Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 33: Set off


After leaving the bar, Li Tianhao made a phone call home in his car.

"Hey! Mom, where's my dad?"

The person who answered the phone was Zhao Siqing, Li Tianhao's mother, who was also a God of War-level powerhouse.

Women are the least able to reach this step. Generally speaking, the ratio of male and female warriors is almost ten to one. Due to the limitation of natural strength, it is more difficult for women to break through, but those who can break through are undoubtedly strong, and so is Li Wanfeng. God of War, but in terms of strength, Zhao Siqing is still above him.

"Your dad is here, son, where are you? Do you want your dad to answer the phone?"

"No need, just tell my dad, I'll go back right away, prepare a custom potion for me, I'm going to make a breakthrough today."

Zhao Siqing over there said happily: "You finally figured it out? This is my good son, can you tell mom why he figured it out today?"

"Because I have to deal with a person who is also a warrior. He is fighting for peace with me. I must kill him myself!"

"Who is so bold? Son, tell mom, and mom will kill him immediately!" Zhao Siqing's voice was stern. As a mother, she doted on her son more than Li Wanfeng.

"No, I have to solve this matter myself. Mom, you and my dad don't interfere, or I won't take the medicine."

"Okay, okay, I listen to you, come back quickly, your father and I will wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Siqing said to Li Wanfeng who had been listening with his ears upright: "Did you hear that, your son has figured out that he is going to take a custom-made medicine out of jealousy? Do it well for me, nothing will happen to my son."

"My wife, don't worry, this time the private order is very sure, at least 60%. If this is not successful, then I, the God of War, can be killed by a headshot."

"Then you said that you really let your son solve this matter by himself?"

"Of course, young people should have more experience. If you don't let him solve it by himself, he may be upset and his achievements will be limited in the future. I believe that Li Wanfeng's son is not a coward."

There were only three Lin Zhens left in the bar, and Meng Dong gave Lin Zhen a thumbs up: "Lin Zi, I just realized today that a warrior's reputation is so important. That Ma Dong, I don't think I'm his opponent at all, but I look like a mouse when I see you." If you see a cat, you can be regarded as famous in the warrior circle."

An Ning also nodded and said, "Lin Zhen, you are amazing."

"Hehe, it's just a coincidence, let's not talk about this, today is to celebrate Meng Dong, let's drink."

Meng Dong yelled and ordered food, ordering a table full of delicious food, but An Ning received a call from home before the meal was served.

The call was from An Ning's father, and the family strictly ordered An Ning to go back immediately. They didn't say the reason, but everyone knew the reason well.

This was Li Tianhao's trick. He informed An Ning's family that An Ning was with a young warrior student. Sure enough, An Ning's father became anxious and rushed to find his precious daughter.

An Ning wanted to refute, but Lin Zhen shook her head to stop her.

"Since the family is looking for you, you can go back. You haven't done anything wrong, don't worry, we are just classmates now, aren't we?"

An Ning took a deep look at Lin Zhen, nodded, and was obviously depressed.

When An Ning's pretty figure was about to walk out of the bar, Lin Zhen suddenly said: "An Ning, I will go to your house one day to find you, will you wait for me?"

An Ning turned her head, stared at Lin Zhen for a while, and suddenly smiled, the beauty at that moment was like a hundred flowers blooming: "Then don't come too late, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait."

Seeing An Ning's back disappear, Lin Zhencai turned his attention back to the dining table, but saw Meng Dong staring at him blankly.

"Look at what?"

"Linzi, I found that you are very thick-skinned now, and you didn't seem to be like this before."

"Haha, there are flowers that deserve to be broken. If you look rude but are insignificant like you, I'm afraid you will be single for the rest of your life."

"Damn! Just because of how my buddy looks, no one is single and I can't be single."

The two chatted nonsense and drank for a long time. It was not until the evening that Lin Zhen drove Meng Dong away.

After sending Meng Dong away, Lin Zhen didn't go home, but went to the martial arts gym, and found a practice room to cultivate his spiritual power.

He practiced for most of the night, but the effect was obvious. He was finally able to control the three throwing knives smoothly.

"Tomorrow I will enter the wilderness area. Although I have entered the eighth-level fighter stage, in the entire team, my strength is undoubtedly the lowest."

"My current mental power has reached 40% silver, which is considered to be in the middle of the silver stage. I can control three throwing knives, which will be the strongest means for me to save my life and kill the enemy."

It wasn't until dawn that Lin Zhen rested for more than two hours, and woke up at eight o'clock.

In the morning, he ate some breakfast provided by the martial arts hall, and after eating, Shi Lei, Zhao Liang and others also arrived.

Lin Zhen put on the deerskin jacket he bought, put the Black Dragon Spear on his back, inserted the throwing knife, and brought a large package, which contained many odds and ends that he bought online.

