Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 38: mutant beast


This Ruoruo is the woman who got the meteorite back then.

A ninth-level fighter, after she got the dark energy stone, she just reached the threshold of breaking through to the warrior. Originally, she was not strong enough, but absorbed the energy in the dark energy stone by accident, and thus successfully broke through and became a warrior. A very rare female warrior.

Lin Zhen stood holding the gun for a while, and quickly made a decision in his heart.

He must get this meteorite no matter what. Lin Zhen's goal in this life is very high. He not only needs to cultivate quickly, but also wants to become the strongest every step of the way.

He knows the chances of many people, although it is impossible to take the initiative to snatch everything from everyone, but when the opportunity is in front of him, how can he let it go.

As for Ruoruo, Lin Zhen didn't care at all.

Thinking about the plan in his heart, he didn't stop on his feet. He walked into the town with the Black Dragon Spear, and bursts of beast roars came from inside.

As soon as he walked into the edge of the town, Lin Zhen saw a mutant beast.

Lying there like the size of a millstone, with dark green skin and pustules all over his body, his long tongue curled up a human arm and was swallowing it into his mouth. When he saw Lin Zhen, he immediately swallowed that arm, facing Lin Zhen, a pair of small eyes emitted a fierce light.

"Mutated toad, an F-level mutant beast, can attack with its tongue. It has toxins in its body. There is no obvious weakness on the surface of the body, but the weakness is in the abdomen."

Lin Zhen hadn't seen the mutant beasts on the earth for a long, long time. Now that he saw this toad, he could still recall the characteristics of these mutant beasts.


The mutated toad screamed and pounced on Lin Zhen.

The limbs were separated, the huge mouth opened, and before the body arrived, a long tongue with a length of two meters rolled towards Lin Zhen.

Although the toad is F-level, it is considered difficult in F-level. Under the protection of the long tongue, it is difficult for warriors to attack its abdomen with one blow.

Especially with the ugly and vicious appearance and the toxins all over his body, many fledgling students fell under the hands of this mutant beast.

But this level of mutant beast is too simple for Lin Zhen.

Because he has spiritual power.

With a movement of thought power, a flying knife flew out from the waist, and a cold light flashed like lightning, and the red tongue of the toad had been cut off!


The toad screamed in pain, and before it landed, Lin Zhen had already arrived at the place where it landed, and the tip of the Black Dragon Spear in his hand slashed across its soft abdomen.


A big opening from the beginning to the end, the internal organs inside crashed down, Lin Zhen had already avoided it, and was not contaminated at all.

"F-level mutant beasts have not yet formed crystals in their bodies, so they are of little value."

Put away the toad's tongue, the toad has no ears, the tongue is the trophy.

After tidying up the toad, Lin Zhen continued to move forward.

After walking another 100 meters, there was a "cluck" sound in front of me.

Turning the corner of a small street, a group of mutant beasts appeared in front of them.

The front one stood there almost as tall as a person, with thick legs, a fiery red crown on top of its head, and a sharp beak made of steel. When it saw Lin Zhen, it stopped immediately.

Behind it, about ten slightly shorter mutant beasts followed it, not as strong as it, but not small either.

"Mutated rooster and hen are gregarious mutant beasts. Their beaks and claws are very hard and powerful. They can fly short distances and sprint fast. Their weak points are the neck and head, and their vitality is relatively strong."

These chickens were originally food on the dining table, but after God's Change, all beasts mutated, and they were no exception. On the day of God's Change, all the people who raised chickens at home suffered disaster.

After seeing Lin Zhen, the rooster crowed loudly and loudly, and the surrounding hens rushed over from all directions as if they had heard the order.

With the Black Dragon Spear in his hand, he retracted and probed, and cold stars appeared in the air, and immediately put the five or six hens in front of him to the ground, and a blood hole appeared on the top of each chicken's head.

"The second level of the Nine Layers Gun River is heavy rain. It is like rain hitting plantains. The emphasis is on speed. Although I haven't mastered heavy rain yet, I can deal with these F-level mutant beasts."

The body leaped forward, and the Black Dragon Spear struck several times in a row, knocking down the remaining few hens.

The big rooster flapped its wings and rushed towards Lin Zhen, pecking fiercely at Lin Zhen with its bird-like volley beak.

Lin Zhen dodged it by virtue of his excellent nerve response, and before the rooster landed, Lin Zhen flew a knife and pierced the rooster's head.

The rooster fell to the ground and was still thumping desperately. Lin Zhen walked over and shot two more shots, completely killing it.

After taking out the blood of the rooster and taking it with medicine, Lin Zhen collected the combs of all the chickens.

"These F-level mutant beasts are really not a threat to me at present. If you pass by and see them, you can kill them. You don't need to look for them. After all, each F-level mutant beast only has one point. faster."

After killing the chickens, Lin Zhen heard the sound of fighting in front of him before he had gone far.

Lin Zhen quickly took two steps to take a look, and saw a ninth-level fighter fighting with a group of mutated pigs.

The mutated pigs are no longer the chubby and docile pigs they used to be. Each pig is almost as tall as a person. The hair on its body stands on end, its long fangs protrude from its mouth, and its eyes are fierce. It has become a real pig. beast.

The mutated pig is an E-level monster with thick skin and no obvious weakness. It can only be killed with thunder. But this warrior's weapon is actually just a short sword, which is obviously taking the agile route. Pigs have limited lethality and have been struggling to support them.

Lin Zhen didn't go over to help immediately. There were eight mutant pigs in this group, and they were not easy to deal with.

When the soldier saw Lin Zhen, his eyes lit up first, and then dimmed again: "Shit! I thought a savior came, but I didn't expect a waste to come. You finally have the courage to enter the town? Seeing these mutated pigs, you still dare Why don't you run away?"

Lin Zhen climbed up a broken wall next to him, and the mutated pigs couldn't get up here, so he sat down there and laughed: "If you have the time to mock others, why not think about how to save your life? Why should I run?" After you are eaten by these mutated pigs, your dagger will belong to me, it looks good, and it may sell for hundreds of thousands."

The ninth-level fighter didn't expect Lin Zhen to be so shameless. He wanted to provoke Lin Zhen so that he couldn't help but come to help, but he didn't expect that the other party was completely unmoved and was still waiting to see him die.

Going down with the sword with all his strength, he finally beheaded a little pig, but he was scratched by a big pig. Being hit by such a huge animal was almost like being hit by a car. This soldier was a little inconvenient to move.

Finally couldn't help but said: "Lin Zhen, how can you help me? As long as you help me lure the three pigs away, I can kill these things one by one. You can make a price."

"I don't care. This kind of E-rank mutant beast that lives in groups is more terrifying than ordinary D-ranks. You are so foolish to provoke them. You deserve it."

"Damn! I'm sick to provoke this kind of E-class that lives in groups. It's not that there is a crater in that house. I want to go and have a look. I didn't expect there to be such a group of things in that house." The soldier pointed casually.

"Meteor crater?" Lin Zhen was stunned for a moment, then glanced in the direction the soldier pointed, and he saw a hole in the roof of a house, but there was a broken wall covering it. Well, you really can't see the crater.

Lin Zhen was suddenly excited. He didn't expect to find the crater so soon.

Do you know what kind of meteorite is in this pit? Kongming stone? Dark Energy Stone? or something else