Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 87: Peaceful advice



Hearing An Ning's voice, Lin Zhenben's somewhat depressed mood immediately improved a lot.

"Lin Zhen, where are you?" An Ning's voice seemed anxious.

"I'm in Black Swan Hospital."

"I'm just downstairs in the hospital, come out for a while."

After An Ning finished speaking, she hung up the phone, Lin Zhen bid farewell to Shi Lei and the others, turned around and went downstairs.

Walking to the gate of the hospital, there was a red sports car parked in the corner, which was An Ning's car.

Lin Zhen walked to the front of the car and opened the door, and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

An Ning was wearing a pink nightgown, her hair was loose, her face was abnormally fair under the light of the roadside, her eyes were bright and her lips were red, and her makeup was bubbling beautifully.

"An Ning, why did you come out like this?" Lin Zhen looked at An Ning's attire and asked a little strangely.

An Ning did not answer this question, but said to Lin Zhen, "Lin Zhen, your friend was injured by Li Tianhao and the others."

"Yes, you also know about this?"

"Well, my father told me about this when he came back from the reception just now. Then Li Tianhao made a lot of publicity in the reception and tried his best to slander you. My father also told me to keep a distance from you, saying that you were Li Tianhao's target may have no future."

"It's not surprising that he would slander me." Lin Zhen didn't seem to be angry.

Taking a peek at Lin Zhen's face, An Ning continued: "Li Tianhao also said that he has already left you a message to ask you to find him in Zhaodong area. I came here to tell you that you must not trouble Li Tianhao. , He deliberately led you there, and when you go, I'm afraid something will happen to you."

"Just relying on his two twin generals?" Lin Zhenxin didn't care too much. Although the two high-level generals were more difficult, if he could keep Lin Zhen, he might be a little short. You know The ability of the Psychiatrist to escape is top-notch.

In fact, Lin Zhen is also ready to take a trip to the Zhaodong area. Li Tianhao hurt his friend like this, and even let it out to the outside world. Really bad reputation.

Unexpectedly, An Ning shook her head: "Lin Zhen, I think there is something wrong with your mentality. I have been paying attention to you all the time, and I also know that you have made great achievements recently. Let's go to training camp."

"You actually know?" Lin Zhen asked in surprise.

"Yes, Dongfang Jun has already recommended your name. Many people know about it. Li Tianhao even threatened that you will never be able to go to the training camp."

"Let's see if he can do it."

"Lin Zhen, you have a problem with this kind of mentality. Li Tianhao is not a fool. Would he do something that he is not sure about? You look down on heroes in troubled times, but you don't know how powerful a few people in his team are."

Hearing An Ning's words, Lin Zhen felt a little vigilant: "An Ning, are the people in his team very good?"

"I don't know how strong those three high-level fighters are, but even Li Tianhao's father, Li Wanfeng, supports him in doing so. He must be quite sure that he can defeat you. Don't be fooled by the illusion, Li Wanfeng. But the famous old fox."

An Ning paused and said: "Lin Zhen, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles. If you still want to be with me, then you must take good care of yourself. My family didn't have a good impression of you because of Li Tianhao's interference, but This time the martial arts incident gave you extra points, but my father also said that if I choose a boyfriend, at least he must be a god of war, so you must live well, I will just say this, you should think about it carefully .”

An Ning left, Lin Zhen originally wanted to have a romantic first kiss with An Ning, but now he is not in the mood.

An Ning's words were like enlightenment, which cleared up Lin Zhen's feverish mind a lot.

yes! What An Ning said is not wrong at all, Lin Zhen has indeed become a little self-inflated these days.

The pinnacle of the warrior level, and he has the core of the planet, the largest dark energy stone in his hand, and he has mastered lightning ions, and he is also a gold-level psychiatrist. Everything looks so beautiful.

But there is the most important thing that Lin Zhen has overlooked, that is, he is still just a fighter.

Facing Changfeng's Tieshan and Zhao Shenji before, Lin Zhensheng's victory was actually not easy, only by virtue of the unexpected speed of the lightning ions to gain an advantage, he was able to deal with these two people.

And those two people are only junior generals, but the three people in Heroes of Troubled Times are high-level generals.

With Lin Zhen already showing such strength, Li Tianhao still dared to be so unscrupulous, obviously he was quite sure to deal with him.

What if those three people have natural powers? What about natural speed? What chance does Lin Zhen have of winning

What if there is a psychiatrist

I'm afraid Lin Zhen doesn't even have a chance to escape.

At this moment, Lin Zhen's mind cleared up a lot, and his way of thinking about the problem became much clearer.

Li Tianhao regards himself as a rival in love, and he must get rid of him quickly, maybe there is someone behind him, Lin Zhen is not absolutely safe in the base city, let alone go to the wilderness area.

"It seems that I'm really a little hotheaded. Although I still want to go to the wilderness area, I have to check this matter carefully. Judging from my current strength, it is definitely not enough."

Lin Zhen drove back home, and after saying hello to his parents, he went back to his room and turned on the computer.

The first thing he logged on was the internal website of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The document signed by Lu Ming has come into effect. Lin Zhen is now a member of the website of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Ice City, and can purchase meteorites on the Ministry of Science and Technology's intranet.

Not only meteorites, he can also buy many commodities, such as liquid metal, such as the latest products of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Lin Zhen browsed the products of the Ministry of Science and Technology and found that there are no meteorites and liquid metals for sale today.

This kind of thing is not available every day, but some takeaways are released occasionally to relieve the financial pressure of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Lin Zhen didn't continue to look at other products, he has one thing to do now.

That is to inquire about the information of Xiao Tianzuo, Xiao Tianyou, and Lou Qingfeng.

If it was before, Lin really didn't have the right to query, but the internal members of the Ministry of Science and Technology have this authority, which is a privilege, as long as anyone who can connect to the Ministry of Science and Technology has such a privilege.

Now is the era of privileges, privileges exist everywhere, but Lin Zhen's privileges cannot be checked for people from the Ministry of Science and Technology, but it is still no problem to check for people without this status.

Lin Zhen first searched for Xiao Tianzuo and Xiao Tianyou on

Soon, the information came out.

"Xiao Tianzuo, male, 26 years old, seventh-level warrior, born with supernatural power, weapon and long spear..."

Afterwards, there was a large list of achievements and purchase records, which introduced Xiao Tianzuo in detail.

Xiao Tianyou's situation is almost the same as Xiao Tianzuo's. The two have always been together, both of them are born with supernatural powers, and they also fight together in battle.

But Lin Zhen soon discovered the point, there is a telepathy between the twins!

There are many twins with telepathy, but very few of them can achieve this to the extreme, but the two of them have done it, especially when they are fighting, they almost communicate with each other, which makes the two of them cooperate more powerfully.

"Two people who are born with the same mind can double their strength in battle. Thanks to me seeing this, otherwise they will be caught off guard."

After checking the information of these two people, Lin Zhen went to check Lou Qingfeng again.

Lou Qingfeng was found, but Lin Zhen discovered that this person's information was actually kept secret!

Lin Zhen was taken aback for a moment, then woke up.

The secrecy of information is nothing more than a few situations, one is officials, and God of War will also keep the information secret, and some special talents will also keep it secret, and the last one is that the registered psychiatrist will also keep it secret.

Lou Qingfeng is definitely not an official or a God of War, and Lin Zhen doesn't really believe that he is a special talent, so there is only one possibility, this person is also a spiritual teacher!

And Lin Zhen knew that a Psychiatrist who could reach the secrecy level should be a gold-level one!