Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 57: oriole


Li Mengxi slowly retracted the gun: "I'm just doing the right thing."

"What? What's the right thing to do?"

"Ruo Ruo, didn't you see it? The Demon God Squad has become history. Zhou Tie didn't even have the money to pay for the armored vehicles this time. We followed him back, and we can only lose money. He has no future. She will only drag us down to death, and he is greedy and lustful, if we have been harassed by him before, don't you think this is the best chance to get rid of him?"

If Ruoruo opened her mouth, she already agreed with Li Mengxi's words in her heart, but Li Mengxi, who had always been gentle and quiet, suddenly raised a gun to kill someone, which made her a little unacceptable for a while, and felt that the person in front of her was a little strange, even a little scary.

There was something in her heart that she didn't say, but she suspected that Li Mengxi might have seen that Lin Zhen had more potential, and she might have made up her mind to fall into Lin Zhen's arms. Time bomb, Li Mengxi took this opportunity to get rid of Zhou Tie, not necessarily selfish.

After Li Mengxi killed Zhou Tie, he simply took out his mobile phone, posted a message on the Internet about the disbandment of the Demon God Squad, and took the initiative to leave a message on the military's official website, asking them to freeze the bank accounts of Zhou Tie, Hua Xiaofeng and Kong Shan .

The team was disbanded and ceased to exist. According to the rules, the Demon God was a general-level team. Three generals in the team died, and the remaining two fighters did not have to continue to bear corresponding responsibilities.

Moreover, the money in those three accounts was frozen to pay for the armored vehicles. In this way, Li Mengxi and Ruoruo didn't have to bear anything.

After finishing all these, Li Mengxi threw Zhou Tie's body out.

"Okay, Ruoruo, let's sleep."

Li Mengxi was also very tired, so she just lay down and fell asleep.

Seeing that Li Mengxi seemed to be asleep, Ruoruo didn't dare to sleep anymore, who knew if Li Mengxi was pretending to sleep to numb herself, if she really fell asleep, she would die if she treated herself like Zhou Tie up.

Lying there tossing and turning, the more Ruoruo thought about it, the less she dared to stay with Li Mengxi, so she decided to leave Li Mengxi.

Anyway, the Demon God Squad no longer exists, so why continue to be with this cruel woman.

After lying down for a while, Ruoruo quietly stood up and left the ruins.

It was already night at this time, and she didn't dare to run around. She chose a concealed terrain and walked for a while, and came to the bottom of an iron tower.

This used to be the ruins of the Yilan County TV station, and this iron tower is also a TV tower. Thousands of years have passed, and most of the buildings have collapsed, but this iron tower still stands here.

Because of the iron tower bracket, some brick and stone ruins around him piled up like a mountain. Ruoruo found a gap in the ruins and got in. This place is hidden and sheltered from the wind, so you can hide temporarily.

After she settled down, she breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to take a rest first.

But at this moment, an angry roar came from a distance.

"It's a giant palm bear!"

Ruo Ruo probed out to look outside, and saw four shadows running towards him in the distance.

The two in front are humans, and the two in the back are two huge human bears.

The two human bears were already covered with scars, but they chased and killed the two people running in front of them like crazy.

Those two people ran very fast, but they were obviously slower than the man-bear, especially one of them was holding a stone the size of a water tank in his hand, and he couldn't get up at all. He was overtaken by the giant palm bear.

Ruoruo's eyes widened, and she looked at it in disbelief: "This...these two people are the God of War? They took something like a giant human bear, and they were actually chased by bears, and the human bear actually had two ends, both of which were A-level. This monster is a male and a female!"

The two war gods are Bai Feng and Ding Yan. Bai Feng sneaked into the gymnasium to steal the meteorite, but he didn't expect there was a female bear inside.

It turns out that when the giant palm man bear evolved, it was not one, but two. When encountering a female bear, it was immediately a bloody battle. Also badly injured.

Ding Yan was also injured when he blocked the male bear. The two war gods fought for a while, but because they didn't expect the man-bear to have two ends, they couldn't resist and had to run away, but they couldn't run fast with the meteorite, and they were about to be overtaken. .

Bai Feng hugged the stone, and said to Ding Yan: "Ding Yan, it's not okay to go on like this. Let's run separately. You go and lure the male bear away, and then meet me at the bus station!"

"Okay! Take care!"

Ding Yan turned his head and swung two knives at the male bear. The bright light of the knives shone in the night, making two consecutive wounds on the male bear's abdomen.

The injured male bear roared and rushed towards Ding Yan. Ding Yan went into the alley and disappeared with the giant bear.

Bai Feng accelerated with all his strength, bypassed the ruins of the TV tower, threw the meteorite in his hand into the ruins, then picked up another big rock, got up and ran.

The mother bear couldn't distinguish clearly for a while, and continued to chase Bai Feng's figure into the distance.

After witnessing all this, Ruoruo admired the power of the God of War, and at the same time became curious about Bai Feng's actions.

What exactly is it that can cause the god of war and the bear to fight fiercely? Although she doesn't know what it is, she can be sure that it must be a great treasure.

Quietly crawling out from the hiding place, Ruoruo came to the pile of ruins, struggling to move the big black stone.

"It turned out to be a meteorite? Isn't this a contraband? Why is God of War trying to fight with the man and bear? Never mind, let's talk about it first."

If it is a ninth-level fighter, but her physical strength is not strong, the evaluation of female fighters is based on the comprehensive evaluation, and the strength does not necessarily have to meet the male standard. This meteorite weighs a full 500 kilograms, and it is very difficult for her to move. .

But she knew that Bai Feng might come back to fetch this meteorite soon, so she must take it away.

Greed conquered everything, and Ruo Ruo unexpectedly picked up the big rock and headed towards another ruin.

After walking a few hundred meters, she hid the meteorite in a residential house, turned around to clean up her footprints, and deliberately walked a few hundred meters in another direction with another stone in her arms, setting up doubts, and then Turn back and prepare to come back to get this meteorite.

But when she returned to the place where the meteorite was hidden, she found that it was empty, and the meteorite that was there just now was gone!

"What's going on? Where's my meteorite? Where's my meteorite?" Ruo Ruo frantically searched everywhere. In the middle of the night, who would follow the clues to take away his own meteorite

"There must be someone, someone must be secretly monitoring my actions, and took away the meteorite when I went back to set up a suspicious formation. Who is this person?"

If you rush out of the residence, you have to look for clues.

But as soon as she came out, she saw a figure flickering in the TV tower, and Bai Feng came back.

Ruoruo was too frightened to make a sound, so she shrank back, wanting to wait until Bai Feng left her before going out, otherwise she would be killed by the angry Bai Feng.

Sure enough, Bai Feng roared loudly there, very angry.

"Hurry up, hurry up and leave according to the puzzle I set up for you, you will be safe if you leave me." Ruo Ruo kept praying.

After Bai Feng roared a few times, he found Ruoruo's footprints, and he was indeed going in that direction, but at this moment, a stone the size of a bowl hit Ruoruo's back fiercely.

Ruo Ruo, who was well hidden, screamed in pain and jumped up.

This moment immediately attracted Bai Feng's attention.