Escaped Wife of a Tyrant CEO

Chapter 72: In the third extra chapter, Jingxu is released


Because of her pregnancy, Nono took a break from school, and it is estimated that she will only be able to repeat a grade in a year.

Nono felt an inexplicable sadness in her heart. She had been studying as a freshman for many years, but she was still stuck in the freshman year. It was really heartbreaking.

Because of the pregnancy, their wedding was postponed, and they looked beautiful in wedding dresses before they even showed their pregnancy.

It was May and spring was blooming. Nono was more than three months pregnant, but because her waist was originally thin, she did not show her pregnancy.

But Nuonuo obviously felt that her mood was becoming unstable. She woke up from a nightmare in the middle of the night. Qiu Li also woke up quickly. She twitched and said, "I dreamed about my mother. She said she missed me."

Qiu Li pursed his lips and patted her back gently. No matter what he does, he can't say that you can always go home. Just gently wipe her tears away.

She cried for a while and hugged his neck: "I'm hungry from crying."

He curled his lips: "What do you want to eat?"

"Hot and sour noodles, I want it from Liao Ji's outside the school."

At three o'clock in the morning, the street lights were dim. Qiu Li got dressed, got up, and drove to buy hot and sour noodles for her.

She called her boss to get up and cook it now. When he came back, she was already asleep with tears in her eyes, which was really painful. He put down the things in his hands, took off his clothes and got on the bed.

He was inevitably distressed.

Nuonuo was still young, and in his eyes, she still needed to pamper and pamper the innocent little girl, how could she give birth to another child. Her parents were not around, and he was much older than her. He just wanted to give her his heart and didn't know how to pamper him.

In early May, they held their wedding.

When Nono walked towards him with a bouquet, he felt for the first time that he held the whole world in his hands.

Countless media took photos outside.

Qiu Li didn't let them come in to spy. He didn't want to see anyone talking about Nono, even if they didn't dare. He always protected her very well, and Nono was the only thing he couldn't lose in his life.

Many business celebrities came, and Nono looked very happy that day.

When it got dark, she rubbed her eyes and felt a little sleepy, then stretched out her hands to him.

She was still wearing a white wedding dress, and Qiu Li picked her up.

The night breeze is slightly cool, and the bright stars of the entire world can be seen from the tall buildings.

He led her to step on the stars under her feet, and the gentle breeze blowing on her face made her drowsy.

Nuonuo whispered: "Qiu Li."

"Huh?" He lowered his eyes, his eyes soft. At that time, Nono was already very sleepy, but she managed to finish her sentence: "I forgot to tell you."

The spring flowers were in bud in early May, and he heard her soft voice: "I forgot to tell you that I am very happy to be married to you."

After a long time, she fell asleep in his arms.

I didn't see the flash of tears in his eyes.

Qiu Li has only been vulnerable twice in his life.

One time is to lose her, and the other time is to truly gain her.

He embraced the angel whose wings he had broken off with his own hands, like a demon who had defiled the gods. He kissed her gently on the forehead for a long time.

Nuonuo asked Qiu Li before going to do B: "Do you want a son or a daughter?"

This is a question that most women will ask. They often ask this question and hope to get the answer "As long as it is your child, everything is fine."

Qiu Li touched her head: "I want a daughter."

Nono looked at him curiously: "Why?"

He smiled and kissed her, holding her hand and going in together, but did not give her an answer. Nuonuo was so curious that Qiu Li was so sure. Does he like his cute and cute daughter

Qiu Li didn't plan to tell her.

If he lives long, he hopes to have a son. Because when the son grows up, he can become his mother's shoulders. The Qiu family is too big and needs people to protect her. But the moment he dies, she will also leave this world. He has done many bad things in the past and is naturally strong-willed, rarely letting Nono soften his heart. When she gives birth to a daughter, she will always remember their father and daughter more.

What he loved was never his son or daughter, but Nono.

It is illegal to announce the gender of the fetus, but nobles like Qiu Li are not included in this. He has his own hospital and a huge industry. After checking the gender of the fetus, he can directly prepare clothes and a baby room in advance.

He knew he was a son before Nono.

However, Qiu Li was not in any mood.

