eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 107: I am Kang Ming's face, he doesn't want me anymore


Yun Yun's competitive mode has become a bit bumpy since Kang Ming jumped off the car, as if the luck that this person took away has not slowed down after going through the fast mode of the Leye battle.

The huge "defeat" was displayed on the interface again, and it was tiring to last so long when their teammates were disconnected.

"We won't be broadcasting today, let's go and watch other anchors, thank you bye." Yun Yun saw that the time was almost up, so he chose to end. After closing the live broadcast room, he felt that the more he played professional games, the more casual he would be in the competitive mode.

If he loses in a row, he doesn't have the bloody state of the past and wants to make a comeback, and he will have a kind of fatigue from the bottom of his heart.

Maybe find some other way to relax? Yun Yun stood up and stretched his stiff back. Even though he exercised on time every morning, he didn't see any flesh growing on his body.

"Is there any way to gain weight?"

"Do you know how many people would want to hit you when you asked this question?" Liu Sanping couldn't believe it. "Don't you exercise every day to keep fit?"

"It's for building muscle."

Lu Xiaoan said: "Brother Zhang can find a professional coach to come back. You practice every day, and you practice too regularly."

In the eyes of this group of teammates who are keen on treadmills, Yun Yun's exercise is a bit too easy. He tortured the pedals like he was riding a bicycle, sometimes playing with his phone while pedaling.

Leisurely doesn't feel like exercising at all.

Yun Yun, who felt very diligent, said, "Then I'll run with you?"

When Yun Yun joins the running queue, he must bring Boss Chen with him. The crowd said that cycling is very good. If you want to run, please treat the treadmill well, as if running will make you thinner.

In the end, Liu Sanping found out with conscience and said, "Yun Yun, do you want to try aerobics?"

"Broadcast gymnastics for middle school students?" Yun Yun's only jumping experience was as vague as in his previous life.

"No." Liu Sanping said solemnly, "It's Jiamusi and Zheng Duoyan."

Yun Yun:? ?

Wu Lisheng was able to match these nouns with the content of the video website in an instant. After all, some male up hosts are keen to experience these things that are said to be girls' patents. But he was a little puzzled, and asked, "Aren't these for weight loss? Yun Yun wants to gain weight."

Liu Sanping laughed three times, and said with mystery: "My friend, have you heard of it—fighting poison with poison."

Yun Yun shut down the broadcast, and Kang Ming re-entered the state of doing nothing to browse Weibo, and he can only glance at the long comments, especially those who are cute and draw fan pictures. .

Today's fans are still so cute and kind. He really doesn't want to be hooked up with Gu Chensheng like a group of troublemakers on the Internet because of the incident in the live broadcast room.

After all, he completely belonged to Yun Yun.

Then, a special reminder popped up, the content was a little weird and even funny, and Kang Ming was confused.

AM-DL: I want to gain weight, but my teammates persuade me to fight poison with fire? ?

Without even thinking about it, Kang Ming forwarded it and asked: What is fighting poison with poison

After a while, there was Yun Yun's reply, he said: "Jump to lose weight."

After Kang Ming saw this, he imitated Yun Yun's jumping exercises, couldn't help laughing, and almost threw his phone away, and he quickly replied: "No need to gain weight, now the weight is just right, I can hold it."

Of course, this one is a private letter.

AM-DL: ...I don't want to be hugged by you, I wish I could weigh two hundred catties.

Kang Ming coming: I can carry two hundred catties!

Unfortunately, Kang Ming did not receive a reply even though the private message was shown as read.

He couldn't help but lamented in his heart that the world was so cold, Yun Yun didn't like being hugged by him, he had just left the house not long ago, otherwise he would have gone downstairs and hugged him enough.

Kang Ming, who was already thinking wildly about returning to the base, suddenly heard the sound of the door opening. Such a slight noise seemed abrupt in a quiet house. The two people sitting in the dining room turned their heads instantly and saw Le Ye walking out, followed by Gu Chensheng.

The expressions of the two of them were as usual, especially Le Ye, who looked relaxed as if he hadn't been affected.

He said, "I'm so hungry, is Kang Ming going to treat you today?"

Kang Ming looked at Le Ye, then at Gu Chensheng, no one could answer his doubts, he only wanted to let him treat him.

"Okay, eat Hunan cuisine."

So, the four of them went out to the next street to eat Hunan cuisine.

A table of people is ordering and waiting for food in the private room and playing with their mobile phones. Occasionally, Gu Chensheng and Zhu Nai chat for a few words, and the dialogue between Le Ye and Zhu Nai is interrupted. It seems that the previous affectionate confession and self-analysis have never happened.

