Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 139: Shameless Lin Zhen


In the early morning, Lin Zhen crawled out of the river, almost exhausted from exhaustion.

Lying on the river bank on his back, his chest heaved violently, but Lin Zhen was in a very good mood.

After a day and a night of experimentation, he could only launch 30 waterfall attacks in a row at the beginning, to the current 300 times, which has increased by ten times.

"Every blow is a waterfall. With such an attack intensity, it is absolutely difficult for ordinary warriors to resist. My Lightning River has initially formed its combat effectiveness."

"But I don't need to leave in a hurry. If I practice here for a while, I will at least let the two meteor crystals mature before leaving."

Thinking of the meteor crystal, Lin really cheered up a bit, counting the time, the meteor crystal on the right should be mature soon.

After adjusting his breath on the spot for a while, Lin Zhen felt that his state had recovered a little, he got up and left, and went to the place where Meteor Crystal was again.

When he got here, Lin Zhen climbed up, lifted the cover he had put down, and saw that the two meteor crystals were there.

The one on the right has grown a lot, and should turn into a comet crystal within a few hours.

"Great, with this comet crystal, my strength will be further improved. Although I can't enter the late stage of the fourth-level warrior, I can take a big step forward in the middle stage."

Seeing that the meteor crystal was about to mature, Lin Zhen didn't want to go back to Xiaowo, so he just meditated here and adjusted his breath.

After a night of hard training, his dantian qi has been basically exhausted, and the breath adjustment just now is just a drop in the bucket, and he needs a period of time to recover.

But less than once, Lin Zhen suddenly opened his eyes!


The five senses of the Psychiatrist are very sharp, and even the sixth sense is more aura than ordinary people. He feels that something is staring at him.

"What? Looks like some kind of predator."

Lin Zhen looked around, trying to find the killer lurking in the green bushes.

Surrounded by verdant green leaves, swaying gently in the breeze, Lin Zhen looked at it for a while but found nothing.

He turned his head and looked back, and there was nothing behind, but the feeling of danger became stronger and stronger.

"It must be some kind of mutated insect, but what kind of insect can give me such a dangerous feeling? It's lurking nearby, why can't I find it."

Thinking about it, Lin Zhen had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and suddenly remembered the knowledge introduced in the survival manual.

Some insects can use the color of their body as camouflage, lurking in a place similar to its color, so that it is difficult for prey to find its existence and facilitate its sneak attack.

"There are green leaves all around me, so this insect must be green too. I just ignored this, so I'll look for it again."

This time, Lin Zhen focused on these leaves, his mental power began to spread outward, and all five flying knives were lifted into the air, ready to face the sudden appearance of predators at any time.

"over there!"

Suddenly, Lin Zhen saw something like a green branch less than five meters away from him.

Its emerald green body is almost integrated with the leaves, and its length is more than five meters. There are a pair of two-meter-long sharp knives on its forelimbs, and its black eyes will occasionally blink slightly.

That is a mutant praying mantis!

Among the insects, the praying mantis is definitely a fierce general. Its serrated praying mantis knife is definitely a sharp weapon for slaughter. Even other mutant insects can be easily dismembered, let alone humans.

Just when Lin Zhen found this mutant mantis, the mantis also moved!

With a silent vertical movement, the long dismembered body came in front of Lin Zhen, and a praying mantis knife swung at Lin Zhen fiercely!

If he was cut by this knife, Lin Zhen would definitely be cut into two halves. Lin Zhen didn't dare to be careless, and quickly leaned over, and the mantis knife passed over his head.

The bright silver gun appeared in his hand, and Lin Zhen immediately launched a counterattack!


A spray of spear light rained over, but the mantis just blocked most of Lin Zhen's attacks with its mantis knife. Some spear lights hit the mantis' body, but only left a light white mark.

"The shell of this thing is so hard, it's useless in heavy rain!"

One shot failed, Mantis swung another Mantis Knife over again, this time the speed of the attack was like lightning, this is Mantis' hunting instinct, speed!

Lin Zhen didn't even have time to dodge. In desperation, the liquid metal instantly turned into armor, and a large chunk bulged up on his shoulders, blocking the knife from the mantis.

The powerful impact directly chopped Lin Zhen off the branch, and the liquid metal was also dented a lot, but it quickly returned to its original shape.

Lin Zhen could only feel the qi and blood surging in his chest, and the corners of his mouth could not help but overflow with blood. Although the bones were not broken, the impact still injured his internal organs.

"What a powerful praying mantis, it seems that the newly learned long river will not work."

Lin Zhen stabbed the praying mantis with five flying knives, but he couldn't even break the opponent's shell. These five flying knives were bought by Lin Zhen a long time ago, each for 200,000 yuan, and now they can't keep up with the times up.

