Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 85: Lin is really powerful


On the road, I met Zhao Liang, Meng Dong and others, and Lin Zhen talked to them a few more words. These people didn't ask Lin Zhen what was the reason for his unparalleled speed. This is a taboo among warriors, and no matter how good the relationship is, Don't ask about other people's hole cards, that's a very annoying behavior.

Now everyone agrees that Lin Zhen is a born fast person. It seems that Zhao Liang and the others also believed this rhetoric, and Lin Zhen didn't explain anything.

Only this fellow Meng Dong bluffed and said: "Lin Zhen, do you know? You are now popular again. This time, because it is a fighter-level challenge, most of the people who pay attention are fighters. Now you are the number one fighter in Ice City." Yes, it's recognized online!"

"Hehe, it's all false names." Lin Zhen said with a smile.

"Lin Zhen, I said on the Internet that you are my friend, but I was sprayed by many people. I am going to open a live broadcast room. Then you have to come and support me. I want to show those who hate me well. , At that time, there will definitely be many people who will buy me flowers or even sports cars, and it is estimated that I can earn hundreds of thousands, Lin Zhen, how about we split the money equally?"

"Dongzi, don't you have the time and energy to practice hard? You can't beat Nelov, why do you want to broadcast live?" Lin Zhen looked at this friend with a bit of hatred.

Meng Dong lowered his head, he didn't know when, he was a little afraid of Lin Zhen, maybe this is the gap caused by strength.

Zhao Liang and the others wanted to invite Lin Zhen to go out for a drink to celebrate, but Lin Zhen refused and drove back home alone.

When I got home, my parents were preparing hot pot, and all kinds of seafood were set on the table.

Since moving here, Lin Liye and Li Qin's couple not only have money from Lin Zhen, but also have retirement funds. With money in their hands, life is no longer as difficult as before.

Lin Zhen sat down and drank some wine with his father Lin Liye.

During the dinner, Li Qin muttered, saying that Mr. Lin Zhen was not at home, and the old couple was also lonely. He wanted Lin Zhen to find a girlfriend and have a child earlier, so that the family would be more lively.

"Son, do you want mom to introduce you a girlfriend, and you promise to like it?" Li Qin asked Lin Zhen mysteriously.

"Mom, please don't say goodbye. Your son has someone he likes, and I'll bring it back to show you guys soon."

"Then you have to choose well. Although our family is not a big family, we are not poor anymore. At least our status can't be too different. Otherwise, let me introduce you to you."

Lin Zhen hurriedly waved his hand and refused, because he couldn't believe that his mother could find something suitable for him, and besides, he only wanted peace.

Thinking of An Ning, Lin Zhen knew that if he wanted to be with her, he had to pass the test at his house.

The An family is a large group. As the eldest lady of the An family, An Ning cannot find a boyfriend with poor conditions. Although Lin Zhen has gained a lot of fame in the circle of warriors, he is only a fighter with good potential in the end. At present, in all aspects, it is not worthy of tranquility.

After a hot pot meal, Lin Zhen returned to his practice room.

The villa has three floors above the ground. Both parents live on the second floor. Lin Zhen lives on the third floor. In addition to the bedroom, there is also a practice room with an area of about sixty to seventy square meters.

Lin Zhen changed his clothes and walked in, and took out his own liquid metal from the space ring.

Ten kilograms!

The entire ten kilograms of liquid metal is worth two billion Huaxia coins!

However, ten kilograms of liquid metal is not a lot. After gathering together, Lin Zhen held it up with both hands, like a mass of slightly flowing mercury.

This magical thing is not a substance on the earth, but a meteorite from the sky. After being injected with spiritual power, it can be transformed into any shape according to the owner's wishes, and it can only be used by spiritualists.

Lin Zhen was injected with a spiritual force, and the mass of liquid metal turned into a round arm shield on his arm, with a tiger head pattern on it.

Withdrawing the mental power, the liquid metal immediately solidified, and it no longer had the previous liquid state, but became extremely solid.

Lin Zhen tapped it twice with his hand, feeling the firmness of the shield.

Another advantage of this liquid defense is that it is not as brittle as ordinary metal. Even if you cut it in with a blade, it cannot be completely defeated, nor will it be torn apart.

Perhaps the only shortcoming is that the amount of liquid metal is too small, it is obviously too small as an arm shield, and its defense effect is not great.


Another wave of spiritual power was injected, and the arm shield instantly dissolved, turning into a short sword.

Lin Zhen's weapon in his previous life was the sword. Although he liked guns better, he didn't have the right spear skills in his previous life. He has always practiced swords. In fact, his sword skills are stronger than the current spear skills.

After swinging the dagger twice, Lin Zhen nodded slightly.

"The quality of this sword has far surpassed my Black Dragon Spear, but it's a pity that there is still too little liquid metal to solidify a long sword, let alone a long spear."