It would be fine if Kang Ming didn't hear it or if Le Ye and Gu Chensheng chatted normally. This kind of way of getting along with each other when one person answered the conversation and suddenly became cold, it would be very embarrassing for him and Zhu Nai to be caught in the middle.

Fortunately, mobile phones play a huge role in this kind of time.

When everyone was immersed in their mobile phones, only Gu Chensheng was still empty-handed, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Kang Ming browsed all over his own site, and then went to Yunyun's site for a stroll, clicked on the profiles of a few bloggers who commented familiarly, was satisfied to see that the album was full of photos of cute girls, and quit with peace of mind.

He didn't expect Yun Yun to attract female fans so much, he was very relieved and felt safe.

After going back and forth for more than ten minutes, the ordered dishes were served on the table, which finally made everyone at the table heave a sigh of relief.

It's a pity that Kang Ming's reply to Zuo Zhou's message seemed to have disappeared without any reply. The man dropped a ticking time bomb and ran, with no regard for the recipient's mood.

In view of Zuo Zhou's consistent reliability, Kang Ming's worry is not urgent, it's just that he looks forward to a reply a little more than usual.

When a table of people was about to leave, his mobile phone turned on again.

Counting the stars: My friend will go to see the official programmer, and I can only leave the specific matters to him. Compared with such professionals, we laymen should consciously retreat.

To be honest, when Kang Ming saw this news, he was filled with enigma. Zuo Zhou knew so many people that he had "friends" all over the world.

coming: You are more suitable to be a CIA or FBI, rather than being trapped in the country as a team leader.

Counting the stars: ... Then I will withdraw, you can do it yourself.

coming: I'm complimenting you! Have a sense of humor! Waiting for your good news!

After clicking the send button, Kang Ming wanted to tell all the insiders the news. Professional programmers turned into their representatives to meet the official programmers, and in his eyes the Long March had seen the final destination. Le Ye doesn't need to continue to deal with the cheating businessman, and Yun Yun doesn't need to worry about the next issue of fairness anymore, as if the future is as bright as it is shining under the dawn.

When Gu Chensheng was in a bad mood, he couldn't be more sad to see Kang Ming's crazy excitement, and suddenly suggested, "Let's go have a drink?"

They were standing at the entrance of the Hunan Restaurant, when Gu Chensheng's words came out, two pairs of eyes were attracted.

And his interlocutor, addicted to the mobile phone, thumbs flying, writing short messages quickly, has no time to answer him.

"Ah? You go by yourself, I want to go home." After Kang Ming sent Yun Yun full of cute characters, he looked up decisively, "It seems that the opposite side can take a taxi. I have to leave beforehand, you two talk slowly .” The action of leaving was so urgent that he didn’t even have the intention of asking for consent.

Originally, Kang Ming came here to lead Gu Chensheng.

Now, he's going home.

Yun Yun stood by the messy bed and thought for a long time. Usually, when Kang Ming slept alone, he would at least tie up the quilt when he got up. Now that he was in a mess, it looked like he forgot to tidy up when he went out.

He didn't want to change the quilt at night, but he had to do this energy-consuming thing. Yun Yun already had the consciousness to divide Kang Ming's room into his own territory. Recalling Gu Chensheng's poor state, he was still a little worried that Kang Ming would Won't leave forever.

When Gu Chensheng and Le Ye broke up, he found out about it on Weibo. Although none of the parties expressed their opinions about "breakup of relationship" or "peaceful breakup", a team stopped activities accordingly, which shows that their love is still a bit exaggerated and twists and turns.

Maybe it was because of the support of the financial supporter and broke up, or maybe it was because Le Ye lost his way and found his way back to the right path. Yun Yun has learned these common plots over and over again from the fanfiction of all the masters. It is really hard not to compare it with the reality. produce emotion.


There was a clear sound of the zipper, and the quilt inside was grabbed out by Yun Yun randomly, then he rubbed it casually, and threw it into the washing machine. Yun Yun felt that it was a bit tiring to talk about a relationship like this. He preferred to get together and relax, and to end peacefully.

If he breaks up with Kang Ming...

Yun Yun pulled out the pillowcases one by one while thinking about all kinds of sadomasochistic romance plots. The fanboy Xiaohuangwen, who was mixed together in a trance, became more and more sophisticated in style. It's very close.

Yun Yun deeply believed in the saying that novels originated from life, and even Xiao Huangwen could be applied to Gu Chensheng and Le Ye without any violation.

Maybe those wives also paid attention to this pair of CPs and wrote articles for them.

But... Yun Yun thought of the previous private messages and felt that Kang Ming in love was really clingy.

like a cat.

He had never raised a cat, but he believed that the cat's personality was very similar to Kang Ming's. He even started humming a song without a tune, and stuffed the sheets and pillowcases into the washing machine.

