Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 111: revenge


Killing Ouyang Yu with one punch, Lin Zhenxin felt relieved. This person is not strong, but he is extremely annoying. In his previous life, Lin Zhen's first step was ruined by this person.

Although in this life, he can't be regarded as Lin Zhen's threat, but if he doesn't kill his enemy, what's the use of rebirth!

The other two junior generals had already fled without a shadow, and only Lin Zhen and Zhang Huai were left on the entire battlefield!

Although Lin Zhen was unarmed at the moment, Zhang Huai had completely lost the courage to fight against Lin Zhen. Facing the huge threat of death, Zhang Huai was about to collapse.

Seeing Du Yanhu being nailed to a distant wall with a single shot, and hearing Ouyang Yu's screams behind him, Zhang Huai couldn't even run away.

He stumbled and fell to the ground. He crawled forward with both hands and feet, and a smell of shame came out from his lower body.

Lin Zhen walked slowly behind him. Although each step was not loud on the snow, it felt like it was stepping on his heart, making him almost unable to breathe.

Turning to face Lin Zhen, lying back with his elbows and heels, Zhang Huai said in horror: "Lin Zhen, please forgive me, forgive me, although I have not been very friendly to you, but I have not caused you any harm. Hurt? You don’t even have the qualifications to threaten you now, you are as great as you, how can you not kill me who is not even as good as an ant?”

"Hehe! Do you think it didn't hurt me?" Lin Zhen asked with his head lowered.

"Of course... Ah! No, I also did something wrong. At the beginning, I agreed with that bastard Ouyang Yu to hurt your old man. This matter was my fault. I repented and cried bitterly because of it. I even prayed in front of God, asking God to forgive my sins. I am willing to spend the rest of my life to redeem my sins. After I go back, I will go to church as a priest and recite the Bible a hundred times a day... "

"What you said is really hype, even I think your mistakes don't seem to be unforgivable."

"Yes, yes, I still have salvation. As long as you forgive me, I can swear to be loyal to you from life to life, no matter what you and your family do."

"You said life after life, I guess it doesn't include past lives, right?" Lin Zhen asked him with lowered head.

"Previous life...?" Zhang Huai was taken aback for a moment, completely unable to understand what Lin Zhen was talking about.

Fragments of the previous life flashed in Lin Zhen's heart.

Several of his enemies here in Bingcheng in the previous life, Chen Jingchou died, Ouyang Yu died, and the only one left is Zhang Huai.

Lin Zhen's father, Lin Liye, died at the hands of Zhang Huai in his previous life, and Lin Zhen will never forget this.

"It seems that you don't understand. If you don't understand, you don't understand. There is no need for you to understand so much."

After Lin Zhen finished speaking, he turned around and began to walk back step by step.

After walking two steps, Lin Zhen lowered his head and began to collect the spoils on the ground.

Lin Zhen didn't have time to collect spoils in the previous battles, and Lin Zhen didn't have the habit of wasting. He didn't want to just throw away those weapons that cost tens of millions in the snow.

Seeing that Lin Zhen didn't seem to want to kill him anymore, Zhang Huai finally recovered a little, and slowly stood up from the ground.

He wanted to sneak attack Lin Zhen, but he didn't dare, he stood up and was ready to run.

Lin Zhen said to him at this time: "Did you see how Du Yanhu died?"

Zhang Huai froze for a moment, glanced at Du Yanhu who had been pierced to death by a spear, and looked back at Lin Zhen, not understanding why the other party said that.

He only saw Lin Zhen waving to that side, and the next moment, the bright silver gun flew back, penetrated Zhang Huai's body again, and flew back into Lin Zhen's hand.

"Let you see, just to make you mentally prepared, because the way Du Yanhu dies is the way you die."

Lin Zhen flicked the silver gun, dried the blood on it, and looked at the gun up and down. It was much, much stronger than the black dragon gun he had scrapped. It can be said that it is the best gun weapon that can be used in the general period. , second only to Lin Zhen's own ordering.

"If the old one doesn't go, the new one won't come, so you can stay with me for a while from now on."

Lin Zhen flicked his silver gun, and Zhang Huai's body slowly fell down.

So far, all of Lin Zhen's enemies in Bingcheng in his previous life have been crowned, not one left!

Breathing out a breath of white air, Lin Zhen looked up at the sky: "The previous life... has passed, and from now on, I am a brand new me."

The sound of chaotic footsteps came, and all the warriors who boarded the Zhaodong Building ran down at this moment.

Even they dare not jump off the thirty-six-story building, they still have to take the stairs or climb down obediently.

This process took more than three minutes even for warriors, but they never imagined that Lin Zhen would almost kill twenty warriors in just three minutes!

When these people went downstairs, Lin Zhen put away some weapons by himself. There was blood everywhere and corpses all over the ground, like a hell on earth.

Lin Zhen looked up at these people and smiled: "You are finally willing to come down, but it is a pity that you seem to be late, so I will not accompany you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Zhen took two steps back abruptly, jumped over a low wall, flew over a roof, and quickly ran into the distance.

