Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 120: Star crystal


After watching Tang Yu, there are still many people behind, some Lin Zhen has a slight impression, and some don't know at all.

Among them, the martial artist Song Tianming from the Southern Base City, Huang Yinglie from the Tianfu Base City, and others, Lin Zhen knew that they were all well-known in their previous lives.

The high-level generals introduced a total of ten people, all of whom were top experts. In addition, the intermediate generals and the junior generals also listed ten people each.

Because it is said that the ladder test is divided into three groups, each group for advanced, intermediate and junior, so the editor has done a lot of investigation.

Among the intermediate generals, there are three from Nanfang City, three from Beijing City, two from Modu, one from Northwest, and one from Tianfu. There is no Ma Mingxing name.

Among the junior warriors, the leader is a third-level warrior from the base city of the magic city, named Yin Qi, who is a psychiatrist and born with supernatural powers. experience.

In addition, Sui Changlong from Northwest Base City ranked second. It is said that the Northwest Army Wu took him as his future successor and was quite powerful.

After flipping through to the end, Lin Zhen didn't find his name among the junior generals.

This is also normal. It has only been four or five days since Lin Zhen was promoted to the general, and the editor may not have learned about Lin Zhen's situation.

Lin Zhen raised his head and said to Ma Mingxing and Zhang Yue who were still chasing each other, "Okay, you two don't do it anymore, there is no Ma Mingxing's name in the book."

Ma Mingxing was stunned for a moment: "What? I'm not there? Shit! The person who edited this book is out of his mind. No matter what my strength and appearance are, I should be on the list. I don't accept it!"

Zhang Yue curled his lips: "What are you dissatisfied with? My idol Lin Zhen is not on the list, who are you!"

"That's right. Although Lin Zhen can't show his strength, but his appearance is not inferior to mine, he should be on the list." Ma Mingxing is obviously a face control.

After thinking about it, Ma Mingxing returned to his bed: "Then Jianghuai from our base city is definitely on the list. There are few people who can compare with him. He must be number one."

"Forget it, the first one is a girl named Su Mingyue from the base city of the capital, tsk tsk, she is so beautiful, among the women I have seen, only An Ning in our ice city can compare with her. "Zhang Yue didn't know where he had seen An Ning, but he remembered the beauty of An Ning.

Ma Mingxing also nodded: "Su Mingyue does have this qualification. This girl is not only beautiful, but also super strong. We discussed it on the flying saucer when we came, and Jiang Huai also said that he has no certainty of defeating Su Mingyue."

After thinking for a while, he said, "There is also Li Changying from the northwest, he is also quite ruthless, he can compete with the boss of Jianghuai, and Zhou Xiangbei in the capital is also good, by the way... You Bingcheng seems to have one too. He's a bit strong, and he's quite handsome, he looks like he's called Yu, do you know him?"

"I know, Tang Yu, a disciple of the Great God Sect, a stinky guy." Zhang Yue curled his lips.

Ma Mingxing lay leisurely on the bed: "If you don't make the list, you won't be on the list. It doesn't matter if you don't make it in this kind of lace tabloid. As long as you can be at the top in the ladder competition, it's enough. The ultimate goal of coming here is to get on the stars. Fruit trees, those people will know my strength by then."

Several people talked briefly for a while, and then returned to **, opened the issued survival manual and looked at it.

Lin Zhen had heard of the star fruit tree in the training camp of the generals in his previous life, but he had never had the chance to see it, because after the second catastrophe, the star fruit tree was occupied by an extraterrestrial civilization, and no one on earth was allowed to approach it.

It was also at that time that the legend about the star fruit tree spread.

The star fruit tree itself does not bear fruit, but it blooms. The fruit is energy crystallization, and its fruit is particularly distinctive.

There are many kinds of star crystals, the most common one is the star core crystal. The flowers bloom and the fruit is revealed. The initial stage is the star core, which is a small shining round crystal, just like the core of the planet that Lin Zhen absorbed.

Above the star core, there are meteor crystals, also called meteor crystals. At that time, the fruit will be more cohesive, with a slightly driven light tail. At this time, the energy of the fruit is stronger. These two kinds of fruits are more suitable for junior warriors.

Above the meteor, there are comet crystals, the light tail is brighter and bigger, and the effect is stronger.

There are also satellite crystals on the comet. At this time, the fruit has initially entered the mature stage, and the energy will automatically form a small star shape on the flower. Comet crystals and satellite crystals are suitable for intermediate warriors to absorb. Of course High-level warlord absorption also has an effect, but the effect is not that strong.

There are planetary crystals on the satellite, and star crystals on top of the planetary crystals. These two are suitable for high-level warriors to absorb. It is said that if a level 9 warrior can absorb ten star crystals in a row, he can go straight to the God of War.

If high-level fighters absorb star core crystals and meteor crystals, the effect will be even smaller.

