Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 58: Nine pinnacles


Ruoruo has never hated a person so much. This person not only stole her own meteorite, but also plotted against herself once. She hates him so much that she wants to eat him alive.

But she still doesn't know who this person is.

Now there is no time for her to think so much, because Bai Feng has already rushed in this direction.

She groaned secretly in her heart, she was not sure that she would be able to escape the pursuit of a God of War, maybe she would die this time.

But she still had to work harder, and ran out from behind the broken house, she ran wildly.

But how could she be faster than God of War, the distance between the two sides quickly narrowed, Ruoruo could not take out the sniper rifle, and bravely shot at Bai Feng.

Bai Feng sneered, his body shook slightly a few times, the bullets almost grazed his skin, as an intermediate God of War, the sniper rifle did not threaten him at all, and he didn't even need to waste a little effort to dodge.

Just when Ruoruo was about to be overtaken, a river suddenly appeared in front of him!


Ruoruo speeded up without hesitation, and jumped into the river.

Bai Feng chased him to the river, hesitantly did not go into the water.

Warriors have a consensus that they must not enter the water, because there are also mutant beasts in the water. In the river, the strength of warriors will be greatly weakened, and they may be swallowed by countless fish in the river. This is what countless senior warriors use. paid for in blood.

The more advanced warriors are, the less they dare to risk their lives too much, because they are already wealthy and their lives are very expensive, not to mention that the woman who jumped into the river obviously didn't have a meteorite in her hand, and he couldn't find it when he entered. Still around the same place.

"Woman with a sniper rifle, I remember you. There are only eight of them in Yilan's team this time. I'll find out who you are when I go back. You'd better be eaten by fish, or I will make you regret coming." into this world!"

Bai Feng glanced at the river with resentment, turned around and went back, he believed that the meteorite was still near the TV tower, and he had to look for it.

After Lin Zhen controlled a stone with his mental power and hit Ruoruo, he fled away with the meteorite.

In order to prevent tracking, Lin Zhen even flew with the meteorite for a while.

However, the meteorite was too heavy, and he became dizzy after only flying a thousand meters. His mental strength was no longer available, so he had to land.

The place where he landed was a residential area. This area was considered a high-end area in Yilan at that time. The stairs are very strong and the earthquake resistance is also high. It is definitely not that kind of bean curd project, so it is relatively well preserved. Lin Zhen After entering the community, I found a residential building and entered it.

He went up to the third floor with a big stone in his arms and entered a residential house.

Everything in the room was dilapidated and dilapidated. Lin Zhen simply made an open space and put down the big stone.

"Huh! Finally got it!"

"I originally wanted to get rid of Ruoruo myself, but if I do that, Bai Feng will definitely follow the vine when he finds Ruoruo's body. Those warriors at the God of War level have very terrifying energy. Maybe they will find me. It's better to keep Ruoruo. If it's used as a shield, she doesn't know who took the meteorite anyway."

"Even if she really suspects that someone has tampered with it, the first suspect will be Li Mengxi, and it's impossible to find me directly. They definitely don't trust each other. When the time comes, dog bite dog."

Thinking of Li Mengxi, Lin Zhen sighed slightly. This former childhood sweetheart has become extremely strange to him. Thinking of her killing Zhou Tie without hesitation, although as a martial artist, Lin Zhen also thinks this method is the simplest and most effective, but But he couldn't let him accept that this was done by Li Mengxi.

Such a woman should not be wanted no matter what.

Instead of thinking about these things, Lin Zhen focused on the meteorite.

"I still remember that the meteorite that Ruoruo obtained back then was known as the largest dark energy stone discovered in China's history. Although those are just legends, according to the analysis of Ruoruo's strength, the physical strength of five or six hundred kilograms surpassed that of the top. Thousand kilograms, this stone is not small."

Taking out the chisel and other tools from the package, Lin Zhen began to peel off the surface stone of the dark energy stone.

With the gouging of the alloy chisel, pieces of useless stone fell down.

I thought it would take a long time to see the dark energy stone, but after only a few gouges, the dark energy stone's body was exposed.

" is this possible?" Lin Zhen looked at the small piece of black stone in disbelief, his eyes full of disbelief.

If a dark energy stone appeared from here, wouldn't this dark energy stone weigh several hundred kilograms

Not to mention that such a large dark energy stone does not exist on the earth, even in the universe, it has never appeared that large.

"What's going on here?" Lin Zhen continued to work with doubts.

Soon, the dark energy stone revealed its true colors.

On the top of the whole big stone is a dark energy stone about the size of a goose egg. This stone, together with the surrounding ordinary stones, occupies about one-third of the whole stone.

Lin Zhen picked up the dark energy stone, feeling both happy and disappointed.

The energy contained in this dark energy stone the size of a goose egg can provide about 100 kilograms of strength, which means that it can make Lin Zhen reach the peak of level 9 from the current peak of level 8, but it is not enough to support him to break through to the level of warrior the power of.

Originally, Lin Zhen's plan was to get a large dark energy stone and use it when he reached the peak of a ninth-level fighter. In that way, he would be able to have more than a thousand kilograms of physical strength when he did not form dark energy, breaking the normal The limit of the human body, and then taking the Qi Sensing Auxiliary Potion, the advanced warrior is also the best in the same level.

But although such a stone is not small, it is not up to his standard.

"Sure enough, the rumors are not very credible. It's ridiculous that I still believe it, and I've been planning it for so long. Well, it's better than nothing!"

Lin Zhen took out the fossil powder and dissolving agent, and directly absorbed the dark energy stone on the spot.

The absorption process went smoothly, and the dark energy stone was absorbed in less than an hour.

"Peak of level nine, I have reached the pinnacle of level nine fighter!"

Lin Zhen stood up and squeezed his fists hard. His strength and speed had been improved again after being strengthened by the dark energy stone, and he was almost on the verge of being promoted to a warrior.

"Hey! It's pretty good, if only there is another big dark energy stone."

Lin Zhen looked at the remaining two-thirds of the huge rock, and kicked it somewhat venting.

After kicking it out, Lin Zhen faintly felt something abnormal.

The dark energy stone itself is very heavy, seven or eight times denser than normal stones. In Lin Zhen's opinion, this stone weighs about 200 kilograms, but with his current peak strength of a ninth-level fighter, it seems that More than this weight.

"Could it be...?"

Lin Zhen's eyes lit up, and he immediately took out the alloy chisel again, and excitedly struck the stone again.

If the idea comes true, this time it will be posted!