Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 48: beast attack


If the scale armor of this armored ox is worth about five million, then the value of this piece of bezoar is at least ten million or even more.

Cows with bezoars have the possibility of being promoted again. For example, mutant cows may mutate into armored cows or one-horned cows, but these are actually mutated varieties of yellow cattle.

Except for the big African buffalo or rhinoceros that can become B-level, this kind of ox cannot be promoted to B-level unless it has bezoars.

No wonder this cow has grown so big. If it is given a while, it will probably become a B-rank. Unfortunately, it was killed by Lin Zhen before it reached the B-rank. The bezoar has also become Lin Zhen's trophy.

He happily put away the bezoar, killed a C-level animal, and got more than 20 million spoils, which made Lin Zhen very happy.

Take your things and return to the armored vehicle, and the battle here is over.

The biggest ox was led away by Lin Zhen, and the remaining five armored oxen could not really threaten the four warrior-level masters. Shi Lei killed the iron-armored ox first, and then went to support Ye Tiancheng. They were also dealt with one by one by a few armored bulls led by Zhao Liang in circles.

However, they had just finished, and they were thinking of going to support Lin Zhen, but they saw that Lin Zhen had already returned.

Not only came back, but also skinned the armored ox, and brought back the horns of the armored ox.

"Okay, Lin Zhen, I knew you were fine. Even the mutated snake was killed, and the mutated cow was no problem." Zhao Liang sat on the ground, looking very tired, and took the three cows around. It's embarrassing for him, if Gao Yan didn't keep using sniper rifles to attract mutant cows, Zhao Liang might be in danger.

The sniper rifle is indeed a little weak to hit the mutant cow.

Shi Lei also said out of breath: "It's good to come back. Speaking of us, I'm afraid you were the first to kill the mutant cow. It seems that a genius is a genius."

Ye Tiancheng didn't speak, his two swords were light and agile, and his damage against the Iron Armored Bull was limited. In the end, he was killed with the help of Shi Lei. Compared with Lin Zhen, a newcomer, he was somewhat uncomfortable.

"Okay, Lao Gao, you are in charge of dissecting these cows, collecting the scales, horns and other things in a unified way. After the money is sold, everyone will distribute it."

After finishing speaking, he also said to Lin Zhen: "Lin Zhen, you may not be familiar with our team when you first came. The mutant beasts killed by our joint action are all handled in this way, but don't worry, your share of income will definitely not If you kill the biggest armored ox, you may earn an extra two or three million this time."

"Captain, don't worry, I understand this."

Lin Zhen put down the scale armor and other things, and also handed in the crystals, but he didn't take out the bezoar. This kind of things that are not in the plan don't need to be handed in.

Seeing Lin Zhen's cowhide scale armor, Gao Yan was amazed: "The scale armor is too complete, there is no damage at all, Lin Zhen, how did you kill this guy?"

"Eyes, the gun pierced into the eye socket and smashed its brain." Lin Zhen gestured.

"Awesome, you can stab the iron armored cow in the eye in battle, just because of this, I think you are the number one person of the younger generation in our ice city, what about Changfeng Chen Jingchou and Tulong's thunder, and our martial arts hall Fu Chengya and Shen Tuhua, these people are incomparable to you."

Lin Zhen smiled. He didn't want to compare with these people. His goal was only a few people.

After Gao Yan's autopsy, Shi Lei and Zhao Liang went to rest in the car, Lin Zhen and Ye Tiancheng were in charge of guarding, and the team moved quickly.

The death of the mutated cow attracted some mutated beasts nearby, but because of the presence of these few cows, there were no too powerful mutated beasts nearby, so Lin Zhen and Ye Tiancheng could easily deal with it.

Lin Zhen didn't put much effort into this process, Ye Tiancheng seemed to show his intentions, and basically dealt with the approaching mutant beasts by himself, Lin Zhen was also happy to watch Ye Tiancheng's performance.

When there is nothing to do, Ye Tiancheng will take out his mobile phone to take pictures of the trophies, and then post them on the martial arts intranet.

Such a move would somewhat reveal the location of the group. Lin Zhen felt that something was inappropriate, but seeing that Ye Tiancheng posted on the intranet, he didn't say much.

Half an hour later, after Gao Yan finished disposing of the mutated cow's corpse, everyone boarded the car again.

