Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 22: Tertiary limit


Seeing Fu Chengya's results, Zhao Liangliang nodded: "This result is not bad. Generally speaking, if the improvement rate of the genetic potion does not exceed 45%, it is poor, 46% to 100% Between 50% and 50% is qualified, 51% to 55% is good, 55% to 60% is excellent, and Fu Chengya's grades can be considered good."

But Fu Chengya didn't have much joy on his face, because he was a first-class student, and first-class students were basically guaranteed to be good after taking the medicine, and there were even excellent ones, but he was not excellent, and Shen Tuhua was still If it didn't come out, it is estimated that the result is going to surpass myself.

As for qualified and poor, that usually only happens after the second- and third-class students take the potion.

At this time, when the clock reached twenty-one minutes, Shen Tuhua also came out of the room.

"Brother Zhao, I have finished optimizing and can test it now."

"Okay, let's start the test."

Shen Tuhua confidently walked to the tester and started the physical fitness test.

In the end, Shen Tuhua's results also came out. His left hand punching strength was 638kg, his right fisting strength was 646kg, his punching speed was 12.8/m, his nerve response was 0.049, and his optimization improved by 56%.

"Shen Tuhua's grades are good, and the evaluation of the genetic potion is excellent. If you can get an excellent evaluation, you should have a good achievement in the future."

Hearing Zhao Liang's comments, Shen Tuhua was even more energetic, and the students from No. 2 Middle School who came with him enthusiastically gathered around him, and the stars were all over the moon.

Fu Chengya's complexion was even more difficult to look at. It's true that he received a good evaluation, but Shen Tuhua actually received an excellent evaluation, which immediately suppressed his limelight, which made it difficult for the arrogant him to accept.

"Okay, you have also seen the effect of taking the genetic potion. You are basically third-level fighters now. You must train as soon as possible to reach the peak of the third level and take the potion. I look forward to the appearance of your next excellent evaluation, or even special class." Appraisal emerges."

"Brother Zhao, is there a higher evaluation than excellent?"

"Of course, there are universal potions that can improve by more than 60%, and the potions that are customized according to their own conditions can basically increase the strength by 70% after success. That is a special evaluation. Of course, I don't advocate it. Those who take privately ordered potions will pay too high a price if they fail.”

The students nodded one after another. Everyone knows the importance of genetic potion, and even more knows the ratio of improvement.

Generally speaking, if the third-class students take the genetic potion, it is very likely that they will be poor, and those who are better will be qualified.

Second-class students who take the potion are very likely to be qualified, and those who are better will be good.

First-class students who take the potion are very likely to be good, and those who are better will be excellent.

As for the third-class and second-class students who want to be excellent or special, it is not impossible, but they must take custom-made genetic potions.

Personal ordering is like a gamble, but the chance of winning is very small, only 20% at most.

Once the custom-made potion fails, the martial artist will lose his potential. Not only will he need to take a lot of precious medicines for conditioning, but he will only be able to take the universal potion next time at most, and the improvement evaluation will only be poor at most, not more than 100%. At forty-five, the future is basically lost.

So ordering potions is a double-edged sword, and 80% of them will hurt themselves.

After Zhao Liang finished speaking, he turned around and left. As a warrior-level warrior, he spent more time going to the wilderness area instead of dealing with these student-level brats.

After Zhao Liang left, the test hall erupted.

Fu Chengya gave Shen Tuhua a bitter look: "Shen Tuhua, don't think that the effect of taking the genetic potion is better than mine, and you will be on my head for the rest of your life. We are all sixth-level fighters first, and I am you in the early stage." It's only in the mid-term, I will soon enter the wilderness area, as long as I kill more monsters, I can earn more money, I still have opportunities to improve my strength, and now is just the beginning."

Shen Tuhua said unceremoniously: "Are you the only one who will enter the wilderness area? I am a mid-level sixth-level fighter, and I will soon join the adventurer team to enter the wilderness area. Fu Chengya, don't be wishful thinking. I'm sure I'm going to be the number one among the new recruits in Gale Feng Martial Arts this year!"