The mantis quickly jumped down from the tree trunk, and quickly rushed towards Lin Zhen again.

"Bastard! I really think I'm easy to bully! Come on!"

Lin Zhen became ruthless, and the artistic conception of being as tall as a mountain was instantly opened. The bright silver gun in his hand drew a mysterious arc, and the waterfall rushed out with one shot!


The huge impact echoed in the forest, and the tree trunk under Lin Zhen's feet let out an unpleasant groan, and it split open abruptly.

Although it was a small branch, it was more than one meter thick, and it didn't block the impact of the praying mantis!

The praying mantis also neighed, and flew backwards.

A single slash did not knock Lin Zhen back at all!

Lin Zhen succeeded in one blow, and he didn't show mercy on the spot. He followed up with a single stride, the river of lightning!

A golden flash of lightning flashed across the forest, and the light of the long spear crashed down like a river hanging upside down.

Although Mantis's Mantis Knife blocked Lin Zhen's attack again, it couldn't absorb the impact force, and was sent flying by Lin Zhen again abruptly, hitting a tree trunk.

"Come again! I'll kill you while you're sick!"

Lin Zhen circulated the few dantian qi and punched it again.

After more than a dozen consecutive attacks, Lin Zhen finally caught the mantis' opening and pierced its head with one shot!

Picking up the spear, a crystal flew out from the head of the mantis, and was about to fall to the tree, but was sucked by Lin Zhen in the air, and was directly put into the space ring.

Losing the crystals it depended on for survival, the mantis could no longer stand up, twitched a few times and then died completely, changing from a hunter to Lin Zhen's prey.

"I finally got rid of this difficult guy. This is simply the scariest insect I've encountered in the jungle. If I hadn't just learned the long river, I wouldn't be a match for this thing."

Lin Zhen tore off his tattered and out-of-shape clothes. This praying mantis was too difficult to deal with, and his clothes were all torn during the battle.

After throwing down the clothes, Lin Zhen sat down on the ground, feeling that his hands and feet were weak, and his chest was also very uncomfortable.

Although the shock caused by the knife of the mantis was not serious, it still took some time to recover.

Lie on the tree trunk with hands and feet spread wide for three full hours before Lin Zhen stood up and meditated with breathing adjustment for another two hours before he recovered half of his state.

"It seems that I can't practice Changhe anymore tonight. I should quickly collect the star crystals and go back to absorb energy. As long as I absorb the energy in the star crystals, my state will be fully restored, and my realm will also improve a lot."

Lin Zhen got up, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts all over his body, and didn't bother to take out clothes from the space ring to change, and climbed up the flowering tree trunk again.

Back here, one of the meteor crystals has really advanced, it has just evolved into a comet crystal, dragging its long tail, floating above the stamen.

"Great, this is my second comet crystal. I'm going to take it back to the small nest to absorb it. After all, it's not very safe here."

Lin Zhen didn't pick the comet crystal immediately, but came down and dismembered the corpse of the praying mantis, turned it into a saw with liquid metal, cut off two huge praying mantis knives, and put them into his space ring.

The Mantis Knife has not been cracked after being hit by the long river many times. This is the hardest part of the Mantis, and its quality is much better than that of the Bright Silver Spear.

In addition, Lin Zhen also unloaded a mantis leg, which was as thick as a pillar, and took it back for a barbecue. Although there was no seasoning, it was much better than eating beef jerky compressed biscuits every day.

After doing all this, Lin Zhen took off the comet crystal.

After the comet crystal was picked off, it had to be absorbed within ten minutes. Lin Zhen immediately carried the mantis leg, and quickly went to his small nest.

Passing through several tree trunks, there was a splashing water in front of him, Lin Zhen walked across the river and returned to the small nest.

But as soon as he climbed up from the river, he saw something that surprised him.

Su Mingyue was wearing a white priest's dress with a golden ribbon around her waist, her exquisite body was squatting slightly, and she was checking her little nest.

Lin Zhen didn't have time to tidy up when he left, and the small nest was still covered with petals, which looked like it was inhabited.

Su Mingyue heard the voice, looked up, and suddenly her beautiful little face was flushed, she turned her head away, and said, "Shameless!"

Lin Zhen was stunned for a moment. His first reaction when he saw Su Mingyue was to run, but when he thought about running, he wanted to go. After finally finding such a place, he didn't want to leave.

Just thinking about how to deal with it, when she heard her say that she was shameless, Lin Zhen looked down and was immediately embarrassed.

The clothes on his body were thrown away by him and he hadn't had time to change them. There was only a pair of boxers all over his body, and he had just crossed the river and made them wet and stuck to his body. The huge thing underneath was clearly visible like a snake. Almost protruding from the edge of the body.