But Nuonuo pouted: "My daughter is gone."

He smiled and rubbed her little head: "Isn't that right?"

Nuonuo slapped his hand away and glared at him. Then he whispered in his ear: "Uncle Qiu, you really want me to be your daughter, how about I call you little godfather?"

Qiu Li smiled and said nothing.

It's okay if she yells like this in bed, just forget it normally.

Nuonuo thought about it and thought it couldn't be done. His son was still in his belly.

Nono's interest later became decorating the baby's room. When she was decorating the baby's room, she also wanted to have a daughter.

The little princess's little clothes were so pink, tender and beautiful that she didn't want to let go even while hugging her.

Qiu Li said: "Then keep them all."

Nono shook his head: "No."

Qiu Li raised his eyebrows.

She answered him seriously and with a serious face: "Boys should behave like boys, stand upright and not act like a girl."

Qiu Li was so cute by her that he couldn't help teasing her: "In Nuonuo's heart, am I a man enough?"

Nuonuo punched him.

After a while, she looked around and saw that the servants had all gone downstairs. She hugged his neck, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and whispered in his ear: "Uncle Qiu is the most manly man."

He pressed her on the bed and kissed her hard.

Nono chuckled, her pink cheeks turning red.

She is the sweetest when she is coaxing, and her heart melts.

On the night of November 7th, Nono was in pain for most of the night and finally gave birth to a wrinkled baby boy.

She named him Qiu Mu.

Admiration, longing for it.

Qiu Lifang understood that she had always understood his thoughts.

After all, it is a girl's aesthetic. She looked at the baby with red cheeks and felt a little disgusted: "It's so ugly."

The child cried loudly, and she hurriedly comforted him.

Qiu Li was funny and soft-hearted, so he gave the child to the nanny and fed her soup.

Nuonuo began to worry about Xiaoqiumu's appearance and maliciously speculated: "He looks so ugly. He doesn't look like you or me at all. Could it be a genetic mutation?"

Qiu Li doted on her unconditionally: "Yes."

Mother Chen had a straight face and couldn't stand it anymore: "Children are always like this when they are born. The young master has handsome features and will look very good in the future."

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What the old man said is true after all.

Within a few days, little Qiu Mu's body became white and tender, her big eyes were moist and shiny, and she was so beautiful. It's just like picking on the good-looking parts of my parents.

Nuonuo thought he looked good now, so she pulled Qiu Li to admire him together: "Your son is so cute."

He didn't mention what she said before about boys having to stand up to one another, and just followed her and said, "Yeah, that's so cute."

After Nuonuo finished confinement, the most difficult period was over.

She was sleepy during that time, and Qiu Li was always the first to wake up when little Qiu Mu cried from hunger in the middle of the night. He coaxed her first, patting her back gently. When she fell asleep, her long eyelashes closed gently. Qiu Li then stood up and went to hug his son.

A small ball in his arms, he was thirty-two years old, a mature and responsible man, and a good father who could take good care of his wife and son.

Nuonuo often lamented later that Xiaoqiu Mu was so easy to take care of. Mother Chen glanced at Mr. Qiu and looked away silently.

When she went back to school, little Qiu Mu had just started babbling, and she could talk to him for a long time.

After all, after becoming a mother, Nono couldn't let go of him and didn't want to go to school.

Qiu Li didn't say anything and asked her to go directly to her sophomore year.

Nuonuo thought about it and didn't refuse this time. Because of her son, she no longer lives on campus and goes home every day.

Qiu Li remained calm but felt much happier.

It’s even more pleasing to the eye to see the baby babbling in the cradle with its big eyes flashing.

When Nono graduated, Xiao Qiumu was just three years old.

Qiu Li drove and took his son to pick up Nono.

Qiu Li wore a suit and Xiao Qiumu wore denim overalls. The father and son attracted a lot of attention along the way. The big one is handsome, and the small one is so cute.

Nono was still wearing her bachelor's uniform and taking photos with her classmates. Because of her great looks, many people wanted to take photos with her as a souvenir, but Nono mostly refused.

Little Choumu ran over and hugged her legs, calling her mother with a milky voice.

Gao Zhen was stunned and said after a while: "Although this child is very cute, who does it belong to? Why do I call you mom?"

