eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 103: Fifty-five


DeGR's fixed offensive routine on King's Road is fairly stable. They have always been looking for victory and their configuration is definitely a team full of confidence. Generally speaking, output positions such as Genji, Tracer, McCree, Reaper, and Soldier 76, no matter how the version changes, belong to their standing output heroes.

The truly strong teams will not suddenly become weaker due to version changes, they are likely to become stronger.

Fenglei is the Genji position of DeGR. Now, after he picked up Sombra, other teammates filled the vacancy. The original dog release strategy instantly changed to super dog release at the beginning. DeGR was like a group of fighting madmen when the war started. Relying on the mobility of the whole team, they flew directly to the target point.

When AM finds a group of red names rushing into the target point desperately, the first reaction is not to hide, but to face it head-on.

"Catch Dva!" Among all the red names, the huge mecha rushed to the forefront, with the sound of shells firing and landing, standing at the forefront without fear of death.

The front row configuration of Winston and Dva competes in such a wide target point. The purpose is not to kill, but to interfere with the attack of the defender. When Dva of DeGR confirms that all his teammates have entered the battlefield, he immediately looks up and flies directly. Xiang XiaoAn.

"The meeting between the two teams became very intense. The attacking team seized the target point and AM had to stop to defend. XiaoAn's best healing position was forced back by Dva. The entire battlefield was concentrated on the ground. Start's Pharah had a great advantage !" Dongyue's tone was a little excited, but he undoubtedly expressed the aspirations of most of the audience.

DeGR is almost in a five-on-six state to compete for target points. Even if it is a strong team, it is undoubtedly quite dangerous to use such tactics to deal with AM, who is also not weak.

So where is the shadow

This question worth looking forward to is perfectly answered by the OB lens. The black shadow of Fenglei leads the audience into the battlefield behind the enemy without gunpowder smoke, and is invading a big blood bag behind the target point. This blood pack is already used only when the target point is lost. Even if DeGR is impatient, there is no need to take control of an area that has not yet entered in the future.

It is also possible that he is very confident and believes that his teammates can take the target point within a minute and push the front line back to the shopping street.

"This is a very dangerous decision. Sombra's role is fully reflected in the invasion blood pack. Except for participating in the battle when he crossed the battlefield and was blown out of the trace by Start's Pharah, Fenglei has not yet played an assault hero. Due strength." Kang Ming truthfully relayed the situation on the battlefield, and the OB resolutely returned to the main battlefield after finding out that Fenglei had nothing to do.

After being disturbed by Dva, AM's defensive formation quickly gathered, and the ground directly fought hand-to-hand, which was not difficult under the control of the Shuangfei combination.

DL's Tracer perspective switches quickly and escapes decisively. When he quickly fired his gun to confront Allen's Tracer head-on, he suddenly chose to retreat, avoiding Yuan's shadow attack with residual blood, and survived accurately to the end.

"Tracer." Peng Xiaozhou put away his shield as soon as he spoke, swung his hammer decisively, and protected his teammates who were harassed by Tracer. They don't have the acceleration of Lucio, and they are slower than the enemy when confronting head-on, causing a huge disadvantage.

DeGR's lineup was originally a collection of high-mobility heroes, coupled with the acceleration sound effect, the movement efficiency was improved, even if the double-flying combination did not contain the air heroes, five players could fight on par with them.

This is not good news.

"Feng Lei has entered the arena." Even if it's just a blurry black shadow, Lu Xiao'an can accurately see Feng Lei's figure returning from outside.

Accompanied by this reminder, Liu Sanping's ground bombing became even more vigorous, blowing out Winston's semicircular shield directly.

However, no shadows.

The protected Fenglei is an invisible enemy on the battlefield, and it is possible to catch it from any corner at any time...

"Reinhardt was hacked!" When Dongyue shouted these words, the black shadow on the OB lens had successfully invaded AM's Reinhardt, and the berserker could no longer set up a shield to protect his teammates. Swing the hammer from the hostile perspective to scatter the surrounding enemies, and create a black shadow that has placed the beacon, teleports instantly, and jumps to the other side of the battlefield.

Genji and Tracer cooperate with the support of Focus AM. XiaoAn has to rely on the assistance of angels to keep his teammates with difficulty.

DeGR can't deal with the double-fly combination, but it is not difficult to kill any enemy on the ground.

"The battle between the two sides can be said to be a stalemate. After the five-on-six situation turned into a six-v-six situation, AM's defensive weakness has emerged." Even if it was just the opening goal point, Kang Ming could easily see AM's problems, In defending a fixed target point, because of the open terrain, almost relying on Shuangfei for hostile suppression, Liu Sanping is far less effective than Yun Yun's long-range output hero.

Their Tracer is good, but having long-range fire is probably more important against highly mobile melee enemies.

