Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 100: Ten steps to kill a person


After Lin Zhen left the small building, he flew at a low altitude and soon found another hiding place.

This is a private house, Lin Zhen flew in without leaving any footprints.

Indoors, Lin Zhen was resting by the window, where he could observe the situation outside at any time.

"This time, if I can't find a place to break through, then the situation will be very passive, and breaking through is not that simple. I need to absorb dark energy stones, condense dark stars, and practice gravity. This process alone will take at least a day Even more time, I had to find a safe place."

"But now there are many people in Zhaodong County looking for my whereabouts. Where is the safest place?"

Lin Zhen has a headache. It is really not easy to find a safe place under such circumstances. No matter where he goes, there may be enemies attacking him at any time, and it is impossible for more than a day.

Looking up from the window, the ruins of Zhaodong Building stand high in the sky. From this angle, it is not even possible to see its top clearly.

A gust of wind and snow blows over, blurring the vision even more.

Even with Lin Zhen's physique, he shivered in this environment. It was a bit too cold this day, and the temperature might have exceeded minus 40 degrees.

"Hey! Got it!"

A flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Lin Zhen's mind, and he thought of an excellent location.

As soon as he opened his mind, Lin Zhen's mind became flexible, and a bold plan quickly formed in his mind.

"Just do this, wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, and there is no better way now."

Lin Zhen made up his mind, observed the surrounding situation, and then left the leaky house.

After going out, Lin Zhen didn't fly, but walked forward cautiously, the direction was the direction of Zhaodong Building.

Just after walking less than 100 meters, a white civet cat as big as a tiger jumped off the roof of the roadside and headed straight for Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen raised his spear to fight with the civet cat. This thing was very fast, but Lin Zhen was even faster. Ten seconds later, Lin Zhen shot out, and the white civet cat screamed and fell into a pool of blood.

Lin Zhen only had time to dig out the crystal of the civet cat, and had no chance to dissect it at all. There was a whistling sound from a distance: "This way! There is someone here, it is Lin Zhen, come quickly!"

On the roofs, on the top of the walls, figures one by one rose up and down, rushing here quickly.

"Damn it, it's delaying my money."

Lin Zhen had no chance to dissect the civet cat, so he could only leave quickly, running forward without stopping.

After running not far, an interceptor arrived, jumped out from behind the wall, raised his long knife and chopped Huashan with great force, and slashed at Lin Zhen's head.

"Hahaha! Where is Lin Zhen? Three billion is mine!"

"You are dreaming!"

This person is only a first-level warrior, and Lin Zhen didn't see it in his eyes. With a flick of the Black Dragon Spear in his hand, a flash of lightning flashed, leaving a corpse riddled with holes on the snow.

Lin Zhen kept walking, and jumped over the wall directly, trying to avoid the pursuers behind him, but just after jumping over the wall, he found that there was a second person preparing to turn over.

Seeing Lin Zhen jumping down from the wall, the warrior also laughed wildly, swirling the wind and clouds with the long sword in his hand, and slammed Lin Zhen's legs.

With no help in the air, Lin Zhen tapped his spear with the tip of his toe, and with the help of his mental power, he actually raised it one meter higher again, and abruptly dodged the man's sure-to-kill sword.

This person never dreamed that Lin Zhen would have such a move, and he was a little dazed when his sword failed.

Lin Zhen didn't care whether he was in a daze or not, and fired a condescending shot!


It was too late for this person to react. Lin Zhen shot his gun so fast that he could only block it with a huge sword, but how could the sword block Lin Zhen's heavy blow from the spear? The dead body of vomiting blood.

Lin Zhen originally wanted to make a fortune, but before he could make a move, two people jumped from the wall.

They were all junior warriors, and when they crossed over, they raised their long swords and slashed down.

Lin Zhen snorted coldly, sat down on the horse, and charged with a long spear!


"Puff puff puff puff!"

The torrent of golden gun light passed by, and the sound of long spears piercing through the body was accompanied by screams. The speed of the two people's swords was not as fast as that of Lin Zhen's. blood man!

Lin Zhen just wanted to put away the weapons of several people, and at least sell them for several million when he went back, but then three more people jumped over the wall like springs.

"Fuck! It's not over yet!"

Lin Zhen swung his spear. The speed of this kind of live target in the air was not as fast as him. He was not afraid at all. He did it in the same way, and another string of rainstorm gun lights flashed. Two of the three fell into a pool of blood again. One of them was a junior fighter. General, a level nine fighter.

The remaining third-level fighter was considered clever, and he used his companion's body to block Lin Zhen's blow and survived by luck.

This person is quite decisive, the warriors are all physically strong and powerful, he leaned his back fiercely, forced the wall to collapse, and shouted: "Lin Zhen is here, come quickly!"

There are several figures approaching quickly in the distance, and the speed of several of them is extremely fast, it seems that they are not only at the level of junior warriors.

Seeing this situation, Lin Zhen gave a wry smile. His current strength is not bad against low-level generals, but he is not so easy to deal with intermediate-level generals.

Regardless of this person, Lin Zhen drew his gun and turned around and ran away.

At this moment, the junior general jumped up, brandished a long knife and slashed at the back of Lin Zhen's head.

"I want to run away! Leave three billion to me!"

Lin Zhen frowned, and turned around to resist, but just as he turned around, the martial artist retracted his sword and backed away, and ran quite fast.

Lin Zhen saw that the other party was avoiding him, and he didn't want to get entangled with him, and when he wanted to leave again, this martial artist swung his knife and killed him again.

"Hahaha Lin Zhen, you don't want to leave today, even if I didn't kill you with my own hands, as long as I can entangle you and create opportunities for others, I believe that whoever gets three billion will not forget me as a hero, at least Can you give me three hundred and fifty million?"

"Three hundred and fifty million, I think you won't have that life."

"Tch, you are running away in a hurry now, I don't believe that you can kill me who is trying to avoid me in a few seconds, come if you have the ability."

With a wave of Lin Zhen's spear, he raised his hand to attack. The warrior didn't even resist, and immediately dodged to the side, sincerely wanting to fight Lin Zhen.

But when he dodged to the side, a silver light flashed by!

A flying knife cut his throat, and the blood flew, forming a stark contrast with Bai Xue in the air.

"Things that don't have a brain, but who can blame you for finding your own death? No wonder people say that people die for money and birds die for food. Three billion will make you lose your mind, and you will be useless in the future. Let me let you go."

Lin Zhen retracted the throwing knife. Seeing that the opponent's pursuers were about to kill them again, he didn't care about picking up the trophies of these people. He ran for two steps, suddenly flew up into the air, and quickly disappeared at the turning point in front of him.

When several intermediate warriors chased here, the place was already a mess, with six or seven corpses scattered on the ground, and the blood dyed the white snow into patches of blood red.