Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 122: The test of good and evil


With the climbing of fifteen martial artists, people's eyes are all focused on the big screen.

Because warriors are circling upwards, they will soon be invisible, but there are many small aircraft following them to shoot, and their situation can be fed back to the screen, so that people below can see it.

The trunk of the star fruit tree is two thousand meters high, and it winds upwards. This distance is doubled, and every warrior has to climb up to a height of four thousand meters.

This height is almost unattainable for ordinary people, but it is not too difficult for these warriors who have reached the level of warriors, especially in the beginning stage, almost everyone is trotting all the way up.

At the top of the big screen are five advanced warriors, in the middle are five intermediate warriors, and at the bottom are five junior warriors. The one that receives the most attention is the senior warrior.

One of these five senior fighters is from the capital, two from the south, one from Tianfu and one from Bingcheng.

The process of climbing is also a test of the warrior's physical strength, especially when there are competitors around, no one wants to be the last one, but Guo Mo said that if it takes too long, he will be eliminated.

So the first 400 meters is the fastest.

The five senior fighters are all energetic at the moment, and the first 400 meters took less than five minutes. Lou Qingfeng from Ice City was the first to board the first-floor platform.

A staff member immediately handed over the helmet, Lou Qingfeng took the helmet and sat down, then leaned on a recliner, and soon the virtual environment was connected.

The screen flickered a few times, and a picture appeared.

A little girl who was only eleven or twelve years old and seemed powerless was walking alone in an alley in the middle of the night, with a big backpack on her back, walking very hard. After seeing Lou Qingfeng, she immediately Reach out and say hello.

"Uncle, please help me."

Lou Qingfeng was at a loss for a moment, then saw the little girl and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Here is my father's money. I want to take it home for him, but I can't walk anymore. Can uncle help me carry it?"

Lou Qingfeng walked over, and the little girl put the backpack on the ground. It can be clearly seen from the untightened opening on the top that there are bundles of thousands of yuan bills inside. Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, no wonder the little girl couldn't carry it.

Lou Qingfeng looked around, it was dead of night, although he was a little confused why he was here, but he and this little girl were the only ones in this secluded alley right now, facing hundreds of millions of money, he was a little moved.

"Do you want to take the money away? This little girl doesn't seem to have any resistance. As long as I pick up my backpack and leave, she can't stop me."

The huge amount of money touched Lou Qingfeng's mind, making him in a dilemma.

He raised his hand slowly, as if he wanted to grab the backpack, and also the little girl, which made everyone present feel excited.

Someone in the ice city couldn't help shouting: "Don't want Lou Qingfeng! It's a virtual environment. If you act badly, you will be finished. You will be eliminated. Ice city can no longer be ashamed!"

Guan Shanyue glanced at the person who shouted: "It's useless, you can't hear him even if you shout, in a virtual environment, people will think that it is real, this is a test of a person's heart."

"It seems to be over?" Many people lowered their heads, unable to bear to look.

Lin Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly, he still had a little understanding of Lou Qingfeng.

When this person was in Zhaodong, he was very firm in his principles. He knew very well that his mission was to protect Li Tianhao, so when Xiao Tianzuo and Xiao Tianyou were killed, he didn't move.

But later, under the urging of Li Tianhao and the temptation of money, he still moved, and after Li Tianhao was killed, he also insisted on chasing and killing Lin Zhen, which shows that he still has certain principles. Although he is not a good person, he is also He is definitely not a bad guy, Lin Zhen still has a little confidence in him.

Sure enough, Lou Qingfeng's outstretched hand stayed in the air, and then glanced at the little girl: "Where is your home?"

"It's right there!" The little girl pointed to a door ahead.

"It's so close, go back by yourself!" After Lou Qingfeng finished speaking, he left the alley with a shake of his hand, and then there was a picture of the little girl coming home, and he didn't have to turn back.

At this point, the screen ended suddenly, and the system gave a score: "6.2 points!"

"Lou Qingfeng, he didn't give any help, but he didn't try to snatch it either. The score is 6.2, pass, pass!"

People in Bingcheng heaved a sigh of relief, Lou Qingfeng finally held on, although he didn't go to send the little girl off, it was still rare, no one can guarantee that he would not be tempted at that time.

The staff took off the helmet for Lou Qingfeng, Lou Qingfeng woke up, glanced left and right, and quickly began to climb to the height of 800 meters with a blank expression.

At this time, the next few high-level warriors also began to test.

However, these people are all good, three of them made the same choice as Lou Qingfeng, one of them hesitated for a while, and brought the little girl with the backpack to the door.