"Everyone did a good job just now, especially Lin Zhen. He killed the biggest iron-armored ox alone, which gave our team a lot of money. Next, let me tell you about the plan."

Shi Lei took out the map, pointed and said: "According to the news, the Giant Palm Bear is entrenched in the center of Yilan County, which is the county gymnasium. Some warriors have gone there before, but many people have encountered accidents. , There are a lot of monsters in the gymnasium, and it is very dangerous to approach them rashly, so we have to move forward steadily and ensure that our back road is clear, so that we can deal with the giant bears."

"Now eight teams have entered Yilan, which is basically the first wave. There will be a steady stream of warriors coming from the base city in the future. Let's not care about how others go. We will move forward along this road. Five hundred meters away, there is a ruins of an ancient city hotel, where people can barely live, we will rest there first, and then rush in from there, trying to reach the gymnasium as soon as possible, understand?"

"Understood!" Several people replied one after another.

"Okay, then let's act now, everyone cheer up, we may not only have to face mutant beasts in the wild, but also other warrior teams, especially the Demon God team, they lost 100 million, and they will definitely not let it go of."

Several people nodded one after another, expressing their clarity.

The armored vehicle began to move forward slowly. Along the way, they did not encounter any high-level mutant beasts like iron-clad oxen. Most of them were E-class and F-class. No one was interested in hunting them. Only D-class mutant beasts were considered valuable. , If you see a mutant beast, kill it, and ten armored vehicles are not enough to load it.

The car drove all the way to the door of the hotel, and five people got out of the car.

The house of the hotel is relatively well-preserved. A five-story building can vaguely see the former style.

After getting out of the car, Ye Tiancheng took out his mobile phone and started shooting. He seemed to prefer to post something online.

Seeing that Ye Tiancheng was interested, Shi Lei and the others did not enter the room in a hurry, and stood casually outside.

Not far away is a building with more than ten floors. Although it is dilapidated, it has not collapsed. I don't know how it has survived for so many years.

Lin Zhen looked at this building, and felt uneasy in his heart. This kind of high-rise building like a beehive is often the home of mutant birds and beasts, and it may be dangerous.

Thinking in his heart, Lin Zhen said: "Captain, I think that tall building is very dangerous, maybe there will be a large group of birds living there, we should either not settle here, or quickly enter the house, if you are besieged by birds, There may be casualties."

Ye Tiancheng was filming, and he laughed when he heard Lin Zhen's words: "Lin Zhen, it's better not to show off your little book knowledge, Yilan is close to Peony City, and in order to ensure the security of the airspace of the army, there will be regular inspections every month. Clean up the mutated birds. There aren’t any big flocks of mutated birds around here. Even if there are, it’s getting late now. Except for nocturnal birds like owls, the other birds have already returned to their nests. You don’t want to beat drums. If you harass them, they won't come out, so will the owls still appear in groups? Hahaha! Your book knowledge is not very good."

Lin Zhen frowned slightly. Birds are very mobile, and Yilan has not completely conquered them, and if you don't alarm them, it's hard to guarantee that others won't. Ye Tiancheng's words don't prove anything.

But he is a newcomer, he joined the team late, and it is not easy to refute in person, so he did not continue to speak.

Ye Tiancheng finished filming the hotel and posted it on the Internet. Just after it was over, a cloud of smoke suddenly flew from a distance and exploded in that tall building.


A ball of fireworks exploded in the air, showing a faint blood red.

"Oops! It's a blood mist bomb, specially designed to attract birds in the sky! Someone plotted against us!"

Shi Lei couldn't finish his words just now, and everyone felt the light dimmed.

The high-rise building seemed to be bombed. Countless mutated birds flew out of it, and quickly found the closest group of people, Lin Zhen and his group. And down!

"Be careful, it's a brain-eating swallow!"

Brain-eating swallows, they were called swallows in the Christian era, and they began to mutate after the gods changed. Each one was as big as an eagle before. Although it was only an F-level mutant bird, it was extremely fast. People's skulls are pecked, and they like to eat brains. They have completely changed from former beneficial birds to raptors.

"Assemble, I'm in the front, Zhao Liang is in the back, Lin Zhentian is on the side, protect Lao Gao! Push towards the entrance of the hotel, and it will be much safer to enter the house."

Shi Lei quickly gave the order to fight, although the facts proved that Lin Zhen was right, but it is meaningless to argue about this now, this time everyone can't disperse, otherwise they will die under the flock of birds.