Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 91: you graduated


"It doesn't move like a mountain!" Lin Zhen repeated.

"That's right, immovable as a mountain is my martial art. If you want to practice this martial art, you must first have an extremely solid basic skill. You have already practiced this point, but you need to hone it more in the future. More importantly, It is comprehension."

"Comprehension? How do you say it?"

"The marksmanship is extensive and profound, and it is a unique skill that can be practiced for a lifetime. However, it also has advantages and disadvantages. The biggest advantage is the violent attack, and it also has the defense of long weapons. After you have mastered all the basic marksmanship, you can try to understand it. , As for the disadvantage, it is easy to be threatened by short weapons when you are close, and you are not so flexible, so you need to focus on practicing defensive skills."

"Mountainless as a mountain has three realms. The first realm is called a spear like a mountain. This stage means that you can bring out the characteristics of marksmanship and long weapons to the fullest. Imagine that the spear in your hand is a mountain, and any attack by the opponent does not need Fear, whether it's a breeze or a gust of wind, what can it do to your spear mountain? Within three feet is a restricted area, no one can break through."

Lin Zhen nodded: "No wonder, with your spear in hand, I feel that you are as immovable as a mountain. I have basically brought out my speed in the battle just now, but I haven't been able to break through your spear defense. Is it like a mountain of guns?"

"That's right, what I understand is that the first level of the realm is like a mountain of guns. As long as I have a gun, you can't break through my defense. Of course, the difference in strength between the two sides in the battle should not be too large. If you attack wildly for a while, my physical strength will be exhausted." , Naturally, you will lose, not to mention I feel that your speed has not reached its limit, otherwise I will not be able to resist, after all, the most unbeatable thing in the world is speed."

Zhang Guanyue wiped off her sweat: "If you can comprehend that the spear is like a mountain, then with your speed, as long as your opponent is not several times stronger than you, the opponent may not be able to break through your defense before your strength is exhausted, so if you With this move, it is definitely much better than me."

"What about the second weight?"

"I'm also trying to figure out the second level of combat skills. I call the second level the body like a mountain."

"Body like a mountain?"

"That's right, you still need to have a long spear in your hand in the first level of realm, and the defense is based on marksmanship, but the second level is different, your body is a mountain, you can use any weapon, even bare hands, The defense is perfect, and at that time I can get rid of the dependence on the spear, but I haven't realized this level yet, so I guess there is no hope in this life." Zhang Guanyue said with a smile.

Lin Zhen nodded again, it seems that this level is more difficult to comprehend.

"There is a third level, the third level is called Xinrushan. At that time, even if you stand there casually, you can give people a feeling of looking up to the mountain. You don't need to fight, and many people will not be able to stand your aura. I'm overwhelmed by you, but I also have a vague feeling about this, just listen to it."

After Zhang Guanyue finished talking about the triple realm, she patted Lin Zhen on the shoulder and said: "You have learned the basic skills of marksmanship, and I have nothing to teach you. There is still one day tomorrow, and you are in my yard." Understand that the spear is like a mountain. As long as you succeed, you will be considered as a graduate. If you fail... "

"What counts as success? What counts as failure?"

"Success is very simple. Have you seen that pine tree in the yard? You swing your spear under the tree, and the pine needles fall. If none of the pine needles fall to the ground within three feet of you, it is considered a success. If any pine needles fall on you Or land, even if it fails.”

Lin Zhen glanced at the tree and said with a smile: "Don't worry, even if you fail, I will still give you the ten million."

"Hey, I didn't mean that... I mean... I'm sweaty all over, I'm going to take a shower first."

Zhang Guanyue was punctured, turned around and left with some embarrassment.

Lin Zhen didn't enter the house, but walked under a huge pine tree in the yard.

This tree was the only tree in the yard. According to Zhang Guanyue, he didn't want to part with this tree because he didn't like moving house.

This tree is indeed growing well. It is as high as a five-six-story building and as thick as seven or eight people hugging each other. The pine needles on it are still green.

Lin Zhen leaned against the tree, with gusts of wind blowing, the night was getting darker.

In his hand, he always holds the Black Dragon Spear.

"Comprehension is definitely not an easy task. Zhang Guanyue just told me his experience, but it may not necessarily be suitable for me. There are thousands of martial arts, but in the end, it will definitely lead to the same goal. I just need to find the most suitable way for me. gone."

"The gun in my hand is my partner, my most trustworthy and closest partner. Since I have chosen the path of practicing guns, I must stick to it."

