Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 153: Into the ant nest


After chasing for more than an hour, the locator showed that the target was within 30 meters ahead, so Lin Zhen put away the locator and took out the bright silver gun.

Go over a branch with a few leaves ahead and nothing else in sight.

But Lin Zhen still keenly noticed that the arrangement of the leaves was not natural, presumably there should be a tree hole behind.

Quietly approaching the leaves, Lin Zhen held his breath and listened carefully, and he really heard Fu Haisheng's cursing.

This person was quite depressed after being driven away by Lin Zhen, and he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only vent here, and it probably didn't take long.

"Damn Lin Zhen, you actually kicked me out. I'll see how long you can stay there."

"That little bastard Su Mingyue, what's so great about a saint? She's so attractive because of her beauty that she still doesn't like me. Do you know that in this star fruit tree, only Tianqiong is the real king!"

"I'm going to seek refuge in Tianqiong right now. I must find someone to come back and destroy you. Even if I tell them the location of that special star crystal, I will destroy you too! Lin Zhen, you wait for me, I will definitely kill you!" Eight dollars!"

"And Su Mingyue, when I catch you and take you by my side to play with you, you won't let me get out of bed for ten years, let's see if you still remember your Lin Zhen..."

Lin Zhen's heart moved when he was listening outside, this Fu Haisheng actually found a special star crystal!

Special star crystals are basically something that can't be found, and it is also the dream of any martial artist in the star fruit tree. There can be as many as there are, but I didn't expect Fu Haisheng to find one.

But listening to what he said, it was obvious that he was incapable of extracting it, and was going to use this news as the price to lure people from Tianqiong back to deal with him.

Of course Lin Zhen wouldn't give him this chance, he suddenly tore off the leaves outside, shot with lightning, and nailed Fu Haisheng's shoulder to the inner wall of the tree hole with one shot!

"Ah...!" Fu Haisheng screamed in pain.

Lin Zhen grabbed his collar and looked straight into the other's eyes: "Tell me, where is that special star crystal?"

Under the severe pain, Fu Haisheng's eyes shook, obviously he didn't want to tell the truth.

Lin Zhen didn't talk nonsense with him at all, a mental shock hit his mind, and said again: "Tell me, where is the special star crystal?"

"In the center of Tree Heart Lake...."

As soon as Lin Zhen raised his hand, he cut Fu Haisheng's neck with a hand knife. The hand knife that was paid attention to by Jin Qi was comparable to gold and iron, and cut off Fu Haisheng's neck in one fell swoop.

Fu Haisheng was killed on the spot without making a sound.

After solving Fu Haisheng, he found that this kid didn't even have a space ring, so Lin Zhen put his body in a tree hole without leaving him any leaves to cover it. I believe that this night, he will become a certain mutated insect A delicious meal.

After getting rid of Fu Haisheng's hidden danger, Lin Zhen returned to the ant's nest.

After she came back, Su Mingyue had basically finished adjusting her breath, but her complexion hadn't fully recovered, obviously not completely improved yet.

After seeing Lin Zhen, Su Mingyue said with some embarrassment: "Lin Zhen, I'm afraid I won't be able to go to the ant nest with you to pick the star crystals tomorrow."

Lin Zhen stepped forward, and gently stroked her hair like a friend: "It's okay, you just have a good rest, and I can pick the star crystals by myself."

Su Mingyue nodded, and turned around with a little blushing. When there is no one else, she will not continue to play the role of Lin Zhen's girlfriend. The beautiful thing like hugging her to sleep last night probably won't happen again. up.

Of course, Lin Zhen never had such an idea, it was just a stopgap measure.

Seeing Su Mingyue blushing, Lin Zhen was also taken aback for a moment, then chuckled, and became more familiar with Su Mingyue, and sometimes even forgot that she was a girl, it seems that he should be more careful.

They rested and adjusted their breathing in the tree hole, without talking all night, until the next morning, seeing Su Mingyue still resting, Lin Zhen left the tree hole alone and went to the branch on the left.

Sun Tie and Luo Zhen wisely didn't follow, they also knew that it was useless to follow, they would die if they went to a place as dangerous as an ant nest.

When Lin Zhen appeared, it also attracted a lot of attention. People didn't make fun of Lin Zhen like yesterday. Yesterday Lin Zhen had already proved his strength in the ring. Even more daunting.

But there are also many boring people following behind, wanting to see how Lin Zhen picked the star crystal.

Lin Zhen didn't pay attention to anyone, and walked along the left branch, and soon came to the end.

The branches are about fifty meters above the ground of the anthill, and there is a vine beside it, which is used for climbing by non-psychologists.

And at the bottom of the branch, there is a large purple flower, not the flower that bears star crystals, but another strange flower. This flower exudes a strange fragrance, and no insects are willing to approach it, causing dozens of people around There aren't any ants in the rice.

Further forward is the ant nest. From this angle, the ant nest is composed of three hills piled up with dead branches and dust. The middle one is the largest, and the left and right are slightly smaller. The leftmost mountain is their territory. There is still a clear dividing line in the middle, and no one is allowed to cross the line at will to search for star crystals on other people's sites.

