Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 20: train


Lin Zhen drove away from the villa area and came all the way to the Liefeng Martial Arts Hall.

Just entering the martial arts gym, I happened to see Zhao Liang.

"Brother Zhao, I drove the car back."

"You kid, why are you in a hurry, can't you just send it back tomorrow morning?"

"I don't have anything to do at night, just come here to exercise."

"Okay, hard work enough, by the way, the people who beat your father have just been arrested, they are all a group of hooligans, I have ordered the people in the police station to take good care of these bastards, according to the maximum 15 years of public security detention God condemns the crime, the chief of the police station is from Liefeng's side, without my order, the dragon slaying people will not be able to get them out within fifteen days, why don't you go over and deal with those bastards."

"Cleaning up is definitely necessary, but it depends on Zhang Huai's attitude first, and we will talk about it later."

"Well, when Zhang Huai comes to ask for someone in person, let's come forward and have a good talk with them, grandma, that kid Zhang Huai has been domineering for a long time, this time he has lost his reason, we have to give this guy a hard time You can't use bamboo sticks."

Lin Zhen smiled. Since Zhang Huai dared to instigate someone to beat his father, this matter may not be that simple. Now Lin Zhen is not strong enough, he must improve his strength as soon as possible, and try to train himself to become a third-level fighter in a short time. Peak, then you can take genetic medicine.

Gene potion is a shortcut for warriors to improve their strength. If the effect is good, and they can be promoted to the peak of sixth-level fighters or even seventh-level fighters, Lin Zhen will have the capital to gain a foothold in the circle of warriors.

At that time, the martial arts school will undoubtedly pay more attention to him, and this is where he and Zhang Huai have the confidence to challenge each other.

Lin Zhen had purchased the right to use the advanced training ground for half a year, and now the martial arts gym is almost deserted. After he separated from Zhao Liang, he entered the advanced training ground.

All kinds of training facilities in the advanced training ground are complete, and insisting on using exercises can comprehensively improve the physical fitness of warriors.

Lin Zhen took off his coat, only wearing a black vest, and stood in front of an arm machine.

"I want to reach the peak of the third-level fighter in the shortest possible time. Before, my left hand punching strength was about 300kg, and my right punching strength was about 370kg. I want to increase the punching strength of both hands to above 390. 7.6 punches per second, already in the middle of the third level, as for the most difficult nerve response to improve, I am the strongest, in fact, I am afraid that I have already reached the peak of the fighter level."

"My left hand is weak due to the lack of exercise before, and the strength of 90kg can be increased in a short period of time, which cannot be achieved by ordinary training. I need to use the method of breathing and breathing."

"Breathing breathing method is a very popular exercise method in the interstellar. When punching, breathing rhythm is used to make the internal organs and body muscles resonate. The beating of the heart pulse matches the rhythm of punching. , can achieve twice the result with half the effort, this method has not been spread on the earth yet, it can be said that only I know it.”

Lin Zhen took a deep breath, then exhaled, took another breath, and exhaled again, only to see Lin Zhen's abdomen rising and falling violently, he had to find the rhythm of exhaling and breathing first.

After repeating this dozens of times, Lin Zhen gradually mastered the rhythm, and the pulse of the heart and blood gradually formed a rhythm. This method seems simple, but it is absolutely impossible to learn without the demonstration and teaching of relatives.

At this time, the light in the room is just right. If someone is around, they will definitely be able to see such a strange scene.

Lin Zhen's abdomen contracted sharply, as if his abdominal cavity had collapsed instantly, and then he exhaled slowly, a white arrow of air was spit out from his mouth, and shot three feet away in the air, condensing and lingering.

His rhythm gradually accelerated and accelerated, from twenty to thirty breaths a minute, from thirty to forty breaths, and it was getting faster and faster, and it was far away from normal breathing. rhythm.

Later, I saw his abdomen rise and fall rapidly, and even trembled.


Lin Zhen suddenly pulled the arm strength machine with both arms, the speed was extremely fast, even exactly the same as his breathing rhythm!

"Swish Swish Swish Swish!"

The arms tell the movement, the heavy counterweight iron is pulled up and down continuously, and the muscle training intensity explodes in an instant!

Maintaining such a rhythm, Lin Zhen moved crazily, hitting the limit of his body.

