Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 7: Three major martial arts halls


After the boring cultural class in the morning, the next thing that people pay attention to is the three physical tests.

Sixth Middle School is not considered a key high school in the base city, but there are also many martial arts schools that have sent people here. After all, geniuses appear in ordinary high schools from time to time.

This time, there were a total of twelve graduating classes, and nearly 700 people took the graduation exam. As soon as the results of the culture class came out, the physical fitness test began immediately.

The physical fitness test is carried out in the school's activity room. There is a punching test machine here, which can test punching strength and punching speed.

In addition, there is a neural response testing machine, which requires students to stand inside, surrounded by three-dimensional images of infrared attacks, and test their neural response scores within one minute.

The students lined up at the entrance of the hall, and the judging seats in the hall were already full.

In addition to the invigilator, there are also seats in many martial arts gyms, and there are number plates on the tables, which read: "Gefeng martial arts hall, Changfeng martial arts hall, Tulong martial arts hall" and other names of major martial arts halls.

Of course there are military representatives, and there are many people who want to join the military.

In addition to martial arts and the army, the place for students to go is government departments, but they must also pass the assessment to achieve certain results. The way out for students below the passing line is to continue to go to university, and continue to go to university for further studies, but those who graduate from university are basically It is impossible to have warriors, and you can only become ordinary people.

So going to college in this era is the worst choice. Graduating from high school is the dividing line in life and a major event in a lifetime.

"No. 1, Class 9, Senior Three, Sun Wei enters."

Hearing the roll call from a distance, Lin Zhen, who was at the end of the line, was a little annoyed. The ranking was actually from the back to the front. He was the first to hand in the paper, but the ranking was the last. How long will it take

Number one Sun Wei entered the arena tremblingly, he was a slightly shy boy.

"Let's start, the first item, the fist test."

Sun Wei came to the boxing test machine, which was a huge rubber mat, requiring students to attack with all their strength, only one punch.

"Start, use your greatest strength, start with your left hand!"


Sun Wei roared and punched out.

The mercury column next to it soared upwards, and the electronic screen above immediately gave the number.


Those martial arts representatives who paid attention to his situation shook their heads slightly. This result is too bad, not much better than ordinary people, and it is unqualified.

The minimum limit for recruiting students in martial arts gyms is 200kg, which is far from it.

The next right punch he hit was 112kg, which was also unqualified.

"Fist speed test, start, hit continuously with your fastest speed, and the time is one second."

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"71kg, 68kg, 66kg, 62kg!"

"Punch four punches per second. After the performance test is over, let's start testing the nerve response."

Sun Wei came to Nervous Reaction with a face ashen, and the surrounding area was immediately sealed off, and countless infrared attacks were launched.

The attack speed simulates the speed at which an automatic rifle fires from a distance of 100 meters, requiring students to respond in evasion.

At the beginning of the test, there were countless bullets flying around from all directions. Sun Wei couldn't make an effective evasive response at all.

But those bullets are basically fired according to your movements, where you hide and hit where, after a minute, the test results come out.

"Sixty bullets per minute, fifty-nine effective hits, one successful dodge, three effective dodge actions, the overall result, the neural response is 0.43/s."

Sun Wei walked out of the tester. Needless to say, the door of the university was open for him.

The next series of tests, the results are somewhat disappointing.

A total of 300 students have passed the test, and only three of them passed the test. The best one is from the second class. The maximum punching force is 221kg, the punching speed is 5.7/s, and the nerve response is 0.097/s. It is far from the passing line of the three top martial arts schools. There is still a distance, just being recruited by a small martial arts school.

The admission rate of 1% made the people in the martial arts hall a little drowsy, and the military people only recruited less than ten people.

"It seems that the sixth middle school is the sixth middle school, and it is very difficult for any genius to appear." The representative of Changfeng Martial Arts School shook the pen in his hand, and did not make a single record on the paper in front of him.

The representative of the Dragon Tulong Martial Arts School smiled and said: "You will be prepared when you come here. Today, all colleges and universities have graduation exams, and the focus of the martial arts school is concentrated on No. 1, 2, and 3 High Schools. Those schools are said to be full of geniuses. If it weren't for us in the Wuguan The status inside is not high, and it has already passed there."

"Who said it wasn't? Whoever discovered the talents recruited in. Martial arts gyms have bonuses. It seems that I have no hope of getting bonuses today." Representative Changfeng was a little frustrated.

"Don't worry, half of the people didn't take the exam, maybe a genius will be born." Only the representative of Gaefeng Martial Arts was still calm, he had a goal in his heart.

During their discussion, Ouyang Yu walked in.

"The test begins, fist strength, left hand."

Ouyang Yu stood in front of the test machine with a blank face, and punched out with his left hand.


The mercury column soared straight up, and the electronic screen immediately gave the result.


"Wow! That's not bad! Could it be a left-hander? If it's a forehand, then this person's potential is good." The eyes of the representative of Tulong Wuguan lit up, and finally saw a similar one.

"Right hand test, start."


After Ouyang Yu finished punching with his right hand, the eyes of the representative of Changfeng Martial Arts also lit up. After a little bit of training, this kid's punching strength can exceed 300kg. He is a talent.

"Fist speed test, start."

Ouyang Yu held back his breath, punched with both hands continuously, and a series of numbers flew out.

"216kg, 225kg, 222kg, 228kg, 217kg, 229kg!"

"The test is over, two punches are thrown at six o'clock per second, and the results are all valid."

The representatives of Changfeng Martial Arts and Tulong Martial Arts looked at each other, and they both saw the smell of competition. This Ouyang Yu is not bad, although he is not a special genius, but he is considered outstanding among the six schools, and it is worth fighting for once.

Only the representative of Liefeng Martial Arts School remained silent. Lie Feng, as the number one martial arts gym in China, has higher standards for recruiting students. Ouyang Yu's performance is not enough to tempt him.

Unless Ouyang Yu's nervous reaction is particularly outstanding, his performance is not enough.

Next, in the nerve reaction test, Ouyang Yu also performed well. Facing the hail of bullets, he did not panic, but reacted calmly. Although his movements were not fast, he did react in time most of the time, and even had some successes.

After a minute the result came out.

"Ouyang Yu, with sixty bullets per minute, fifty-one effective hits, nine successful dodges, twenty-one effective dodges, the overall score is 0.082/s."

"We want this person in Changfeng Martial Arts!" The representative of Changfeng Martial Arts announced immediately.

As soon as he finished speaking, the representative of the Dragon Slaying Martial Arts School laughed: "You're late, Ouyang Yu, before I came, your Uncle Zhang said that you were appointed by default to join the Dragon Slayer, and a generous contract has been prepared for you. Now you You can sign it."

Ouyang Yu also laughed, "I'll follow Uncle Zhang's advice and enter the Dragon Slayer."

The representative of the Changfeng Martial Arts School put down his pen in frustration, and finally found one, and even got an internal appointment.

Ouyang Yu's signing caused quite a commotion. The first person from No. 6 High School to sign with the three major martial arts schools appeared.

After signing, Ouyang Yu changed into the Dao uniform of the Dragon Slaying Martial Arts Academy, and officially became a martial artist student of the Dragon Slaying Martial Arts Academy.

Glancing at the end of the team, Ouyang Yu sneered in his heart: "Lin Zhen, Lin Zhen, I'm already a martial arts student, let's see how I will trample you to death."