"Let me tell you, if you have time, go take care of your old friend. He seems to be going to drink again tonight. Anyway, he must not be in a good mood... I'm home, how can I accompany you? Hang up, bye bye!" Kang Ming's voice came all the way up the stairs, he put away the phone, ran in quickly and saw Yun Yun's hardworking figure at night.

"Are you changing the sheets?" Kang Ming saw the white core when he went in, and Yun Yun sat on the side and covered the pillow with a shell, "I planned to sleep on your bed tonight, and I'll find someone to clean it up tomorrow."

Yun Yun shook the pillow and spread out the lumps, "It's okay, just for a while."

Kang Ming chuckled, and said, "Did you fall in love with my bed?" His obscene tone was problematic.

The industrious working people didn't bother to pay attention to him, threw the packed pillows on the bed, and started tossing the quilt. When Kang Ming finally came to his senses, he changed from a watching crowd to a hands-on little bee.

"I took Gu Chensheng to see Leye today." Kang Ming skillfully helped Yun Yun grab the quilt core, and waited for him to put the quilt back on, "The old man who is broken in love is really decadent, so don't abandon me, I will cry of."

Yun Yun was completely used to Kang Ming's whims of being a rascal and being cute at times, and he cared more about other things. He asked: "Does Gu Chensheng really disagree with Le Ye joining UW behind his back?"

"That's right." Kang Ming lied without any guilt, "Gu Chensheng is holding on to Leye's popularity for appreciation. He wants to unilaterally terminate the contract and pay liquidated damages in advance."

As he said that, he hugged the quilt away and asked Yun Yun to lay the sheets, and said, "Although they broke up, the contract is still there, so Gu Chensheng must be angry too. In fact, it has nothing to do with me, I just help Gu Chensheng lead the way."

After Yun Yun listened quietly, he suddenly said, "Kang Ming, are you lying to me?"

The crime of "cheating" is quite serious. Kang Ming hugged the quilt without even moving his feet. He was nervous and surprised, "What?!"

"Gu Chensheng is not this kind of person." Yun Yun didn't want to talk to him, and bent down to fix the bed sheet.

Kang Ming said aggrievedly: "You don't know him well, why is he not this kind of person?!"

Yun Yun sat on the bed and looked up at him slightly, and replied: "If it's because of something between them, why do you need to take him there yourself? Moreover, you also sent me Le Ye's account number."

The degree of Kang Ming's concern for Le Ye is more like he owes Le Ye something, and he has to do it himself to meet the other party's request.

Yun Yun would not guess that Kang Ming's empathy is such a boring situation. What he is more afraid of is that Le Ye is not as innocent as he imagined, and Kang Ming is under some kind of threat.

Maybe falling in love will lower people's IQ, Yun Yun always considers this kind of development in an extremely dark way.

He hated the feeling of guessing wildly, and he hoped that Kang Ming could confess.

The room was very quiet, with bright white lights illuminating the whole room, Yun Yun was waiting for an answer from the people around him.

The dozen or so branch options prepared by Kang Ming finally came in handy. The draft he typed was not wasted, and Yun Yun's doubts about this question could be blocked in minutes.

For example, the team poachs, Le Ye begs him, Chen Xunjie orders, and can even bring the accomplice Zuo Zhou to stage a bloody drama like a friend of a friend (Zhu Nai) secretly in love with Le Ye.

However, he hesitated.

"Yunyun, we're not doing something bad... well, maybe it's a little bit bad, but with Le Ye's consent, we will get the result soon, and the short-term suffering will end immediately." Kang Ming shook the heavy quilt, Spread it on the bed with Yun Yun, "But I don't want to lie to you, and I don't want to tell you nothing to make you happy."

"Is it because of 08?" Yun Yun's IQ did not drop below the bottom line.

"It's because of 08."

"So, is there anything I can do?"

Kang Ming said, "Beat him."

"No matter which game we meet this team, we need you to beat him."

Yun Yun didn't look at him, stretched out his hand to pat the quilt, and said in a low voice, "If you don't say this, I will do it."

The final eight of the IOP competition has finally come to an end. The eight qualifying teams are BME, Laur, Are Men, Pil-Seung, DeGR, War Lord, GodR, and KingPlay. The audience's predictions are slightly different, but there is nothing to do. The game is a game. In a fight, even if it is due to bad luck in the duel, unacceptable conditions, headaches, a defeat is a defeat, and regrets are regrets.

The teams here include dark horses and unsurprisingly powerful teams. They will enter the semi-finals of single-elimination and elimination. The luck of the draw largely determines the final outcome.

When everyone was amazed that Pil-Seung hit BME's armor, Laur and DeGR were about to start a fateful duel, and when KingPlay met War Lord again, AM turned out to be against GodR.