This large package can also be used to store loot. After a warrior kills a monster, it is impossible to take away all the corpses of the monster, but some precious things will be collected.

"Lin Zhen, are you ready?"

Shi Lei was also wearing a protective suit, with a long sword behind his back, looking radiant.

"It's almost the same."

"It's almost enough. We are going north this time, and we will pass a satellite city called Peony City. From Peony City, we can go to our destination this time, and that is here."

As he said that, Shi Lei spread out a map on the dining table and pointed with his finger.

Several team members gathered around, Gao Yan looked at the place Shi Lei was pointing at, and his eyes lit up: "Yilan County! This place is a treasure, the left side is close to Wanda Mountain, and the right side is next to Songhua River. When the weather changes, this is the hardest-hit area. The monsters almost wiped out Yilan County. Those monsters left the mountains. Because they lived in the city for a long time, they even gradually changed their habits and lived in the urban area. This county is a paradise for monsters. ah."

Zhao Liang looked at Shi Lei: "Captain, the strength of our team used to be in the wild, in the countryside, and at most in towns. This time, going directly to the county town is a bit riskier."

Shi Lei waved his hand: "We didn't go directly to the core area of Yilan County. At the beginning, we wanted to roam around the edge and gradually clear a way to the core, because I got an insider tip."

"What news?" Several people turned their gazes to Shi Lei's face.

Shi Lei first looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to the corner of the restaurant, so he lowered his voice and said to several people: "I have a brother in the Peony City army, and when that brother was on duty at the city wall at night, he found it with military radar. The giant-handed human bear that appeared in the northwest of Petroleum City has been injured and escaped, and entered Yilan County to recuperate. As long as we can kill this injured human bear, it will be enough for our team to eat for two years."

This news made the eyes of several other fighters shine. Man bears are B-level monsters, and there must be beast crystals in their bodies. This big guy alone is probably worth hundreds of millions, plus the income from killing small monsters along the way. , it is possible to earn 200 million this trip.

Only Gao Yan pondered for a moment: "Man-bears are not easy to deal with, we'd better plan carefully, and don't capsize in Yilan County."

"Of course, Yilan's map is ready, and we would rather return without success, and we will never be greedy for success. We can't retreat immediately, how about it? Do you dare to go through this?"

"Go, why don't you go, it's rare to have an insider news, if other warrior teams find out, we might not even have a sip of the soup."

"Of course I will. I dare not take a chance when I see such an opportunity. I will be so sad that I will lose sleep at night."

Several team members were very excited, Shi Lei finally looked at Lin Zhen: "Lin Zhen, how is it? It's a little dangerous to go hunting for the first time, are you worried?"

Lin Zhen shook his head: "There is nothing to worry about."

Saying this, Lin Zhen's heart was filled with turmoil.

In Yilan County, when the meteor shower fell on God's Day, it was the hardest hit area, and the city was almost razed to the ground, but there were also many meteorites left in the county.

Many meteorites have been taken away by the base city and the Ministry of Science and Technology, but the world is so big, and there are still many meteorites left in the wild. Lin Zhen knows that a very precious meteorite once appeared in Yilan County.

The reason why meteorites are valuable is because of the energy contained in them.

This kind of energy has been discovered by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and named it dark energy. The so-called dark energy is the largest energy in the universe, and it is also a necessary item for the Ministry of Science and Technology to configure genetic potions.

Meteorites are forbidden items, and private ownership and trading are prohibited, even for warriors. Once discovered, they will be severely punished by the base city. This is one of the few punishments that can restrain warriors.

If warriors absorb the dark energy in the meteorite, it will further strengthen the body. Generally speaking, warriors in the star realm can absorb the energy smoothly. If you want to absorb the energy below the star realm, the conditions are more stringent.

The meteorite that appeared in Yilan County was wrapped with a fist-sized dark energy stone. Lin Zhen still vaguely remembered that this meteorite was finally obtained by a woman, a ninth-level fighter, who absorbed it by accident. After this dark energy stone, that woman broke through the physical limitations of women and reached the standard for being promoted to a warrior in terms of strength.

After the later incident was exposed, people also discussed this meteorite, saying that it was a waste to give it to a woman, but if it was given to a male warrior, it would definitely produce a master.

But at this stage, even if an ordinary warrior is given a dark energy stone, he doesn't know how to absorb it.

But Lin Zhen couldn't remember who the woman was.

"Well, since everyone agrees, let's set off now. I will drive one car, and the four of you will drive two cars. I think Lin Zhen also bought a car, which will come in handy."

Several people went out to get into the car, in front was Shi Lei's black galloping horse, then Ye Tiancheng and Gao Yan's Great Wall Phantom, and finally Lin Zhen and Zhao Liang's birds of prey.

The three cars roared and headed straight for the north gate of the base city of Ice City.