Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 137: Lin Zhen is a long river of lightning!


Returning to the nest with the comet crystal, Lin Zhen hurried in, covered himself with leaves, and took out the comet crystal.

The comet crystal dragging its long tail looks dazzling and incomparably gorgeous, and Lin Zhen can feel the energy contained in it when holding it in his hand.

"My current realm has just broken through to the early stage of the fourth-level warrior. It is said that I should absorb the comet crystal slowly, but now time is running out. It is better to get this thing into my stomach earlier to be safe."

Lin Zhen took the comet crystal and placed it on the lower abdomen of Dantian.

The powerful energy injection made Lin Zhen's dantian expand wildly again!

This practice lasted for a full thirty minutes before the comet crystal was completely absorbed.

No matter absorbing any kind of star crystal, the first effect is the best. After Lin Zhen absorbed this comet crystal, his dantian gas jumped from the primary peak to the middle stage. Although he did not reach the peak, he also made great progress. big.

"It's so powerful. In just a few days, I went from the peak of the third level to the middle of the fourth level. This star fruit tree is indeed a holy place for cultivation."

"However, this is only because of the first absorption. The effect of absorbing comet crystals in the future may not be so good. According to the records in the survival manual, the effect of absorbing the same star crystals will become worse and worse. Yes, and the higher the realm, the more energy is needed to advance. I want to advance to the late stage of the fourth level. I am afraid that I need seven or eight comet crystals. If I want to reach the fifth level, it is difficult to do without twenty or thirty."

"As for the sixth level, I'm afraid only satellite crystals will be effective, but fortunately, I still have plenty of time."

After Lin Zhen absorbed it, he stood up contentedly, thinking that there were still two comet crystals that were about to mature waiting for him, and he was in a good mood for a while.

Seeing that it was almost night, Lin Zhen ate some compressed biscuits and came to the river again.

"Yesterday, I have realized the artistic conception of being as tall as a mountain, which means that I can freely practice spears in the river, so today, I will come to cultivate the long river."

"It's not an ordinary long river, but my Lin Zhen's unique skill, Lightning Long River!"

After taking off his clothes, Lin Zhen went into the water again, and the cold river water lifted his spirits.

Holding the bright silver gun in his hand, despite the impact of the waves, Lin Zhen was silently thinking.

"According to the Changhe Cheats I've read, if you want to make the long spear unfurl like a river, the first thing you need to do is to shoot the spear like a wave."

"Shooting guns like waves is not so easy to do. For example, the wave in front of me, it comes in waves. If I use the waterfall and hit each other, I can completely offset this wave, but when he makes the next wave When it strikes, I'll be exhausted."

"The profound meaning of the waterfall is a one-time attack, and the wave is actually to make the power of the waterfall continuous. I will try it now."

Lin Zhen stood still and waited for the next wave to come. With a flick of the spear in his hand, a waterfall!

The golden lightning ions are shining in the night sky. On the one hand, they meet with the rushing real river and the man-made waterfall like huge waves on the other in the sky!


Like fireworks bursting, waves splashed everywhere, this wave did not rush down at all, and the water flow wet the surrounding shores.

The river lost the supply of the follow-up wave, and there was a momentary stagnation!

If you stand on the shore and look at it, you will see that the river behind Lin Zhen has sunken down, which is caused by the subsequent water flow not following up.

But the waves are endless. Lin Zhen resisted one wave with a waterfall, and the next wave came immediately. Lin Zhen couldn't use the second waterfall in a short time.

He raised his spear and used it reluctantly, but it had no effect at all. The wave crashed down. Although Lin Zhen didn't fall down, he became a drowned chicken in no time. The spray that covered his head and face made him extremely embarrassed.

"Sure enough, the situation is basically the same as I expected. I can't use the waterfall continuously, so I can't fight the wave."

"The real long river is to be used like a river rushing. If you continue to use it, you can even stop the river. How can I do this?"

"According to the step-by-step training in the secret book, it may take a year and a half to practice, and I obviously don't have that much time to waste, so I can only do it quickly."

After a while, Lin Zhen used the waterfall again, but he was still hit by the wave the second time, failing to stop the river from flowing.

After repeating this more than a dozen times, Lin Zhen was tired and rested on the shore for a long time.

"It still doesn't work, I haven't grasped the essence, what's wrong?"

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Zhen didn't have a clue, so he simply let go of this burden of thought for the time being, and fantasized wildly in his mind.

Past life, present life, relatives, friends, enemies, ideals, pursuits, everything flashed through Lin Zhen's mind like a movie.

"I want to earn 40 billion yuan so that my parents can have the ability to practice again. In the future, even if I use resources to pile up, I will let them live in peace, so that I will not be alone in the days to come."