When Yun Yun confirmed the result of the lottery, his heartbeat became very fast.

Agitation, excitement, and anger were mixed together, and there was no change on his face, but it could not conceal the unstoppable firm belief in his heart.

After skeptical about this team until McGrath gave the possibility later, he has been waiting for this day.

He wants to defeat 08 with his own hands.


"GodR is our old opponent. I believe that everyone should be very familiar with their combat style. They have undergone a lot of adjustments in the early stage of this version. The use and practice of Dva have improved significantly. In the MSQ Cup, they seemed a little different. I'm too used to it, but in the following matches, Dva's integration with the entire team will become stronger and stronger." Zhang Ye's voice briefly summarized his observations.

Dva is integrated into the team configuration, no longer fighting alone, can provide more powerful support for this team, and even become a brand new carry point. GodR's single tactic with 08 as the core has been changed. Even in a critical moment, 08's sharpshooter is still needed to make a comeback. In other stages of confrontation, if 08 has been killed, teammates can still support this core output to return to the battlefield.

In short, GodR has become harder and is a tough nut to crack.

For the audience, it can be said that there is no suspense between AM and GodR. After all, they have the experience of winning, and it is easy to win the opponent.

But Yun Yun didn't think so.

The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly. Even if you are fighting against GodR on the same map with the same hero configuration, different results and mistakes may occur every time. Human operation is not a mechanical program. In chaotic battles, it is a common situation for teammates to support and move deviations, which will lead to the overall advantage of the battle situation. These unpredictable development processes have formed the exciting e-sports.

The seemingly inevitable battle suddenly turned around at a certain point, and the seemingly peaceful match suddenly had an unexpected change. Those games under the ridicule of poisonous milk and Flag were filled with countless exclamations and cheers. The hot tears of the audience marked a strong stroke in the e-sports professional competition.

"It's actually easy." Liu Sanping has always been optimistic, "Yun Yun kills 08, we kill the others! Perfect."

Lu Xiaoan looked at the GodR vs. KingPlay match on the screen, and said, "Then five burly men surrounded 08, and you let Yun Yun take the lead?"

GodR's protection of 08 has been tightened.

Even if KingPlay came up with a violent assault lineup with three outputs, the blue team on the opposite side was still facing off against three tanks to protect McCree.

Unwavering as if he was practicing iron cloth shirts and golden bell covers, Dva opened the shield to catch the fire of the three output positions, and would never turn on the flight mode to escape from the scene. This kind of tactic is really effective against GodR, but with AM's three damage output, it's okay to bully children a little bit.

"We still have time." Zhang Ye's words were always relaxed, "Everyone, don't feel pressured, the meeting ends."

He said there should be no pressure, but it was extremely difficult for Yun Yun to implement it. His mind is full of 08's Tracer and McCree, and it takes a lot of effort to find a surefire way to kill this threat.

Kang Ming had already heard his second sigh, turned his head decisively, and asked him, "What are you thinking?"

"08." Yun Yun's bangs were a bit long, and now he was lazily lying on the bed and looked upside down at Kang Ming, his bangs fell down one after another, revealing his smooth forehead, looking a bit childish.

When Kang Ming knew that AM was going to fight GodR, he anticipated this situation.

Yun Yun's self-confidence is based on 100% certainty that a small change in a professional game can cause a butterfly effect, let alone such a terrible thing as cheating.

Fully automatic, no need to aim, just press the button to aim the head, even Leye can become a master of shooting with a gun.

"If you think about him, you might as well think about me."

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Yun Yun gave Kang Ming a disgusted glance, and then turned his gaze back to the phone.

Yun Yun's laziness did not look like he was full of energy during training, but instead looked weak and deceptive. Kang Ming stood up and rushed towards him unceremoniously, but Yun Yun kicked him mercilessly.

Kang Ming grabbed his ankle, no matter how hard he pushed it, it was useless, and said in an exaggerated tone: "Let me try, have you gained weight?"

As she said that, she grabbed Yun Yun's waist with both hands, trying to pick him up from the bed.

"Let it go, let it go, let it go!" Yun Yun didn't expect that he had been exercising for so long, and he was still easily hugged by Kang Ming, "What did you eat to grow up! How come you are so strong!" Don't give it to him who is also a man dignity!

Kang Ming, who was holding Yun Yun, had a treacherous expression on his face, and he pushed him back easily, and said, "It's so good."

The innocent, cute and lively tone made Yun Yun decisively reach out and pinch his cheek, and said, "Where's the face!"

Kang Ming gently grasped his two wrists, and directly lowered his head to kiss him.

"Why do you have to face when you are there?"

The voice murmured, sinking into the night.