Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1434: Inheritance of Mythology


Holding this bottle of life gene medicine in his hand, Lin Zhenxin was thoughtful.

But after thinking about it for a moment, Lin Zhen raised his head and swallowed the life gene medicine directly.

This is the ninth-level life gene. After entering the abdomen, a hot breath filled the whole body.

There is no need for others to guide, and no one can guide Lin Zhen. Even the master of mythology in front of him probably has not completed the cultivation of the ninth-level mutated life gene.

It is enough for Lin Zhen to completely integrate it into his blood.

But this process is not easy!

The blood of the ferocious beast enters the abdomen, and the first thing in the body to react is the dead breath of Tiansha!

The death aura of Tiansha seemed to be stimulated by something, and it swelled with a bang, and then Lin Zhen's body uncontrollably transformed into a black hole beast avatar!

Originally, there were dark scales on his body, but now they were glowing red!

A trace of evil spirit is constantly spraying out from the gaps in the scales and pores of the whole body!

A pair of eyes also began to turn blood red, and the red light shone, making one's heart palpitate, like a monster from hell.

The master of myth, who had been closing his eyes like a dead man, opened his eyes at this moment.

He looked at Lin Zhen with eyes full of shock.

Lin Zhen's black hole beast has mutated!

Lin Zhen was originally a variant of the fire unicorn, a black hole beast.

Black hole beasts also belong to a group, but the number is very, very small.

At this moment, Lin Zhen is a black hole beast and then mutated.

There has never been such a precedent before. If you want to name Lin Zhen's current situation, it should be called Mutated Black Hole Beast!

Because the ominous aura on his body has become so strong that it cannot be added, it seems that the ominous aura of the whole universe is concentrated on him.

Even the Master of Mythology was shocked, and his expression was tense. If Lin Zhen's situation got out of control, he would be in serious trouble. Whether he can survive now depends on Lin Zhen himself.

If everything is safe and sound, Lin Zhen will improve his strength because of this, but if he cannot survive, Lin Zhen must be a disaster for the world.

At this time, Lin Zhen was already like a chameleon, red and black for a while, changing very fast, making people worry that he was about to explode.

Although the master of mythology has not experienced such a thing, he has seen similar ones.

He could see that this time was very difficult.

Because Lin Zhen himself has a strong death aura of heavenly evil, coupled with the current fierce aura, this aura has become so strong that it pervades his whole body, and it is very likely that Lin Zhen will be enchanted by it.

He even suspected that Lin Zhen would be enchanted within three minutes and become a peerless beast.

Because people's willpower will be swallowed and destroyed at this moment, and there is no resistance at all.

Even if the fighters are stronger, the general ones, even if they are masters, will probably have a nervous breakdown in a minute and be invaded by evil spirits.

Talking about Lin Zhen for three minutes is already a myth that has overestimated him.

Shinhwa estimated that he himself could last only six or seven minutes, and eight minutes was already the limit.

After all, Shinhwa is the number one person in all aspects. Although Lin Zhen is outstanding, Shinhwa doesn't think he can surpass himself.

But Lin Zhen was right in front of his eyes, and after holding on for ten minutes, there was still no sign of collapse!

Shinhwa was still a little unconvinced at nine minutes, but seeing that Lin Zhen was still persisting after ten minutes, Shinhwa was finally convinced.

He faintly read a sentence: "Sure enough, talented people come out from generation to generation. My time can pass away."

"Lin Zhen, that strange man is right. You are indeed the most outstanding genius in the universe. I can rest assured that I entrust the matter here to you...Senior! I am convinced!"

After all, Shinhwa rises up!

The body that hadn't moved for countless years made crackling sounds, and the joints were frozen.

The bones seemed to break when he got up, but Shinhwa didn't care at all.

His body trembled and transformed!

Another huge black hole beast appeared in the cave!

The myth dominates Jiangnan, and it is said that he is a human race, but he actually has the blood of a black hole beast, just like Lin Zhen!

According to the history books of the universe, there have been signs of black hole beasts appearing. In fact, the first black hole beast in the universe is a myth!

And Lin Zhen is the second, and this is also the reason why Lin Zhen was paid attention to by a strange person.

Shinhwa just convinced me of the last sentence, obviously he was not talking to Lin Zhen, but to that strange man.

When he stood up, a voice sounded in his mind.

"Jiangnan, have you thought about it?"

"Senior, I've made up my mind. I didn't give up at the beginning, and I didn't want to admit that there are people in this world who can surpass me. What you said proved me wrong, so let's follow the original idea."

"That's fine, but I want to remind you that this trip is a new journey to Nirvana, and there will be no more myths ruling Jiangnan from then on."

The Master of Mythology laughed: "It's okay, a new life is a new beginning. With this broken body, I have stayed here enough. It's time to change my life. When the time comes, I will ask seniors to take care of me."

"Go! Do everything you have to do as soon as possible."


After the myth was finished, I took another look at the world, and then my body jumped up, transforming into the air!

The figure gradually faded away, becoming a shadow, indistinctly rushing towards Lin Zhen who was still struggling with the fierce aura.

In an instant, two black hole beasts, one virtual and one real, merged!

And Lin Zhen, who was desperately resisting the fierce invasion, immediately felt a huge influx of majestic power.

That is a divine power that is not inferior to his own at all, and it also has a huge amount of memory.

More importantly, this is the breath of the black hole beast!

In an instant, Lin Zhen understood everything. This is the myth that dominates Jiangnan, and he is imparting the power of life to himself!

Although Lin Zhen didn't want it, he had no room to resist at the moment, and the voice of the master of myth came from his mind.

"Lin Zhen, don't think about anything, listen to me now."

"If you want to destroy the Altar of Chaos, you must go to the starry sky above and find the positions of the seven stars. Now I will say the names of the stars, and you should try to write them down. I just don't know if you can find them in a short time. A difficult thing."

"They are... Huayun... Yuelong... Sky Demon..."

The master of myth told the names and approximate locations of the seven stars, and also told how to enter the starry sky.

This method is actually simple. There is a first-class bright star in the sky, as long as the light of the bright star is covered, and then your own light becomes the same as the first-class bright star, you can pretend to be a star and escape into the sky.

These things, the myth master said very quickly.

After finishing speaking, the master of mythology said: "Lin Zhen, I have been here for countless years just to wait for a destined person. After I leave, you will be the only black hole beast in this universe. My power will help you resist evil spirits." In fact, I was able to be plotted against by Lone Star back then because of the evil spirits, and I didn't carry it through, so he succeeded."

"Now that my mission has been completed, everything here is in your hands."

"Lin Zhen... goodbye!"

With the end of this sentence, a huge amount of divine power surged like a tsunami, causing Lin Zhen's divine power to soar again!

And the myth that dominates Jiangnan has completely disappeared.

In other words, his memory will remain in Lin Zhen's mind forever.