Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 74: Lightning ions


The few of them looked at each other, not knowing what to do. Just when they were at a loss, suddenly there were footsteps in the distance, and the speed was extremely fast.

Gao Yan was the first to get scared: "This man's speed is so fast! My God! He's flying, he's a psychiatrist, let's run!"

Zhao Liang and Shi Lei took a look, but patted Gao Yan on the shoulder: "Don't worry, Lao Gao, the person who came is Lin Zhen."

This person is Lin Zhen. After he killed Chen Jingchou, Lin Zhen returned to the base city with the planet core.

Instead of going home, he came to the water park.

"Killing Chen Jingchou has yielded rich rewards, but there are also crises. Once Chen Jingchou dies, the people of Changfeng will never let it go. Although my actions are relatively secretive, it is impossible to eliminate all clues, maybe When will the Changfeng people come."

"So I can't go home now, and I need to have a stronger force in the shortest possible time, enough to protect myself."

The battle with Chen Jingchou also made Lin Zhen more fully aware of his own shortcomings.

Some of the opponents he defeated in the past, although there were several generals, but none of them were elite-level masters, and they were all weaker in the same level.

A peak fighter like Chen Jingchou, if it wasn't for his mental power, Lin Zhen wouldn't be able to defeat him.

But his talent is not very outstanding, it is really difficult to improve his strength in a short period of time.

Sitting on a chair in the park, Lin Zhen gently rubbed the core of the planet.

"I currently have two ways to improve my strength. The first way is to enter the warrior stage. I still need two steps to enter the warrior stage."

"Use the dark energy stone to greatly increase my physical strength, and then take the Qi Sensing Potion to expand the dantian and let the true energy flow, and then I can enter the warrior stage. The dark energy stone can greatly increase my strength , before I enter the warrior stage, I will be able to have the strength beyond the average junior warrior, and with such a solid foundation, my true energy must be running very smoothly. Once I enter the warrior stage, I may be able to directly break through the first-level warrior Push the limit and advance to the second level."

"However, it is not ideal to be promoted to the general immediately, because I have to go to the martial arts gym once more to deal with the Russians in the Bikong martial arts hall. Once I become a general, I will not be eligible to participate in the war, so I must use the warrior's Participate in identity."

"The second way to improve strength is the core of the planet in my hand. As far as I know, the core of the planet has three uses, one is to practice gravitation, and the other is to master the mystery of energy. In addition to these two, there is another It has a very miraculous function, which is to condense dark stars!"

In terms of realm, warriors, whether they are warriors or war gods, are collectively referred to as the third level of the mortal realm. That is to say, these three realms are only the realm of ordinary people, and there will still be life, old age, sickness and death that should be there.

Only at the peak of the God of War, when the dantian cyclone in the body condenses the star core, can one truly enter the star realm, have a long life, and have the ability to fly, and in the eyes of mortals, he is like a god who is omnipotent.

After star realm fighters condense the star core, they can advance to the stream week and comet week, which is called the triple star realm.

The subsequent satellite period, the cycle period and the sidereal period are called the constant realm triple, and to put it bluntly, they are all the evolution process of the dantian universe.

But whether it is a star realm or a constant realm, you can only have one star in your body.

The power of the dantian universe determines the strength of the warrior, a star is a power, and every warrior's power is a share.

But there is a legend in the interstellar world, if a warrior can get a piece of planetary core when he first realizes the qi in his dantian, then he can evolve a dark star in his dantian.

The dark star hides in the shadow of the martial artist's dantian starry sky, it is the second source of power for the warrior, and it has other infinite uses.

But this is just a legend. Lin Zhen lived for thousands of years in his previous life, and he did not see any warrior with a dark star. Of course, this may also be because his strength in his previous life was low, and there were no masters among the people he knew.

But no matter what, since he got a core of the planet today, Lin Zhen will try to condense the dark star no matter what.

