Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 39: attacked


"The price you offered is not bad. I will kill a pig for you now. Whether you can survive is up to you."

Lin Zhen didn't just sit back and watch, he jumped down from the wall and shook the Black Dragon Spear in his hand.

"The wind!"

The soldier only felt a gust of wind whistling around him, Lin Zhen's figure flashed past, and the black dragon gun in his hand pierced through the head of the biggest mutant pig!

After being severely injured, the vitality of the mutated pig was not as good as that of a chicken. After its head was pierced, it fell to the ground, convulsed a few times, and then died.

Taking out a knife, he quickly cut off the ear of the mutated pig, and Lin Zhen ran away.

"The pork is for you, don't thank me."

Lin Zhen had a very clear idea. He only killed the biggest one. This soldier still had to fight hard. He didn't have the strength to compete with him for the meteorite. This was in his best interest.

Those pigs surrounded the soldier with red eyes. He had no chance of escape, so Lin Zhen was allowed to kill the big pig calmly and escape.

Lin Zhen quickly turned two corners and went straight to the collapsed house.

Lin Zhen knows a lot about meteorites. In this meteor shower, countless meteorites hit the earth. How much can the military and the base city collect? Most of the meteorites are still in the wild.

But not all meteorites are useful. 90% of meteorites are waste products, and only about 10% of them contain treasures.

The dark energy stone is the most useful one. In fact, the dark energy stone is the currency in the interstellar world.

The energy emitted by the dark energy stone can attract creatures to approach. These mutated pigs entrenched here are probably attracted by the dark energy stone, so Lin Zhen judged that if this crater really has meteorites, the dark energy stone Most likely.

Although the house has collapsed, it has become a pigsty. Those mutated pigs come and go, creating a passage in the house.

Lin Zhen walked in without much effort, walked into the center of the ruins, and found that there was indeed a big hole in the ground.

The roof was hit to create a large hole with a diameter of two meters, and the pit on the ground was also about two meters in diameter.

"The diameter is two meters. According to the ratio of ten to one, the diameter of this meteorite should be about 20 centimeters. I will dig it out now."

Lin Zhen's Black Dragon Spear immediately became a digging tool, and some large stones were picked up and thrown out. The warriors were very powerful, and quickly cleaned up the sundries here, exposing the black stones at the bottom of the pit.

"It really is, haha! People from the military in this small town have been here, but I didn't find this meteorite. My luck is not bad."

Lin Zhen moved the meteorite out of the crater, and it was exactly as he expected. It was the size of a basketball, with a shiny black surface, and it looked different from the stones on the earth.

Immediately taking out the alloy chisel and hammer, Lin Zhen started to work swiftly.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Pieces of stone chips were flying, and large pieces of stone were peeling off. Lin Zhen was strong enough. This job, which is very difficult for ordinary people, is nothing for warriors.

Five minutes later, a black stone about the size of a pigeon egg appeared in Lin Zhen's hand.

"Sure enough... The surprise is not so good. Although it is a dark energy stone, it is too small. The dark energy is absorbed, and it can increase the strength by about 20 kilograms. The agility and nerve response will also be improved accordingly."

"But it's okay. My most important thing is to collect the largest dark energy stone and use it when I am promoted to a warrior. This can break the physical limit of a person and allow me to break through the 1000kg strength when I am a warrior. The limit, these smaller ones, just absorb them in time."

Sitting here, Lin Zhen took out the fossil powder and dissolving agent, smeared it on the surface of the meteorite, and then held it with both hands to absorb it on the spot.

Eighty to ninety percent of the composition of the universe is composed of dark matter. It can be said that dark matter is ubiquitous and is the core component of the composition of the universe.

Dark energy is the activity of dark matter, which is concentrated in dark energy. The piece in Lin Zhen's hand is considered small, but it can increase the strength of 20kg at one time, which is simply a dream for ordinary warriors.

Under the action of fossil powder and dissolving potion, this dark energy stone gradually melted, and traces of black energy penetrated into Lin Zhen's palm and merged into his blood and bones.

Sisi An can swim in Lin Zhen's body, and disappear a little bit as he advances a little bit, and the body functions are strengthened a little bit where he disappears.

The familiar feeling from the previous life came, and Lin Zhen felt that every cell was cheering.

A minute later, the dark energy stone completely melted, and Lin Zhen opened his eyes.

"Huh! It really works. I can feel that my strength has increased. My strength was about 800 kilograms before, but now it is estimated to be around 830 kilograms. With a few more yuan, I will be promoted to a ninth-level fighter."

"It is said that the dark energy stone in Yilan County is the size of a football. Ruo Ruo, whose strength is only at the level of a normal male fighter of level 6 to level 7, has become a warrior. I want that stone no matter what. owned."

After Lin Zhen absorbed the dark energy stone, he stood up slowly, but suddenly felt palpitations.

"There are gunmen!"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that on the opposite roof, the muzzle of the gun had begun to flash red light, which was the scene when the bullet was about to be discharged.

The moment his mind realized the danger, Lin Zhen's body had already reacted.

Leaning back sharply, the gunshot rang out.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

A string of flames hit the surrounding rocks, and the place where Lin Zhen was standing just now was filled with gunpowder smoke.

Leaning against the wall, Lin Zhen jumped up again, and the flames brushed against his feet.

Kicking off the wall in the air, like a civet cat, it flew forward against the ceiling, followed by the metal storm behind it, shooting a series of flames behind Lin Zhen, and the gravel and smoke flew around.

But that was the end of it. As Lin Zhen fell into another corner of the room, which was the dead corner of the shooting, the torrent of bullets finally stopped.

The room was filled with gunpowder smoke and dust, and people could hardly be seen. People who were choked by the dust could barely open their eyes, and the gunmen outside also lost their targets.

On the opposite roof, a big man looked at the abandoned house in disbelief: "How is this possible? I missed him! My six-barrel metal storm can pour out 120 bullets in two seconds, and I didn't hit him!" Hit him!"

This big man is tall and strong, with yellow and orange bullet chains all over his body, and a huge six-barreled revolving machine gun in his hand. The metal storm, the latest product of the Ministry of Science and Technology, is still slowly turning, and the black barrel is still emitting green smoke. He stared dumbfounded at the place where Lin Zhen disappeared.


On the ground, his cell phone was still on, and he was making a video call with someone.

In the video, Ruoruo's face is full of coldness: "Wang Yuan, what else can you do? Even an eighth-level fighter can't kill him. Even at this level, he dares to call himself the king of violent guns."

"Ruoruo, I...give me another chance, and I will definitely kill this Lin Zhen."

"I don't dare to trust you anymore. I will find someone else again, but I want to remind you that you have exposed your position by not killing Lin Zhen. Be careful not to be killed by Lin Zhen. You should immediately delete and My call records, I don't want to have anything to do with you."

If Ruoruo hangs up the video call, the screen turns black.

The big man Wang Yuan was stunned for a moment, remembering Lin Zhen's perverted nervous reaction just now, and immediately realized that this person was not as weak as everyone said, so he hurriedly packed his things and left the house.

He had just left for less than thirty seconds when Lin Zhen climbed up from the side of the house.

Picking up some hot bullet casings on the ground, Lin Zhen sneered: "Run, but if you can run, monks can't run away from the temple. In the small town, there will be no more than three people using this metal storm. Let me see Where can you run to?"