Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 150: Lin is about to explode


The battle had just started, Su Mingyue was only attacking quickly, the tip of her sword was shaking, as if she was looking for Zhang Sicheng's opening.

Zhang Sicheng also laughed loudly: "Go ahead and attack, your embroidered swordsmanship can't threaten me yet."

Before he could finish laughing, Su Mingyue's petite body burst out with an explosive force that absolutely did not match her size, pulling up a series of afterimages, and the long sword brought a beam of sword light down from the sky, just like a sword falling from the sky. The big river, with its turbulent waves, reached Zhang Sicheng's head in the blink of an eye!

Lin Zhen watched in horror, this move turned out to be his own waterfall, and he could see that it was a little jerky, but there was a 70-80% resemblance, obviously he had mastered the essence.

"You can actually learn other people's combat skills just by exercising and observing, Mingyue, you gave me a big surprise!"

Zhang Sicheng never dreamed that a girl like Su Mingyue could unleash such a powerful sword.

In his opinion, Su Mingyue should be the type to win with skill and skill, and he also has unique experience in dealing with such opponents, so he is not afraid.

But Su Mingyue's change of sword technique was too sudden. It was still a mild wind and drizzle just now, so he didn't care too much, but the change in the blink of an eye was a deadly attack!

Although the ring competition does not allow the killing of human life, the sword has no eyes, and accidental injuries have happened more than once or twice. Zhang Sicheng does not want to become a dead soul under the sword in a daze.

Hastily raised the big ring saber to meet the attack, but there was no way she could resist it in a hurry, Su Mingyue's sword was so powerful that Zhang Sicheng's arm was numb with one strike, and she retreated repeatedly!

Su Mingyue succeeded in one move, and her feet moved quickly. Zhang Sicheng, who was retreating, couldn't stop at all with his lightning-like chain swordsmanship, and kept backing away.

Seeing that he had reached the edge of the ring, he wanted to stand still and fight back, but Su Mingyue did the same, and used the sword at the beginning again!


After the clash of gold and iron, Zhang Sicheng was knocked off the ring by Su Mingyue in embarrassment, and lost on the spot!

"Good! So handsome!"

"This big beauty, your strength is as outstanding as your appearance. From now on, I will be your die-hard fan. Please accept my knee!"

"I swear by the glory of the ancestors of my Ximen family, I am willing to be this lady's lifelong knight, your glory is my glory, your will is the meaning of my existence, your beauty is... Who the hell kicked me? I didn't see that I was swearing."

"Go away, the only ancestor of your Ximen family is named Ximen Qing, who is not a good thing, and has the supreme glory of a fart."

Lin Zhen smiled and applauded, watching Su Mingyue happily jump down from the ring.

Su Mingyue came to Lin Zhen, twisted left and right twice, and asked with curved eyebrows: "Idol, do you have three points of demeanor?"

"I think she is eight points more elegant, and three points more beautiful, much more eye-catching than me."

Su Mingyue smiled and stood beside Lin Zhen, obviously in a good mood.

Because of Su Mingyue's outstanding performance, Lin Zhen's team won 1-0.

And Zhang Sicheng is the strongest person in 495. He originally wanted to win the first game, but he didn't expect to lose in the first game, and his momentum suddenly dropped.

Zhang Sicheng slammed the big ring knife to the ground: "Damn it, I fell for that little girl's tricks. Her moves are too weird and unpredictable, so she lost everything in one careless move. If she does it again, the result will never be the same." It will be like this."

"Boss, you are really wronged for losing, but according to my observation, in their team, that big beautiful girl is the strongest. Taken."

"Well, be careful, this second game is the key, if we lose again, we will be really miserable, Xiaohu, it's up to you."

The young man named Xiaohu nodded and stepped onto the stage with a serious face.

Lin Zhen's second player was Sun Tie. He has also made good progress and is now a level five general.

But Lin Zhen closed his eyes as soon as they fought, because Sun Tie's strength is still not enough.

The opponent was an eighth-level general, and facing Sun Tie was simply crushing. In less than three minutes, Sun Tie was directly kicked off the ring, and he fell a dog to eat shit in a very indecent manner.

The score of the two sides was one to one, and they returned to the same starting line.

The atmosphere on Zhang Sicheng's side recovered a bit, and the third player went on the stage.

On Lin Zhen's side, Fu Haisheng, a martial artist from the capital, is playing. This is a seventh-level general, and his strength is not bad.

His opponent was a level nine general. He had just entered level nine, and he didn't have an overwhelming advantage against Fu Haisheng. This was also a battle that Lin Zhen placed high hopes on.

However, the expectation did not become reality after all. Fu Haisheng fought with the opponent for nearly 20 minutes, but finally lost due to lack of strength.

Lin Zhen watched the whole process, Fu Haisheng was oppressed and beaten by his opponent from the beginning to the end, it is commendable to be able to persist for such a long time, and really can't ask for more.

Lin Zhen's challenge team lost another game, falling behind by one to two.

At this time, Lin Zhenxin had a bad feeling in his heart, because in the fourth game, his side was still a mid-level fighter, and the remaining two opponents were also high-level fighters, so the chances of winning were still slim.