But for the time being, Lin Zhen doesn't have the conditions to condense the dark star, because condensing the dark star first requires the martial artist to reach the warrior stage, that is, to have dark energy all over the body and the formation of dantian qi.

So what Lin Zhen can do now is to try to cultivate the elements of gravity or lightning.

pick one of two.

As for how to choose, Lin Zhen had already prepared it.

As soon as he raised his hand, some prepared items in the space ring were taken out, which he bought immediately when he returned to the base city, just for this time.

Metal wires, most of what Lin Zhen took out were metal wires!

In addition to the metal wires, there are also a bunch of batteries.

"Cultivating gravity is a very difficult process. If you want to improve your strength in a short period of time, only the element of thunder and lightning."

"The lightning element in the core of the planet will not come out without guidance. It contains the basic state of lightning, which are three parts: ion, photon, and atom. The best way to electrocute yourself is to use a wire to draw it out little by little.”

Lin Zhen wrapped one end of the metal wire around the battery, held it with one hand, and held a metal wire in the other. After taking a deep breath, feeling that his body was in the best condition, he gently He put it on the meteorite at the core of the planet!

"Papa papa!"

When the positive and negative electrodes were in contact, an electric current was generated, and in the night sky, a faint blue electric arc appeared all over Lin Zhen's body.

Lin Zhen trembled all over his body, and an electric current flowed through his whole body. The numb feeling he had never experienced before made him almost scream.

"Cultivating lightning is simply not something you can do!"

If it were an ordinary person, he might have thrown away the metal wire immediately, but Lin Zhen didn't. At this moment, his thoughts became more and more clear. He even remembered that the reason why Chen Jingchou was able to rise in his previous life was because of his sword skills. .


Faster than anyone imagined!

Now that I think about it, Chen Jingchou must have mastered the profound meaning of thunder and lightning. Since he can master it, how bad is he

Maybe Lin Zhen in the previous life was not good, but this time, Lin Zhen will not lose to anyone!

The hair stood up straight at the first moment, the muscles all over his body twitched involuntarily, the eyeballs turned upwards, and the white eyes were exposed. Lin Zhen endured the severe pain of fainting and let his body adapt to the power of thunder and lightning.

"I only used a metal wire that can withstand the smallest voltage. If you can't resist this little bit of electricity, what's the point of climbing to the top? Go home obediently!"

"Tear, tear, tear!"

The lightning ions raged in Lin Zhen's body. Almost all of his strength was used to resist the current, and he had no strength at all to feel the lightning.

"Patience! Patience! Only by enduring what ordinary people can't bear, can one become a master!"

The aroma of barbecue permeated the night, and Lin Zhen felt that the palms of his hands were almost not his own, and his whole body was shaking like sifting chaff.

A minute passed, Lin Zhen persevered!

Three minutes passed, and Lin Zhen's pain was redoubled!

Five minutes passed, and the pain almost reached its peak. How many times he wanted to let go, but he persisted with his strong willpower!

After ten minutes passed, Lin Zhen felt a little numb to the pain.

In thirty minutes, half of them disappeared. When the moon was in the middle of the sky, in the cold winter night, apart from the involuntary shaking of Lin Zhen's body, Lin Zhen finally had a little bit of clarity in his mind.

This process only disappeared halfway, but for Lin Zhen, it seemed like a hundred years had passed, and the experience of a thousand years in his previous life was not so painful.

Fortunately, he persevered, and he was somewhat used to the flow of lightning in his body.

"Thanks to my very good physical fitness in this life, I managed to survive these thirty minutes."

The dark palm tightly held the metal wire, feeling the thunder and lightning moving through the limbs and bones.

The cold moonlight fell from the sky, and the faint silver light fell on Lin Zhen's body, making him feel more comfortable physically.


At this moment, Lin Zhen felt it!

He feels it! He felt that the current was like a rushing river, just like a real river, every drop of water was a small golden ball of light!

This ball of light is so fast, but Lin Zhen can clearly feel its existence.

"This is... This is the basic form of lightning, lightning ions! The source of lightning speed!"