It took only five seconds for Kang Ming to speak, when Genji, who was in a state of harassment before, suddenly followed Tracer to pay close attention to AM's Anna.

When Anna slept Genji and was about to switch to Tracer, she was suddenly attacked by four people.

Dva, Winston, Sombra, and Genji attacked Lu Xiaoan. Even the teammates who came to help could only make subsequent kills after Anna was killed.

Angel, on the other hand, has no big move yet.

DeGR paired with Sombra only has 1.5 healers, but they focus their fire violently without going around, taking advantage of the chaos to cut off the opponent's support, directly turning their disadvantages into advantages.

"Now, whether we can hold the target point or not depends mainly on the performance of the Shuangfei combination. Their ability to suppress the ground will determine the next situation." However, AM's Pharah is not strong enough to lead the team to carry.

"Retire to the shopping street." When the number of teammates killed rose to three, and there was no possibility of continuing to keep the target point, "Yun Yun took McCree."

Lu Xiaoan paused, as if remembering something, she said, "Hanzo is fine too."

It is best to use McCree in the dog release lineup. If it is Yun Yun, then Hanzo can also be used. With four squishy heroes in the enemy lineup, maybe Hanzo is the best situation for them.

"I change Zarya?" Lin Minyu was about to walk out of the rebirth room, and said after listening.

"No." Lu Xiaoan quickly walked up to the platform of the shopping street, saw the progress bar where the target point was slowly being occupied, and said, "It's easier for Dva to keep Yunyun."

Before Liu Sanping was not enough to pose the threat that DeGR feared, only Yunyun could keep them on the defensive line. The enemy's attack was fierce and decisive, and the priority was added to the way of targeting the core of the team. Take out Hanzo's Yunyun, Definitely enjoy a higher fire focus treatment than Yun Yun who uses Tracer.

The number of times they played against each other in training matches has studied countless combat methods, and each lineup can have a different ending.

The number of wins on King's Row, DeGR and Are Men are an absolute 50-50 split.

DeGR can come back from desperation in the overtime period, and Are Men can also unexpectedly come back in the last meter of the finish line. The two teams have different styles. The heroes they are good at are very different from the rhythm of the team, but they have very similar skills in King's Row. winning percentage.

What is more worrying than the battle between the two teams with a 100% winning rate is that the two teams that have not even scored a goal in the training match come to the official arena, and they play suspense in every round.

"It's a bit square. Back then, I was DeGR in the Taipu Cup. Should I be standing on AM now?" The poisonous milk gods appeared in the barrage one after another, launching metaphysical attacks for the teams they supported in their hearts, trying to control the battle situation thousands of miles away, resulting in The originally chaotic barrage rhythm began to take a strange path.

DeGR's attack has entered the stage of the shopping street, and the OB camera actually caught Fenglei quickly throwing the beacon, and after the blood bag that had long since disappeared from the skull mark invaded again, he healed the remaining blood on his body.

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes. In their script, the target point that should have been scored in one minute exceeded twenty seconds.

Kang Ming said: "The difference in the strength of the two teams is only reflected in the hero configuration. DeGR is good at the combination of Genji and Tracer, while AM is more inclined to reduce heroes with explosive kills, so the confrontation in the first round is ugly. Whatever the outcome, in my opinion, AM's strategy of changing heroes to deal with the super-dragging formation is quite correct."

If it sounds objective, it can always be misunderstood ten thousand times and put on the barrage. Those who eat melons not only want to comment but also stand on the official CP without wavering. The appearance of DL's Hanzo will no longer make the audience bluff. After all, they are a group of people who have seen big scenes, and they have become quite calm from the unilateral interjections in the past.

"I'll bet that Kang Ming is the best in this round." In one sentence, he expressed his position and attitude, and he was not afraid of the pride of DL. When they saw Hanzo appearing in the AM team, it was like seeing a head harvester, Ding Ding Ding's headshot The sound is mixed in the flames of war, which makes people feel refreshed.

"Anyway..." Yun Yun stood on the side of the high platform, and directly used the detection arrow to find the enemy in the corner, "Team Lin help me hold Alan."

He felt that DeGR's refusal to meet with GodR on the battlefield at the beginning may be largely due to Alan's character.

For a long time, the training match has been enough for him to feel the enthusiasm and unrestrainedness of the enemy, and the occasional show of trouble-shooting, straightforward style of guns, never tactful and devious, made him deeply suspicious——Allen switched from Laur.

Even with Tracer, Allen was keen to look for Yun Yun's figure. Hanzo seemed to be locked on by fiery eyes, and would be dragged into the 1v1 battlefield by Tracer jumping out from behind at any time.

Now, add an invisible wind and thunder.

"Quick battle and quick decision." Lu Xiaoan's request was very simple, be quick, so fast that the enemy couldn't make a big move.

Because, Sombra's ultimate skill can drag everything into silence.

Everything is gone.