"I have experienced many major events in my previous life, and many things have been planned in my heart. This time, I can't stay in the training camp of God Generals for too long. The time must not exceed five years, or even four years, because I still remember that in my previous life, Ice City Base The city fell and was occupied by mutant beasts, that time was truly a catastrophe for mankind, countless people died in that battle, and only a few capable people left."

"So I have to rush back before that, do my best to prevent the ice city from falling, and at least save more people."

"I'm not a merciful saint, but I know how helpless people on Earth are when alien civilizations come. In this life, I want to pursue the pinnacle, and the lineage of the earth must also be in this starry sky and myriad worlds." Live forever and be admired.”

"Those master geniuses of extraterrestrial civilizations, if you want to come to Earth to do whatever you want, you have to ask me, Lin Zhentong, if I agree!"

"Those who once died fighting for the earth, you are all heroes, I will try my best to let you live, and before that, I will send you to hell for all those who stop me from climbing to the top, no matter you are good or bad .”

At this time, Lin Zhen thought of Su Mingyue, this troublesome saint, and it was not easy for her to recognize the true face of the so-called Starry Sky God as soon as possible.

And An Ning, An Ning's family still doesn't agree with him and An Ning's matter, Lin Zhen has to settle it when he goes back.

Thinking of An Ning's kindness to him and her gentleness like water, Lin Zhen unconsciously smiled.

"Hmm... water!"

Like a thunderbolt in the night sky, this word flashed in Lin Zhen's mind, and he seemed to grasp something at this moment.

"Water... what am I thinking? Just a little bit, what is water?"

Lin Zhen stood up abruptly, looked down at the river, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

"Water is the source of life. Humans, mutant beasts and even insects cannot do without it. Water is formed drop by drop... No matter rivers, lakes or oceans, they are all made up of tiny water droplets..."

"Water is flowing or still. It can bring life or take life. It can carry a boat or overturn it... Moody."

"Ocean currents bring climate change, water currents nourish the earth, water is... I get it!"

Lin Zhen suddenly looked up at the sky, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Water is water! If you want to truly be like a wave, you must understand the characteristics of water. If you want yourself to be like a drop of water, whether it floats or sinks at will, or drifts with the current, only if you understand water can you become water and let you The attacks are endless, like the Milky Way hangs upside down!"

Thinking of this, Lin Zhen took a deep breath, and then pulled out the silver gun, like a diver in the Christian era, and plunged into the rolling water.

The bright silver spear was very heavy, and directly sank Lin Zhen to the bottom of the river. Lin Zhen lay on the river bed, letting the water flow by him.

Gold and silver lights shone in his eyes. Through the moonlight, Lin Zhen saw the twisting shadows of the trees on the river bank, and saw the swaying crescent moon in the sky between the trees.

He could even count the white bubbles in the river, he could vaguely feel the wind, and he could clearly feel the direction of the water flow.

He gradually let go of his hand, letting go of the silver gun, his body began to rise and fall with the waves.

Gradually, his arms swayed gently, and unconsciously found the rhythm of the water flow, sliding without the slightest ripple.

He stopped breathing, and the dantian qi in his body began to slowly circulate. This is the ability of warriors in the general stage, and they can hold their breath underwater.

"I am the current now, the water will not hurt me, the water is one with me, and I will go with the current without hitting anything."

His body floated silkily with the current, passed a turn of a tree, but slid past it lightly, without any contact with the tree.

"Water has flowed downhill since ancient times. Now I can feel the changes in the water flow, and I can even feel the existence of water molecules. I can swim lightly in the water without using any effort. This is The power to go with the flow is called going with the flow.”

"Whether it is a wave or a wave, they all move with the current, and now I am the water, and I am the current! I am the wave, and I am the giant wave of the Milky Way sweeping across the sky!"

Lin Zhen, who had been lurking in the water for more than 20 minutes, suddenly opened his eyes, slammed his hands on the river bed, and quickly slid to the bright silver gun. He picked up the bright silver gun and burst out of the water!

The spear in his hand trembled, a violent storm roared, and the shadow of the spear emptied out like a huge wave, attacking fiercely towards the rushing tide!


In the splash of water, the first wave collapsed, and the second wave smashed down.

"Come again!"

Lin Zhen let out a loud roar, his body muscles exerted strength, lightning ions illuminated the night sky, and the second shot was fired brazenly!


There seemed to be a heavy rainstorm on the river bank, and the second wave of the wave disappeared under the attack of Lin Zhen's spear, and the river behind Lin Zhen lost the replenishment of two waves in a row. This time, it really stopped flowing!