Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 32: Rival


After An Ning took Lin Zhen's hand, she realized how inappropriate this action was.

Her pink face was flushed red, and she wanted to let go, but felt embarrassed.

Lin Zhen was also stunned for a moment, but the next moment, Lin Zhen held An Ning's hand and smiled at him: "An Ning, what's the hurry, we haven't eaten yet, let's sit for a while."

An Ning's mind was almost blank, she nodded in a daze, and sat down obediently, even forgetting that her little hand was still held by Lin Zhen's big hand.

Li Tianhao couldn't hold back his expression anymore, the veins on his forehead were throbbing faintly, he stared at Lin Zhen firmly: "Lin Zhen, it seems that you didn't hear anything I said just now."

"I heard it, but it doesn't make sense, just listen to it casually."

"You... good! You'd better loosen your claws for me right away, or you'll see me later."

In Li Tianhao's heart, An Ning was his future wife, how could he tolerate being held by Lin Zhen, a stinky boy, he stood up angrily, as if he wanted to make a move.

But just as he got up, Meng Dong pressed his hand down again as soon as he stretched out his hand.

"Sit honestly, haven't you watched someone fall in love?" Meng Dong said without holding back.

Originally, An Ning was held by Lin Zhen, but at this moment her heart was pounding like a deer, and she was in a dazed state, but when she heard Meng Dong's words about love, she suddenly woke up, and hurriedly pulled her hand back from Lin Zhen's hand.

Lin Zhen was speechless for a while, thinking that Meng Dong, a kid, sometimes does not succeed in doing good enough but fails in failure.

It was Li Tianhao who was even more irritated by Meng Dong's words. He could no longer control the anger in his heart, so he picked up the phone again and dialed out. As soon as he got through, he yelled anxiously: "Ma Dong, where did you die? What? I haven't come here yet, someone here slapped Master Ben in the face, come here and cripple him for me!"

"Yeah! It's a fighter level. Don't tell me you can't handle it... Surely you can? It will be there in a minute. Okay, I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Li Tianhao looked at Lin Zhen with a sinister smile: "Lin Zhen, since you are so closed-minded, then I have no choice but to grant your wish to seek death. When Dong Zi arrives, you will know what terror is."

After finishing speaking, Li Tianhao leaned back on the chair, as if you were all dead.

"Lin Zhen..." An Ning was a little worried.

"It's okay, Dongzi, let's order, I'm hungry." Lin Zhen didn't care at all.

Meng Dong also got up to ask the waiter to order, but at this moment, the outer door opened, and a stalwart young man strode in.

"Brother Hao, who dares to provoke you? See if I won't destroy him!"

"Here, come Ma Dong." Li Tianhao immediately cheered up and greeted Ma Dong.

Ma Dong strode over, and Li Tianhao pointed at Lin Zhen: "It's this kid, from Liefeng Martial Arts, you don't have to worry about Liefeng, they won't turn against our Marriott Group for a mere student. You hold on."

"Brother Hao, with your words, I will let go of my hands and feet, but you'd better take that beauty out first, in case I demolish this bar later, it won't be good if I hurt you."

Li Tianhao immediately said to An Ning: "Ah Ning, their warriors' struggles are not deep or shallow, you should go out with me first, and leave these barbarians alone."

An Ning gave Li Tianhao a blank look, but got closer to Lin Zhen. Although she didn't speak, her actions had already said everything.

"I don't know how to flatter you, Ma Dong, give me a hand."

As Li Tianhao said, he had already left his seat, he didn't want Chi Yu to be hurt.

Seeing the opponent coming to the door, Lin Zhen also stood up, and said to Meng Dong: "Dongzi, keep some peace, I'll take care of this kid."

"Don't worry, I won't let my sister-in-law hurt a hair."

Lin Zhen nodded and turned to Ma Dong: "Being a minion for a tiger, you should be taught a lesson."

"Don't be ashamed, I'm the pinnacle of a ninth-level fighter, and I'm about to be promoted to a general. Since I have been promoted to the ninth level, I have never lost a fight with a fighter. I really look down on you who come out of the martial arts school. Let you... Huh?"

Before Ma Dong finished speaking, he suddenly looked at Lin Zhen with some doubts: "I seem to have seen you somewhere?"

Lin Zhen snorted coldly: "I've never seen you before."

Ma Dong didn't move, but stared at Lin Zhen's face suspiciously, looked carefully for a while, and suddenly his expression changed.

