Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 135: Lin is really a small nest


It was a pleasure to hear such a beautiful voice in this barren dense forest, but Lin Zhen suddenly felt a little nervous.

Turning her head abruptly, as expected, Su Mingyue was dressed in white, standing pretty not far away, looking at Lin Zhen with a frosty face.

Lin Zhen didn't need to say anything to ordinary students, but Su Mingyue was different.

It's not because Su Mingyue is a super beautiful woman, nor is it because she is a saint of Shenzong, admired by thousands of people.

It was because of Su Mingyue's bravery in his previous life. At that time, Lin Zhen saw Su Mingyue died fighting for the earth people but did not have the courage to rescue him. Although he did not have the corresponding strength at that time, he still felt guilty.

Su Mingyue is undoubtedly a good girl, beautiful and has a sense of justice, but at present she has been brainwashed by religion, Lin Zhen has nothing to do with her.

What's more, the current Lin Zhen is really not Su Mingyue's opponent.

Su Mingyue was able to say: "Idol, where are you going?" This sentence proved that she heard Zhang Yue's call that day and thought of who it was.

Lin Zhenxin scolded Zhang Yue inwardly, he could really cause trouble for himself, but now he had to deal with Su Mingyue first.

"Ha! What a coincidence, Su Shengnv is also here."

"Well, things in the world, sometimes just happen by coincidence." Su Mingyue responded lightly.

Lin Zhenzhen said: "Although I am very happy to meet Su Shengnv, but here in the wilderness, there is a difference between men and women after all, and we may cause gossip if we spend more time together, so I will leave first."

Su Mingyue's face was calm and unwavering: "I am the Holy Maiden of Shenzong, and everyone in the world is God's people, so they should be together, so why gossip, do you think too much about idols?"

Lin Zhen twitched the corners of his mouth: "Although I think I'm handsome, I've never been a celebrity, especially in the base city of the capital, and I'm unknown. It's better for Su Shengnv not to call me an idol. I really don't dare to be an idol." .”

"They are all students of the same period. If others can call you well, can I not?" Su Mingyue stood on a high place and looked down at Lin Zhen. She could clearly see the embarrassment on the other side's face, and there was a trace of pleasure in her heart. This damned little thief should be teased and teased.

"If you really want to call me, there's nothing you can do, but the idol is busy now, so I won't accompany you."

As Lin Zhen spoke, he turned around and was about to leave.

But Su Mingyue said again: "Why is the idol leaving in such a hurry? I know there are three star crystals in a place, why don't you go and see if there is a chance to strike?"

"Ha! Well, I don't have time now. Since you found out, it's yours. I won't fight for it."

"Since you know this truth, why did you start to snatch it back then? Lin Zhen, I still think you are a talent. Have you never read the teachings of the gods? First, you disrespected the true god, and later you regarded the plight of your classmates as a I don’t care about it, I just want to grab the star crystals, do you know what I’m doing here on the platform now?”

Lin Zhen shook his head, expressing that he was not clear.

"Xiaowei, Xiaoyu, the two of them were seriously injured in the battle, and they can no longer continue to explore. They can only go back to the platform and choose to quit. The training camp they joined with great difficulty, just quit like this. In the future, they can only do An ordinary person, I came to send them away."

"Really, that's really a pity." Lin Zhen clicked his lips, looked left and right, looking for a place to escape quickly.

Su Mingyue was a little excited just now, but quickly calmed down again, and took a deep breath: "I want to save you, you can join our Shenzong."

"Join Shenzong?" Lin Zhen was taken aback.

"That's right, join Shenzong, otherwise your disposition will be a disaster sooner or later, but you are a rare talent. After all, under such circumstances, not everyone can steal the star crystal, but you did, I I told you before that I would save you, and now it's time for me to fulfill my promise." Su Mingyue said solemnly, her nature was indifferent, and she would not appear excited when she said or did anything.

Lin Zhen thought for a while: "Shenzong... oh, I see, it's the religion that puts his hands together before he wants to do something, and then talks about Amitabha."

Su Mingyue's watery peach blossom eyes showed a trace of anger: "Why are you so ignorant? What you are talking about is Buddhism in the Christian era. Don't tell me you don't know anything about the teachings of the True God of the Starry Sky? That's how it is."

As she said that, Su Mingyue's eyes were slightly closed, a jade hand covered her tall chest, and she opened her mouth lightly: "I can live under the starry sky, I can bathe in the night, my soul..."

After speaking more than a dozen sentences in a row, Su Mingyue just finished the opening remarks of Shenzong believers, and then opened her eyes: "It's like this, from now on... you damn little thief!"

When he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Zhen's clothes disappearing into the shade.

This kid didn't listen to what she was saying at all, but deliberately tricked her into reading the opening words, because Shenzong's opening words need to be read with eyes closed, and he is a spiritual teacher, so he can activate it silently and leave quietly.

