Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 41: fight!


The moment he put down the gun, Lin Zhen felt a rare excitement in his heart.

In his last life, he only finished the first level of the Nine-level Spear River, and the second level was because he didn't have any cheats. Moreover, in his last life, he was timid and never considered a forward-looking style of play at all.

In this life, the sense of fear in his heart has disappeared, and he really comprehended the initial artistic conception of the rainstorm.

Putting the snake letter away, Lin Zhen no longer knew how many poisonous snakes he had killed, and looking at the time, ten hours had passed.

"Sure enough, I don't know how long it takes to practice, and it's less than two hours before I leave the town."

"During the last time, I want to explore here and kill as many poisonous snakes as possible to ensure that our team can enter Yilan County smoothly."

Holding the Black Dragon Spear, he used the method of scaring the snakes along the way to attract the poisonous snakes hidden in the dark. As soon as a snake appeared, Lin Zhen immediately killed it with a thunderbolt, and he didn't even need to use a throwing knife.

But despite this, there are still fewer and fewer snakes.

There is a two-story building in front of it, which is the only surviving building in the ruins.

Walking near the small building, Lin Zhen felt a stench.

"This should be a snake den. I don't know how many snakes and insects there are. After cleaning this place, I should go out."

The door of the room was almost rotten after thousands of years of wind and frost, and Lin Zhen kicked the remaining piece of wood away.

"It stinks!"

A stench came towards him, Lin Zhen almost vomited, almost turned around and left here.

"No, although this place is smelly, it seems that no one has ever been here. The military personnel may not be able to search every inch of the land. What if there is a meteorite here?"

Lin Zhen walked into the small building carefully, looked left and right, and found that neither the roof nor the walls were obviously damaged, and felt a little disappointed.

"Is there no meteorite attack here? But why do snakes and insects make their nests here?"

After searching around, he didn't even find any traces of snakes or insects. Lin Zhen was puzzled, moved some garbage, and planned to go to the basement of this small building.


A poisonous snake covered in gray suddenly jumped out from a basement door, and bit Lin Zhen fiercely with its flat head.


Lin Zhen shook his hand and shot the snake, nailing the snake firmly to the wall, and then pulled and stirred it to kill it.

Cutting the letter, Lin Zhenxin understood.

"It turns out that the old nest of snakes and insects is in the basement, so it's easy to handle now."

Suppressing the strong stench in the basement, Lin Zhen first lit some weeds, then lit two wooden boards, and threw them into the basement.

Thick smoke billowed up, while covering up the stench, it also caused the snakes and insects in the basement to fry.

The poisonous snakes rushed out of the basement one by one. The huge triangular heads made people tremble with fear. Lin Zhen stood guard at the entrance of the basement, firing his gun like lightning without retreating an inch, and killed the snakes one by one.

A shadow of a gun passed by, the poisonous snake roared and rolled and fell, blood splashed all over Lin Zhen's clothes, but he didn't notice it at all.

This process lasted for ten minutes before the basement finally calmed down.

Lin Zhen felt his arms tremble a little. In the process, he killed twenty or thirty huge poisonous snakes.

"Could it be cleaned up? Why did the smoke disappear so quickly, I should go down and have a look."

With a gun in hand and a flying knife at the ready, Lin Zhen walked cautiously into the basement.

After entering the basement, Lin Zhen's eyes lit up.

No wonder the smoke disappeared so quickly. It turned out that above the basement, there was a large oblique hole with a diameter of nearly three meters, and in the basement, there was a huge deep pit.

In the deep pit, a huge poisonous snake of indeterminate length was entrenched in it, spitting out messages to Lin Zhen non-stop.

"Meteor crater! There is indeed a crater here, which can become a nest for snakes and insects. There is no doubt that this place is still a dark energy stone, otherwise this snake would not grow so big."

"This poisonous snake has been transformed by dark energy, and it is now a C-level mutant beast. However, no one in the military is sure whether there is a C-level here. It seems that no one has been here."

Generally speaking, not to mention warrior-level monsters that encounter C-level mutant beasts, even warrior-level ones would not dare to provoke them easily. Several people need to work together to kill them to ensure safety.

