Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 16: furious


Lin Zhen walked back excitedly all the way, until he came to the alley of his own community, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Because he saw a mess on the side of the road, a small car selling breakfast fell on the side of the road, steamed stuffed buns and soy milk were spilled all over the ground, and there was still a little blood on the ground.

He is very familiar with this small car. This is his father Lin Liye's breakfast car. It is this inconspicuous thing. Supporting Lin Zhen's studies for so many years is the foundation of their family's survival.

It seems that this scene never happened in my previous life!

Lin Zhenxin was panicked. He glanced left and right, saw his neighbor Aunt Wang among the crowd, and immediately ran over: "Aunt Wang, what happened?"

Seeing that it was Lin Zhen, Aunt Wang hurriedly said to him, "Lin Zhen, you are back. Your father was beaten by some hooligans and is now in the hospital. It is in the Jisheng Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital at the north end of our community. You Go and see it!"

Without saying a word, Lin Zhen turned around and ran to the north.

Jishengtang is a very low-grade hospital nearby, and the people who come here are all poor people. Lin Zhen ran all the way in the early morning, and the speed of sprinting 100 meters was within eight seconds per 100 meters. Within minutes, he reached Jisheng's door.

"Excuse me, there is a man named Lin Liye who was just admitted to the hospital. Where is he now?"

"Let me help you take a look."

The nurse at the door opened the notebook and took a look: "Is that Lin Liye? His head was broken and two ribs were fractured. He just finished bandaging and is currently in the surgical ward on the third floor. Go find him."

Lin Zhen didn't even take the elevator, and ran up to the third floor in a few steps, heading straight to the surgical ward.

When he arrived at the ward area, Lin Zhen saw his parents at a glance.

Li Qin was sitting in the corridor with a hanging bottle in his hand, looking for a place to hang the hanging bottle, while his father Lin Liye was lying in the corridor, with a dirty blanket under his body and gauze wrapped around his head, There was still a patch of blood red outside the gauze, and her eyes were tightly closed.

Feeling pain in Lin Zhenxin's heart, he hurried over and took the bottle from Li Qin's hand: "Mom! What's going on?"

Before Li Qin could answer, Lin Liye opened his eyes when he heard the voice.

"My son is back, tell me quickly, how is your graduation exam going?"

Because Lin Zhen came back in the morning and had already changed the Taoist uniform of the martial arts school, and was still wearing the old clothes, so Lin Liye didn't know that Lin Zhen had joined Gale Feng.

Seeing that his father didn't seem to have a serious problem, Lin Zhen felt a little more at ease, and put out a smile on his face: "Very good dad, I have joined the Liefeng Martial Arts School and become a second-class student. The Martial Arts Hall has signed a contract with me. After signing the contract, not only will there be a monthly salary of 500,000 yuan, but also a detached villa for us to live in, and they even helped you two elders solve the pension problem, and someone will come to you to sign in these two days."

Hearing Lin Zhen's words, the eyes of Lin Liye and Li Qin were flooded with light, and the huge surprise hit their hearts, and they were speechless for a while.

"Good job... good job, really my son, good... cough cough cough!!!"

Lin Liye's face was flushed, and due to excitement, his ribs were injured, and he coughed violently.

"Old Lin, calm down, you are still injured, why are you so excited? This is a good thing, you should be happy." Li Qin was also excited with tears in his eyes, and kept comforting Lin Liye.

Lin Zhen also hurriedly patted his father on the back, and it took a while for Lin Liye to calm down.

"Mom and Dad, tell me what's going on? And why do you live in this corridor? Why don't you go to the ward?"

"Oh, the nurse said that there are no more wards, and we don't ask for a single room. We just want to live in an ordinary ward, but the nurse also said that there are no beds. I saw that there are many beds, and the nurse said that they are all booked out. This is bullying. We poor people, I saw that Liu Wanwan, who opened a big breakfast shop on the street, burned his hands, he was later than your father, and lived in a big single room."

Li Qin was just an ordinary woman, and she panicked when she was wronged. Now that her son was capable, she couldn't help but want to sue her.

"Liu Wanwan? The one who has been competing with my dad?"

"Isn't it just him who keeps spreading rumors that your dad's steamed stuffed buns are not good enough to drive your dad out of the street? He still sneers at us when he sees us."

Lin Zhen frowned slightly, and said to his mother: "Okay, I'll ask about my dad in detail later, and now I'm going to find a ward for my dad, you wait for me, it will be fine in a while."

Lin Liye hurriedly said: "Son, don't go looking for trouble, we can't afford to offend those doctors and nurses, what if we charge more for our medicine..."

