Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 63: Killing in the car


Xu Mao never dreamed that Lin Zhen would be so bold that he would actually dare to attack himself, a senior warrior.

And if you don't make a move, it's enough. Once Lin Zhen makes a move, it will be a storm!

The length of the Black Dragon Spear is 2.2 meters, and the width of this armored vehicle is 2.5 meters. In addition, two people are sitting here and there are many goods piled up. It can be said that Lin Zhen has no room to make a move. This is all calculated by Xu Mao.

But he overlooked one point, Lin Zhen's Black Dragon Spear can be disassembled, the first half is disassembled, the length is 1.2 meters, Lin Zhen took advantage of Xu Mao's hands to pick up the bag, and shaken out half of the spear in his hand!


Countless cold stars flickered, and a ray of light enveloped Xu Mao's whole body. Before the gun arrived, the cold metal sharp aura rushed towards his face!

"What a guts!"

Xu Mao's liver and gallbladder were broken, and the narrow space in the carriage made it impossible for him to dodge. He directly threw the backpack in his hand towards Lin Zhen, hoping that Lin Zhen would be concerned about the contents of the backpack and slow down the offensive.

Lin Zhen didn't stop at all, the Black Dragon Spear instantly tore up the backpack, and countless mutated beast crystals burst like sparks, which didn't play a blocking role at all.

"Puff puff puff!"

Flowers of blood bloomed on Xu Mao's body. Before he could scream, the tip of the gun had already reached his chest.

At this moment, he was piled up with goods on the left and right, and there was nowhere to dodge. Xu Mao was in a bad state due to the excessive fighting before, but the senior warrior was still a senior warrior. At the critical moment, he grabbed a handrail on the roof with both hands, and his body It jumped up into the air, stuck to the roof of the shed, and avoided Lin Zhen's sure-fire shot!

Xu Mao was very confident. Although he was tired and injured, as long as he dodged the shot, he could still easily kill Lin Zhen.


The Black Dragon Spear stabbed into the wall of the carriage, and the barrel of the gun kept trembling.

But before his body fell, several streamers of light appeared in front of his eyes.

Throwing knife!

Lin Zhenliang's silver mental power drove the five throwing knives, with dots of golden light flashing on them, and they went straight to the vital parts of Xu Mao's body!

"Ah! You are a Psychiatrist!"

At this moment, Xu Mao really felt the threat of death.

Originally, in his opinion, no matter how hard Lin Zhen struggled, he was still a warrior after all, and there was an insurmountable natural gap between him and a senior warrior like him, and it was impossible to defeat him.

But the Psychiatrist is different.

Psychic masters are the most powerful warriors, there is no suspense in crushing other warriors at the same level, and they are also synonymous with leapfrog fighting.

And this Lin Zhen didn't seem to be an ordinary spiritualist, the little golden light made Xu Mao's scalp tingle, how could he be a gold-level spiritualist

But there was no time for him to think at all. The five flying knives were faster than bullets, and they hit Xu Mao's body within a thousandth of a second.

The only thing he could do was to twist his body on the roof of the shed, relying on his good nerve response to avoid the vital points, but the five throwing knives still penetrated through his body!

The hands, feet, and abdomen were stabbed respectively, and blood gushed out from the body and limbs.

"Ah! Lin Zhen, don't even try to kill me, even if you risk your life, I will die with you!"

Xu Mao was passive with one move, and was beaten continuously. After being severely injured by five throwing knives, he knew that he had no chance of winning. He was already exhausted, but he was attacked by a gold-ranked psychiatrist, and he was seriously injured. A luxury.

He felt ruthless in his heart, and his dantian was surging. He wanted to get close to Lin Zhen. With his strong strength of a seventh-level general, as long as he could give Lin Zhen a heavy blow, he would be able to kill this little soldier, even if he died. Look at Lin Zhen's back.

Completely ignoring his injuries, he fell from the air and rushed towards Lin Zhen. He didn't believe that Lin Zhen still had room to dodge in this narrow space.

Lin Zhen watched Xu Mao jump down from the roof with a blank expression, and unconsciously stepped on the half of the tail of the Black Dragon Spear with his toes, stepping on the Black Dragon Spear in a big arc.

