Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 49: Understanding the Rainstorm


Several people gathered quickly, Gao Yan was in the middle, his sniper rifle was really powerless in the face of these overwhelming birds, so he simply squatted down obediently, and could only shoot up occasionally.

The brain-eating swallows screamed down from the top of the head, covering the sky and covering the ground with almost no dead ends, and there were thousands of them. At this time, the true strength of a warrior can be tested the most.

"Breaking Water Sword!" Shi Lei's long sword is the most standard configuration for a warrior, his swordsmanship is quite satisfactory, pieces of sword light spilled out, and chopped off the brain-eating swallows one by one.

Ye Tiancheng's performance at this time was even a little better than Shi Lei's, with his two swords flying, and the signature sword energy of a dark warrior, his slaying speed was faster.

Moreover, when he refuted Lin Zhen just now, he was slapped in the face by reality. At this moment, he felt guilty, and wanted to show his strength even more. Regardless of the fact that he was only a second-level warrior, he desperately urged the dark internal force, and the sword energy was like rushing. Lei Lightning completely vented his depression on these brain-eating swallows.

On the other hand, Zhao Liang was in a lot of trouble. His saber technique was fierce and powerful, but when used to kill brain-eating swallows, it always felt like an anti-aircraft gun hitting mosquitoes. Although the power was great, the speed was not enough, and the support was very hard. .

Lin Zhen was on the left. At this moment, facing the black brain-eating swallows that were descending, he was unusually calm and clear.

"The speed of these swallows is faster than raindrops, just like rainwater. With my strength, I can kill them with one blow."

"The second type of rainstorm in the Nine Layers Gun River is about being fast. The gun is like lightning, and the rain hits the plantain. It is impossible to guard against it. Although I have practiced marksmanship to a small degree, I have not yet comprehended the true meaning of the master. These brain-eating swallows are just right. Use it to practice!"

"Papa papa!"

The Black Dragon Spear shook out a large group of splinters, with a trace of energy spilling out. Although there was no internal strength, Lin Zhen took the agile route, and his shots were fast.

A flash of gun light flashed, and a transparent hole would be pierced out of a brain-eating swallow's body.

Three gun lights appeared at the same time, four swallows fell to the ground with a mournful cry, and the last shot even sent two brain-eating swallows in a row. Facing this kind of F-level mutant beast that wins by numbers and has low defensive power, Lin Zhenchang's weapon reflects the advantage vividly.

Although he has no internal strength, his killing speed is not inferior to Ye Tiancheng's at all, and he can persist for a long time.

Countless corpses fell to the ground like raindrops, and the rain of blood from the sky stained the clothes of several people. Although the hotel gate was just over ten meters away, the speed of advancing was as slow as a snail. The main reason was that Shi Lei was under too much pressure. When he grows up, swallows are crowded in front of him, and it is very difficult to protect himself.

Seen from a high altitude, the Brain-eating Swallow is like a whirlwind, falling from the sky in waves, intending to kill the few people who resisted on the ground.


Zhao Liang screamed, a bloody hole was pecked on his neck, and a piece of flesh was torn off.

"I can't stand it anymore!"

The smell of blood made the brain-eating swallow even more crazy. Two brain-eating swallows attacked from left and right, followed by four or five. Zhao Liang waved the knife with one hand in a panic. It can be imagined that without support, he alone might not be able to resist up.

"Bang bang!"

Two gunshots sounded, and Gao Yan's support arrived, but as soon as he showed his head, several brain-eating swallows were attracted here, and he and Zhao Liang would definitely not be able to last long.

Shi Lei said eagerly: "Change positions, quickly change positions, Tian Cheng, your two swords are fast, you come to the front, you must quickly open the passage and enter the hotel room, otherwise we will all be left behind."

Ye Tiancheng gasped heavily: "Okay, I'll try!"

Lin Zhen glanced at him, knowing that he had consumed too much internal energy, and he might not last long.

The fact is just as Lin Zhen thought, after Ye Tiancheng and Shi Lei switched positions, they went crazy for a while again, and pushed five meters towards the hotel entrance, but when there were still seven or eight meters away, he could no longer summon the sword energy, Can only rely on two swords to slash.

This is undoubtedly very inefficient, and Zhao Liang and Gao Yan are almost unable to support it.

"What should we do? Are we going to die here?"