Li Tianhao got impatient waiting behind him, and said to Ma Dong: "Ma Dong, what are you dawdling about? Hurry up and cripple this kid, I want his leg!"

At this time Ma Dongqiang turned to Li Tianhao and said, "Brother Hao, is this warrior called Lin Zhen?"

"Yes, it's Lin Zhen. Why do you guys know each other? I can't even tell you that I know him. I won't give anyone face today. You have to get rid of him."

"It really is Lin Zhen of Gale Wind..."

Ma Dong took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a while before opening them, as if he had made up his mind, he turned to Li Tianhao and said, "Brother Hao, I'm afraid I can't help you with this matter, you'd better ask Gao Ming Bar."

"Are you crazy? Do you know what you're talking about? Don't say that I have nowhere to go to others, even if there is me, I won't go. I take the salary I give you. If even an ordinary student I can't clean it up, what use do I need you for?" Li Tianhao looked at Ma Dong in disbelief.

Ma Dong said with a bitter face: "That's right, Brother Hao, I took your salary, but I must do things within my ability. You find an opponent that I can't beat at all. This is not a disguised desire." Abandon me? I was seriously injured by Lin Zhen, and you might kick me away with one kick."

"What did you say? You can't beat Lin Zhen? You are a nine-level fighter who eats shit, you can't even beat an eighth-level fighter."

Ma Dong didn't dare to offend Li Tianhao, so he could only continue: "Brother Hao, you can go and find out, among the new generation of students in Bingcheng, who is as famous as Lin Zhen now, let alone me, a ninth-level fighter, just Famous warriors were almost killed by Lin Zhen with a single shot. Do you think my excellent evaluation is great? They are private orders, 99% promotion, this record does not exist in the whole country, you let me go with such a person Fighting, isn't it pushing me into the fire pit?"

"This kid is so strong?" Li Tianhao looked at Lin Zhen in disbelief, and then said to Dong Ma: "I don't care, you have to work for me if you take my money."

Ma Dong's face became serious: "Brother Hao, among warriors, money can't solve everything. The most recognized by warriors is strength. I joined the Marriott Group, not entirely because of money, but partly because of your father Li Wanfeng. For the sake of the strong God of War, knowing that this group has the strong backing of the God of War is guaranteed. If your family is just a simple businessman, with all due respect, I will not go if you give me any money, because there is no strong force. As a martial artist, no matter how much money you have, your foundation will not be stable. Just come to a master and you can level your group overnight, so brother Hao... don't keep raising money? If you still use money to suppress me , then I have no choice but to resign.”

Ma Dong's words made Li Tianhao stunned. As the young boss of the group, he was protected by his parents at the level of God of War, and he still had endless money in his hands. He had never encountered such a situation before.

He had also reached the peak of the third level under the training of his parents since he was a child, and now he is also facing the threshold of taking genetic medicine.

His father, Li Wanfeng, wanted him to take privately ordered potions, and the success rate was almost 60%.

Because Li Wanfeng himself is a private order, Li Tianhao is his son, under the influence of genetics, this kind of private order is easier to equip. Father and son have similar genes, so the success rate is naturally high. This is the advantage of family martial arts.

But even with a 60% success rate, Li Tianhao didn't dare to take risks. He proposed to take the panacea, but Li Wanfeng rejected it. In Li Wanfeng's view, his son would naturally become an excellent warrior. It's not good to grow popular goods at all. The father and son are competing with each other because of this matter these days.

Li Tianhao is not only timid but also has a rebellious mentality. These days, he simply wants to be a behind-the-scenes commander, not a warrior who goes into battle in person.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized the importance of strength.

Ma Dong didn't dare to make a move against Lin Zhen, no matter how much money he gave, it was useless, this was the embodiment of strength.

Lin Zhen just sat there without moving, and he lost all face on his side. Looking at the mocking smile on Meng Dong's face, Li Tianhao felt his face was hot, and he didn't even dare to look at An Ning.

It turned out that the real reason why I felt awesome was that he had good parents, and what others saw was his parents, not Li Tianhao.

He likes An Ning, but An Ning has never given him a good face, but he can let Lin Zhen hold her hand, this incident makes Li Tianhao feel like a knife.

The person who gave him this kind of insult today was Lin Zhen. He had never felt this kind of insult before, and he had never hated anyone so much.

After staring at Lin Zhen for a while, Li Tianhao suddenly turned and left the bar.