"If I want to solidify the spear with liquid metal, I'm afraid I need at least 50 kilograms of liquid metal. It seems that I have to find a way to buy some."

With Lin Zhen's mental power, the liquid metal turned into a silver belt and wrapped around Lin Zhen's waist. There was no abnormality at all from the appearance.

At this time, Lin Zhen's cell phone rang again, and when he picked it up, Lin Zhen was overjoyed. It turned out that the message was to remind him of the sale of Nine Heavy Guns.

Lin Zhen has a total of 100 sets of Nine Heavy Guns, and each set is priced at 10 million yuan. He hasn't looked at his mobile phone for the past few days. He only found out today that a total of 60 sets have been sold.

There were about 600 million in Lin Zhen's card before, but now it has become more than 1.2 billion.

However, Lin Zhen found that the sales of the first fifty or so sets were very fast, but the later progress slowed down. Only three sets were sold yesterday and today.

Lin Zhen hurriedly logged on to the mall website, looking for similar products, and soon found what he wanted.

Another stall called Marksmanship Monopoly also sells the Nine Layers of Gunhe, ranging from the first to the fourth layer, and the price is cheaper than Lin Zhen's.

Lin Zhen saw the fourth layer of the Nine Layers of Gun River, Changhe at a glance!

The price is eighteen million!

Lin Zhen bought the fourth layer without hesitation, and couldn't help but secretly excited, finally got the fourth layer!

In his last life, Lin Zhen only practiced the first level, but now he has all the cheats for the first four levels, and after being blessed by lightning, Lin Zhen's marksmanship has become unique, much stronger than before.

"Changhe, the essence of the Nine Layers of Gun River, not only has the power of a waterfall, but also can be used continuously. Only after you have cultivated this layer can you be regarded as a master of spears. When the time comes to use my body strengthened by lightning, I will definitely use it." Multiplied in power."

Lin Zhen has put away Chang He's secret book, and now he has not fully mastered the waterfall, and he needs to practice for a while.

There is a boxing test machine in the practice room. Lin Zhen is rich, and he has these basic equipment at home.

"My body has been strengthened by lightning ions, and I can feel my physical fitness becoming stronger."

"Lightning ions improved my speed the most, followed by nerve response, and the smallest improvement in strength. Before, my punching strength reached more than 990 kilograms, and my punching speed basically reached the point of fifteen punches per second. I am a fighter. peak."

"As for my nerve response, it has already exceeded 0.01% per second. This kind of testing machine can no longer test it, but I know that I was about the nerve response of an advanced warrior in the middle stage."

Lin Zhen stood in front of the punch test machine, adjusted his state, and punched out hard!


When this number fluctuated, Lin Zhen knew that he had exceeded the limit of the warrior period, and his physical strength alone was comparable to a first-class warrior.

"The boxing strength has increased by more than 200 kilograms, which is not bad, but compared to my speed, this increase in strength is nothing. Now let's test the boxing speed."

Lin Zhen shot like lightning, and a series of heavy punches hit the target. Every punch was an effective punch. During the punching process, from time to time, uncontrollable lightning flashed on Lin Zhen's fist. It was lightning ions. The manifestation of the effect.

It's over in a second!

A series of numbers kept jumping on the electronic screen of the boxing target, and each punch was around 1,000 kilograms.

"Forty-nine times!"

A total of forty-nine numbers made Lin Zhen's eyes shine a little bit!

Compared with punching strength, it is undoubtedly more difficult to improve punching speed. Even if he is promoted to a warrior, the bonus of dantian qi to punching speed is far less than punching strength. Lin Zhen's punching strength is comparable to that of a first-level fighter, but his The speed of punching has almost reached the peak of a high-level fighter!

"I am a psychiatrist myself, and my nerve response is the best. After being strengthened by lightning once, my nerve response is close to the peak of an advanced fighter. Now my punching speed is almost at the peak of an advanced fighter. If my punching power can also be improved to This level means that I have the peak strength of a high-level fighter."

"Of course, this is only the strength of those ordinary high-level fighters. Compared with those elite-level fighters, I am far from being an opponent. What's more, compared to my punch speed and nerve response, my strength is still very weak."

"But it's nothing. Although strength is the most important measure of a warrior's strength, speed and nerve response are the most difficult to improve."

Lin Zhen is very satisfied with the results of this test. Today, with his speed and nerve response, he can easily crush junior warriors and ordinary intermediate warriors.

With the use of mental power, he can even face-to-face with ordinary high-level warriors!

After the test was completed, Lin Zhen's mobile phone received two more messages.

One of them is that his account has already opened the trading authority of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and he can log in to the website of the Ministry of Science and Technology to buy meteorites and other commodities that cannot be seen on the market.

The other one was from Shi Lei. He and Zhao Liang, Gao Yan, and Meng Dong went out to drink, but it turned out that Millennium Time fought again, and both Meng Dong and Zhao Liang were injured.

And the people who injured them were Li Tianhao's Troubled Times Heroes Squad.