eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 123: cold war


Yun Yun didn't expect such a naive thing as the cold war to happen to him.

However, Kang Ming really annoyed him.

Even though he had begged in a very low profile last night, this man was still so complacent, not only that, he even reminded him to recall the embarrassing things over and over again. For example, Kang Mingqiu must be asked to call him brother as many times as possible in the future, and if he misses one, he will be overwhelmed, and he will bite people with hatred.

Even if Yun Yun was so wronged that he cried, he couldn't stop this frenzied person from recovering his past losses in bed.

Now, Yun Yun decided to draw a clear line with him, and must make Kang Ming deeply realize his mistakes, otherwise, if this day continues, Yun Yun will definitely be crushed to death by him!

Kang Ming didn't realize the seriousness of the situation at all, and said with a smile, "Don't be so, it's not good to have a cold war. We should warm up the war. Hold me on the bed and you warm me, and I warm you... Hey, where are you going?!"

When he said this, Yun Yun jumped up quickly from the bed, turned around and walked out the door with agility. It didn't look like he was going to the bathroom, but as if he was really going to kiss Kang Ming. Clear the boundaries and continue to wage the forgotten Cold War.

"Yunyun, don't run." Kang Ming chased after him, but Yun Yun walked faster instead.

He rushed forward without saying a word, walked into the room and slammed the door hard, making a "bang" sound, and shut the door behind Kang Ming.

The dark brown wooden door blocked Kang Ming's eyes. He smiled, bent his fingers and knocked, thinking that Yun Yun would do this trick again. He had seen such a routine many times before. Unlock it, let him continue to do whatever he wants easily.

However, it's not bad to sleep in his room all the time, and occasionally change to Yunyun's room. Thinking of this, Kang Ming confidently reached out and held the doorknob, ready to undress and go to bed in the next moment without any delay.

However, the reality is always extremely cruel. Kang Ming discovered that Yun Yun really locked the door this time.

"Yunyun, I was wrong, I was wrong." He leaned against the door, deliberately made his voice sad and miserable, and brought a tone of recognition of his mistakes by the way, "Open the door, please."

snort. Yun Yun was playing with his phone on the bed, thinking, even if you call my brother, I won't answer you!

Kang Ming said: "Yunyun opened the door, how can I make the bed warm at night, the weather is so cold, it's easy to catch a cold."

Yun Yun reached out and turned on the air conditioner, warm air was blowing out along the air outlet, it wasn't cold at all!

Kang Ming said, "Yunyun, I can't sleep without holding you."

"Then don't sleep!" Yun Yun returned the words to Kang Ming intact. Last night when this man spoke with pride, if it wasn't for his physical problems, Yun Yun would have wanted to beat him.

Kang Ming finally became quiet. Yun Yun turned over, wrapped in the quilt, warmly prepared to rest, and was tired of spending time with Kang Ming every day. Although Yun Yun was used to the breathing and hugs of people around him, it was nice to enjoy his private space and life occasionally.

At least, no one saw him lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone, taking his mobile phone away aggressively, and quietly flipping through the new articles updated on the trumpet to supplement his brain with some nutrition.

However, he really wanted to send a private message to those bigwigs who were crazy about describing vivid details. Don't exaggerate, Kang Ming's skills are not that good.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated, and a message belonging to Kang Ming popped up.

coming: I will leave you a night light at night.

Yun Yun looked at this message, and when he was thinking about whether to reply and how to reply more aggressively, another message flashed out.

coming: Brother is waiting for you.

Yun Yun: ...

There was a dim night light by the bed, and there was only one person left on the bed. It was the first time for Kang Ming to be treated like this. He recalled how Yun Yun was angry before, and thought Yun Yun was very cute. Young and thin-skinned, she cries a lot at night, but looks like a cat with fried fur during the day. The message sent by the mobile phone has not received a reply, and even AM-DL's Weibo has not responded. Kang Ming thought about it, Yun Yun was indeed a little tired last night, maybe he is already resting well now.

At night, Kang Ming slept alone, thinking that Yun Yun would sneak into his arms at night, but unfortunately, apart from a beautiful spring dream, there was still half of the bed vacant when he woke up in the morning.

Kang Ming sighed in frustration, got up, got dressed and went out. Sure enough, Yun Yun's room was empty.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Kang Ming walked to the exercise area and found that Yun Yun, a lazy guy who likes to ride a bike, would choose a comprehensive training device and use a pull bar to exercise his hand muscles.

Yun Yun glanced at him, stopped the movement of the equipment in his hand, and squeezed his sore arm. Yun Yun thought about it last night. To suppress Kang Ming, he had to start by increasing his strength. Yun Yun bypassed him without saying a word, and walked out.

The attitude is clearly still in the Cold War.

Kang Ming felt that one night would be enough for this kind of day, and today, he must stroke Yun Yun's hair well. After all, it is bleak to think about staying alone in an empty bed.

