Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 53: stadium


The gymnasium in Yilan County is located in the center of the county. This is a leisure square. The gymnasium is in the center of the square. It used to be a place for citizens to do activities, but now it has become the place where monsters are most concentrated in the entire city.

The demon hunter's car drove all the way to the edge of the leisure square without any danger, and did not encounter a large group of monsters.

But when they came to the street closest to the square, the car could no longer go on.

At this time, the sky was slightly bright, and under the hazy sky, there was a large group of monsters in the leisure square, densely packed with tens of thousands of them.

The scalps of a few people looked numb. If these monsters were alarmed, the armored vehicles might not be able to protect their team.

"Old Gao, see if there is a giant-handed human bear? Try to find the location of the human bear."

Shi Lei ordered, Gao Yan poked his head out from the sunroof of the armored vehicle, and began to look through the vehicle's infrared binoculars.

"A group of mane horses, a group of wild boars with tusks, and a large group of bloodthirsty mastiffs, wow! There is also a group of iron arm apes at the entrance of the gymnasium. These guys are not easy to deal with. Houhou, there is a group of jackdaws on the central lighthouse , These things are much more powerful than brain-eating swallows, and they are all E-level mutant birds."

After watching for a while, Gao Yan shrank back from the skylight: "Captain, I didn't see the giant palm man bear, and there are not many low-level mutant beasts here, all of which are quite high-level, but I found that the closer to the entrance of the gymnasium, the mutant beasts The higher the level, it seems that the gymnasium is the lair of advanced mutant beasts, and the giant palm bear may be in the gymnasium."

Several people turned their gazes to the gymnasium. The gymnasium in the county seat is not big, just a basketball stadium, with about two to three thousand auditoriums. This building is rare to be kept intact, and many high-level mutant beasts gathered at the entrance.

And there is another strange phenomenon, all the mutant beasts are facing the direction of the gymnasium, some monsters saw the arrival of the armored vehicle, but did not move.

"It's too dangerous. The car must not move forward. If it makes any noise, it will definitely be noticed by mutant beasts. If these guys are alarmed, we will definitely be torn to pieces."

Shi Lei asked Zhao Liang to turn off the fire immediately, and several people urgently formulated tactics.

"Our goal is the giant-handed bear in the gymnasium, but now it seems that it is basically impossible to pass through the ground. Do you have any good solutions?"

Zhao Liang thought for a while: "Maybe we can wait for other teams to appear and let them distract some of the mutant beasts, so that we have a chance to pass, but I suspect that other teams are also observing from the dark at the moment, and no one is willing to be the first bird."

Shi Lei nodded: "Yes, no one is stupid, this method is not very easy."

Ye Tiancheng said at this time: "There must be a sewer in the gymnasium, we can consider getting in through the underground pipe."

Shi Lei waved his hand: "No, the sewer strategy is no longer practical. It is a paradise for mutated rats. Going in might cause a rat swarm, and we will all have no bones left."

Ye Tiancheng spread his hands: "The ground can't pass through, and the ground can't walk. Can we still fly there? I'm lost."

Shi Lei looked at Lin Zhen: "Lin Zhen, is there anything you can do?"

Lin Zhen said: "It's impossible to force through such a dense group of monsters. Don't you see that these mutant beasts are a bit unusual? They don't care much about the arrival of warriors, so I think the only way to move forward is to move forward steadily. The edge has started to be wiped out, bit by bit, we may have to stay here for a while."

"Elimination? There are tens of thousands of monsters here! How long are we going to eat?" Ye Tiancheng immediately objected, obviously still worried about Lin Zhen speaking for Zhao Liang before.

"Of course it's not us. There are actually eight teams here. I can guarantee that they will have to adopt this method in the end. And don't you think that if the mutant beasts in this square are wiped out, even if the giant palms are not hunted?" Man bear, did we not come in vain this trip?"

Several people's eyes lit up immediately, and they quickly calculated in their minds.

Tens of thousands of mutated beasts, many of them C-level and D-level, eight squads wiped them out. Even if their demon hunters can hunt and kill a thousand, then this is still a huge income.