"It doesn't matter whether it's a wooden gun or a golden gun, as long as I believe in it and myself, it can protect me, kill enemies for me and fight for me. Treat it as part of yourself, not just a weapon."

In Lin Zhen's thoughts, the moon was in the sky, Zhang Guanyue came out to see Lin Zhen once, then turned around and walked back to the house, he had a feeling that maybe this Lin Zhen could really create miracles, this is a martial arts prodigy .

Sitting there motionless for a whole night, Lin Zhen opened his eyes only when a fish belly appeared in the east.

"I seem to understand that marksmanship is as immovable as a mountain, which means that the gun is one with the body, and the gun is a part of the body. With my excellent nerve response and unparalleled speed, all defenses are in place, and it is as immobile as a mountain." !"

"Of course, how to combine human and gun into one, I still have to try!"

Lin Zhen suddenly stood up from under the tree, and the spear in his hand began to dance.

He didn't use any offensive moves, and all he waved in his hands were defensive tactics such as dialing, blocking, teasing, hanging, and swiping.

The dancing speed became faster and faster, and as Lin Zhenwu's spear speed accelerated, the pine needles on the tree began to fall one after another.

One pine needle, ten pine needles, a hundred pine needles.

Although it is winter at this time, trees like pine trees are not afraid of the cold. There are countless pine needles on them, and when they fall, they are like raindrops.

The three feet around Lin Zhen is his defense range, every pine needle is an attack, he can't let any pine needle fall.

"Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish!"

In the blink of an eye, Lin Zhen had already shot down fifty pine needles.

There was a burst of gunfire, and a pine needle fell on the ground in front of Lin Zhen's eyes.

"Failed, if this is an enemy attack, then it has already broken through my defense."

"Things like pine needles fall very fast, and they are a little erratic. If you can't get it right, you can't hit it with such a small distance. This kind of defense is very difficult."

"But it's not difficult, isn't everyone able to comprehend it?"

Lin Zhen took a deep breath and started the second attempt.

This time, Lin Zhen shot down seventy pine needles before failing.

"Not enough, come again!"

For the third time, Lin Zhen shot down a hundred pine needles, but one still fell on his shoulder.

The fourth time, one hundred and fifty...

the fifth time…

From the dawn of the sky to the rising of the sun, from the rising of the sun to noon, and from noon to dusk, Lin Zhen only had a meal at noon in the middle, and spent the rest of the time practicing guns non-stop.

As the sun set, Lin Zhen's movements not only did not slow down, but became even faster.

Every time a shot is fired, the pine needles will be easily swept away, neither too strong nor too weak. Within three feet of him, the pine needles have piled up nearly a foot thick, but within three feet, there is not a single pine needle. .

"That's the feeling! That's the feeling!"

"I have found the feeling of a mountain. My gun is like a mountain. These pine needles can't help the mountain. This is the state where the gun is like a mountain!"

"But I still feel a bit worse. The number of pine needles falling is getting less and less. I'm afraid it will be difficult to truly comprehend if this continues. I need a more violent attack. It would be great if it could rain at this time. At this time I There is a feeling that even if a heavy rain falls, I can knock down every drop of rainwater within three feet!"

Just when Lin Zhen felt more and more intense, Zhang Guanyue, who hadn't shown up for a day, finally appeared.

He held a large basin in his hand, which was full of water, and it was black water.

I saw Zhang Guanyue striding towards Lin Zhen, holding a water basin and yelling: "Lin Zhen, this is my footwashing water, if even one drop falls on your clothes, get out!"


A basin of black water poured down the head, and the sky was full of black water, which was more violent than a torrential rain.

Lin Zhen, who had practiced to the point where he was about to hit the door, yelled loudly, and suddenly danced wildly with the spear in his hand, several times faster than before.

Every movement is in place, and every attack is accurate. At this moment, in Lin Zhen's eyes, these water droplets are the enemy, and no enemy can be let go.

I saw a piece of light and shadow flickering, and the slightest current surged, and it returned to calm in an instant.

Lin Zhen stood with his gun closed, his chest heaving violently.

Three feet away from him, the pine needles were all wet, but within three feet of him, not a single drop of water could be seen on the ground!


Zhang Guanyue threw the water basin directly on the ground, and said to Lin Zhen with a smile: "Congratulations, Lin Zhen, you have done a great job, your immovable power has surpassed mine, and I can tell you now that you have graduated! "