The results also verified Lin Zhen's conjecture that Luo Zhen was cut on his arm by a sword within five minutes of fighting with the opponent.

One to three, Lin Zhen's team failed the challenge!

Because it was a best-of-three battle, even if Lin Zhen won, the final score would be two to three, and he would still lose, so according to the rules, there was no need to fight the last round.

Lin Zhen smiled helplessly. He didn't expect these three teammates to be so good. He knew that he really shouldn't be separated from Jianghuai and the others to form a strong team. How could he get a third place.

Su Mingyue followed behind Lin Zhen, and said softly, "Don't be unhappy, you can still challenge after a week, there are plenty of opportunities."

"I'm not unhappy, you don't have to worry." Lin Zhen really didn't care too much, he had already seen too many wins and losses, and this little setback was nothing at all.

Walking out of the arena area, Lin Zhen saw Jiang Huai and others also came out.

After asking each other, the records of the two sides were exactly the same, they both lost one to three, and Jianghuai won the first game, then lost three games in a row, and was eliminated.

Jiang Huai couldn't help but said: "I'm underestimating the warriors here. If we don't change teammates, we may not be able to enter the top three in a short time, and we have a chance to get star crystals."

Lin Zhen asked Brother Xiang Guang, "Can we choose to switch teammates?"

Brother Guang replied: "One month after the formation of the team, the teammate can be changed once."

Jiang Huai spread his hands helplessly: "It seems that I will spend a month here."

Lin Zhen didn't want to do nothing for a month, he even felt that waiting for a week was a bit long, so he asked Brother Guang again: "Then if we want to take on the next challenge, do we have to wait for a week?"

"Brother Guang doesn't need to answer this matter, I can answer it for you!"

At this time, Zhang Sicheng and the others came over. Zhang Sicheng looked at Lin Zhen and sneered: "You kid who can't even make it to the game is still stubborn. If I didn't underestimate the enemy today, the result of the game would be three to zero. But next time Your beauty trick is absolutely useless."

"You haven't answered my question yet." Lin Zhen ignored his bragging.

"It's not impossible at all. If you want to challenge consecutively, if you choose the team competition, you have to withdraw one person first, four against five. If you want to play an individual competition, you have to admit defeat first, that is to say, you can only win four games In order to win the final victory, do you still choose to challenge?"

Zhang Sicheng said in a joking tone, and several people around him also laughed.

Lin Zhen looked at Brother Guang: "Brother Guang, is that so?"

Brother Guang nodded: "There is indeed such a rule, but we don't advocate it, because the challenger's defeat proves that his strength is inferior. Or admit defeat first, there is no chance of winning, so I advise you to wait a week before challenging."

Zhang Sicheng also staggered and walked in front of Lin Zhen: "Boy, there is no harm in learning more here, learn from the experience of the seniors, and see how we collect the star crystals. Learn how the opponent treats you. It's good, don't be so ambitious and think about reaching the sky in one step, OK!?"

As he said that, Zhang Sicheng turned to Su Mingyue and shook his head tut-tut: "It's a pity, girl, you have such a good ability and such a beautiful appearance, but you found such a useless wretch who didn't even have the qualifications to play, and hid at the end to watch the fun. Flowers stuck in cow dung, hahahaha!"

Su Mingyue's calm and pretty face was strangely angry. She held Lin Zhen's hand and said to Zhang Sicheng, "You are not allowed to insult Lin Zhen, he is ten thousand times better than you!"

"Ten thousand times better than me? How do you know if you haven't tried it? I think it's about ten thousand times younger than me, hahaha!"

Several high-ranking generals on the other side laughed wildly, they hadn't been this happy for a long time.

Lin Zhen suddenly asked Brother Guang: "What day is it today?"

Brother Guang was stunned for a moment, thought for a while and said, "Saturday."

"So it means that tomorrow is Sunday, and the third group is to pick star crystals on Sunday. If we succeed in the challenge, can we go to the branch to pick star crystals tomorrow?"

"Well... that's true, but I advise you to stay calm..."

Lin Zhen resolutely interrupted him: "Needless to say, I choose to continue the challenge, team battle, my side, Sun Tie, withdrew, challenge now, immediately! Immediately!"

Brother Guang saw that Lin Zhen was so decisive, so he didn't persuade him at all: "Okay, since you insist, then let's start now, both sides follow me."

Zhang Sicheng stared at Lin Zhen coldly: "You brat is quite courageous. He dared to fight four of us and five of us. This time it's a team battle. I won't be merciful. Although it is said that killing is not allowed here, cripples are common. occur!"

"Then we'll see!" Lin Zhen strode towards the ring, and Su Mingyue and the others followed closely.

The martial artists around saw that there were consecutive challenges happening, and it was an even more exciting team competition, so they immediately gathered around.

Lin Zhen, Su Mingyue, Fu Haisheng, and Luo Zhen took the stage to face the opponent's five high-level warriors.

Before the battle started, the arena was full of gunpowder, everyone took out their weapons, and the second battle was about to begin!