Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 4: Spiritual awakening


Lin Zhen's eyes lit up instantly, and he remembered many things at this moment.

At the beginning, no one knew whether the deal was completed or not. More people believed that the poster took a screenshot and took the goods off the shelves. This process can be completed in less than a minute.

There must be a delay process from taking screenshots to posting successfully on the forum. This is a rigid rule on the Internet today. The time limit is one minute. After one minute, the goods can be removed from the shelves, but they cannot be removed from the shelves within one minute.

This post just appeared, and Lin Zhen only had seven seconds to see it. Others may have to struggle to find a booth, because the person who posted the post chose a secondary name.

Lin Zhen's online name is Lin Zhen, because he hasn't changed his name yet, and he uses his identity card. In addition to his real name, he can also have a second name.

Posting with a secondary name and setting up a stall with your real name is a common trick, making it difficult for others to quickly find your stall.

Lin Zhen later learned that Ouyang Yu's second name was Meteor Shower, but he didn't associate it with it.

Thinking about it now, it's not surprising that Ouyang Yu could do such a thing.

In order to pursue An Ning, Ouyang Yu also took great pains, usually showing off everywhere like a peacock with its tail open, showing off its muscles, family background and wealth, hoping to be favored by An Ning.

In his previous life, Lin Zhen did not pursue An Ning, but Ouyang Yu also failed. In An Ning's eyes, there was no Ouyang Yu at all.

Although Ouyang Yu is very good at showing off, he is definitely not an idiot. At this moment, Lin Zhen can be sure that Ouyang Yu will remove the goods from the shelves soon. It is even possible that his name, Meteor Shower, has just been named, just to prevent anyone from Buy his potion within this minute.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Zhen immediately opened the campus communication group and found Ouyang Yu's profile picture.

Click on the avatar, and the location of the booth will be displayed immediately, and the coordinates are in a hidden corner of the mall.

However, it was no problem for Lin Zhen who knew the location, after three seconds, Lin Zhen found Ouyang Yu's booth.

Click, open, and the contents of the shelf appear.

In the middle of a row of useless potions, there is a bottle of spiritual power potion, which sells for one hundred yuan. It is placed together with the surrounding bottles. If you don't pay special attention, it's really hard to find.



The buyer requests to entrust an online monitoring agent to pick up the goods!

Online shopping is guaranteed, even warriors can’t violate it. Once you buy it, you’ve got it. The code of the potion is automatically recorded. After the buyer pays the fee, you can ask the online supervisor to pick up the goods, and the online supervisor will arrive within three minutes. Designate the location and deliver it to the buyer within ten minutes. Of course, a certain fee will be charged.

Internet monitoring is a global organization, an independent organization co-sponsored by the base city, the military, and the world's top-ranked martial arts. Infringed.

After finishing all this, Lin Zhen looked at his watch, it took thirty seconds!


Lin Zhen snapped his fingers, perfect!

Originally, he was going to deal with Ouyang Yu, but he didn't expect God to be so cooperative and give him such a good opportunity, so Lin Zhenxin felt relieved for a while.

Let you pretend, let you show off!

Although five million is not a lot, but Ouyang Yu's family is an official, not a businessman, five million is not too small, it is enough for him to drink a pot.

But Lin Zhen also had an extra mind, and gave himself a secondary name, called Xinghe, and then displayed the secondary name, so that Ouyang Yu didn't know who bought his spiritual potion.

The people who delivered the goods from the network supervisor came very quickly. Eight minutes later, there was a knock on the door of Lin Zhen's house, and Lin Zhen opened the door to receive the goods.

The parents just took a look and didn't ask much. In their eyes, Lin Zhen, who is about to graduate from high school and has good grades, is the real head of the family and the future of the family. The two of them live by relying on their son. people.

Lin Zhen took the things back to the room, it was a simple small box, which contained a glass bottle about ten centimeters long.

The unopened glass bottle is vacuum-sealed, and the numbered seal cannot be faked.

"Psychic potion, a necessary item for the awakening of a spiritual teacher, is extracted from a variety of genes that are good at mind-controlling mutant beasts. The price of this bottle is currently five million, but as far as I know, the price will increase. In half a month, it will become seven million."

"Awakening mental power can not only greatly improve the nerve response, but also slightly increase the speed of strength. This is the fastest way to improve strength before the graduation exam."

The process of improving mental strength will take some time. Before the improvement, Lin Zhen specifically told his parents that he will practice indoors for two days, so that they don't have to worry about it during this time.

After the parents agreed, Lin Zhen took a nap first, ate a full meal the next morning, and felt better than ever before, then picked up the spiritual power potion and swallowed it in one gulp.

A gust of coolness entered the stomach, and instantly turned into a fiery heat, which went straight into Lin Zhen's mind along the limbs!

Lin Zhen had once experienced a boost in mental strength, and he was no stranger to this feeling, so he just gritted his teeth lightly, enduring the stinging pain like a needle.

Mental power potion is also a kind of genetic potion, a high-tech product, which is to awaken the hidden spiritual power by constantly stimulating people's minds. People with relatively high talents may be able to fully awaken in a few hours.

For those with poor talent, it may take three to five days to fully awaken.

In the previous life, it took Lin Zhen a full 48 hours to awaken, and her talent was considered average.

However, this time, Lin Zhen discovered during the awakening process that his spiritual power seemed to have increased compared to his previous life, which probably has something to do with the rebirth of the soul.

In his mind, silver energy hidden in a cloud of blue slowly emerged, and Lin Zhen knew that it was spiritual power.

The strength of spiritual power is divided into several stages. The initial stage is cyan, which is divided into bronze-level spiritual power. As the practice gradually improves, it will evolve into silver-level, then gold-level, dark-gold-level, and diamond-level.

Lin Zhen didn't know that he was above the diamond level. He had seen the tallest one in his previous life, and he only had the spiritual power of the diamond level.

In his previous life, he had only reached the advanced level of silver-level mental power, and when he awakened, he was only at the junior level of bronze.

But in this life, when he awakened, he possessed the mental power of Bronze-level and began to transform into Silver-level. This is undoubtedly a huge improvement, which can be described as a genius spiritualist.

"It's actually bronze high-level mental power, and there are signs of silvering. With such a high starting point, I will definitely become a powerful spiritual teacher in this life!"

After the mental power was fully awakened and the medicinal power completely disappeared, Lin Zhen opened his eyes.

If someone is facing Lin Zhen at this moment, he will definitely feel that his eyes are particularly bright, bright enough to sting other people's eyes, and it is impossible to look directly at them!