The five high-ranking generals passed the test smoothly, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and it is estimated that they will be fine when they go up.

The advanced fighters continued to climb, and the intermediate fighters also came to the first floor platform at this time, and the five of them began to test one after another.

Among the intermediate warriors, there were two people who had the same choice as Lou Qingfeng, and they chose to send the little girl to the door.

But there was a martial artist from Tianfu Base City, when the little girl was almost at the door, he grabbed the backpack and ran away!

The little girl was crying loudly behind him, but without any hesitation, he ran faster and faster, and soon disappeared at the entrance of the alley.

And the screen ended here, and the score given by the system was 3.0 points.

If he scored less than six points, he would be eliminated. There is no doubt that he was eliminated!

Many warriors watching burst into laughter, and some even cursed in Tianfu.

"Damn it! What, even snatching a child's money, this is a disgrace to our Tianfu warriors. We can't forgive this guy if he is eliminated. We must send his situation back to Tianfu Base City, so that He was denounced by thousands of people, homeless, and finally beaten to death on the street!"

However, there are also many people with solemn faces. It seems that this test is really not that simple. This proves that warriors in it cannot tell the truth from the fake, and they will think that they are in the real world, dark alleys, powerless little girls, huge money. These objective conditions are simply created to make people commit crimes. Not to mention these bloody fighters, even ordinary people, under such circumstances, it is estimated that many people will not be able to help but make mistakes.

So many people didn't laugh, but worried about their own fate. At that time, whether they can really hold on. Once they fail, it is not as simple as being eliminated, but a stain for a lifetime.

After the mid-level warrior from Tianfu took off his helmet, he looked left and right, his face turned pale, he left in a panic, and rushed down the road he came up.

He wanted to leave the God Generals training camp immediately, but it was stipulated that those who were eliminated would be arranged to leave in a unified way. During this period of time, he was destined to have a hard time.

After the intermediate warriors were over, the junior warriors also boarded the 400-meter platform. After all, their speed was still not as fast as that of the senior warriors and intermediate warriors.

These people took the stage panting, but most of them made it through.

It wasn't until the last one that Shen Tuhua from the base city of Ice City came on stage.

Every martial artist came to the stage, and there was an introduction on the big screen of the system. The introduction of Shen Tuhua was Shen Tuhua, a first-level fighter from the Gale Wind Martial Arts Hall in the base city of Ice City.

Many of the warriors present are also from Gaefeng Martial Arts in various base cities, such as Jiang Huai in the group of high-level warriors, this person is from the Gale Wind Martial Art Museum in Modu.

Seeing the same Gaefeng people, many people cheered for Shen Tuhua.

"Come on boy! Don't embarrass Gale."

"Little brother of Ice City, I support you, you must pass the test smoothly!"

Lin Zhen was also watching from below. Although he didn't like Shentuhua, as a member of Bingcheng, as a member of Gale, he still hoped that Shentuhua could pass the test, at least the first test must be passed.

As a warrior, you can be weaker in strength and a little less courageous, but if you don't even have the basic concept of good and evil, right and wrong, then you are not worthy of being a warrior, just like the Tianfu warrior just now. The base city was discredited.

Shen Tuhua put on his helmet, and the screen appeared.

In the dark alley, the little girl appeared again, beckoning Shen Tuhua to help.

After Shen Tuhua looked blank for a while, he looked at the little girl impatiently: "Go by yourself, I don't have time to coax the child."

"Uncle, help me, here is my father's money, I want to send it back to him." The little girl begged softly.

"Money? What money? Could it be the pocket money your father gave you?" Shen Tuhua said, but moved slowly, and came to the little girl.

When the little girl opened the backpack, Shen Tuhua's eyes suddenly lit up. From the eyes of the people below, his eyes lit up at this moment, like a close-up in a movie, which was extremely clear and made people see chills.

Shen Tuhua smiled and picked up the backpack: "Okay, uncle will send you off, but uncle doesn't know where your home is, so you can lead the way."

"Okay, my house is nearby. Uncle, come with me." The little girl said, bouncing forward, and Shen Tuhua followed behind.

The warriors in Ice City were relieved to see this, Shen Tuhua is still doing well.

But just as he was approaching the door of the little girl's house, Shen Tuhua made a move that was beyond everyone's expectations!

He actually quietly took out the sword, taking advantage of the darkness, and stabbed the little girl in the back silently!

There were no screams, no blood flowing, the scene ended here, and it was enough to test a person's character. Shen Tuhua scored zero points! Knockout!