Nuonuo picked up little Choumu and said, "He's from my family."

Little Choumu touched Nono's bachelor's hat curiously.

Everyone present was stunned.

Although everyone knew that Nuonuo had taken a year off from school, they thought there was something going on at home or something happened with Qiu Li, but they didn't expect that their son was already three years old. Damn it, it’s really Mr. Qiu, right

Xiao Qiumu raised his finger and pointed there.

Nuonuo looked at his little hand and saw Qiu Li standing there waiting for them.

Nuonuo nodded to the other students: "Sorry, my husband and children are here. It's time for me to go home. I wish everyone a happy graduation and a bright future."

With everyone stunned, she took her son's little hand and walked towards Qiu Li.

June graduation season.

The pink magnolias bloom fragrantly, bringing life to the campus.

The beautiful girl smiled and threw herself into the man's arms, and he hugged her gently.

After they left, someone stammered: "That's... Isn't that really Young Master Qiu?"

"Yes, I saw it in a magazine."

All the malicious rumors that some people said before that Nuonuo was just Qiu Li's mistress and that he would dump her when he got tired of playing with her for two years now seemed like a joke.

My son is already so old.

A wealthy husband and a beautiful son.

Everything that everyone is still fighting for, Nono has.

It’s really enviable and jealous!

Xiao Qiumu was sent to kindergarten when he was three years old, and Nono also worked in a TV station.

She has a sweet voice and a strong background, so she has not encountered the hardships that are usually faced in the workplace.

However, Nono discovered an interesting phenomenon.

Before little Qiu Mu was three years old, Qiu Li almost always took care of him. When Qiu Li goes to the company, the nanny will take little Qiu Mu to his office.

Qiu Li doesn't care about outsiders. Xiao Qiu Mu is Nuonuo's life, so he takes it very seriously.

Nuonuo didn't know how the father and son got along. In her eyes as a mother, all she had seen in the past three years was that my son was so cute and he was such a handsome boy.

But when she didn't have to go to school and spent more time with her little Qiu Mu, she realized that this little guy was extremely smart.

She gave him first-grade questions, and he actually got full marks. She looked at Xiao Zhengtai, then at the perfect score paper in her hand, and excitedly took Qiu Li to test Xiao Qiu Mu's IQ.

The test results shocked Nono.

She looked at the three numbers, 150!

140 Even if he was a genius, her son turned out to be a genius. Nuonuo had a complicated mood. She suddenly remembered the boss's setting that there would always be a genius son. However, there are very few geniuses in reality. The smartest and most talented person Nono has ever seen is Hang Rui. However, even Hang Rui is not a genius.

On the first day that Xiao Qiumu went to kindergarten, he came back and said seriously to Nono: "I don't want to go to kindergarten anymore."

Nono asked him: "Why? There are many children there, don't you like them?"

"They are so stupid, dirty and crying."

Nono was slightly embarrassed, but aren't three-year-old little Douding like this? She pinched his little face: "They are still young, Xiaomu is so smart, please be more generous."

But a week later, Xiaoqiumu once again expressed that he did not want to go to kindergarten.

He said, "Mom, they said they want to marry me when they grow up."

He had a cold face when he said this, with a bit of a vengeful demeanor. Nono almost spit out a mouthful of juice. She laughed for a while and then asked her son: "They? Who are they? Why do they say such things?"

Xiao Qiumu has a superior IQ and because of his strong expressive ability, he can explain things clearly quickly.

It turns out that although most of the children in that kindergarten are children from wealthy families, the oldest one is less than four years old. A bunch of little carrot heads who get runny noses when they catch a cold.

Qiu Mu was different. He was accompanied by a nanny and bodyguard. His shirt was clean and tidy, and his face was surprisingly good-looking.

The teacher thought he was very cute, but he didn't dare to hold him. But the little carrot heads don't think so much.

Kids think he's cool.

So when school was over on the weekend, two little girls in the class gave him small cakes: "I want to marry you when I grow up."

Xiao Qiumu frowned: "I don't want this, and I don't like you either."

The girls were watching secretly, and immediately rushed to give small gifts.