On the mountain peak on the left, there are no star crystals at the place closest to the branches, and they were all picked off by the previous people. If you want to pick the star crystals, you have to go a little farther.

Lin Zhen looked around and saw that the nearest star crystal was about 200 meters away. There were countless ants in the middle of this distance, and it was not easy to pass through.

While Lin Zhen was watching, a martial artist next to him said: "Lin Zhen, I advise you to be careful, this is not a joke, if you are not careful, there will be no bones left."

"That's right, this is the place with the most star crystals and the most buried bones of warriors. I have been here for three years, and hundreds of people come in every year, but less than ten people go out every year. You'd better be careful." .”

"When you go down to pick it, try to pick the star crystals you can use, and don't pick those that are not suitable for you to absorb. For example, if you are a fourth-level warrior now, it is best to pick comet crystals. Wait until the fifth level. The satellite crystals are only picked after the mid-term, so that the effect can be maximized."

"I'll tell you a way to save star crystals for a short period of time. That is to cut down the trunk of the flowering place and bring it back together with the star crystals, so that the residual energy in the trunk can allow the star crystals to exist for two to three hours longer."

"Did you see those piles of rocks in the mountains? They are actually caves. If you are in danger and cannot escape, go and hide in the caves."

These are kind-hearted ones. After telling Lin Zhen some knowledge, Lin Zhen nodded and agreed one by one. Of course, there were many people who sneered and ridiculed, but Lin Zhen didn't listen at all.

Lin Zhen didn't plan to fly, and he went step by step when going down for the first time.

After packing up the necessary things, carefully observing the terrain for a while, and drawing up a route, Lin Zhen began to slide down from the tree vines.

The vines were thick, but they were also very smooth. Lin Zhen easily slid down fifty meters, and his feet landed on the ground.

The ground is different from the hard tree trunk, which is full of dead branches and dust accumulated over the years, and it is a little soft under the feet.

After getting down smoothly, Lin Zhen started to try to move forward, looked back at the high place, but found that Su Mingyue followed at some time, standing in the crowd dressed in white, staring at Lin Zhen intently, watching When Lin Zhen turned his head, he waved his hand vigorously.

Lin Zhen smiled, turned around and walked towards the ant nest.

After walking a distance of more than 20 meters, the ants that came in and out began to feel a little restless.

After Lin Zhen walked more than ten meters, finally the first ant attacked Lin Zhen.

It was a flying ant, flapping its huge translucent wings, opening its mouth wide and pounced down from the air!

Lin Zhen took his time, and when the flying ants approached, the silver spear in his hand stabbed out like lightning!

A cloud of black blood splashed in the air, and the head of the flying ant was crushed by Lin Zhen's shot, and its body hit the ground heavily.

"Fortunately, the combat power of this kind of ants is not strong. As long as they don't attract a large group at once, there should be no danger."

At the foot of the mountain on the left, Lin Zhen stepped up resolutely.

He has already chosen a route, and he will go from the mountainside. As long as he turns over this hill, there will be a star crystal on the opposite side.

The moment I stepped onto the ant nest, four or five worker ants rushed up from the left and right.

The aggressiveness of this kind of worker ants is not too strong, as long as they are not too close to them, they generally will not attack.

These four or five ants, Lin Zhen, didn't pay attention to them, and the bright silver gun struck out with lightning, one shot at a time, and they were easily taken down.

Just after walking two steps forward, several flying ants rushed down from the sky, and Lin Zhen entered the fighting state again.

This is the case in the ant nest. The ants are almost endless. At the beginning, ordinary warriors can still support the battle, but the more the number of ants increases, then it is time to test the strength of the warrior.

Lin Zhen almost moved forward a few steps, and a group of corpses of ants were about to fall beside him. Although a lot of ants were killed, the speed of advancement was not fast.

Moreover, when Lin Zhen was fighting, not only did he move violently, but the surrounding area was filled with dust, and he also shouted from time to time, attracting more and more ants around him.

"This kid is crazy. He didn't know how to keep a low profile when he got to the ant's nest. If he continues like this for a while, he will die of exhaustion."

"Who knows? It doesn't look like a reckless person. How can you be so thoughtless?"

"Girl, this is your boyfriend. I advise you to change someone as soon as possible. There is no way out with him."

Su Mingyue didn't even turn her head, she just said lightly: "I will be with him to the death."

The people around were suddenly speechless, thinking that this girl is so beautiful, but she is a bit stubborn, she must be hanged from a tree, that silly boy really found a treasure, if any man has such a big The beauty is in love with her heart and soul, but she is really happy.

There were more and more ants over there, especially the flying ants. A large group of ants came roaring, besieging Lin Zhen from heaven and earth.

Just when people thought that Lin Zhen was going to hang up, Lin Zhen suddenly made a violent attack!


Three consecutive torrential rains flashed by the gun light, and the flying ants in the air crackled and fell. The dense blockade was suddenly emptied, and Lin Zhen took advantage of this gap, stepped on the shield, and quickly swept across the road. Hill, go straight to the other side where the star crystals are concentrated!