Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 83: great victory


Seeing Lin Zhen's top-to-bottom shot, which was ordinary and without the rain of flowers, Ivan suddenly changed his mind.

It would be the best if he could kill Lin Zhen without hurting himself, not to mention Lin Zhen holding a gun with one hand, how powerful would this move be

With the iron claw on his left hand, he continued to stab Lin Zhen's heart with his right hand. Ivan was confident that he would end the battle with this move.

Seeing Lin Zhen's shot, three people in the room immediately noticed the difference.

These three people were Dongfang Jun, Lu Ming and Yang Jianying, and even Tong Yuehu, the fifth-level God of War, didn't immediately feel something was wrong.

Dongfang Jun and Lu Ming stood up from their chairs almost at the same time.

Before Lin Zhen showed his spear skills like a storm, although the two masters were also surprised, they did not reach the current level.

Dongfang Jun murmured: "This gun has a way!"

Lu Ming also couldn't help but said: "The battle is probably coming to an end, Dongfang, when we were in this grade, it seemed that we didn't have Lin Zhen's strength."

Dongfang Jun shook his head slightly: "It's not that there is nothing, it's a long way off, this kid..."

It was an ordinary shot, but it finally changed when it was about to come into contact with Ivan's iron claw.

I saw an arc of lightning flashing across the Black Dragon Spear, and in an instant, Lin Zhen's spear turned into a big river and descended from the sky!

No! That's not a big river, that's a waterfall flying straight down!

As soon as the shot was fired, a turbulent aura descended from the sky. Even the audience in the audience felt that the shot was unstoppable at this moment.

Even a junior general who stood under the ring and faced Lin Zhen head-on felt the momentum, couldn't help but took two steps back, and sat down on the ground, his face was as pale as paper, and his head was sweating profusely!

The spear rolled, and a piece of electric light poured down with the sharpness of metal, hitting Ivan's arm that was blocked by his left hand.

Ivan's full confidence before has collapsed at this moment. The only thing he can do is to stretch his right hand forward as much as possible, hoping to give Lin Zhen a fatal blow before he dies. It is now a luxury to die together.


Extravagant hope is extravagant hope, a shot hit, as if a heavy hammer was hammered down from top to bottom, Ivan's arm and iron claws were destroyed by Lin Zhen's shot, and the gun rod was drawn on Ivan's shoulder, his whole body shook, Relying on inertia, he staggered forward two steps. The iron claw was still trying to grab Lin Zhen's chest, but when he walked in front of Lin Zhen, the iron claw was less than ten centimeters away from Lin Zhen's heart, and he could no longer stand. Hold the body.

The palm stretched forward and stretched, but it was still a little short of the last, all the energy dissipated from the body at this moment, and the knee gave way, and Ivan fell to the ground.

The body fell to the ground, and the head was facing Nelov who was grabbing Lin Zhen's ankle with his last breath, and murmured: "Brother... I'm sorry... I tried my best."

Tilting his head, Ivan died on the spot. Half of the bones in his body were completely shattered by Lin Zhen's shot, and his internal organs were turned into a paste. It is very rare to be able to say such a last word.

Lin Zhen didn't even look at Ivan who fell to the ground, but set his eyes on Nelov who was still alive.

"It's such a pity, you were so close to success, but things in the world are always so unfortunate, if you have another life, remember to play wild and don't come to China, otherwise you will die ugly!"

Seeing the tragic death of his two companions, but he was powerless, Nerov finally became afraid at this time.

"Save... save me... I don't want to die."

"Unfortunately, when you step into this arena, your fate is already doomed, let alone me, I have never been in the habit of forgiving opponents, you should follow your companions."

Lin Zhen shook Nerov's hand away with a shake of his hand, swung the spear in his hand, and the tip of the gun slashed Nerov's throat.

A gust of blood surged again, Nelov didn't make a sound, his huge body completely fell on the ring, and he went underground to meet his two companions.

At this point, the entire Russian trio was wiped out, and all died in the arena of Gale Wind Martial Arts Hall.