Shi Lei was very unwilling. It's not that warriors cannot accept death. In fact, the day they choose to become warriors, everyone knows that this is a high-risk occupation, but there are still countless people who want to become warriors one after another.

But if he died at the hands of a high-level mutant beast, it would be considered a worthy death. Among the several mutant beasts that warriors hate most, birds are definitely among the top three.

A flock of birds, a swarm of rats, and a shoal of fish in the water, these three mutant beasts are vulnerable to a single blow, but they are the warrior's worst nightmare. Or, in the absence of foreign aid, it is absolutely impossible to resist.

For no other reason, there are too many.

Among them, rat swarms are the most harmful. The mutated rats are as big as wild dogs, and there are at least hundreds of thousands or even millions of them once they are dispatched. Especially in the wild, most people cannot even survive the rat swarm.

Therefore, warriors would rather face armored bulls and bears with giant palms, but no one is willing to face such small things in groups.

Shi Lei was very aggrieved, the team had just hunted down a few armored oxen, thought it was good luck, but in the blink of an eye, the nightmare began.

"Captain, let me try!"

Lin Zhen stood up at this moment and signaled to change places with Ye Tiancheng.

Mutant beasts also have a certain amount of wisdom. Brain-eating Yan knew that they would not be able to hunt down and kill them if they fled indoors, so the offensive in front was extremely fierce. At this time, when they heard Lin Zhen actively requesting a breakthrough, several people were stunned for a moment.

But now there is no time for them to think about it, Shi Lei simply waved his hand: "Tian Cheng, step aside!"

Lin Zhen stepped forward, and all the swallows in front of him were swallows. He took a deep breath, and the black dragon gun in his hand was violently stirred. A gust of wind blew up, and countless spears shot out. In an instant, more than a dozen swallows landed on the ground, and his eyes suddenly disappeared. .

"go ahead!"

Lin Zhen yelled, and jumped forward, waving the spear in his hand, swinging it left and right at a very high speed, amidst the sound of "Papapa!", unexpectedly, not a single swallow could get close.

"This marksmanship... this speed... and the courage to go forward, no one else, Lin Zhen's future is limitless."

The few people did not stop at all, but followed Lin Zhen's footsteps.

Lin Zhen held his breath, and rushed five or six meters in a row. The gate of the hotel was already in front of him. The narrow space was not conducive to swallows flying. Lin Zhen suddenly turned around: "You all come in, I am the queen!"

Whoosh whoosh!

The four people quickly passed by from left to right, and the pressure in front of Lin Zhen suddenly increased.

The densely packed swallows came rushing towards us, and they all had a great impact. Lin Zhen waved the spear in his hand, and the breathing technique had already started unconsciously.

"Lin Zhen, come in!"

Zhao Liang shouted from behind.

Lin Zhen didn't move. If he retreated at this time, it would be very troublesome for countless swallows to rush in. As long as he persisted for a few more seconds, this wave of impact would pass, and it would be much safer to retreat into the room.

But this wave is not easy to resist.

Within a few meters in front of him, dozens of brain-eating swallows rushed over.

The wings contracted to reduce the space as much as possible, and the sharp beaks of the brain-eating swallows shone with black light, like raindrops rushing towards the face.

"Heavy rain! Such an impact is like a heavy rain. I've heard of it in Interstellar before. If you want to cultivate into a heavy rain, the first thing you need to do is prevent water from splashing in when the spear is dancing."

"The scene in front of me is the torrential rain. My nerve reaction is enough. As long as I keep a calm mind and not be moved by foreign objects, I may not be able to block this wave."

"Even swallows can't stop it, how can water not get in!"


Lin Zhen let out a yell, and felt that the scene in front of him seemed to be at a standstill. The outside voices could no longer be heard, nor could he hear Zhao Liang's shout, nor could he hear the brain-eating swallow's cry. Within minutes, shoot them all down!

He raised his hand and drew out the gun. The flexibility of the gun came into play, and the gun lights burst out one after another.

One, two... ten, twenty...

Seeing this scene in the eyes of several other people, only for a moment, a large spear light burst out in front of Lin Zhen, like a hedgehog with spikes all over its body standing up suddenly, and those brain-eating swallows scrambled to hit the spikes. Thorn on top.

Moment! Like candied haws, blood splattered!

In just a split second, the brain-eating swallow in front of the hotel fell down a thick layer, and the surrounding area of Lin Zhen was swept away, forming a vacuum!