When Xu Mao's body fell down, Lin Zhen suddenly lifted his foot, and the tip of the gun that was bent by the trample bounced violently, and ruthlessly pulled towards Xu Mao's lower abdomen!

Xu Mao, who completely gave up his defense, never expected that Lin Zhen would have such a strange move. Before he could dodge in time, he was slammed into his lower abdomen by the barrel of the gun!

Something seemed to be broken at this moment, Xu Mao rolled his eyes, and didn't even cry out, his body rolled to the ground.

He is a high-level warrior, he has undergone countless hard training, his whole body has dark energy, and his nerves are strong enough. Even after suffering such a huge blow, he still did not pass out, which is enough to make people crazy The severe pain still did not make him unconscious.

He is still working hard to recover, as long as Lin Zhen doesn't kill him immediately, as long as he has a slight chance to breathe, he still has the possibility to stand up.

He believed that Lin Zhen was just a soldier, and he hadn't gone through too many killings at all, at least he didn't have too many killings with others. Under the killer.

However, Lin Zhen didn't have the consciousness of an ordinary soldier at all. The thrust of the gun barrel was successful, and he immediately picked up the remaining half of the Black Dragon Spear. There was also a not-so-sharp tip at the end of the gun. Xu Mao, who had no ability to resist, thrust his throat down hard!


A column of blood directly impacted on the roof of the armored vehicle compartment. The energy and blood of the senior warrior was different from that of ordinary people, and this spurt of blood was also extraordinarily fierce.

"You... you... so ruthless... so ruthless!"

Xu Mao pointed at Lin Zhen with the last of his strength, and said this sentence with regret, then turned his head, completely dead.

Lin Zhen snorted coldly, kicked Xu Mao's body aside, then put away the Black Dragon Spear, found a huge cowhide from the cargo in the car, and packed all the things in his backpack for packing. Alright, the throwing knife was also withdrawn, and then knocked on the metal door of the armored vehicle.

In fact, the speed of the armored vehicle has slowed down just now, because the sound of fighting came from behind, Shi Lei definitely wanted to check the situation.

The car stopped, Lin Zhen opened the door and got out, Ye Tiancheng and Shi Lei also rushed out in front of them.

A fight broke out in the back. Fighting in such a narrow space might lead to death. They all wanted to see how the situation was going.

When Shi Lei saw that it was Lin Zhen getting out of the car, his eyes showed surprise, and when Ye Tiancheng saw that it was Lin Zhen, his face showed an unbelievable look like seeing a ghost.

Could it be that Xu Mao failed to deal with Lin Zhen? This is impossible!

Ye Tiancheng didn't care about Lin Zhen at all, and hurried to the back door of the carriage to check, but saw Xu Mao lying in a pool of blood covered in wounds, and there was a huge blood hole on his neck.

"You... You actually killed Brother Xu?"

"What? Are you surprised?" Lin Zhen wiped the Black Dragon Spear, and looked at Ye Tiancheng coldly.

"How could you do this? By the way, I seemed to hear Brother Xu shouting just now, you are a spirit... are you a spiritual teacher?"

"It seems that you still have some analytical skills, but these are not important anymore."

"What do you mean?" Ye Tiancheng's expression changed.

Lin Zhen turned to face Shi Lei: "Captain, the metal door in the middle of the car is locked. It was done by Ye Tiancheng. You must understand what it means, right?"

Shi Lei's face was very ugly, but he still nodded heavily, Ye Tiancheng's actions made him feel a little chilled, Lin Zhen just saved him.

"Well, I'm going to do one thing next, I hope the captain won't stop it."

Lin Zhen looked at Shi Lei with shining eyes. Shi Lei wanted to dissuade him, but he couldn't say anything when facing Lin Zhen's gaze.

Ye Tiancheng felt the hairs all over his body standing on end, and Lin Zhen was about to make a move.

He is not the kind of person who just waits to die. Hearing this, he suddenly draws out his two swords and attacks Lin Zhen. He wants to give it a go!

Lin Zhen stood still without moving, five flying knives were lifted into the air, strangled back and forth in the air, and then the flying knives returned to his hand.

Putting the flying knife back into the backpack, Ye Tiancheng's head and limbs were broken at the same time, and his body was dismembered by Lin Zhen's flying knife!