Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 52: stand in line


Lin Zhen continued: "Old Hu of our martial arts gym has decided to quit the martial arts gym now and join the Marriott Group. The reason why he hasn't left yet is probably because he is collecting information about us in the martial arts hall. I think it is Ye Tiancheng He saw the video posted on the martial arts intranet, so he leaked our location."

"Old Hu... this damn thing! Has he forgotten how the martial arts school trained him?" Hearing this news, Zhao Liang gritted his teeth.

"The Demon God Squad must be in contact with Lao Hu, or there is someone in the middle of it, but it doesn't matter anymore. The important thing is that we are already in a very dangerous position at this moment. Others know where we are, so they can naturally judge us. Where to go in the next step, maybe there will be plots."

Zhao Liangliang nodded: "Lin Zhen, you are right, what should we do now?"

"There is no good way, but there is the simplest way."

"any solution?"

"It's very simple. The goal of the Demon God Squad is also the giant palm bear. Our goal is the same. As long as we meet them, we will kill them."

Hearing Lin Zhen's murderous words, Zhao Liang was stunned for a moment.

The demon hunters and the Demon God Squad have been at odds for a long time, fighting each other's wits and courage, but in Zhao Liang's heart, he never felt that the demon hunters had the upper hand.

After fighting the demon god for so long, the demon hunter even lost his manpower, because the overall strength of the demon god is indeed a little stronger than the demon hunter.

So Zhao Liang never thought of killing the Demon God directly, because he couldn't.

But after hearing what Lin Zhen said, Zhao Liang truly realized that the eighth-level fighter in front of him was actually a gold-level spiritualist who could kill mid-level warriors, and he was someone he needed to look up to.

Then Zhao Liang patted Lin Zhen on the shoulder: "Then do as you say brother, brother will listen to your command from today on."

Lin Zhen also looked at Zhao Liang in surprise. He said this obviously as a statement of standing in line, which also showed that there were hidden conflicts within the team.

Zhao Liang smiled and did not continue the discussion on this topic. He had already said everything he needed to say, and he also bet his treasure on Lin Zhen, because he saw that Lin Zhen was a super potential stock, and this friend would definitely benefit from growing up. unlimited.

"You are all up."

During the conversation between the two, Gao Yan also got up, and Lin Zhen and Zhao Liang ended the conversation.

Afterwards Shi Lei and Ye Tiancheng also got up, the demon hunter team was well organized, Shi Lei asked Zhao Liang: "Is your wound okay?"

"It's okay, a little injury, hunting outside for a long time, this injury is nothing at all."

"That's good, we're ready to set off now. Before dawn, let's go and grab the favorable terrain first."

Lin Zhen turned to the east, and the sky just turned pale. The action at this time is really good, but the problems that you can think of, other teams can't think of

Ye Tiancheng took out his phone again at this time, wanting to send a video of the expedition, but was held down by Zhao Liang.

"Brother Zhao, what are you doing?" Ye Tiancheng was taken aback, why did Zhao Liang go crazy

"No reason, I just feel that your habit of posting videos is very bad. We are going out to work hard, not touring mountains and rivers. We have been exposed once before. No matter whether your video leaked or not, you should not do it again. sent."

Ye Tiancheng was a little annoyed immediately, he has always considered himself the No. 2 member of the team, once Shi Lei quits, he will be the next captain of the Demon Hunter team, and he is used to talking too much, Zhao Liang dares to control himself whenever he wants Something happened

"I didn't post it on the forum, I just posted it on the intranet of the martial arts school. Don't you still trust our warriors of Gale? Is it too lenient?"

Zhao Liang sneered, he had already believed Lin Zhen's words, and knew that Lin Zhen would not go after the target indiscriminately, something must have happened to Lao Hu, if Zhao Liang sent another video, wouldn't it be equivalent to giving Lao Hu a tip-off

In addition, he was injured just now, if the brain-eating swallow pecked a little more, he might return to his position, and at this moment, Ye Tiancheng was naturally accounted for, and Ye Tiancheng was usually domineering, and Zhao Liang would have already I just can't get used to it.

