like before than struggle to survive like this.

Huang Jiahui returned to the living room with two plates, her eyes were a little red, and she seemed to have cried.

Luo Yuan glanced at her, thought for a while and said, "Do you know what the largest granary of mutant beasts is?"

Without waiting for their answer, Luo Yuan continued: "They are humans. There are six to seven billion people in the world. Of course, there may be less than one third now, but the number is also extremely huge. A city is like a giant to a mutant beast. A huge granary, as long as you overcome the sharp spikes on the outside, you can take whatever you want from behind.

There is a group army stationed in Hedong City, so it is relatively safe. I am afraid that other places are not so lucky and may have fallen one by one like Donghu City.

Mutated beasts continue to evolve, and it seems that they will continue to evolve. Their territories are getting larger and larger. If humans do not have a technological explosion in a short period of time, they will have to evolve like the mutant beasts to survive in biological competition. Come down. So I hope you can evolve this time! "

Luo Yuan's calm voice seemed to be filled with a bone-chilling chill, and the expressions of the two of them were moved. During this period of peaceful and comfortable life, they seemed to have selectively forgotten that the world was already in turmoil outside. Forgetting that period was like hiding in the darkness. The days when I was trembling even when I was lying in bed like a mouse in my bed.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the living room became a little depressing.

Maybe it was because the green beetle meat last time was disgusting, or maybe it was because they had gained experience this time. Although the two of them had grimaces and frowns, they never vomited again.

But less than a minute after eating, Master Wang suddenly complained of a headache.

Luo Yuan didn't pay much attention at first, after all, the headache was just a minor thing, but then her face became redder and redder, and the headache became more and more serious. Finally, her body softened and she fainted to the ground. He was just about to pick him up, But suddenly I felt that the hair all over my body was floating up one by one.