Fu Chengya stopped bickering with Shen Tuhua, but started to buy things online.

After the genetic optimization of warriors is over, they will choose exercises and weapons to prepare for entering the wilderness area. In fact, many students have specialized in researching certain weapons before, and they already have a plan.

In terms of weapons, in addition to cold weapons, some fighters will choose hot weapons, but those who choose hot weapons are warriors with low talents. There may not be much way out in a cold weapon duel, so only hot weapons will be used. this road.

The advantage of hot weapons is that they are quick to use. These warriors with excellent physical fitness are easy to cultivate, but the disadvantage is that their achievements are limited.

Seeing this, Lin Zhen stopped paying attention to what Fu Chengya and Shen Tuhua would choose. These two compete better, so people will not pay attention to him for the time being. He can use these few days to quietly continue to improve his strength.

In fact, no one had time during this period. For the last place of the first-class student, almost all the students fought hard, and they all wanted to reach the peak of the third-level in the shortest possible time.

Lin Zhen's nervous reaction is already enough, the punch speed is not far from the peak of the third level, and the right hand is also fast, but because of lack of exercise, the left hand is still far from the peak of the third level, even if he has mastered breathing It is impossible to throw others too far at once.

Ten days passed quickly, and Lin Zhen hardly left the martial arts gym these days. He practiced boxing during the day, and practiced his mental power at night when no one was around.

The cultivation of mental power has made rapid progress. More and more cyan air masses in his mind have begun to turn into silver. There are more and more traces of silver aura, accounting for a quarter of the total. He is already considered to be in the early stage of silver. Psychiatrist.

He can control three throwing knives at a time, even more powerful than pistols.

Under his deliberate training, the left hand boxing has also improved rapidly, and finally surpassed the 390Kg mark today.

A punch hit the target, and the words "397Kg" appeared.

"That's right, 397 in my left hand and 399 in my right hand. I'm already at the peak of the third level, and my punching speed has reached 7.99 punches per second, which is already the limit of the third level. I can almost take genetic medicine."

The genetic potion he ordered was delivered this morning, and the timing was just right.

At this time, everyone is cultivating desperately. Lin Zhen knows that several second-class students are about to enter the third-level peak, but their progress is a little slower than his own. Now that he takes the medicine, he will be able to get the last first-class student. .

Just when Lin Zhen was thinking about taking the medicine immediately, Zhao Liang walked over and said to Lin Zhen: "Lin Zhen, the police station called me and said that the time to imprison those hooligans is coming soon, but Zhang Huaihuan has never been there once, so it seems that he knows that it is useless to go, so he just let his little brother be locked up and never came to beg us."

"He doesn't care about it?" Lin Zhen really didn't expect it to be like this.

"Yes, anyway, the police station can detain them for 15 days at most. After 15 days, they will definitely be released. He would rather my little brother suffer than bow his head and reconcile."

"Hmph! He's sure that we dare not do anything to those bastards? Since he doesn't want to bow his head, then break each of those boys' legs!" Lin Zhen gritted his teeth, feeling angry.

"Then, should we take the initiative to ask Zhang Huai once? It would be best if we can negotiate compensation. Otherwise, if we break the legs of those hooligans by hand, people will leave nothing to talk about."

"How many days can we detain those hooligans?"

"I can still be locked up for up to four days, and I have to release people after four days."

"Okay, then three days later, I will meet Zhang Huai." Lin Zhen made up his mind.

"Three days...but..."

Zhao Liang hesitated to speak, but Lin Zhen knew what he meant. It was simply that Lin Zhen was too weak at present, and he was not qualified enough to negotiate with Zhang Huai.

Lin Zhen smiled: "Brother Zhao, you don't have to worry, I have reached the peak of the third level, and I can take the gene potion now. When my gene optimization is completed, I will no longer be the rookie I am now."

"But even if the gene is optimized, you still... ah! I almost forgot, you chose a custom-made potion! Lin Zhen, are you really sure of success?"