Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 2: go home


The northern base city is a cuboid with a length of one hundred miles and a width of eighty miles. The area of the north area accounts for one-fifth of the city, but it accommodates half of the city's population. It is a typical civilian area.

In the base city where every inch of land is expensive, rich people live in one-story houses, and poor people live in high-rise buildings. In order to make full use of the space, the civilian areas are all square buildings with dozens of floors high and densely packed. Nowadays, every family lives in a small space.

No matter how crowded it is, people will not leave the base city, because leaving the tall city walls of the base city, the outside is a world where monsters are rampant, and it is a restricted area for ordinary people. Only powerful warriors can survive outside.

Lin Zhen walked through an alley, and according to his previous memory, he quickly found his own community building.

"This building is 30 stories high. In order to save electricity and space, there is no elevator. The higher the floor, the poorer the people. My family lives on the 28th floor."

"Father Lin Liye should be back by now. He usually sells breakfast downstairs in the community, and now he is probably at home preparing soy milk and buns for tomorrow."

"My mother should be doing handwork. She has no job and can only rely on handmade embroidery to earn a little living expenses every day. The income is pitifully low. Their income is used for my schooling."

Lin Zhen walked into the dim corridor and walked to the twenty-eighth floor step by step.

"In my previous life, in order to get my parents to move out of this slum area, I practiced martial arts desperately. Although I passed the high school entrance examination, I was hindered by Ouyang Yu. The parents were not allowed to leave the community until two years later. At that time, the parents had already suffered from the root cause of the disease due to fatigue, and they have not been able to recover since then."

"This time, it will definitely not be the same result as last time..."

Lin Zhen thought about it, and had already arrived at the door of the house.

I haven't seen my parents for a long time, and Lin Zhen feels a little excited.

However, he quickly stabilized his emotions. After all, he has lived for a long time, his mental age is too old, and he has seen too many big scenes, so he will not lose control of his emotions.

I fumbled in my pocket, and a simple key appeared in my hand.

"This kind of anti-theft door is said to be a product of the Gregorian calendar. It can only be used to defend against ordinary people. Anyone who has a little lockpicking skill can open it. It can only be used in poor areas. Those wealthy families have long used it. The advanced sensor door developed by the Science and Technology Department of the base city."

Insert the key into the keyhole to open the door, and a smell of food blows over your face.

In the narrow hut, his father Lin Liye is using an old-fashioned soybean milk machine to squeeze soybean milk. This machine seems ancient to Lin Zhen, but it is the hope of the family. It is difficult to complete studies.

The mother was cooking with a gas stove, and a carp was stewed fragrant in the pot, but Lin Zhen knew that this fish was also bought by her mother in exchange for embroidery, and the two elders were still reluctant to eat it.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back." Lin Zhen tried his best to smile.

"My son is back, wash your hands quickly. Your mother is stewing fish, and dinner is about to start." Lin Liye greeted his son with a smile. His son is their family's hope, although Lin Liye hopes that Lin Zhen will become a scientific researcher in the army. But he knew that his son wanted to become a warrior.

Mother Li Qin even came over and took the initiative to take off Lin Zhen's outer clothes: "Be tired, take a good rest, the exam is coming soon, don't put too much pressure on yourself, the family can live on."

"Parents, don't worry, I'm fine, the exam is nothing to me."

Lin Zhen soon returned to normal. He took off his shoes and entered the house with a smile. He wanted to help his parents with their work, but his parents refused to let him do anything, and asked him to clean up first.

The house is only forty square meters. The living room, kitchen and parents' room are actually the same room. There is also a small bathroom and a separate bedroom, which is Lin Zhen's private space.

Returning to his long-lost dwelling, Lin Zhen lay down on the hard bed, grinning at the corner of his mouth. Although warriors have endured all kinds of hardships, they have not slept on this kind of bed for a long time, and they are really not used to it.

It will take a while before dinner is served, Lin Zhen's first thing is to examine his own situation.

Lin Zhen still remembers the specific situation when he graduated from high school. His grades in cultural courses were good, and the current cultural courses are not difficult. The knowledge of history includes the history of the Gregorian calendar, and after that, it will be the year after the beginning of the calendar. The major events that happened, memorized by rote, could not trouble Lin Zhen.

There is also the knowledge of mutant beasts, Lin Zhen knows this better than anyone else.

The most important thing is the physical data. After graduating from high school, major martial arts schools have strict standards for recruiting students.

The three data of the body are punching strength, punching speed and nerve response. The qualified standard for punching strength is 200kg, which is the admission line.

Fist speed requires five punches per second that are not less than 80% of the maximum strength, which is considered qualified.

If your punching force is 200kg, then you can hit five punches of no less than 160kg in one second, and you can be considered as an effective punch if you reach the passing line.

Nervous response refers to the evasion action that can be made when encountering an attack. 0.1 second is the pass line, and those who do not respond within this time are unqualified.

Martial arts hall recruits disciples, which is based on these three criteria. If they all meet the standards, martial arts hall will basically recruit students. The culture class is only auxiliary, and of course one should not be too ignorant.

If one of the items fails to meet the standard, and another item is particularly outstanding, it may also be recruited.

Lin Zhen remembers that his left hand punch is now 206kg, his right fist is 232kg, punching speed is 5.3/s, and nerve response is 0.096, which are barely passable.

It was precisely because of this that although he had reached the standard, he did not get too much attention from the martial arts hall, so that Ouyang Yu succeeded in obstructing it. If he was talented enough, then no matter how much Ouyang Yu obstructed him, it would be useless.

"If I want to change my destiny, I must do something during this graduation exam, and I can't let Ouyang Yu succeed."

"There are still three days. Within three days, I must improve my strength, at least to the point where the martial arts school will not buy Ouyang Yu's account. This is the most basic."

"As for Ouyang Yu, I will play with you this time."

"And... tranquility."