There were Barbie dolls, chocolate candies, and in the end they got into an argument about who gave the best gift and who was qualified to marry Qiu Mu in the future.

Qiu Mu was angry: "I don't even like it. You are not as good-looking as my mother."

The girls burst into tears.

"Qiu Mu is so annoying, I don't like you anymore."

"No, mom said Duoduo is the most beautiful."

Little Qiu Mu almost made all the girls cry.

He felt a little aggrieved when he returned home, but he was obviously telling the truth. But Nuonuo wanted to die laughing. She felt that the scene of a group of little beans competing for favor couldn't be too cute.

Nuonuo told Qiu Li interesting stories about her son, and then thought about it carefully: "Children today are too precocious. They are already thinking about whether to marry or not when they are only a few years old. I was ignorant when I was in junior high school."

Qiu Li chuckled: "Don't worry about them, Qiu Mu will handle it on his own. You stay with me..."

Nono nuzzled him: "Okay."

After a long time, she was carried off the dressing table by Qiu Li while crying, still sobbing so hard that she couldn't breathe.

She would rather read little books with her son.

Qiu Li also knows that Xiao Qiumu is very smart, and if he cultivates him carefully, he will achieve great success in any field in the future. He never asked him strictly for anything, but before he went to school, he bent down and patted his little shoulder: "Dad has only one request, please listen."

Little Choumu raised his little head.

"I know you understand and remember it, so remember it for me. Always put your mother first, get close to her, and please her. Also, be stronger, and men should be more manly. "

He still remembers that when Noonuo was jealous, she said she liked boys who were upright.

Xiaoqiumu nodded seriously.

Nuonuo thought her son would really handle it well, but the next week she was "asked as a parent" - the boys in the kindergarten got into a fight.

Because of her son again.

The reason is also very simple.

After the girls cried, they told the little boys.

The little boys had no idea that the richest man's son couldn't be beaten, and they all wanted to beat that handsome and cute little face.

They have endured their enmity for a long time.

An aloof little boy, the teacher likes him, the girls like him, he can do all arithmetic problems, and he can recite poems and sing them once. It just makes people hate it with itch.

They made an appointment to fight together.

As a result, I don’t know what Xiaoqiumu did, and they ended up fighting each other.

This was a serious situation. After all, they were all a group of delicate and expensive children. The teacher had a headache and quickly invited the parents.

Nuonuo valued her son's education, and the bodyguard came as soon as she was notified.

At that time, Nono was in her early twenties, beautiful and innocent.

Unlike all the parents around her, the children all became quiet when she appeared. After a while, a little girl said: "You are the beautiful sister on TV."

Nuonuo smiled at her, touched her little head, and gave her exquisite candies.

The little girl looked at her shyly.

Xiao Qiumu shook his head and corrected: "She is not my sister, she is my mother. You have to call me aunt."

At this time, all the children said "Hey". It turned out that Qiu Mu was not lying. His mother was indeed very beautiful.

Nuonuo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she pulled Zao Hui's son away.

The teacher is watching the surveillance.

In the surveillance camera, the little boys went to find Xiao Qiumu to "settle accounts." However, they didn't know what Xiao Qiumu said, and suddenly they all started fighting.

The teacher asked Xiao Choumu, but he refused to say anything.

Nuonuo quietly pulled him over: "What did you say to your classmates, Xiaomu? Tell mom, okay?"

With a sullen face, he finally nodded: "Mom, don't tell dad."

Nono smiled and said: "Okay."

"The two in the lead, I told them, one of them's dad and the other's mom were hugging each other."

"..." Nono was stunned for a long time, "Did you lie to them?"


Nono rubbed his little face curiously: "Then how do you know?"

“They were directors and managers at dad’s company, and I saw it.”

Qiu Li! What did you let your son see

Nuonuo's face darkened slightly, and she said to Xiao Choumu: "They are bad, forget them!"

"Okay, I forgot, Mom."

Nothing happened to Xiao Qiu Mu. His personality was more like that of Qiu Li. He didn't like to laugh and had a high IQ. He quickly managed a group of children to be docile.

But Nuonuo never let him skip a grade.

