Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 58: Management Regulations


Luo Yuan gained a lot last night. The "Sword Skill Mastery: 0" in the attribute panel changed to "Sword Skill Mastery: 1", but the sequelae were also huge.

He felt restless, sweating on his forehead, and trembling with fear from time to time. Even the mutated earthworm, which had no fear before, was slightly afraid. Although Luo Yuan knew that this was not normal, it was just due to the excessive exertion of willpower last night. , but cannot control his emotions with reason.

Originally, Luo Yuan wanted to go to the wild again today, but looking at the current situation, he had to cancel.

"Are you okay?" While eating breakfast, Huang Jiahui glanced at him suspiciously and asked, "Why do you feel something weird about you!"

"No, maybe I'm a little tired from not sleeping last night." Luo Yuan smiled dryly, changed the subject and said to Master Wang: "Master, do you still have a headache now?"

"It was fine when I got up, but I couldn't help but try again in the morning and found that my ability was a little stronger, but now it hurts a little bit again." Master Wang said excitedly, and his slightly frowned brows relaxed. .

"Even if you have superpowers, don't use them often. Who knows whether it will affect your body?" Huang Jiahui said.

Although her tone was calm, it had a somewhat sour taste. Master Wang suddenly became unhappy. He glanced at her mouth disdainfully and remained silent!

The human nature of young people has not yet been fixed. Once they master the ability, it is easy to cause an imbalance of mentality and become pampered and arrogant. Although Wang Shishi's performance is not obvious yet, there are already signs of it.

Huang Jiahui changed color slightly, and before she could speak, Luo Yuan said seriously: "Master, I know that the telepathy power you have just mastered is just when it is new, but it should be done in moderation. You are still young and your body has not yet fully developed. Everything must be done step by step to avoid physical damage.”

Seeing Luo Yuan's face darken, Master Wang quickly corrected his attitude and said, "I understand, Brother Luo!"

Master Luo Yuan's attitude was okay, and his tone softened: "After dinner, come to my room. I have something to say to you."

"Oh!" Master Wang didn't know what Luo Yuan was going to say to her, so he responded timidly, with a trace of panic flashing across his face.

After breakfast, Luo Yuan walked into the bedroom. Master Wang hesitated for a moment and followed slowly in.

Luo Yuan closed the bedroom door. There was no chair in the bedroom. Luo Yuan sat directly on the edge of the bed: "Sit down too."

"Oh!" Master Wang responded and sat down next to Luo Yuan.

"Do you know why I want to talk to you alone?" Luo Yuandao said.

Master Wang blinked his eyelashes as long as windshield wipers uneasily and whispered: "I don't know!"

"After becoming an evolver, do you feel that you are a little different from ordinary people?" Luo Yuan looked at Wang Shishi and said.

Master Wang's eyes were a little dodgey: "No!"

"But what you have shown, although it is not obvious yet, there are already signs."

Seeing his disappointed expression, Master Wang panicked and burst into tears. He quickly explained: "Brother Luo, I'm just a little unconvinced. I didn't do this on purpose."

"Then why are you not convinced?"

"I think what Sister Huang said was wrong and her tone was weird. Although I was very angry, I didn't say anything back!" Master Wang said with an aggrieved look.

Luo Yuan thought about it and found that he was indeed allergic. Huang Jiahui's sour tone could be heard by anyone with a little sensitivity. Wang Shishi resisted silently, which was already very sensible, so he said in a gentle voice: "I know you, Sister Huang There is something wrong, but you have to understand the mentality of an ordinary person towards an evolved person, especially when they were both ordinary people before, so don't show off in front of her and irritate her! You have to learn to be a low-key person. After a while, she will be fine. It will be back to normal.”

If you want to show off, show it off to me, you know? "

Master Wang chuckled and suddenly beamed: "I understand."

After letting Wang Shishi go out, Luo Yuan pulled the reluctant Huang Jiahui closer to the bedroom, and did some ideological work to quickly eliminate the conflicts that had just emerged.

The weather is gloomy and a bit boring!

There were very few people in the community today, and I couldn’t see anyone for a long time. Luo Yuan walked around the community and found that there were a few more cave entrances in the community. Two of the cave entrances also had a pile of small mounds, which seemed to be earthworm poop. He didn't know when it appeared. I glanced at the entrance of the cave. It was dark and bottomless inside.

After a while, he couldn't stand the stench any longer, and his stomach churned. He retched a few times before he felt a little better.

As he walked out of the community, the flow of people increased, and he turned into a barber shop.

He hasn't had a haircut in almost three months, and his hair is almost covering his eyes. Such long hair is very inconvenient during battle.

The wallpapers of beautiful women on the walls of the barber shop were slightly yellowed, and one of the glass doors also had a big hole. This was a common dilapidated style after the mutation, but the business was good. When he came in, there were seven or eight people waiting.

Luo Yuan sat on the sofa and took out today's Hedong City Daily from the newspaper rack. Before he started reading, he was attracted by the comments of the people next to him.

"... A group of armed policemen were all killed by him. Finally, several cars of armed policemen came and surrounded them." A middle-aged fat man whispered.

"What happened to that person afterwards?" an old man asked curiously.

The middle-aged fat man clicked his tongue: "That man is really awesome. In the end, he escaped. He was as fast as flying, but he was injured. I saw a lot of blood left at the scene!"

"Those evolvers are so powerful, do you know how they evolved?" A young man in a yellow shirt said with envy.

"Maybe it's like mutant beasts, it evolves naturally. We can only blame us for not being so lucky." The middle-aged fat man said regretfully: "I don't know if it can evolve in the future

"What did you just say?" Luo Yuan only listened to half of it and asked with some confusion: "Why are there conflicts between evolvers and soldiers?"

"You are from the 12th building of Shuitang, right?" The middle-aged fat man said with a smile.

"You know me?" Luo Yuan was stunned for a moment.

"We are in the same building. You may not have noticed, but I live on the fourth floor!" The middle-aged fat man said a little embarrassedly: "I used to work in insurance, and I would always pay attention to my neighbors when I met them."

The people next to him immediately smiled.

"Just now we were talking about the evolver from the Lotus Community across the street who resisted recruitment, and a conflict broke out." The middle-aged fat man finally remembered Luo Yuan's question.

"No wonder I heard gunshots in the morning. Why is it so good? Why are we recruiting?" Luo Yuan asked calmly.

"Didn't you see the regulations on the unified management of evolved people written in yesterday's newspaper? Now all evolved people must register and obey the unified arrangements of the government. These people staying among the people are too dangerous for ordinary people!" the middle-aged fat man explained. road.

Luo Yuan noticed that everyone present looked deeply convinced.

For ordinary people, they are envious of the power of the evolved person that transcends mortals, but at the same time they are deeply afraid. No one wants to have such a person around them.

Luo Yuan had just arrived in Hedong City and had little interaction with the people around him. The same was true for Huang Jiahui, so that he knew nothing about such important news. He had the urge to go home immediately and warn Master Wang not to expose his abilities.

But he immediately restrained himself. It would be too suspicious if he went back rashly like this. The matter has not yet reached an emergency, so you must not reveal your flaws.