"Lin Zhen! You bastard! Chase me! Whoever kills Lin Zhen will get the three billion!"

Li Tianhao's eyeballs were about to turn red. He had planned so hard for so long that he didn't even hurt a single hair of Lin Zhen. How could he be reconciled to this.

Lang Tianxiao, Yang Lie, Dong Xuefei, and Jiao Zan, the four high-ranking generals, immediately chased after them. Although Lin Zhen had advanced to the rank of generals, they were not easy. They didn't believe that Lin Zhen could be their opponent.

Normally, they might just sit on the sidelines, but it's about 3 billion, so they have to fight no matter what.

The six mid-level warriors discussed and quickly made a decision. The six formed a team and joined forces to hunt and kill Lin Zhen.

This is where the wild fighters die. If the general martial arts fighters in the base city are not as bold as these people, Lin Zhen's bloody killing did not deter anyone. They are very confident and proud.

"Let's chase after him too, we must not let Lin Zhen run away!" Li Tianhao also wanted to chase Lin Zhen, but was stopped by Lou Qingfeng.

"Master, with all due respect, Lin Zhen may not be easy to deal with, and my responsibility is to protect your safety. Now your behavior clearly poses a threat to your safety. I don't agree with you chasing after him."

Li Tianhao dared to chase Lin Zhen, the main reliance was Lou Qingfeng beside him.

With the spiritual teacher of this seventh-level warrior, Li Tianhao can run wild in the wilderness. Even if an eighth-level warrior like Lang Tianxiao is born with super speed, he is not afraid.

And Lou Qingfeng's identity is not his thug, Li Wanfeng even authorized Lou Qingfeng, if Li Tianhao insists on doing things his own way, Lou Qingfeng can knock him out and bring him back, this is why Li Wanfeng dared to let his son go out.

Sure enough, Lou Qingfeng said that he disagreed, and the Xiao brothers who wanted to take action didn't dare to move. As for Lao Hu, he didn't dare to take a step first.

"Mr. Lou, are we just watching Lin Zhen run away?" Li Tianhao was very angry, but he didn't dare to be rude to Lou Qingfeng.

"Master, Lin Zhen may not be able to run away. I dare not say anything about the others, but for Lang Tianxiao and Yang Lie, Lin Zhen should not be an opponent. Although the wind has stopped now, the road to Zhaodong is still blocked. Lin Zhen can't escape to Zhaodong, what are you worried about, Young Master?"

"Okay, I'll just wait here and see how Lin Zhen dies?"

Li Tianhao gritted his teeth and stopped at a sheltered place next to Zhaodong Building.

Lang Tianxiao and the others pursued for a certain distance and came to a crossroads.

"Which direction did Lin Zhen run?"

Several people were looking for footprints everywhere, but they couldn't find any traces.

"It is certain that this kid is headed in a certain direction. We will chase him in three ways. Yang Lie, you and me."

As Lang Tianxiao said, he led Yang Lie to chase the road ahead.

"Jiao Zan, let's go to the left, and I'll leave the right to the six of you." Dong Xuefei took Jiao Zan and chased to the left.

The remaining six mid-level warriors chased all the way to the right.

It's not that these warriors are not worried that Lin Zhen might ambush in a certain way to sneak attack, but in the eyes of several high-level warriors, Lin Zhen would never dare to sneak attack them, at most he would sneak attack those intermediate warriors.

So the high-level generals chased after him recklessly, but the intermediate-level generals were cautious all the way, lest Lin Zhen would suddenly come out from somewhere.

But along the way, none of their teams found any trace of Lin Zhen. Instead, they walked farther and farther away from the Lizhaodong Building.

Just after they left, Lin Zhen showed his head from a small building not far away.

When he got here, he used flying, turned a corner and flew into the small building. These people didn't know that he was a psychiatrist, and of course they didn't know that he was able to move forward without leaving a trace.

Jumping out of the window of the small building, Lin Zhen turned back to Zhaodong Building again.

At this time Li Tianhao was cursing in a sheltered place.

"Lin Zhen, you are lucky if you die. If you are caught by me, I will definitely make you regret why you came to this world. Then you will know that it is already a luxury to die smoothly."

Beside him, Lou Qingfeng stood there with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was about to fall asleep, but Lin Zhen knew that this was the most difficult enemy in Zhaodong.

Lao Hu was there talking with Li Tianhao, and scolding Lin Zhen from time to time, looking like a servile servant.

The Xiao brothers, on the other hand, rummaged through the battlefield to see if they could find anything of value.

"Lou Qingfeng is certainly difficult to deal with, but the Xiao brothers are also high-level fighters, and the two of them are very powerful together. If we don't solve one of them, I'm afraid it will be troublesome in a while."

Lin Zhen took a deep breath, and approached the building silently, like a leopard moving in the grass. Everyone present was his prey!