Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 1435: Mutated black hole beast!


In the universe, there is basically no such thing as imparting qigong.

It is impossible to pass on the exercises to people of different races.

Even if they are of the same race, it is basically impossible. After all, people are different. There are no identical individuals in the world, and a slight difference may be fatal.

But Lin Zhen and Jiang Nan could do it.

Because both of them are black hole beasts, the only two black hole beasts in the universe.

What are the talents of the Black Hole Beast

It is swallowing!

It can be devoured and absorbed. People of different races cannot absorb power, but those of the same race can. This is also one of the talents of the black hole beast.

So Lin Zhen can absorb the power of Jiangnan, this is a special case.

It's hard to describe how powerful this force is.

It's not a big deal to say that Lin Zhen's divine power has actually been improved. Lin Zhen's current divine power has reached a very limit, and there is not much room for improvement.

As for mastering consummation, it needs to be cultivated slowly, digested and assimilated.

The divine power of 350 million has only reached 400 million after receiving the inheritance from Jiangnan.

The most important thing is not the improvement of divine power, but this power directly helped Lin Zhen survive the attack of the fierce aura.

Although Lin Zhen felt that he could survive this process without external force, he couldn't guarantee it.

With the help of Jiangnan's divine power to resist, the ominous aura finally receded like a tide.

Lin Zhen let out a long breath.

A black air!

Opening his eyes again, he was still in the form of a black hole beast.

But already very different.

He is a mutated black hole beast, and his physical condition has changed a lot.

The body didn't get bigger, but shrunk instead. It was only about the size of an ordinary bison, but the density of this body was already unimaginably high.

If you weigh it on the scale, the weight of Lin Zhen is enough to compare with a small galaxy!

The scales with a dark appearance are now reddish in black, not bright red, but a dark red, with a simple and mysterious atmosphere.

Without experimenting, Lin Zhen knew how tough his scales were.

Not to mention the best weaponry, even the highest weaponry, it is difficult to injure even a little bit, it is harder than the scales of Qilong!

With a hunting mane and dark red eyes, no one should stare directly at Lin Zhen's eyes, otherwise they may sink into it and have a mental breakdown.

Inside those eyes are the sea of stars!

The sharp minions are also enough to compare with the Supreme Armament.

Lin Zhen's talent is already the standard of a chaotic beast.

It's just that his realm hasn't reached that level yet, and the rest are pretty much the same.

Integrating the life genes of the ninth level, the biggest change to Lin Zhen is the body!

Standing up, shaking his head, Lin Zhen turned into a human form.

Returning to human form, it seems to be back to normal.

At this moment, in Lin Zhen's mind, most of the memories of the master of mythology have been sealed up. This person's memory is too large. Even if Lin Zhen wants to learn to sort it out, it will be a long process.

This is a rich treasure trove, which needs to be developed slowly in the future, and there is no time for that now.

What Lin Zhen has to do now is to go to the star map and find the seven stars according to what the master of mythology said.

Break the seven stars, and the shield of the Chaos Altar can be shaken.

The master of mythology told Lin Zhen these things, but he didn't think that Lin Zhen could really complete them, or the hope was very slim.

If you want to find seven stars in the vast universe, it is far from enough to describe it as looking for a needle in a haystack.

But he didn't know that this kind of thing was very simple for Lin Zhen.


Leaving this eternal dust-covered cave, Qilong outside saw Lin Zhen for the first time, trembling all over, and his legs and feet were weak.

Lin Zhen glanced at it: "What? Still afraid of me?"

"No no no! Master, how should I describe it...? When I see you, I feel like a dog seeing a tiger, and has an instinctive fear, which was not there before."

"Really? From now on, you'll be in the form of a dog. It doesn't look good."

Qilong was originally in the shape of a mastiff, and when he heard Lin Zhen's words, he didn't have the slightest resistance. He immediately shook his body and turned into a big dog with golden hair.

Sticking out his tongue and running around beside Lin Zhen, he seemed quite happy.

"Dragon Mastiff, I will call you Dragon Mastiff from now on. This is the name my daughter gave you."

Dragon Mastiff nodded his head, as if he knew what his master was thinking, he didn't speak easily, and spread his paws to lead the way in front of Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen followed the Dragon Mastiff and quickly returned to the Chaos Altar.

Feng Qingluan was waiting anxiously, when she saw Lin Zhen coming back, she immediately greeted her: "Husband, how is it?"

"I'll talk about it later, get ready and help me save people later."

Feng Qingluan nodded without saying much, and prepared with those ferocious beasts.

Lin Zhen jumped up and went straight to the top of the sky.

According to the master of mythology, he immediately found a first-class bright star.

As soon as he raised his hand, the dark divine power swayed out, covering the light of the bright star.

The light elements on his body were released, and Lin Zhen himself became a luminous body, and the brightness of the light instantly reached the level of a first-class bright star.

At this moment a wonderful thing happened, Lin Zhen turned into a star and merged into the starry sky.

Afterwards, the light was withdrawn, and Lin Zhen followed the prompt of the master of mythology, and began to search for the seven stars he mentioned.

For others, this kind of thing may take a thousand or ten thousand years, but Lin Zhen can do it very quickly, because the whole universe is in his heart.

Find the first star in the blink of an eye, raise your hand and punch it!


Star smash!

Teleported away, teleported three times in a row, found the second star, and exploded again!

Repeatedly, Yuanjie New Territory, Endless Star Sea, Dark Light Realm, Star Sea, Beastmaster Prison!

In less than three minutes, Lin Zhen had already shattered seven stars.

After smashing the Seven Stars, Lin Zhen felt a faint shock below.

The Chaos Altar has changed at this moment, and the indestructible power that enveloped it has disappeared!

Teleporting again, leaving the starry sky, Lin Zhen came to the Chaos Altar.

Arriving here, Lone Star Diao Sou's sacrifice was almost completed.

Everyone who was sacrificed has fallen into a coma, sending all their power into the altar.

Lin Zhen didn't care too much, and stepped in front of Sunflower Hen, raised his hand and probed hard!

The mask couldn't stop Lin Zhen's power now, it was directly broken, and Lin Zhen grabbed the sunflower marks inside.

"I'll leave it to you, Feng'er!"

Handing the sunflower marks to Feng Qingluan casually, Lin Zhen immediately went to rescue the next one.

Ning Qingxuan, Baixue Baisu, and Heitubaozi, these people were all rescued by Lin Zhen soon.

Lin Zhen originally wanted to save the next one, but suddenly the altar started shaking.

At this moment, no one else needed to tell, Lin Zhen immediately knew that the altar was about to explode because of insufficient sacrifices!

The Chaos Altar cannot be destroyed like this, otherwise the Beastmaster Prison will explode, and the fierce air here will rush out, and the countless galaxies around will be in trouble!

As soon as Lin Zhen gritted his teeth, he saw a few dominant beasts that locked his soul.

At the beginning, they locked their souls just in case, but now they have to go up.

"You guys, go in!"

The few dominant beasts did not violate it, and immediately jumped into the original heart position and continued to complete the sacrifice.

But Lin Zhen jumped up and went straight to the chaotic altar. Although the sacrifice could not stop, he didn't want Lone Star to succeed.

They, master and apprentice, are finally meeting each other!