Lin Zhen couldn't find anyone to team up with right now, so he could only go up alone. If it was another C-level, he would definitely be invincible, but Lin Zhen is really not afraid of mutant snakes.

The big snake was entrenched in the deep pit, and it kept uttering messages to Lin Zhen, raising its head in an attacking posture, which was to warn Lin Zhen not to approach.

But it never took the initiative to leave the deep pit, and it was obviously reluctant to part with the things in the deep pit.

Lin Zhen ignored its warning, lit the wooden board again, and threw it into the deep pit.

With a neighing sound, the big snake actually bit the board and threw it out.

"Oh! If you're going to become a genius, I don't believe you can't be cleaned up."

Lin Zhen acted again, this time he was going to set a big fire.

Gathering all the hay and wood that could be collected around, Lin Zhen lit a raging fire in the basement.

The big snake finally couldn't squat down in the big pit, and jumped out suddenly, biting Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and with a move of mental power, three throwing knives were thrown out, piercing the big snake's eyes and seven inches in the shape of a character.

The speed of this big snake was obviously much faster than other snakes. With a flick of his head, Lin Zhen's three throwing knives missed the vital point, but took away a few scales and some flesh of the big snake.

Immortal Lin combined his guns into one and rushed over like a cannonball. Facing the big snake's bloody mouth was the swiftest blow.

A gun pierced the big snake's mouth, and the huge impact force pushed the big snake's head back. Lin Zhen exerted all his strength, holding the gun with both hands and exerting strength with both arms, from top to bottom.

"Give me here!"

The spear forcefully nailed the serpent's head to the ground, and the tip of the spear sank half a meter into the soil!

Ordinary snakes would have died at this time, but the vitality of this big snake was extremely tenacious, and its long body snaked up from the big pit, unexpectedly involving Lin Zhen in it!

The huge strangling force struck from all directions, and Lin Zhen's bones were moaning at this moment.

"Oops! This beast has absorbed dark energy, and its vitality far exceeds that of its kind. I still underestimate the C-level mutant beast."

Breathing began to be difficult, and Lin Zhen couldn't move his limbs. This big snake was over ten meters long and wrapped Lin Zhen like a rice dumpling. Although his head was nailed to death, it still wanted to strangle Lin Zhen before it died.

"No! I absolutely cannot die here, I must kill it before I suffocate!"

"Although I can't move my hands and feet, I still have mental power!"

The power of thought was activated, and the three flying knives flew up into the air again, bringing a cold light to assassinate the big snake's eyes and seven-inch vitals again!

"Puff puff!"

The immobile big snake could no longer dodge, its eyes were immediately blinded, and Lin Zhen also stabbed him seven inches in the distance.

But the big snake didn't die immediately, its body was still shrinking and tightening.

"I can't breathe! The air in my chest has been squeezed out, and my ribs are about to break!"

"My mental power, come again!"

The flying knife rose again and stabbed the big snake again, this time entering from the top of its head.

The two flying knives were in front of the big snake's head, and Lin Zhen didn't even intend to take the flying knives back this time. After the flying knives entered the flesh, he desperately urged his mental power to control everything!

A hole was cut open on the top of the big snake's head, and Lin Zhen shot it with the third throwing knife!


Blood and brains splashed all over, and the big snake's strangling power instantly became weaker.

Lin Zhen felt dizzy for a while, he knew it was a sign of fainting, and his mental strength could not withstand such a strong squandering.

But he had no choice, so he mobilized his mental power again, withdrew the throwing knife, and then stabbed in again!

He didn't know how many times he repeated it like this, and then he relied on a willpower to support and persist, just not to let himself pass out.

The strength of the big snake's strangulation finally became smaller and smaller.

"The last knife!"

Lin Zhen bit his tongue fiercely, the pain made him a little more conscious, and when he made the last knife, he felt a roar in his mind and his body softened at the same time.

The big snake was dead, and he no longer had the slightest strangling power, but Lin Zhen lay limp on the big snake's dead body, unable to move at all.

What is inversely proportional to his body is that in his mind, after being tempered between life and death, more than half of the breath in his mind has turned into silver!