Lin Zhen turned his head and smiled: "Dad, today is different. If you can't even solve a ward, your son, a student of the Liefeng Martial Arts Academy, won't have to hang around anymore."

Lin Liye was stunned for a moment, and only then did he truly realize that his son Lin Zhen had grown up and become a master, a high-ranking warrior.

Just as Lin Zhen was about to leave, a young man walked over.

"Oh! Isn't this Lin Zhen? Why, the graduation exam is over? Which martial arts school took it in? Why didn't you wear a Taoist uniform? Could it be that you didn't pass the exam?"

Lin Zhen looked up, and it took him a while to remember this person.

Liu Le, the son of Liu Wanwan, is not a good guy.

Lin Zhen didn't have the time to talk to him, "It doesn't matter if you fail the exam or not, get out of the way, I'm going to find a ward for my dad."

Liu Le sneered: "Then you have to go quickly. I, as an older brother, have to remind you that if you want to find a large room with more than ten beds, the last single room is occupied by my dad. You can't find it."

"Then I really want to try it. My dad can't live in a single room today."

"Cut! Do you have that spare money in your family? Even if you can squeeze it out, there are no single rooms left. You can go if you are not afraid of being ashamed."

Lin Zhen ignored Liu Le, went straight to the nurse's station, opened the door and walked in.

"Who are you looking for? Do you want to change the medicine?" A nurse asked without looking up.

"I'm Lin Liye's family member. Now you can find a ward and ask for a single room."

The little nurse raised her head and looked at Lin Zhen, with surprise and disdain in her eyes.

Lin Zhen is 1.78 meters tall, not particularly tall, but his figure is tall and straight, and his appearance is stern. Because of his spiritual training, his eyes are clear and clear when his mood fluctuates greatly, and even feel a little dazzling.

Although such a person is dressed simply, but when he stands there, there is a strong masculine aura rushing towards his face, which makes people dare not look directly at him.

But Lin Zhen's clothes are so ordinary, the nurse can tell at a glance that this person is definitely a member of the nearby community, a member of the common people, and the lowest level of people.

No matter how good they are, those who have no money and power are still looked down upon. The nurse curled her lips: "There are no single rooms, let alone single rooms, and there are no beds in ordinary wards. Didn't you see how many people are getting injections in the corridor now?"

"My father suffered a head injury and fractured ribs. How can such an environment be conducive to recovery? He needs a ward." Lin Zhen was already angry. Not to mention that he has joined the martial arts gym now, he also mixed in in his previous life. Starland, accumulated over countless years, made him feel like facing ordinary people in his bones. If he was not worried about his father, he would have exploded long ago.

Unexpectedly, the nurse sneered: "Don't you think the environment in the corridor is bad? You can change places if you don't think it's good. The Bingcheng Hospital in Jiangbei is good, can you afford it?"

Facing the nurse's ridicule, Lin Zhen took a deep breath: "I saw a man surnamed Liu who lived in a single room later than my dad, so don't say that there is no single room, let me ask you now, the ward Can you decide things?"

Saying these words, Sisi's mental power overflowed uncontrollably. Although the speed was slow and the tone was low, it gave people a heavy sense of oppression.

The nurse instinctively became a little timid. No matter how arrogant she was, she was an ordinary girl who could stand Lin Zhen who was about to explode, and her voice lowered a little: "If it's an ordinary ward, the doctor can make the decision. If it's a single room, The director has the final say."

"Take me to your director."

Lin Zhen controlled his emotions, he really didn't want to spend too much time with this nurse.

The nurse stood up reluctantly, and walked forward step by step.

"Hurry up!" Lin Zhen roared, and the nurse shuddered and walked forward quickly.

Walking to the door of the director's office, the nurse seemed to become more courageous, knocked on the door twice, and then pushed the door open.

"Director Wang, there is a family member of a patient here who insists on finding a single room for his father. I told him that all the single wards are gone, and he even ran to the nurse's station to make a fuss. I was afraid..."

As she said that, the little nurse's eyes turned a little red, and she looked at Director Wang with aggrieved eyes.

Director Wang is a rich middle-aged man, he did not immediately comfort the little nurse, but asked first: "Who is the patient?"

"It's not a great person, it's the old man who sells steamed stuffed buns and soy milk every morning in our community. His son also said that Mr. Liu's later ones have private rooms. Why doesn't his father have one?" The little nurse wiped her tears, her tone Said disdainfully.

Hearing the little nurse's words, Director Wang breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he happened to see Lin Zhen coming in, and his face turned cold.