Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 54: pilgrimage


Now on the earth, the number of monsters far exceeds that of humans. Every once in a while, monsters will attack the city. Although humans hold on, they are always in a passive state of being beaten.

The monster siege is not disorderly, but directed by a high-level monster.

The lowest level of this commander is A-level, and B-level monsters cannot command other monsters to attack a certain city.

Monsters on land, A-level monsters are already rare, those high-level warrior teams and war god-level teams, if they know where A-level mutant beasts appear, they must kill them immediately, not only can they get a lot of profit, It can also prevent monsters from attacking the city.

Therefore, around the base city, it is rare to see A-level monsters appearing. It is normal for Shi Lei and the others not to know this situation.

Or they knew it, they just didn't think about it.

All the teams showed up. Seeing that the monster didn't take the initiative to attack, everyone tried their best to kill it.

Those slightly weaker groups of monsters were called by the snipers of each team one by one, and after drawing out the group of monsters, they were killed one by one.

"Kill the mutant birds first! Get rid of all these flying things!"

This is also the consensus of warriors hunting and killing. Kill the mutated birds first, otherwise it will be difficult to escape if they are chased by mutated birds when retreating. The birds in the sky are the guiding lights for other monsters, and they must be killed first.

Gunshots were heard around the square, and the flock of mutated birds decreased rapidly. After a while, the flock of jackdaws were completely killed.

After clearing the jackdaws, people began to clean up the low-level mutant beasts.

The efficiency of eight teams and forty fighters working together is amazing. After half a day, the monsters in the square became sparse, and there were almost no F-level and E-level mutant beasts.

Although the group of monsters has shrunk by half, the remaining ones are mostly D-level mutants, and some C-level mutants, most of which are gathered at the entrance of the gymnasium.

The warriors simply ate something to replenish their physical strength, and started the afternoon battle with great interest.

In their view, the kills in the morning are just an appetizer, and only the kills in the afternoon are the beginning of making money. These D-level and C-level mutant beasts are valuable.

Stimulated by the money, the warriors seemed to have had their blood pumped, and began to kill with all their might, and even some people were not willing to rest when they were injured.

"Old Gao, hit a strong mane horse. These things are D-level when they are born, and they are C-level when they grow up. They are of the same level as iron-clad bulls, and they are easier to deal with than iron-clad bulls. They are faster. We rely on armored vehicles, and they can't rush. of."

"Okay! These horses with strong manes are ours!" Gao Yan agreed, holding a sniper rifle and preparing to roll call.


Before Gao Yan could fire his gun, a shell exploded in the center of the group of fiery maned horses, killing one pony on the spot and injuring a dozen others.

The group of hot-maned horses became angry, and they no longer cared about looking at the gymnasium, and ran towards the direction of the firing.

But during the run, sniper rifles rang out from time to time, knocking batches of maned horses to the ground.

When they rushed to the place, there were less than five left, and they could not pose any threat to the team at all.

"Grass! It's those people of the Demon God again. Obviously those horses with strong manes are closer to us. Instead of dealing with those around them, they came to snatch ours instead." Gao Yan cursed angrily.

"Forget it, Brother Gao. Killing monsters in the wild depends on one's ability. When there is a chance, we will grab it back." Lin Zhen persuaded.

Gao Yan nodded, took a sniper rifle and began to name the other monsters.

There were originally about 10,000 monsters on the square, but after a day of killing by eight teams, at dusk, there were less than 1,000 monsters left.

Hundreds of C-level and D-level monsters gathered around the gymnasium, and it seemed that they were no longer a threat to the warriors.

After a day of killing, although these warriors were tired, their excitement had completely overwhelmed their exhaustion.

The armored vehicles of each team were loaded with a lot of loot at this time, and after cleaning up the last ones, they could basically return home with a full load.

Shi Lei held the long sword in his hand, panted for a while, and asked the surrounding team members: "There are still these monsters now, it's rare that they are so honest, can everyone persist? If we can, let's make persistent efforts and kill another wave."


"We must persevere! We are here to make money. As long as we can get rid of fifty of these hundreds of heads, we can earn two hundred million!"

Lin Zhen looked at his excited teammates, and suddenly said, "I think we can stop."

"Why? The other teams are ready to let go, why should we stop?" Ye Tiancheng asked Lin Zhen incomprehensibly.

Lin Zhen looked at Shi Lei: "Captain, you should have heard the word pilgrimage, right?"

"Pilgrimage!" Hearing these words, Shi Lei suddenly gasped.

"Pilgrimage, isn't there a monster that will only appear when it evolves to A-level? Could it be... You said that these monsters are on a pilgrimage?"

"Of course, generally speaking, the evolution of A-level monsters takes a whole day, that is, twenty-four hours. We have been here for more than sixteen hours, and these monsters have gathered here before we came, otherwise How can our actions in the county be so smooth?"

Lin Zhenyi pointed to those high-level monsters who gathered at the entrance of the gymnasium, ignoring the warriors around: "Look at these, if these monsters are not so honest, it is impossible for us to move smoothly here. Judging from the situation after we entered the county, I estimate that these monsters have been here for at least 20 hours, and once the A-level monsters have evolved, this place will not be heaven but hell, so I think it is too late to leave now."

Several people in the team had serious expressions on their faces. They had already gained a lot from this trip. After killing them in one day, and adding the armored bulls they had killed before, their harvest was almost 200 million.

But these monsters in front of them are the elites, and it is really unwilling to let them give up.

In the end, it was Zhao Liang who spoke first: "Then Lin Zhen, you mean that we should go home now, right?"

"That's right, the harvest this time has been enough for everyone to squander for a while. Just accept it when it's good. Knowing how to advance and retreat is the foundation for a warrior to survive."

Zhao Liang looked at Lin Zhen, made up his mind, and prepared to support Lin Zhen's decision.

But at this moment, the fighters from other teams started again.

These motionless mutated beasts are like mountains of gold and silver piled there, how could these fighters who are bleeding all day long not kill them.

There must be some warriors who also thought that the monster was on a pilgrimage, but they didn't want to give up. Isn't it a 24-hour pilgrimage? Maybe they still have time, and they still have to gamble. This is the general mentality of warriors.

Seeing the demon hunters knocking down three C-levels in a row, Ye Tiancheng couldn't help it, and said to Shi Lei: "Captain, let's kill for another two hours, at least we can earn tens of millions! "

Shi Lei hesitated for a moment, then looked at several people: "What's your opinion?"

Ye Tiancheng took the lead and said: "I suggest staying and killing for a while, we go out to hunt the giant palm man bear, how can we leave without even seeing the bear hair?"

Zhao Liang said: "I agree with Lin Zhen's point of view, leave now, accept as soon as it is good, we have already made a lot of money."

Gao Yan said: "I also agree with Lin Zhen and Lao Zhao's views, this time's harvest plus betting is enough."

Lin Zhen glanced at Shi Lei: "Captain, what do you say?"

Shi Lei rubbed the sword in his hand, and said with determination: "I want to stay."

Hearing Shi Lei and Ye Tiancheng's opinion, Zhao Liang spoke again: "Lin Zhen, since the captain and the others are willing to stay, then let's stay, let's go back."

After knowing Lin Zhen's true strength, Zhao Liang already had the taste to follow Lin Zhen's lead.

Lin Zhen, who didn't want to put forward the idea of leaving, shook his head: "No, Brother Zhao and Brother Gao, you go, I will stay."