Those B-ranks of giant palm bears are each worth hundreds of millions, but the number is too small to kill and it is difficult to kill. In terms of cost performance, it is not that killing a large number of C-ranks and D-ranks makes more money.

"I think what Lin Zhen said makes sense. We don't have the strength to force our way into the gymnasium. We might as well just hunt these monsters outside. If we kill a thousand or eight hundred heads, each of us can earn hundreds of millions. The only thing worth worrying about is, Just be careful when attracting monsters, don’t let the herd blow up the camp, then we will be the first birds, and give other teams a chance.”

What Zhao Liang said made Shi Lei and others nod their heads one after another. They were all blinded by the value of the giant palm bear, and some of them ignored the value of these C-level and D-level.

"Bang bang!"

While they were still discussing, several gunshots were heard in the distance, and the two triangle sheep were brought down to the ground.

A team took action, and the snipers fired, and they only hit monsters of one group. This is a common method of attracting monsters.

Triangular goats are former goats. After mutation, they are as big as galloping horses, with a third horn growing on top of their heads. They have changed from simple herbivores to omnivorous animals. They are extremely aggressive. The quantity is large and difficult to deal with.

This group of triangular sheep is almost the lowest strength of the mutant beasts in the square, and the team that made the move also adopted a strategy of gradually eliminating them.

Two sheep died, and the flock moved. Dozens of sheep were separated and rushed towards the place where the gunshot was fired.

"It's the demon god!" Gao Yan glanced through the binoculars and quickly found the location of the team.

From them, at the diagonal corner of the square, at the turn of a street, the Demon God Squad was there, and it was Li Mengxi and Ruoruo who shot.

"Damn! Demon God's bastards, that kid Kong Shan almost killed us, Lao Gao, can you snipe from a long distance and hang up the Demon God's two women first?" Ye Tiancheng said angrily.

Gao Yan shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work. It's okay if our two teams are alone, but I have already seen several warrior teams appear here. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, if you don't hunt monsters but kill other warriors, you will be punished." The federation will impose the death penalty."

There are also regulations among warriors, and it is forbidden to kill each other, because the common enemy of human beings is mutant beasts, not humans.

Of course, this rule is of no use. The warehouse area in the base city is a compromise, and that kind of fight is allowed.

Even in the wild, many fighters fight without saying a word. As long as the other party has no direct evidence, no one can do anything to you. However, if you suddenly kill someone in the presence of many people, you will definitely not be able to escape the Federation. If you are arrested, if you are convicted of a crime, you will die.

"Then this group of grandchildren are just Bai Yin and us?" Ye Tiancheng was still a little bit dissatisfied.

"Forget it, Tian Cheng, no matter what kind of enmity there is, you can't do anything at this time. Since the demon god has hunted and killed, then let's not be idle and prepare to do it. There is money everywhere!"

Right after Shi Lei finished speaking here, several teams appeared around the square, and they all started to make moves one after another.

The mutated beasts on the square are a bit strange, all of them are facing the direction of the gymnasium, like a pilgrimage, as long as the surrounding warriors are not attacking their fellows, they will ignore them, and the usual food seems to be unattractive now.

Although Shi Lei and the others didn't know why, it was rare for such a situation to happen, and this was the best chance to kill them.

"Old Gao! Prioritize the removal of low-level mutant beasts, especially the mutant birds in the sky. If these things are not cleaned up, there will be great trouble when retreating."

Gao Yan nodded, loaded an armor-piercing bullet, took aim with the sniper rifle, and blasted the head of a huge jackdaw with one shot, and the corpse spun and fell from the lamp post in the square.

The jackdaws around it were enraged, and flapped their wings and flew towards the direction of the witcher, but the jackdaws a little further away remained silent.

"Hey! Today is really good. These mutant beasts seem to be less aggressive. If they were so docile, the earth would have been restored."

Gao Yan was a little proud, and Shi Lei and the others were also very happy. In this way, the plan of clearing and suppressing can be carried out smoothly.

Only Lin Zhen, who proposed the elimination plan, was not as optimistic as them. Lin Zhen had seen this kind of situation where countless monsters gathered together and remained still. The only explanation was that some high-level monsters were about to evolve successfully!