Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 88: force


"No. 93 Jiangbei Road, my old company is nearby!" the woman continued.

"It seems that it does exist. It was open for a while at that time, and I still visited it once." A young man also thought of it and agreed.

"It's not far from here. Follow the street in front of you east to the crossroads and you'll find Jiangbei Road in the north. It's only a few kilometers away. Without further ado, it's best to leave now!" A middle-aged man with a big belly said: Young man, he said yes!

However, no one paid attention to him, and everyone looked at Luo Yuan.

The man's face suddenly became a little stiff, and he couldn't get off the stage for a while.

Maybe he was the leader of a certain unit before, or maybe he was the boss of a company. No matter how rich and powerful he was before, no one would care about him at this time.

Although Luo Yuan did not show superhuman strength along the way, he seemed extremely calm throughout. Even if the mutant beast was nearby, he did not change his color and ran with the two women for half an hour. They all seemed at ease. A leopard can be seen in a tube. What's more, the reason why they are here is because they saw that there is hope for survival by following him, so they followed him.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Luo Yuan pondered for a moment and said: "Since the air-raid shelter is nearby, then go there, rest for a while, and we will set off in ten minutes!"

Everyone sat down in silence. The middle-aged man with a big belly who had spoken before sat down next to Master Wang. He said with a big smile: "My name is Huo Dong, what do you call me brother?"

Master Wang squeezed Luo Yuan in disgust.

Luo Yuan patted her hand, turned back to look at him, and said lightly: "Call me Luo Yuan!

Huo Dong was unfazed by Luo Yuan's indifference and said enthusiastically:

"Brother Luo is a talented person. In ancient times, he would have been a brave general. His future will be limitless!" After speaking, he glanced at Wang Shishi again and praised: "Even my sister is beautiful and beautiful. I don't know which young man I will take advantage of in the future." ”

A red cloud appeared on Wang Shishi's face. He glanced at Luo Yuan secretly, raised his minibus slightly, showed a proud smile at the corner of his mouth, and defended in a low voice: "I am not his sister."

This kind of person must not pick up on him, otherwise it will be endless. All kinds of nice words and cliches are like instinct to him. Sure enough, Huo Dong immediately took over the conversation: "Look at my look, then you must be my younger brother and sister. Only people like Brother Luo can deserve the appearance of my younger brother and sister. The same should be true for another beauty. Brother Luo is so lucky!" "

Luo Yuan turned around and looked at him with a smile. He looked at him for the last time until his smile changed from a flattering smile to a dry smile, and then he stopped.

"Alas, I don't have Brother Luo's ability to be calm and composed, and I'm not afraid of your jokes. If I don't talk to divert my attention, I can't help but tremble." Huo Dong raised his head, sniffed, and after a long time said in despair: "I'm afraid that if I survive tonight, I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow, or even the next moment, I will die. Even if we hide in the air-raid shelter, we won't be safe for long. Now the army is gone, and Hedong City is full of mutant beasts. Not to mention food, I'm afraid I won't even be able to find clean water. If I can't find weapons to hunt mutant beasts, I'll have to starve to death..."

The hoarse voice kept echoing in the underground parking lot, and the atmosphere suddenly seemed a little depressing, and some people began to sob quietly.

"The troops evacuated too hastily this time, and a large number of weapons will surely fall on the battlefield!" one person suggested.

"There must be some there, and there are as many as you want, but who dares to go to such a dangerous place? Even if we get it, how many people will die!" Huo Dong retorted.

"Why choose the far away one? There are military factories in the industrial zone. Not to mention firearms, there are also a lot of cannons. In addition, the People's Armed Forces Department is not far from here. The military despises these retired weapons. There will definitely be more inside. Plenty of surplus.”

… … … …

Under the cool night, the team set off again.

At this time, the street was deserted. There were traces of blood everywhere on the road. There was even a slender thigh that seemed to be that of a young woman forgotten on the road. The thigh twitched from time to time. It was not completely stiff, but its owner was nowhere to be found.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, which hit their noses. Several people stopped and began to vomit violently.

Luo Yuan's face turned pale slightly, and even though he was used to such scenes, he felt his stomach churn.

A few minutes later, Luo Yuan's steps suddenly stopped. A few hundred meters in front of him was a huge creature lying on the side of the street. Judging from its image, its previous appearance could be vaguely seen. It was a five or six meter long animal. centipede,

The golden carapace on the surface shone with a cold luster in the moonlight, and the steel-scythe-like jointed limbs were arranged neatly under the body. At this time, it lay quietly on the ground, motionless. You can see that its abdomen is bulging and bulging, and there seems to be something still wriggling inside.

This is a overfed mutant beast, and the food that can be found in the city is nothing but people.

Luo Yuan's face suddenly turned ugly when he thought that there might be something inside. He held the handle of the knife in his hand and quickened his pace slightly.

