Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 9: Buy a knife


Luo Yuan looked at Zhao Yali who fell asleep after crying, and gently picked her up, walked into her bedroom, and put her on the bed.

Luo Yuan was about to withdraw his hand when Zhao Yali, who was sleeping, seemed to feel something and suddenly hugged him tightly and whispered in her sleep: "Weiqiang, don't go!"

Luo Yuan had no choice but to stop his movements and remain motionless in this posture.

Gradually, something strange arose in his heart, but his eyes slid towards her legs without noticing.

Today, Zhao Yali was wearing a skirt. After returning home, she felt too hot and took off her pantyhose. At this time, a pair of snow-white plump thighs were completely exposed, and his hands were placed on her thighs.

Her skin is very delicate and soft. Putting his hands on it, it felt as if he were resting on soft cotton. Although Luo Yuan was not someone who took advantage of others, young people were the most unstimulated. Coupled with the stimulation he received this afternoon, seeing this scene The alluring sight made my mouth feel dry.

Luo Yuan cursed in his heart and turned around to stop looking, but the scene kept lingering in his mind.

Ten minutes later, when he saw that Zhao Yali's breathing gradually stabilized and she had fallen asleep, he gently pulled out his hand and walked away as if to escape!

After Luo Yuan took a shower, he turned on his computer and logged into Taobao.

He searched for the knife, and soon a lot of shops appeared on it.

Ever since the machete was returned to the police station, he felt a little sad, as if he had lost something. And in its current state, it was very necessary to keep a knife at home so that he could practice his sword skills.

Knives, especially long knives, are pipe products in China.

However, there are loopholes in any system. Swords and crafts can be traded at will, but swords cannot, and the only difference between them is whether they are edged or not!

Luo Yuan opened one of the shops. The prices of the swords inside were extremely high. Even the cheapest ones cost thousands, and the expensive ones cost ten thousand or twenty thousand. Luo Yuandian opened several stores, and they were all like this. He chose a most popular store and found that it could also be customized.

Luo Yuan thought that if he encountered a giant snake alone, an ordinary weapon such as a machete would obviously not be able to deal with the giant snake. One cut would probably not even be able to break through the snake. If he wanted to buy one, he would definitely buy a good and sharp knife. . After all, no one can guarantee that we will not encounter similar dangers again in the future.

He clicked on Taobao's dialog box and typed: "Do you provide customization here?"

After a while, the other party responded, without any politeness, and asked directly: "What material is it made of and what specifications are it?"

"It's about 1.45 meters long, suitable for chopping. What materials do you recommend?" Luo Yuan is 1.74 meters tall. With shoe soles, he is 1.76 meters tall. This length is most suitable.

"Generally, mainstream tools use tool steel, Feng Steel, 4Gr139, and Gr13, which can meet most needs. Of course, there are also imported special steels, but they are more expensive."

"Do you know what I want to do?" Luo Yuan asked curiously after hearing the underlying meaning of his words.

"What kind of secret is this? Nowadays, more and more people buy knives for self-defense. I have to receive hundreds of customers every day!"

"Do you have any good recommendations?" Luo Yuan thought for a while and typed.

"A very wise choice. I recommend using 154CM steel. It is corrosion-resistant, has strong blade wear resistance and toughness. Many famous knives use this steel. After heat treatment, the hardness can reach about HRC60. It can cut iron like mud. Because now Materials are scarce and I can get very few, so they are relatively expensive.”

"What's the approximate price?" Luo Yuan asked.

"Based on the weight, it's 11,000 kilograms, including the finished product. Of course, the price may be a bit exaggerated, but now that the price is rising every day, you may not be able to buy it even if you have money."

"Send me some pictures of samples." Luo Yuan didn't think that the other party was trying to cheat money. From the other party's tone and what he saw and heard in Gaotang Town, there were definitely no shortage of people buying cold weapons recently.

The other party was very efficient and quickly sent a dozen pictures. Luo Yuan looked at them one by one and liked one of the pictures that looked like a sword that could be used to attack with one or both hands.

"This is it. It weighs four kilograms. When can you send it to me?" Although four kilograms seems a bit heavy for his current strength and consumes a lot of energy, after all, his strength will increase in the future.

"The orders are now fully booked. You may have to wait for two or three days?" the other party replied.

"I'm in a hurry. If you send it out tomorrow, I'll add another three thousand!" Luo Yuan typed quickly, worried that the situation would continue to deteriorate.

The magic of money can detour time.

The other party seemed to be thinking, and waited for more than ten seconds before typing two words: "Five thousand! Also, use my card. The card number is *******. You need to pay first."

Luo Yuan hesitated for a while and then decided: "Okay, deal!"

Even if he was cheated, it would only be five thousand. He could fully afford it. Recent events had made him feel that the money in his hands was becoming less and less valuable. The most important thing was to spend it as soon as possible and exchange it for supplies.

… … …

The next day, around nine o'clock, Luo Yuan walked into the Delta Fitness Club.

He didn't intend to search. The reason why he walked into this fitness club was just because it was a large fitness club and it was the closest to his community.