In her words, although the child did not learn much knowledge in a group of peers, he always had a happy and solid childhood. After skipping a grade, the class was full of older children and they were unwilling to play with the little genius. After a long time, Xiaoqiu Mu was not happy either.

When Xiao Qiumu was ten years old, Nono was already twenty-nine that year.

Judging from her face, she still looks like a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old. Because of his love, she is almost always young and beautiful.

But suddenly one morning, she saw a few strands of white hair appearing on Qiu Li's head.

He is actually still young, his face is still handsome, and he is in his better years.

Nuonuo had been pampered by him happily for more than ten years, and for the first time, she cried so much that Qiu Li couldn't coax her.

He didn't go to work that day.

The summer flowers bloom in full bloom in July. She burst into tears: "You lied to me, Shenzui lied to me, how can a person with a broken soul live long!"

The original owner's little blessing may only be enough for them to be happy for about ten years.

Qiu Li wiped her tears, feeling extremely distressed.

But for the first time, he felt some unwillingness and hostility in his heart, released the demon in his heart, and said something he shouldn't have said: "You can go home, and you will forget me in the future, and you will have a new family."

Nono looked at him in disbelief.

She doesn't know how to quarrel, and she doesn't have such evil intentions as Qiu Li.

After a while, he cried louder.

Qiu Li was panicked: "It's my fault, Nono doesn't cry. I said the wrong thing. I just teased you. I can stay with you for a long time, and stay with you for the rest of my life, okay?"

He held her in his arms and walked around the house several times to coax her.

Nuonuo punched him in the chest, but the blow was very gentle.

She was so sobbing that she could hardly speak, so she simply ignored him.

Qiu Li was so worried that he couldn't coax her for several days.

Then one summer night, the sky was filled with stars. She suddenly woke up and cried to find Qiu Li.

He hugged her quickly and coaxed softly: "Are you having a nightmare? Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Nuonuo said softly: "I dreamed that you were no longer in my life."

How terrible would it be without Qiu Li

There will never be a man like him who will warm her feet in the winter, who will give up the breath of waking up to coax her softly when she has nightmares, who will pamper her like a young girl, who will clean every step she takes. , remove thorns and plant flowers for her.

Will tolerate her ignorance, willfulness, and naughtiness.

For ten years, she had not suffered any grievance.

His love is like the ocean, deep and wide.

Nono choked up and said, "I understand now that you are the worst person."

At that time, the stars were twinkling, and Nono closed her eyes and leaned in his arms.

He didn't need to hear her say those words, he knew what they were.

Yes, he has always been the worst person.

After being loved like this by him, no woman would fall in love with anyone else in this life.

After dawn, the morning light comes in.

She put on a beautiful dress and kissed him gently on the lips. The smile is cute and sweet.

"Qiu Li, good morning."

He smiled and touched her cheek: "Are you still sad?"

Nuonuo shook his head and interlocked with his fingers: "We must always be good and be happy every second. Although you are so bad, Qiu Li..."

The curtains were flying, and little Qiumu outside changed into his school uniform and leather shoes and got ready to go to class.

The two people in the room were quiet.

But Qiu Li...

He heard her say softly, "Being loved by you makes this life worthwhile."

The author has something to say: Today on the Mid-Autumn Festival, when I asked everyone on Weibo what mooncakes are delicious, you—

"Ice-skinned ones."

"Fresh meat and mustard vegetables."

"Jin Jiu."

“Egg yolk, bean paste, strawberry, classic five-kernel, Hokkien kernel...”

Okay, I can all understand these branches. Although as a person who doesn’t like to eat mooncakes, I don’t have much knowledge. but-

"Nono flavor."

"Love your taste."

What kind of cookie is this


There is also the last side story, which should be Zhizhi’s best side story. God knows how bad I am at writing about babies, and after this chapter I cried for no reason. I cry while writing. The last episode will be updated on Tuesday or Wednesday.


Thank you to the following girls for their tips, and thank you to girl 21302140 for your grenades, okay:

A mine was thrown into the strange savanna

Arnold threw 1 mine

Qianqian? Throwed a mine

Xiaojiang threw a mine

It is said that a landmine was thrown

21302140 threw 1 grenade

zhizhi threw 1 mine

24072050 threw 1 mine

Zhidui threw a mine