In less than three minutes, his black vest was drenched with sweat.

The entire upper body, shoulders, back and chest muscles have been fully exercised.

"This method of breathing and exhalation is combined with exercise. The longer you persist, the stronger your muscle strength will be. However, there is a certain degree to be grasped, that is, not to strain the muscles. It must be just right. Fortunately, I have used this method many times in my previous life. The degree is still What can be mastered allows the muscles to be exercised to the greatest extent without injury."

Five minutes, seven minutes... nine minutes!

Lin Zhen's breathing rhythm slowed down and stopped when it was about to reach ten minutes.

His muscles trembled uncontrollably due to the large movements, but he got the best exercise effect.

Lin Zhen didn't stop completely, but swung his arms back and forth to do relief exercises, otherwise his tired muscles would suddenly stop and he would be exhausted to a certain extent.

I did the relief exercise for another three minutes, and the muscle condition gradually returned to normal.

"While the muscles are in a state of excitement, I want to practice punching during this period of time, and it's not ordinary punching, but punching with weight."

After tying both hands with arm guards weighing 15kg, Lin Zhen stood in front of the sandbag and began to punch continuously.

One punch with his right hand and three punches with his left hand. He wants to improve the strength of his left hand in a short period of time, so he naturally needs to increase his training.

"Bang bang bang!" The blow echoed in the room, like raindrops, and his breathing followed the rhythm of punching. This training method from the interstellar world is super effective, making his strength slow but steady is constantly improving.

After bombarding the sandbag with thousands of punches, Lin Zhen felt that he couldn't lift his arm, so he stopped training.

"Next, squat and then sprint back and forth for 100 meters. Physical endurance is also an important part of a warrior. Although it is not reflected in the assessment, in actual combat, lack of physical fitness will be fatal."

Using the breathing method again, Lin Zhen continued to exercise.

It was not until midnight that Lin Zhen finished his exercise this time.

"Now you can try the effect of the nearly one night. There is no need to test the nerve response. What needs to be tested is the strength and speed of the fist."

Coming to the front of the boxing target, Lin Zhen first tested the strength of his boxing.

left hand!


"That's right, the closer you get to your limit, the greater the improvement. The last time I tested it was 298, and this time it increased by 13kg. The effect is very good."

Come to the right hand again.


"It's okay. The last test was 368. This time it has increased by 4kg. It is less than 30kg away from the peak of the third-level fighter."

Lin Zhen punched the target like lightning, and the final result was 7.7 punches per second.

"Although it has only increased by 0.1, it is also very rare. In the next training, it may not increase by 0.1 a few times. If it reaches eight punches per second, it will be considered a fourth-level fighter. In the next training, increase the punching speed to 7.9 punches per second."

After finishing the training of punching strength and punching speed, Lin Zhen didn't rest immediately.

In fact, being a Psychiatrist has a great advantage, because his mental strength is far stronger than that of normal people or even ordinary warriors, so he doesn't need to sleep for so long.

It is enough to keep two to three hours of sleep every day, and the rest of the time is used to practice mental power, which is also a kind of rest.

The first thing Lin Zhen has to do is to control things.

Psychic power can act on dead objects. Lin Zhen is currently at the peak of bronze, and with a half-step silver level of mental power, he can already control some relatively light objects.

"The lethality of a spiritual master is more powerful than a fighter's fist and foot weapons. I have practiced the control of this flying knife in my previous life. Unfortunately, my spiritual power awakened too late in my previous life, and I didn't develop any tricks at all. "

Putting five throwing knives in front of him, thirty meters in front of him was a target for practice shooting.

The spiritual power was released and attached to a flying knife. Although Lin Zhen's spiritual power cultivation in his previous life was very ordinary, he is still very familiar with the first few steps.

Although the first test was a bit rusty, after more than ten minutes of trial and error, Lin Zhen finally managed to control the first throwing knife.

Mental power is like the string of a kite, and the flying knife is the kite, or a remote control kite, circling around Lin Zhen's body.


As soon as Lin Zhen opened his eyes, the flying knife streaked across the air like a bullet, hitting the gun target thirty meters away!


The target used for shooting was actually torn apart by the flying knife, and went straight to the wall a hundred meters away!