His strength has not improved since his sophomore year. Although his strength has increased a lot compared to his sophomore year, he still does not meet the conditions for adding points. He decided to carry out high-intensity strength training during this period, hoping to automatically add points. Ever since he came back from the mountain yesterday, he had a sense of urgency about impending disaster and was eager to improve every aspect of his strength.

"Can I apply for a monthly card here?"

"of course."

The girl at the front desk looked young. Seeing Luo Yuan come in, she stood up shyly and introduced to Luo Yuan: "We have many options here. Three-year card, annual card, quarterly card and monthly card. In addition, there are sub-cards, which can enjoy basic fitness facilities. The monthly fee is 600 yuan. If you apply for an annual card, you can get a 50% discount. No matter which card, you can enjoy free showers and storage. luggage box.

In addition, we can also sign up for various training classes, yoga, freestyle, dance, swimming, and coach training. If you have special needs, you can also request personal trainer guidance and massage services, all of which require additional charges. "

Luo Yuan thought for a while: "How to apply for a quarter card?"

"One thousand and five dollars!"

"Then help me apply for a season card." Luo Yuan said.

The girl nodded, took out a form, handed it to Luo Yuan and said, "Please fill out the form first."

"By the way, how much does it cost to hire a personal fitness trainer?" Luo Yuan still has a lot of money in his card, and now is not the time to save money.

"One hundred yuan per hour. You can recharge the card, and it will be automatically deducted from the membership card when the time comes." Na Huan said with a smile.

"Then charge me one thousand."

After Luo Yuan filled out the form and paid by swiping his card, the girl gave him a membership card: "The number on the membership card is the number on your locker, and the locker is in the changing room."

Luo Yuan took the membership card and walked to the second floor. He found that the second floor was very large, covering more than a thousand square meters. It was divided into several areas. The middle area was lined with rows of straight fitness facilities. Today happens to be Saturday, which is the peak business period, and the fitness area is almost full.

There are not only white-collar workers wearing short sportswear, muscular men and urban women who are in shape and fitness, but also many elderly people and children.

When Luo Yuan came over, he didn't bring any clothes to change, nor did he go to the changing room. He walked directly to the fitness area.

He called to the service staff.

A tall waiter wearing a white tennis uniform with white thighs exposed walked over with a professional smile.

"I want a two-hour personal fitness trainer, preferably a professional one."

"Okay, sir, we are a regular fitness club here. We have many retired or active bodybuilders as coaches. Please wait a moment." The waiter smiled and took the membership card, turned around and left.

After a while, a middle-aged man wearing a tight vest and bulging muscles walked over, giving people a sense of oppression at first glance.

"Sir, are you interested in bodybuilding?" Perhaps because his facial muscles were too developed, his smile was a little stiff and full of energy.

"Call me Luo Yuan. In fact, I have no interest in bodybuilding." Luo Yuan has no interest in his muscles. Although such muscles look intimidating, they are extremely uncoordinated and have great strength at the expense of agility. , but its movements are slow and vulnerable in actual combat.

"I just want to make myself stronger and more endurance in the short term without losing my flexibility. This requires you to tailor a training plan for me, a high-intensity training plan." Finally, Luo Yuan Slightly emphasize your tone to show your determination.

"Of course, no problem. This is exactly my job." The coach smiled stiffly and continued: "High-intensity training is a process of destruction and regeneration of body tissues. Through scientific training, you can be reborn and become better." Stronger. If you haven’t done any warm-up exercises before, I recommend jumping rope for a while.”

The middle-aged man has seen many such customers. Most of them only last for three minutes. The better ones can last for four or five days. The worse ones will never come again after one day. After high-intensity training, the human body will become extremely sore, which is a severe test of people's perseverance. Most people in modern society live a comfortable life. After trying once, few people will stick to it.

"I came here on the run." Luo Yuan said.

"How long?" the middle-aged man asked slightly surprised.

"Half an hour." Luo Yuan thought for a while and said.

"Well, that's good. Since you have already done the warm-up training. So for the muscle exercises we are doing now, first I want to see your strength limit. Lie down on the bench press bed. Every time I add weight, you press it once. !" The middle-aged man found an empty bench and asked Luo Yuan to lie down.

"Relax your muscles, make your shoulders more natural, and take a deep breath. Well, that's good. I'm adding 60 kilograms now. You can try to push it."

Luo Yuan didn't use much force and pushed easily: "It's too light."

The middle-aged man added another five kilograms on both sides, and Luo Yuan still felt particularly strong. It wasn't until the weight reached 90 kilograms that Luo Yuan felt a little tired.

The final determined limit was ninety-five kilograms.

The middle-aged man's eyes were a little surprised. He didn't expect this young man who looked like a student to be so strong. Even he could only push 115 kilograms, which was supported by his muscles.

Luo Yuan breathed out, feeling quite satisfied with his strength.

My bench press strength during my sophomore year should have been 78 kilograms. At that time, the system's evaluation was still ten points. Each attribute point increases the strength by 50%. According to this estimate, the strength to reach 11 points should be about 100 kilograms. It is entirely possible to increase the strength to 11 points in a short period of time.