In the hall of Liefeng Martial Arts Hall, there was a sudden silence, and people watched Lin Zhen on the ring quietly without panting.

This scene came too suddenly. I thought that the martial arts hall in Bingcheng was wiped out, but Lin Zhen turned out to turn the tide, and came to the stage under the circumstances that everyone was not optimistic about, and it was a one-on-three.

Having seen the toughness of the Russian trio, almost everyone thought that Lin Zhen was too arrogant. It would be good if he could win one-on-one, but he would be very proud if he could win the wheel battle. He even wanted one-on-three.

But Lin Zhen won, and winning is the last word, and he won cleanly and beautifully, making all those who have hacked Lin Zhen shut up at the same time.

The first thing that came to mind was the Internet, and countless people posted posts to celebrate.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of posts sent within five minutes is thirty times that of previous days! It even paralyzed the warrior forum for a while.

Fighting between warriors, even if you die, you still have national honor. Those Lin Hei can only shut up at this time. If you dare to speak ill of Lin Zhen at this time, it is a trivial matter to be hacked every minute , in today's real-name system, it is not uncommon for people to be destroyed by humanity.

The fighters in the martial arts hall also reacted, because the battle was so shocking, they were stunned for a while, and after a while, when the first person stood up and began to applaud, the audience burst into loud applause, more and more Everyone applauded, and finally everyone stood up and applauded, the applause was like thunder.

"Oh! I won!"

"Lin is so good!"

"That's great, Lin Zi, you have given us Huaxia pride!"

"The jumping clown of the Bikong Martial Art Museum, you have hit a nail now, haha, you deserve it!"

"The gale is the gale. The number one martial arts gym in China is the number one martial arts gym. The people who come out are all good. Seeing Lin Zhen, I see a bright future for the base city of Ice City!"

"Lin Zhen, I love you! Lin Zhen, I want to marry you!"

"Dude, you seem to be a man?"

"Men... oh! Yes, I'm a man, and it doesn't matter if I'm a man. Lin really doesn't dislike him, so I dare to have sex with him!"

"Shameless, we girls haven't succeeded yet, you fat man also wants to have sex with Lin Zhen, go and make your big dream!"

Lin Zhen played a string of spear flowers with the Black Dragon Spear, directly wiped off the blood on them and put them into the space ring. With a leap, he walked down the ring briskly.

It was only when he walked in front of Dongfang Jun and Lu Ming that Lin Zhen showed a smile: "The owner, Mayor Lu, fortunately, I won."

Lu Ming laughed loudly: "Lin Zhen, good job, you have given us the honor of Bingcheng and Huaxia. My old Lu has not been in such a good mood for so many years. Come on! Take this document well. Yes, the meteorite trading license is universal in China."

Dongfang Jun said with a stern face: "Boy, when you said you wanted to pick three, you really pissed me off, but I didn't expect you to be really capable, and beat all three old men to the ground. Seeing this For the sake of a little bit, I don't care about the things that you even hide from me, but in the future, you'd better let me know if you have any cards, because my old man is old and can't stand being scared."

"Master, you always have to have a little hole card to surprise people, don't you?" Lin Zhen smiled.

"Well, you're right. I think you still have something to deal with, so I won't be here with you. Come to my office in an hour. I have something to tell you."

Dongfang Jun said, got up and left the martial arts hall with his hands behind his back. When he turned around, Lin Zhen clearly saw that he could no longer hold back that poker face, and a happy smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Lin Zhen had sharp ears, and even heard Dongfang Jun humming as he walked.

Dongfang Jun's singing is a bit incomplete, but everyone can hear the joy.

The song is still a song from the time of the Christian calendar, an antique from a thousand years ago, but the melody is not bad.

"Remember my love, remember my love, remember that I am waiting every day, I am waiting for your return, don't forget me... the wild flowers on the roadside... don't pick them! Hey! Don't pick whites No…”

Lu Ming looked at Dongfang Jun's back, and said in disbelief: "This old thing, what is it called?"