"You can decide for yourself. I think it's dangerous to post your video. If you insist, then we'll go separately." Zhao Liang didn't talk nonsense with him, and went straight to the showdown.

Ye Tiancheng didn't expect that Zhao Liang dared to challenge him like this. He looked at Shi Lei, "Captain, to be fair, is there something wrong with me posting a small video inside the martial arts hall? Is he suspicious?"

Shi Lei is also in a bit of a dilemma at the moment. Ye Tiancheng is someone he values very much and is going to be trained to be the next captain. According to the rules of the team, being a captain can get more spoils. Almost everyone wants to be the captain.

But Zhao Liang is also an old man, he really can't say much, so he is in a dilemma.

Gao Yan spoke at this time: "I also think it's not a good habit to post videos all the time, just like in the Christian calendar, some people played with their mobile phones all day long to post videos and post photos, but they didn't know that sometimes they accidentally leaked secrets , just like what Old Zhao said, we should be more cautious if we are going to risk our lives."

"Old Gao! Why are you talking for him?" Ye Tiancheng looked at Gao Yan, feeling very upset.

At this time, Lin Zhen also spoke: "I support Brother Zhao's statement. Whether you leaked it or not, Brother Zhao was injured. Even if you don't think about it for yourself, you should think about it for the safety of your teammates."

"Lin Zhen! You have only joined the team for a few days? What qualifications do you have to speak? Just because you blocked the group of brain-eating swallows before? You only succeeded by relying on the strength of your long weapon. Don't think that it is life-saving Zhien, who hasn't saved who countless times in a small team battle? That's just a responsibility!" Ye Tiancheng became a little angry from embarrassment.

In terms of grades, he is only one year older than Lin Zhen, but his temper is far behind Lin Zhen.

Of course, there is no comparison between Lin Zhen and Lin Zhen. The actual age of Lin Zhen is not enough for these people to add up.

Lin Zhen glanced at Ye Tiancheng indifferently: "Whether something is right or wrong has nothing to do with whether you join the team sooner or later. As for the previous battle, I have long forgotten about it. What else do you have to worry about?"

During the conversation, there was a silver light in Lin Zhen's eyes, but it was not obvious, and it would not make people suspicious, but it would be fearful.

After being glanced at by Lin Zhen, Ye Tiancheng felt extremely palpitated. He only felt that Lin Zhen's eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts, making him dare not look directly.

Seeing that Gao Yan and Lin Zhen agreed with Zhao Liang's opinion, Shi Lei couldn't object now, otherwise his captain would be questioned.

Immediately said to Ye Tiancheng: "I also think it's not a good thing to post videos all the time. Since everyone says so, you shouldn't post any more. What's so beautiful about this wilderness."

After speaking, he faced several people: "Okay, let's leave this matter as it is, let's set off immediately."

Several people filed out and walked into the night.

Ye Tiancheng walked last, looking at Lin Zhen's not-so-strong back, he clenched his fist slightly.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Ye Tiancheng's behavior just now was a bit cowardly, but Ye Tiancheng knew that his palms were covered in cold sweat at the moment, and the clothes on his back were soaked.

"This Lin Zhen, what kind of skill does he have? After he glanced at me, I felt like I was being targeted by a fierce beast. I am obviously only an eighth-level fighter!"

Although he didn't know why he was so cowardly, Ye Tiancheng secretly made up his mind to stay away from Lin Zhen.

After getting into the armored vehicle, this time Zhao Liang was driving, Shi Lei was still the co-pilot, and Lin Zhen, Gao Yan and Ye Tiancheng were in the compartment.

"Let's go to the gymnasium. Slow down and don't make too much noise. Although the mutant beast has mutated, it still retains many of its previous habits. There are not many people who move at night. If everything goes well, we will be there in 20 minutes. We can arrive!"

Although the armored vehicle is tracked, the noise is not as loud as the old ones. The engine is running, and it is rushing towards the stadium.