"It's not that easy to go! I'll see where you can go!"

Su Mingyue has been a saint since she was a child, and she has always been admired by others. When she met Lin Zhen, she didn't give her any face as a saint. Even if she already felt very embarrassed, she took the initiative to ask to save Lin Zhen. Really, the other party not only didn't appreciate it at all, but even put her as a saint.

A rare expression of anger appeared on Qiao's face, and she didn't even care that Tang Yu was still waiting for her to go back. At this moment, she wanted to catch Lin Zhen and teach him a lesson without saying a word, so that this disrespectful god You guys know that the gods who save the world not only have divine grace, but also divine power to punish you for blasphemers.

But the bushes were deep and dense, Lin Zhen still ran out a long way first, it was undoubtedly extremely difficult for Su Mingyue to pursue.

But she still pedaled the flying shuttle and chased after him with a sword. She believed that as long as she didn't give up, Lin Zhen would definitely be found by her.

She flinched at this level of difficulty, but it wasn't her character of the Holy Maiden of the Divine Sect.

Lin Zhen threw Su Mingyue away, ran all the way and then turned a corner, even deliberately left a little trace on the way, and then quietly went back to the river, going upstream along the river.

This is a huge trunk, even wider than the Yangtze River. In the middle of the trunk, a river that gathers moisture such as rain and dew winds down the tree.

The river is more than ten meters wide, and the current is turbulent. From time to time, waves are stirred up and beat against the shore.

"Well, this river is not bad, and the depth is quite suitable. As long as you walk along here, you will definitely be able to find a hidden place."

After walking up the river for about three hours, Lin Zhen finally found a suitable place.

Above the river, there is a branch of a tree, and water flows down from above, pouring into the river, forming a waterfall.

The angle of the branches under the waterfall is very steep, and the river is turbulent. It is here that the water volume of the river begins to increase.

And there is a gentle slope behind the branches, forming a small pool with a diameter of about 30 to 40 meters. The water quality is extremely clear, and it is rare that there are no insects here.

Below the water pool is another river, rushing down. There were countless branches and leaves lying there before, and it was very difficult to get close. If Lin Zhen was not looking for the water source, he would not have found this water pool.

"Okay! There are waterfalls, rivers and pools, and this is where they are!"

Lin Zhen made up his mind to settle down here. After looking around, he found that there was an open land on the bank of the pool, which was just suitable for living.

But Lin Zhen didn't intend to build a thatched hut, it was entirely to provide targets for other warriors.

He found a tree pit on the open ground, and Lin Zhen found some flower petals and laid them here, and repeated several layers until he felt comfortable enough before it was over.

After the simple nest was built, it was already night, and Lin Zhen was resting here.

Lying in the nest, looking up, Lin Zhen was surprised to find that the sky could be seen through the gap above this place.

Although what he saw was only a small part, this was the first time Lin Zhen saw the sky when he came to the Star Fruit Tree.

It was late at night, and the night was cold, and a new moon appeared on the horizon. The crescent moon was curved like a hook, looming in Lin Zhen's sight.

"It's really a good place. It would be great if we could find Xingjing here again. Unfortunately, I don't have such a sensitive nose as Zhang Yue."

"For the time being, there is no way to leave the Star Fruit Tree, and I don't know what's going on at home?"

Lin Zhen thought for a while, and suddenly remembered a question. Counting the time, there are still four or five days before the Chinese New Year.

It has been several months since he was reborn, and he is about to usher in his first new year.

In his previous life, he was in the interstellar world, and no one accompanied him to celebrate the new year, because it was difficult for him to meet people on earth in the interstellar world. In order to integrate with other races in the country, the customs on the earth are gradually forgotten.

What's more, even if they meet, they may not be Chinese.

Except for the Chinese people on the earth, no one would celebrate the New Year. Later, Lin Zhen almost forgot that there was such a festival.

"Forget about the new year this time, when it becomes more stable in the future, try to spend every new year with your family."

After lying down for a while and resting, Lin Zhen stood up and came to the edge of the pool.

I bent down and took a handful with my hands, feeling that the water was very cold, but it was nothing to a warrior.

"If you want to practice Changhe Spearmanship, you must first master the profound meaning of the river water. Look at the water flow, which has been stirring here for a long time, rushing endlessly. Just after one wave passes, the next wave will come immediately. If it is used in actual combat, it will be difficult for the enemy to parry."

"Whoever masters this profound meaning will be the king of the protracted war. Once the offensive is launched, no matter who the opponent is, they will be defeated by this endless attack. This is the long river!"

"First, let me feel the wave power of the river!"

Lin Zhen took off his clothes three times and twice, only wearing a pair of shorts, holding a bright silver gun, and jumped into the raging river!