AM's day is always full of enthusiasm. Although the team is still on vacation, the players did not stop practicing and actively began to adapt to the rhythm of their new teammates.

When Yunyun came to the computer room, Liu Sanping and ZUM had already teamed up and played two quick rounds. It seemed that they had to settle for the next best thing because the national server was difficult to arrange in the competitive mode in the morning.

Liu Sanping asked: "Are you in good health? If you still don't feel well, why don't you rest today?" He was deeply impressed by Kang Ming's reason when he dragged Yun Yun away. Sitting in front of the computer for several hours and maintaining high-frequency mouse operation will cause great damage to the elbow and wrist.

Yun Yun didn't understand Liu Sanping's deep meaning, and felt that after a quiet night's sleep, the restlessness from yesterday was indeed reduced a lot, so he said, "Fortunately, let's play a game first."

However, this set made all AM members feel very uncomfortable. Because, the big boss Kang Ming personally supervised the work, sitting in the seat vacated by Lu Xiaoan, showing his presence angrily.

AM didn't plan to form a six-person team in the morning. It was not only difficult to line up, but also easy to accidentally injure passers-by. They basically dispersed and formed a small group of three. As the new assistant, ZUM got acquainted with Liu Sanping and took Yun Yun to drive a tricycle.

However, as the team leader, Liu Sanping felt that this car was a bit dangerous, especially since the person sitting next to him was not the "friendly" Lu Xiaoan, but the shivering Boss Chen.

"Do you want Yunyun to drink water? I'll pour it for you." Kang Ming's voice was calm, but what he said was like the prelude to a fire of gossip. The relationship between Kang Ming and DL is clear to the members of the team. However, Boss Chen has never been so tired of the team's daily work and rest time.

It's not like the big boss who acted vigorously, causing the entire computer room to fall into an atmosphere of whispering communication. There's no way, Kang Ming's sense of presence is too strong. If he doesn't speak in a low voice, it seems that a landslide will be triggered, floods will pour down, and the computer room will be flooded with blood and rain.

Yun Yun ignored him and said, "Yin Qi, you can try with Soldier 76 later, and I'll take Anna."

The competitive mode has entered the hero selection interface. Liu Sanping does a good job of supporting the whole team, and waits for them all to be selected before starting to fill in the vacant positions of the team.

Seeing that Yun Yun was really maintaining a cold war strategy, Kang Ming didn't answer a word, so he started looking for trouble.

"Liu Sanping, how is your McCree?" He turned around and directly directed the flames of war to Liu Sanping.

Liu Sanping, who chose Lucio to paddle wildly under the leadership of Yun Yun, suddenly felt a sense of responsibility from heaven, and the leader of the team personally expressed condolences, which made the speed of switching sound effects in his hands faster many.

"Not bad," he said.

"Come and show me."

Kang Ming perfectly played the role of the leader who wanted to witness the results with his own eyes. He stared eagerly at Liu Sanping, regardless of whether he was holding Lucio.

Liu Sanping said: "Boss, if I change to McCree, I will have three damages, so it's not appropriate."

"No, it's just right that you guys are going to practice three damages recently." Kang Ming's ability to pretend to be stupid is first-rate, and he has to get Yun Yun to talk to him before he stops.

Liu Sanping was under a lot of pressure. He was just an innocent Lucio, but he had to be stared at by Kang Ming's expectant eyes. He raised his hand and pressed the secret chat button under Kang Ming's straightforward gaze.

Start: My dad, you take care of him.

"Liu Sanping keep up!" Yun Yun's voice suddenly increased, "The acceleration is behind."

"Okay, okay." Liu Sanping quickly re-entered the competitive mode as if he had been pardoned.

His McRae can be seen in the competition, but in the field, he lacks a lot of positioning and awareness. No matter how confident he is, he definitely can't play a big knife in front of Kang Ming.

After all, this is McCree's famous anchor. After all, this is his parents. After all, even a fool knows that these two are at odds.

A short conversation can lower the atmosphere in the computer room by another eight degrees. There is an undercurrent between Kang Ming and Yun Yun. Anyone who knows these two people a little bit can feel the current state of Yun Yun's anger and Kang Ming's finding fault. If they were not playing competitively now, they would have opened the chat group with a sigh, circled Yun Yun with emojis, said stop making trouble, and for the sake of the team, show mercy and forgive him.

However, in competitive mode, they only have one move available.

Yunyun's chat box flicked up secret chats, exclamation marks, cute, and businesslike words all pointed to one center: Boss Chen is too annoying, you don't remember villains, please forgive him quickly and let him Walk!

Yun Yun turned his head, and finally said the first sentence of the day to Kang Ming, "Chen Lingdong, get out for me."

Then, Kang Ming put his elbows on the table and his chin with his palms, and said with a relaxed look, "I won't, unless you come with me."