Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 56: Mars


Of these two people, a strong man in his thirties held a thick alloy shield in his hand, and a long knife in the other.

Another young man in his twenties was holding a painting halberd, watching the monsters chasing the crowd below.

The warrior holding the halberd said: "Ding Yan, how is it? This time it's not in vain. I saw this bear with giant palms when I was in Petroleum City before. At that time, I felt that this guy had reached the edge of evolution, but At that time, it was still B-level, and I didn't kill it, just waiting for him to evolve to A-level."

Ding Yan held a long knife and shield, smiled and said: "Bai Feng, we didn't come in vain, but this human bear is not weak, and there are so many younger brothers under him. If the two of us go down, I'm afraid we will kill the human bear. If not, I will stay here instead.”

"Who said that we are going to fight so many monsters head-on? The purpose of my coming is there."

Bai Feng pointed at the gymnasium while Ding Yan was stunned: "Why are you going there?"

"Hey, Ding Yan, you are a junior God of War, and you have only entered the realm of God of War for a short time. You don't know the characteristics of A-level mutant beasts."

"Oh! Then I have to ask for advice, Bai Feng, you are not allowed to hide your secrets."

"It's very simple. It is not so simple for every B-level mutant beast to evolve to A-level. Otherwise, the whole world would not be A-level. There is still a way for humans to survive. If they want to evolve, they must first satisfy a condition."

"What conditions?"

"Energy! The first is energy. The place where it will evolve must be a place with sufficient energy, and the source of energy is meteorites."

"What? It's a meteorite? There's energy in it? Isn't that contraband?" Ding Yan said in disbelief.

"You are really incompetent as a god of war. Why are meteorites contraband? It is because there is energy in them. A friend of mine in the Ministry of Science and Technology told me that there are many good things in meteorites, which are not only beneficial to people. , It is also good for mutant beasts, this human bear was still injured when it came to Yilan, now it is not only alive and well, but also evolved, this meteorite is probably not easy, I must get it."

"But...that's forbidden..."

"Cut! Do you want it? You see, I asked you to come here because you are my friend. If you don't want it, I can eat it alone. What kind of contraband is not contraband, which god of war doesn't have contraband? Base City Killing is not allowed. Which god of war has never killed people? Those things are used to punish the weak. God of war never needs to worry about this. We have a problem. The alliance of god of war sanctioned us, neither the base city nor the military That qualification."

The Alliance of Gods of War is also affiliated with the Federation of Warriors, or the high-level members of the Federation of Warriors. Every famous God of War will register with the Alliance of Gods of War. Today, the leader of the Alliance of Gods of War in China is Lie Feng, the founder of Gaefeng Martial Arts.

Ding Yan was finally tempted: "Then what do you say?"

"It's easy. Let's go into the gymnasium to get the meteorite. The man-bear will definitely come back after I go in. Just block him for three minutes, and we'll be considered successful."

"Okay, done!" Ding Yan waved his shield and made up his mind.

"Set off!"

The two jumped down from the small building, their feet touched the ground, and the distance of a touch was more than ten meters, and they rushed to the entrance of the gymnasium in the blink of an eye.

Bai Feng entered the gymnasium, while Ding Yan stayed at the door, responsible for blocking people and bears.

There was a roar in the gymnasium, followed by the sound of fighting in the distance. It was obvious that there were monsters in the gymnasium.

And the giant palm man bear who was chasing and killing warriors suddenly roared, turned around and ran into the gymnasium, and its younger brothers also ran back, not chasing and killing the remaining warriors.

When Lin Zhen saw this, he didn't continue to read, but turned around and came out of the hiding place, holding a large board in his hand.

This board used to be a door, Lin Zhen stepped on it, with a movement of his mind, the door leaf flew up, shook twice in the air, and then stabilized.

"The mental power of the golden age can control the flight of objects. I can fly hundreds of miles in the golden early stage. This is an ability that even God of War does not have."

Stepping on the door panel, Lin Zhen flew into the sky, in the direction that those warriors were fleeing for their lives.

The warriors were chased and fled in all directions, and now they have gone their separate ways. At this moment, the sky is getting dark, and no one notices Lin Zhen in the sky.

Lin Zhen quickly locked on his targets, one man and two women.

The man is Zhou Tie, the captain of the demon squad, the only one left among the swords and guns.

The two women were Li Mengxi and Ruoruo. Because they were snipers, they didn't go to the front line during the battle, so they survived by luck. Zhou Tie ran's target was where they were, so it was easy It was found by Lin Zhen.

The three of them ran panting for a while, and when they saw those monsters retreating suddenly, the exhaustion of the day suddenly hit them, and they found a corner and sat staggered on the ground.

"It's over! Hua Xiaofeng was eaten by the demon wolf, Kong Shan was torn apart by the ape, and there was no bone left. I was the only one left with the knives, guns, and today's trophies. Things, worth two to three hundred million, just disappeared."

Zhou Tie was lying on the ground in embarrassment, his eyes were gloomy.

This time it’s really a big loss. First, I lost 100 million to the Demon Hunter, and then I lost two teammates. I didn’t take out the loot, and even the armored vehicle was left there. Then I will have to pay a large sum to the military. Money, this time it can be said to be bankrupt.

Everything was still so beautiful before, and Li Mengxi seemed to want to commit herself to him, but since that kid Lin Zhen appeared, everything has changed.

Li Mengxi changed his mind, lost money, and bad luck began to come. Even Li Tianhao tipped off that they used the mutated bird to assassinate the demon hunter but failed.

"Lin Zhen, you are really a bastard. As long as I survive this period of time, your whole family will definitely die!"

He cursed Lin Zhen in his heart, but he didn't want to move any more. After fighting for a whole day, he was hunted down by mutant beasts again. At this moment, he had no strength left, and fell asleep soon after lying there.

Ruoruo also leaned against the wall with hands and feet limp, feeling guilty, not knowing where the Demon God Squad would go. Looking at it now, it was still a question of whether they could leave Yilan County smoothly.

Just when she felt a little panicked, a gunshot sounded in her ears.

Ruoruo stood up suddenly: "What's the matter? Is there a mutant beast coming... Ah! What are you doing, Mengxi? You're crazy!"

I saw that Li Mengxi was standing beside Zhou Tie and taking back the gun in his hand. A big hole was punched out in Zhou Tie's temple. He was already dead and couldn't die anymore!