"Danger, there is a mutant beast ahead, run quickly." Luo Yuan's eyesight is several times stronger than that of ordinary people, and it was night, so the team didn't notice a huge beast lying in front of them until they were 40 to 50 meters away.

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd, and everyone began to run back desperately. Without weapons, ordinary people could only die when facing mutant beasts. For a moment, everyone except Luo Yuan and a few people began to run away.

But Luo Yuan was not surprised. After all, when ordinary people faced mutant beasts, there was no better way than relying on luck and running faster than others.

Hearing the movement nearby, it raised its head like a snake. The surface of its bright red head was dotted with ring-like colorful light spots. These light spots emitted a faint fluorescence in the dark. As the angle changed, they emitted Produce colorful light. This rich and coquettish color all shows that this is a highly poisonous creature.

It glanced alertly, feeling that there was no danger around it, and lay down again. As for Luo Yuan nearby, he didn't even have the interest to take a look at it.

Luo Yuan, who originally wanted to take the opportunity to kill it while it was full, stopped hesitantly.

Using level to judge the power of a mutant creature is undoubtedly a dangerous and stupid behavior. This mutant beast exuding a light blue level aura obviously cannot be described as a normal light blue level creature.

"Luo...Brother Luo, why don't we take a detour!" Looking at this behemoth, Master Wang said tremblingly.

Luo Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Master Wang speak. Toxin was a threat to him, but to Master Wang who had telekinesis and could be distracted and multi-purpose, it was not worth mentioning. Moreover, he was a light blue mutant beast. It was just right for Master Wang to practice. He thought for a while, turned to Master Wang and said, "I'll leave this mutated beast to you."

Master Wang stared with big eyes and pointed at himself: "Me?"

"This is just a second-level mutant beast. You are an evolver and a powerful telepathic evolver. You can't even deal with this, right?" General Luo Yuanji said.

"But...but, I..." Although Master Wang was a little overwhelmed by her praise of Luo Yuan, when she thought about the terrifying and ferocious mutated beast in front of her, she became frightened and lost all her courage.

"There's nothing to worry about. In fact, it's easier than you think. As long as the shuttle shoots into its head and stirs it a few times, and I watch from the side, you will never be in danger," Luo Yuan said. Master Wang still flinched, he interrupted coldly.

"I'm afraid, I can't do it, I... I will be eaten by it."

"Luo Yuan, it's better not to force her, Shishi is still young after all." Huang Jiahui looked at Wang Shishi's frightened expression and said unbearably.

"Shut up, the mutated beast won't eat her just because she's young. I don't want to be a burden. If you can't even do this, don't follow me anymore." Luo Yuan said indifferently, this world It's too cruel, with every step of crisis. From today on, I don't know how many dangers I will encounter. I can't change my mentality. No matter how powerful I am, I can't survive in this hellish world. Since Wang Shishi doesn't want to change, then We can only force her to change!

Master Wang's delicate body trembled, as if she heard some broken sound in her heart. She looked at Luo Yuan in disbelief, as if she couldn't believe that these words came out of his mouth!

Huang Jiahui looked at Luo Yuan anxiously, but Luo Yuan looked indifferent and didn't even look at her. After such a long time of getting along day and night, she had already figured out Luo Yuan's character. He was usually approachable, gentle and considerate, but once he made a decision , and never changed it, no matter how much I tried to persuade it, it was useless.

Seeing that Luo Yuan could not be persuaded, Huang Jiahui could only comfort Master Wang: "Master, don't be afraid. Brother Luo just wants to exercise your courage and will not harm you."

Master Wang lowered her head and looked sad. She remembered that yesterday she was worried about someone's safety and had the courage to go out to shield him from the poisonous fog. However, today she was treated like this. The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt. Her eyes turned red and she burst into tears. It fell down with a snap.

She raised her head and said with tears streaming down her face: "Okay, I'll go. Anyway, no one will care if I die, so just let me die."

She pouted and said angrily, walking forward step by step, but her eyes secretly glanced at Luo Yuan from time to time.

Seeing that Luo Yuan remained indifferent, she finally lost all hope in her heart, and her tears couldn't stop flowing down. After a while, she wiped away her tears, snorted bitterly, and took out a handful of white jade-colored pointed ends from her pocket. The thin shuttle moves forward step by step...

Luo Yuan looked at him closely and couldn't help but want to call her back several times, but he restrained him every time. To survive in this cruel world, this is the first step that must be experienced in life, and it is also the necessary skill to survive in this world. The guarantee of future survival may be that he can protect it for a while, but it cannot protect him forever.

Because even he felt that his future was uncertain, as if he was like a small sampan drifting with the current in the sea, worried about being overturned by sudden waves at any time. The feeling of powerlessness lingers in his heart all the time, and if he wants to live, he must constantly struggle with his fate.

When you can't protect yourself, who will protect you? Master, it's better to rely on others than on yourself!