And the junior fighters want to absorb the star crystals, so the only way to go is to explode the dantian, so the road needs to be taken step by step, and the food needs to be eaten bite by bite.

The star crystal is the best star crystal that the star fruit tree can condense, and it is also the peak of the maturity period. After this period, the star crystal will begin to decay, gradually become a white dwarf star, the energy will pass, and finally form the shape of a supernova, cracking in the air dissipate.

Another characteristic of this star fruit tree is that after the energy crystal is picked, it must be absorbed and used within a short time, otherwise it will dissipate, and the energy crystal cannot be brought out of the crown of the star fruit tree, otherwise it will dissipate immediately.

So basically, whoever gets the star crystal is his, and if you want to hand it over to your companions, you have to move faster, otherwise it will be wasted.

In addition, there are some very special star crystals, such as those that contain some kind of power. If they can be mastered by warriors, it is a great opportunity. It seems that Tang Yu, who Lin Zhen knows, has obtained a star crystal with space power , As a result, he realized telekinesis teleportation, and became a super master.

Of course, this kind of star crystal is extremely rare. The star fruit tree has existed for so many years, and the training camp for god generals has also been opened for hundreds of years. Many of the old star crystals on it have been picked away, because the growth of star crystals also needs to be accumulated over time. , not a star crystal will grow at once, the first thing to grow is a star core crystal.

Therefore, it is not easy to find the old ones in the later stage, not to mention the kind of star crystals with special energy, which requires chance.

However, it is not easy to survive in the star fruit tree. It is as if a warrior can enter the canopy through the ladder, then it is almost equivalent to going to another world. Qi forms a cyclone, which will compete with the star fruit tree for energy, so the strong God of War will be attacked by those branches within the canopy. Once someone wants to advance to the god of war, they must leave the star fruit tree immediately.

Therefore, within the entire range of the canopy, all are fighters of the general level.

Surviving in such an environment, fighting monsters and humans is naturally not easy.

Moreover, this tree has grown for thousands of years, and many insects on the tree have mutated, becoming extremely fierce and huge, which is the biggest threat to warriors.

Since the end of the world, there have been almost no insects on the earth, except this star fruit tree. The strong breath of life here has allowed countless insects to gather, and after thousands of years of evolution, people can't tell whether these insects came from the earth or from the outer sky. Both.

Aphids that are more ferocious than pythons, ladybugs that are like houses, spiders that can eat people, praying mantises that can cut through steel, ants that are more ferocious than jackals, and so on, etc. These things are extremely threatening to warriors .

This survival manual introduces the types of bugs, their characteristics and weaknesses in detail, and Lin Zhen reads them carefully.

It's not that if he is reborn, he will be able to know everything. He can just remember some important and important events. It is impossible for him to know all of these things, so he has to learn.

The rest of the people were also attracted by the content of the book, Sun Tie didn't like to talk, and Ma Mingxing and Zhang Yue also calmed down rarely. The time passed quickly, and it was night in a blink of an eye.

Lin Zhen sat cross-legged in the bed, took out the metal virtual helmet from the space ring, and took out the chip that An Ning had given him.

After installing the chip and putting on the helmet, Lin Zhen learned the mental shock method.

The mental power impact method is to operate the mental power, let the mental power rush out of the body, and act on the brain of the human body. The method of exerting force is very complicated, and it is not easy to learn. With Lin Zhen's current talent, it will take a night to pass. It's just getting started.

For the next two consecutive days, Lin Zhen almost stayed at home and practiced the mental shock method indoors. People like Zhang Yue and Ma Mingxing had no choice but to see Lin Zhen not going out. Anyway, they couldn’t see it all day Their figures all ran out to play.

In fact, most of the warriors hardly stayed indoors for the past two days. The God Generals training camp is also an excellent opportunity to make friends. There is no doubt that he will be the main God of War in each base city, with many friends and many paths, few people can calm down and practice martial arts at this time.

Even Sun Tie in the dormitory disappeared early the next morning.

Two consecutive days passed, and it was not until the middle of the night on the third day of the training camp that Lin Zhen really mastered the mental shock method.

"Phew, this technique is really not simple. After learning it, it also makes me more refined in the use of spiritual power."

"This kind of mental shock is invisible, colorless, soundless, and directly acts on the mind. Anyone with weak mental strength will be knocked down directly. If the gap between my strength and my strength is too large, it is even possible to turn them into idiots with one blow. "

"However, this technique also has a flaw, that is, there will be backlash. Mental power is a double-edged sword. If you attack an opponent, you will also be stimulated. If the opponent's spiritual power is too strong, this move will not be so effective. Instead, it will stimulate your mind."

"My mental power has now stabilized to the mid-golden stage, and the golden breath of spiritual power in my mind has occupied nearly half. Among the warriors, there should not be many people who can surpass my spiritual power."

As the sky brightened, the dormitory building became noisy.

The martial artists got up one after another, and after breakfast, the team leader came to lead the team and rushed to the star fruit tree.